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Toxic love

Once upon a time, a student named Robert studied at Tungasuca School. He was at school and the
teacher introduced him, he talked to everybody in the classroom, instead, Robert saw a beautiful girl.
The teacher asked him to sit down next to the girl. Robert looked nervous about the girl, she smiled and
said: Hi I’m Lily and you? His face turned red and he answered: Hi, my name is Robert.

The teacher started the class after minutes the bell rang, and everybody went out to the playground.

Robert sat down alone, instead Lily talked to him

Lily: Hi, are you okay?

Robert: oh! Yes, I am, why?

Lily: At class, I saw you were too shy, or maybe you were nervous about the first day of class

Robert: Well, I used to live in Chiclayo, all of this is new for me

*The bell range¨

Lily: Oh, let’s come back to our classroom

*After some hours*

Lily: Robert where do you live?

Robert: I live at San Felipe Avenue

Lily: Oh wow! I live close to there, let’s walk together

*Two months later*

Lily and Robert enter into a relationship, they spend all day together at school as the good best friends
that they are.

Robert: Lily, we need to do the math homework

Lily: Yes Robert, could you come to my house?

Robert: Of course. I’ll be there at 4:15 pm

*At Lily’s House*

Lily called Robert 7 times and he didn’t answer. Lily was worried about him because it was really strange.
After an hour Robert called Lily.

Robert: Hey! What’s up?

Lily: Where are you?!

Robert: Oh, calm down Lily I was with my cousin Rosalia at her house

Lily: What? Did you forget about our homework?

Robert: …
Lily: I understand, go with your beautiful cousin Rosalia, BYE

Robert: Lil-

Lily finished the audio call because she was mad at Robert.

*Tomorrow at school*

Robert: Lily we need to talk

Lily: About what? Go with Rosalia, I get that she’s more important than me

Robert: Lily what the hell is this, I love you, you are the love of my life

Lily: Really?

Robert: Completely sure I can prove it

Lily: Oh! Okay don’t talk to her ever again

Robert: Wait what? She’s part of my family. Are you crazy?

Lily: I told you what I wanted, now is your turn, choose between me and her… see you

Robert was too confused about Lily’s attitude and he decided to talk with his mom for help

Robert: Mum, I have a problem with Lily

Robert’s mom: Oh! What happened honey?

Robert: Lily changed a lot since a month ago… She’s toxic, she started to prohibit me to talk to other girls
no matter what.

Robert’s mom: What? Honey that’s not ok. I recommend you talk with her again

Robert: I tried, but it gets more complicated, she’s crazy

Robert’s mom: It’s better if you end the relationship because that level of toxicity could be bad for both
of you honey

Robert: But I love her, I love her so much

Robert’s mom: I know honey… but that’s not love

*Next day*

Robert: Lily what are you doing is toxic and it hurts me. Is not good for us, I think we need a break

Lily: But I love you... you love me too. If you love me you need to do everything, I tell you

Robert: No Lily that’s not how is it, I hope we can meet again when you finally change your mind. Bye

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