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Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term


Choose the correct answer:

1-The ………. attribute represents an event that makes the button respond when a mouse clicks and
executes a specific code
(Function – onclick – name – false)
2- If (x=15) the output of the following conditional expression (if x>18) is ……….
(Function – onclick – name – false)
3-If you want JavaScript statements to be implemented when an event occurs such as button click, you
should use a ……….
(Function – onclick – name – false)
4-………….is a small program that can spread itself to infect the computer and programs
(Spyware – virus – onclick – length)
5-Javascript commands and instructions are called ………….
(Statements – function – sentences – secret codes)
6-There are all personal data that must not show to everyone on the internet like username, password or
mobile phone number
(A text data field – secret codes – identify theft – virus)
7-We add ………... For enter a student name to a webpage
(A text data filed – secret codes – identify theft – virus)
8-To comparing the content of the two fields we can use the following tag:
(If (form1.text1.value==””); - if (form1.password.value. length<8);
If (is Nan (form1.text1.value)); - if (form1.text1.value! ==form1.text2.value) {)
9-it is the impersonate of someone or using his name or any information concerning him for stealing him
or theft of others
(a text data field – return false; - identify theft – virus)
10-To return false if the textbox was left empty
(a text data field – return false; - identify theft – virus)
11-……………used to implement a set of JavaScript statements when called
(Statement (if) – form – function – attribute (action))
12-Each JavaScript statement end with …………….
(Comma, - semicolon; - quotation marks " " – none of the above)
13-…………….is execute or non-execute some of JavaScript statements according to condition expression
(Function – branching – alert () – attribute (value))
14-…………….is attribute that is used to find out the number of characters within the textbox input field
(Value – onclick – action – length)
15-We write commands for the statement (if) within ………………
(Parentheses () – signs <> - curly brackets {} – none of the above)

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
16-It is a small program that can spread itself to infect the computer
(Virus – malware – spyware – secret codes)
17-If (total=200) then the result of (total>=200) expression leads to….…
(A checkbox input field – false – true – a text data field)
18-…………… which the user can select more than one choice
(a checkbox input field – false – true – JavaScript)
19-Using ……………. statement, we can verification of data entered
(HTML – PHP – if statement – JavaScript)
19-To check that the field is ……………, we can use the following condition: if (form1.text1.value==" ") {
(HTML - PHP – not left empty – internet)
20-The ………….is one of the most important means of communication in all fields
(HTML – internet – virus – JavaScript)
21-We use ……………attribute to send the entered data to another webpage
(Length – spyware – action – function)
22-……………...attribute used to determine the number of characters within the text field
(Length – spyware – action – function)
23-…………….is a set of commands executed when calling it and must be given an appropriate name
indicates its function
(Length – spyware – action – function)
24-Considered …computer software that collects personal information from users without their consent
(Length – spyware – action – checkbox)
25-You can add …………. Input field by which you can select more than one choice
(Length – spyware – action – checkbox)
26-The user can click on ………….to achieve or execute JavaScript function such as clear or save entered
data within the form
(Spyware – action – button – length)
27-When online do not answer any unknown ………...
(True – messages – password key – JavaScript)
28-If (total=50) then the result of (total<=50) expression leads to …………
(True – messages – password key – JavaScript)
29-Using ……………statements, we can verification of data entered
(True – messages – password key – JavaScript)
30-…………...are small harmful programs that can spread and harm computer and programs
(Virus – messages – password key – JavaScript)
31-The (*) symbol will be displayed instead of characters to secure a ………...
(Virus – messages – password key – JavaScript)
32-…………… statement used for displaying a text within the webpage contents, on the webpage itself
(Virus – messages – document. Write () – alert ())
33-the attribute "………………..." is used to assign caption to a control
(Text data field – name – value – (*))
34-Statements to be executed if the result led to ……………. found between {} curly brackets
(Text data field – true – false – (*))

