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Clean up the World


Operation Process: A Community
Process Program

Juntilla, Jaica C.
Cuizon, Arlinogin L.
Nanez, Zian Dave A.
Clean up the World

1. Rationale/Summary
It is a program where each barangay would take part in environmental cleanup. Our
project's goal is to assist minimize waste in our community by recycling most of the waste,
such as plastics and metals, for a greater use by selling it to junk shops. Assemble a team
and encourage them to reach out to their own social circles in order to broaden your reach.
To encourage garbage reduction, recycling, and reuse, as well as to raise public knowledge
about waste management and environmental concerns. To enhance the community's
outdoor recreational activities. To aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases and the battle
against climate change; to improve the condition of the natural environment.

2. Needs/Problems
Rivers and lakes can become contaminated when waste is dumped straight into them.
Furthermore, water pollution includes groundwater contamination caused by waste
being swept into our groundwater as a result of natural rainfall. This rubbish will
almost certainly wind up in our oceans. Garbage on the streets not only pollutes the
water, land, and air, but it also emits foul odors. Littering on the road, in the streets, or
near litter bins can cause poisonous materials or chemicals in litter to be blown or
washed into rivers, forests, lakes, and oceans, eventually polluting waterways, soil, or
aquatic ecosystems. if we throw garbage anywhere it can affect flood and bad
environment and it can also give diseases to humans especially to the children.
Clean up the World

3. Goals/Objectives
A community cleaning involves bringing together volunteers to clean, repair, and
improve public places or other areas. To encourage garbage reduction, recycling, and
reuse, as well as to raise public knowledge about waste management and
environmental concerns.

Goal 1- To make our community clean so that we can feel fresh air and reduced minor

Goal 2- To make our environment more unique.

Goal 3- Inform the residents to know the importance of cleaning the environment.

4. Proposed solutions
To improve the community's capacities by fostering commerce and trado attain or practice 
the behavior in the waste management ande; t recycling busineTo enhance the
community's outdoor recreational activities. To aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases
and the fight against climate change, as well as to improve the condition of the natural
To improve the community's capacities by fostering commerce and trado attain or practice 
the behavior in the waste management ande; t recycling busineIt is a program in which
each barangay participates in cleaning their environment on a weekly basis, and at the end
Clean up the World

of the month, the barangay that observed cleanliness in their community is acknowledged
and earns a point for future usage.

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