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Beatriz Côrte-Real Avides Moreira Nº4 10ºA

English – Semana de 8 a 12 de junho de 2020

Extensive Reading – Page 25
B) 1. False – Tim had a very low opinion of himself. He was conscious that he was
skinny, weak and not very smart at school.
2. False – He wasn´t very smart at school and got mostly C´s and D´s for marks.
3. False – He didn´t like football and he couldn´t play any other sport. He always
went out on the first ball at cricket and didn´t know which end to hold a tennis
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False – Dr Wooley was an old friend of Tim´s.
8. False – Dr Wooley´s inventions were clever and worked all right but no one
would buy them because they were too expensive. They had always been a flop.
9. False – When Tim arrived at Dr Wooley´s workshop, he gave the secret knock:
three slow, three fast.
10. True
11. False – Tim was his only friend. Everyone thought he was a crank and a
dangerous and strange person because he chased them away from his workshop.
12. True
13. True
C) 1. As all of his inventions have been a complete commercial failure, so he wants
to invent something innovative and life-changing, something that people can´t live
without. He also wants to do this so that people can believe that he is not just an
old crank.
2. I don´t think so, because I have never heard of a cloner before, just 3D
D) 1. d)
2. f)
3. a)
4. h)
5. c)
6. i)
7. b)
8. e)
9. j)
10. g)
F) 1. c) another letter
2. b) threw a pen inside it
3. a) that the two pens had disappeared
4. b) he didn´t want to lose the Cloner
5. c) go to Dr Wooley´s workshop
6. a) the faces looked in opposite directions
7. b) made copies of numerous things
8. c) Mat Hodson was waiting for him
9. b) punched
10. a) didn´t break off with Fiona

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