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
35-The ……………...symbol will be displayed instead to characters to secure a password key
(Password data field – (/) – (@) – (*))
36-We add a ………………for enter a student name to a webpage
(Text data field – name – value – (*))
37-We can prevent the user from choosing all available options from radio buttons using the ...attribute
(Text data field – name – value – (*))
38-A set of commands that have a specific name that is executed when called
(Length – spyware – action – function)
39- ............ is used when executing or not executing commands or sentences depending on the result of a
conditional expression test
(Function – branching – alert () – attribute (value))
40-Onclick is followed by the name of the ................ to be called
)function-document. Write -button(
41-The phrase ................................... is used to display a message on the web page itself.
(Function-document. Write -button)
42-To execute sentences in Java Script when the click event occurs, we need a.................
(Text box –password -button)
43- The conditional If clauses must come after....................
(Brackets –conditional expression –command button)
44- If the conditional expression is not met, the code between ..........................will not be executed.
(Brackets –conditional expression –command button)
45-......................... is the property used to prevent the user from selecting more than one radio button
(Property- name – value)
47-It is a language....................we need to develop an interactive page project to register your data.
(JavaScript – function – attribute)
48- The ..........................program is used to open (download) the web page.
(Browser- virus-button)
49-The language in which the java script commands and instructions are written is.......................
(Function- value-html)
50-....................... is the command used to display a message inside a JavaScript box
(Document. Write- alert- value)
51- The ............... property is added to the command button to call a function by pressing the command
(Function – onclick – name – false)
52- Pressing the mouse button, click from..................., which the Java Script language deals with.
(Events -functions -tools)
53-................... of the buttons that can be added to the form that you are designing.
)reset –submit -all of the above(
54- The function is declared with the term............
(Function - script - form)

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
complete from between the brackets:
(Checkbox – button – text data field - * - form - password – action - branching – JavaScript
– name- condition expression – {} curly – textbox input field – less than or equal to – button
- semi-colon; - JavaScript – return false; - document. Write () – virus)
1. Through the form we add a group of elements to the webpage such as buttons and fields
2. text data field allows to the user to enter a string or text data, using keyboard
3. Show the symbol * when you type a password in order to hide the true password components
4. To select your proficiency language, use a checkbox
5. A button is used to performs a specific task
6. Need branching If the execution or non-execution of orders based a certain condition
7. The password field use to enter the password to a webpage via keyboard
8. The form name is given form through the attribute name
9. We use action attribute to send the entered data to another webpage
10. Using JavaScript statements, we can verification of data entered
11. To verification if the entered data was less than or equal to the minimum allowed length (8
characters), we can use the following; if (form1.text1.value. length<=8) {
12. To check the condition expression, we will use if statement
13. Statements to be executed if the result led to true found between {} curly brackets
14. The user can click on the button to achieve or execute JavaScript function such as clear or save
entered data within a form
15. textbox input field allows visitors of the webpage to enter text data, using the keyboard
16. To return false if the textbox was left empty return false;
17. Statement use for displaying text within a webpage content document. Write ()
18. The language is used to create and design an interactive webpage JavaScript
19. It is a small program that can spread itself to infect the computer and programs virus
20. JavaScript must end with a certain tag semi-colon;

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
Put (√) or (X):
1. There are three types of buttons, that can be added to a form (√)
2. We use value attribute to send the entered data to another webpage (x)
3. Considered malware computer software that collects personal information from users without their
consent (x)
4. Statement alert () is used to test the conditional expression (x)
5. JavaScript commands and instructions (statement) are written within HTML tags (√)
6. The check if the entered data was less than the minimum allowed characters, form data validation
methods (√)
7. We add a text data field for enter a student name to a webpage (√)
8. Submit button is used to delete all data fields which you have entered (x)
9. To check if the user entered type of data that different of field data type, we can use the HTML tags (x)
10. Attribute length used determine the number of characters within the text field (√)
11. After the word If comes the conditional expression to be tested. (√ )
12. To add a password entry field to the web page we use command<Password type="text"> (x)
13. Java script commands are executed sequentially, command after command. (√ )
14. HTML is used to create an interactive web page. (√ )
15. To specify the gender of the student “male/female” through the checkbox(x)
16. To register student data, we use the Submit button. (√ )
17. The internet is one of the most important means of communication in all fields (√)
18. One alternative radio button Radio allows a web page visitor to enter text data using a keyboard. (x)
19. HTML language is enough to make a confirmation to the data entry (x)
20. To add a text box to a web page, we use the Text command. (√)
21. To protect your computer, you must use anti-spyware programs to detect programs (√)
22. Each statement must end with a semi-colon; character (√)
23. Reset button is used to send form data to another webpage (x)
24. Function is a set of commands that executes without having to be called (x)
25. The alert command is used to display a message inside a box to attract attention to read it. (√)
26. To choose the language more than one language, check boxes are added to the web page. (√)
27. Onclick attribute used to write the text that appears on the button (x)
28. To access the content of the text box, you must give the name of the form and name of the text box (√)
29. The function name should preferably indicate it function or content (√)
30. A computer is required in order for the entered data to be sent to the web Page (x)
31. To execute the commands and instructions of any function must be called first (√)
32. If the result of the expression is true, the statement between {} curly brackets will not be executing (x)
33. A checkbox, by which the user can select one of a limited number of options (x)
34. The command in brackets {} is executed if the conditional expression is true. (√)
35. To add a radio button to the webpage, we can use the following tags;<input type = "radio"> (√)
36. Onclick attribute value is function name required invoked (√)
37. We add a text data field for enter a student name to a webpage (√)
38. Radio button is used to select student proficiency language(S) (x)
39. Malware refer to software or spammed or disturbing sneaks a hidden computer system (√)
Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
40. If statement use to enter the password to a webpage via keyboard (x)
41. Submit button is used to send form data, which you have entered to another webpage (√)
42. JavaScript statements are written inside <html>……...</html> (x)
43. For internet safety, keep username and password secret (√)
44. Spyware is the impersonate of someone or using his name or any information concerning him for
stealing him or theft of others (x)
45. The name property is used to specify the text that appears on the button. (x)
46. The symbol =< is less than or equal to. (x)
47. To check that the field is not left empty, we can use the Condition: if (form1.text1.value==" ") {(√)
48. If (total=100) then the result of (total<=100) expression leads to true (√)
49. The (@) symbol will be displayed instead of characters to secure a password key (x)
50. The symbol * appears when typing the password to hide the components of the real password. (√)
51. To add a sending button to the webpage, we can use the following tags: <input type = "button"> (x)
52. The password field, by which the user can select one of a limited number of options (x)
53. Not talking any step against any harm on the internet is kind of hiding wrong doers (√)
54. To give a name form1 to the <form> element, we can use the following tags: <form value="form1"> (x)
55. Radio button allows visitors of the web page to enter text data using the keyboard (x)
56. It is not required to have a form to send the entered data to the website for storage. (x)
57. To design the form, we use the <form>............</form> command. (√ )
58. Virus are computer programs that collect information about users to control or watch them (x)
59. To give a name t1 to the textbox, we can use the following tags: <input type = "text" name = "t1"> (√)
60. To verification if the entered data was less than (8 characters), we use the following tags:
if (form1.text.value. length<8) {(√)
61. If (total=70) then the result of (total>70) expression leads to true (x)
62. Using JavaScript statements, we can verification of data entered (√)

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
Write the function of the following commands:
1. Alert (“welcome”); displays alert message "welcome"
2. document. Write ("welcome"); to display text within a webpage content
3. <input type =”text>” To add textbox to the webpage
4. <input type=” password”> to add password field to the webpage
5. < input type = "radio"> to add radio button to the webpage
6. <input type = “checkbox”> To add checkbox to the webpage
7. < input type = “button” value = “ok”> To add a button to the webpage
8. <input type = "submit"> to add submit button to the webpage
9. <input type = “reset”> To add delete (clear) button to the webpage
10. Function f1() {To create function named f1()
11. Return false; To return false
12. If ( form1.t1.value>=50) Display an alert box with “success” when total > or = 50
13. If ( form1.text1.value==” “) To check that the field is not left empty
14. If ( form1.text1.value. length<8) To check the password is less than 8 characters
15. If ( form1.text1.value! ==form1.text2.value) {To matching the content of two fields
16. If (is Nan (form1.text1.value) To check the value is numerical data

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
Re-arrange next steps to add a password to the webpage:
(3) <input type =” password”>
(1) Create a new text file
(4) Save the text file with .htm extension
(5) Open the HTML document in the internet browser
(2) Write the following HTML tags

Re-arrange the steps to add “computer and information technology “text as

its content:
(5) Open the HTML document in an available internet browser
(1) create a new text file, using notepad program
(4) Save the text file with .htm extension
(2) Write the following HTML tags
(3) document. Write (“computer and information technology “);

Re-arrange next steps to add a reset button to a webpage:

(2) Write the following HTML tags
(3) < input type = "reset">
(5) Open the HTML document in an available internet browser
(1) Create a new file using notepad program
(4) Save the text file with .htm extension

Re-arrange next steps to display the message box via a dialogue box:
(3) Alert = ("message");
(4) Save the text file with .htm extension
(2) Write the following HTML tags
(5) Open the HTML document in an available internet browser
(1) Create a new text file using notepad program

Re-arrange next steps to add a radio button to webpage:

(1) Create a new text file using notepad program
(3) < input type = "radio button">
(4) Save the text file with .htm extension
(5) Open the HTML document in an available internet browser
(2) Write the following HTML tags

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
Write the scientific term:
1. We can use <form>……</form> tag to create it form
2. A language used to verification of data entered JavaScript
3. Execution or non-execution of orders based on a certain condition branching
4. By which the user can select one of a limited number of options radio button
5. It is used for displaying text within a webpage content on the webpage itself document. Write ()
6. used for displaying a message via a dialogue box alert statement
7. In which we can type a total of degrees textbox
8. We used an attribute to assign caption to a button “ok” value
9. It is a small program that can spread itself to infect the computer and programs virus
10. It is expression that must be evaluated first and lead to true or false condition expression
11. It is used to enter the password to a webpage via keyboard password field
12. Attribute used to determine the number of characters within the text field length
13. Attribute used to prevent the user from choosing all available options from radio buttons name
14. It is a set of commands executed when calling it and must be given an appropriate name indicates its
function function
15. used to implement a set of JavaScript statements when called function
16. Its commands and instructions are called statements JavaScript
17. Parasite programs that sneak to backdoor computer systems malware
18. It is used for enter a student name to the webpage text data field
19. It is used to send data you have entered using the form elements to another webpage submit button
20. It is used to clear all data fields you have entered reset button
21. By which the user can select more than one choice checkbox
22. A statement will be used to check the condition expression if statement
23. attribute represents an event that makes the button respond when a mouse clicks and executes a
specific code onclick
24.JavaScript commands and instructions are called statements
25. There are all personal data that must not show to everyone on the internet like username, password
or mobile phone number secret codes
26. it is the impersonate of someone or using his name or any information concerning him for stealing him
or theft of others identify theft
27. is one of the most important means of communication in all field's internet
28.attribute to send the entered data to another webpage action
29. computer software that collects personal information from users without their consent spyware
30.clicking it to achieve or execute JavaScript function button
31. Used with buttons and data fields to enter data and sending it to the webpage. Form
32. Property added to the button to call a function by pressing the command button onclick

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
Define the following expression:

1. Form used with buttons and data fields to enter data and sending it to the webpage
2. JavaScript is a language used to verification of data entered, its commands and instructions are called
3. Branching execution or non-execution of orders based on a certain condition
4. Radio button by which the user can select one of a limited number of options
5. document. Write () it is used for displaying text within a webpage content on the webpage itself
6. Textbox is input field in which you can type any text via keyboard on the webpage
7. virus is a small program that can spread itself to infect the computer and programs
8. condition expression it is expression that must be evaluated first and lead to true or false
9. password field is used to enter the password to a webpage via keyboard
10. function is a set of commands executed when calling it and must be given an appropriate name
indicates its function
11. if statement is used to check the condition expression
12. malware is parasite programs that sneak to backdoor computer systems
13. secret codes they are all the personal data that must be shown to everyone on the internet like mobile
phone number
14. submit button is used to send data which you have entered using the form elements to another
15. reset button is used to clear all data fields which you have entered and a return to the default values
of the controls
16. identify theft is impersonation of someone or using the personal information of someone or stealing
17. checkbox by which the user can select more than one choice
18. internet is one of the most important means of communication in all fields
19. spyware is computer software that collects personal information from users without their consent
20. button clicking it to achieve or execute JavaScript function
21. alert statement used for displaying a message via a dialogue box

Al Salam Private Language School – Tanta 2nd prep – 2nd term
Column (A) Column (B)
1 < input type ="password"> B A To add a clear button to the webpage
2 document. Write ("welcome"); E B To add a password input field to the webpage
3 <input type = "checkbox"> D C Check if the password is less than 8 letters or not
4 If (form1.password.value. length<8); C D To add a checkbox field to a webpage
5 < input type="reset"> A E Display "welcome" inside the webpage

column (A) column (B)

1 Malware D A To add a sending button to the webpage
2 Text data field C B It is a small program that can spread itself to infect
the computer and programs
3 If statement E C For enter a student name to the webpage
4 < input type = "submit"> A D It is parasite programs that sneaks to backdoor
computer systems
5 Virus B E To check the condition expression

column (A) column (B)

1 <input type= “radio”> D A Used to set control`s name
2 Name attribute A B The name is derived from malicious software
3 <input type =” button”> E C Check if the textbox content empty or not
4 Malware B D To add a radio button field to the webpage
5 If (form1.text1.value==””); C E To add a button to the webpage

column (A) column (B)

1 <input type=” submit”> C A Check if the value is numerical data or not
2 Alert (“welcome”); E B Used to test the conditional expression
3 <input type =”text”> D C To add a sending button to the webpage
4 If (is Nan (form1.text1.value)); A D To add a textbox input field to the webpage
5 If statement B E Display” welcome” in message box

column (A) column (B)

1 To create a form, use E A By which the user can select gender (male / female)
2 For internet safety C B It is used to clear all data fields
3 Each statement must end with D C Keep your username and password secret
4 Reset button B D A semi-colon (;) character
5 Radio button A E <form>………. </form> tag


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