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MATRIC NO MC220717536
DATE 26/2/2023


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Behaviour Modification (ESSB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2023

Matric No: MC220717536

Type or insert your scanned answer on this answer booklet.

1. By creating a programme that is actually successful, it can let you know if your efforts are having
an impact. Having a notion of the severity of the issue and comparing it to any data you have
available after beginning your action also helps.
Also helps to assist you in understanding something that may be too significant and complex for
you to grasp on your own. Scores on regular tests assist in comprehending the broader picture.
Useful to assist in determining whether now is a decent moment to begin an intervention or
whether a specific intervention is suitable which is to investigate additional potential
Lastly, to support if we are employing strategies that are not effective If there is no modification
in the behaviour from the benchmark, we can stop spending your time with this inefficient

2. Motor tics are jerking, repeated motions of a specific body muscle group. They typically affect
the neck or facial muscles, but they can also affect the shoulders, limbs, legs, or torso. For
example, shoulder shrugging.
Training on awareness.
The first thing the client learns to do is explain the behaviours that go into the habit. Then, the
customer discovers how to recognise when the behaviour happens or is about to happen.
Competing response.
It is an action that is inconsistent with habitual behaviour. After each instance of the behaviour,
the client practises a competitive reaction during the session. The client then envisions the
circumstances outside of the session when the habit will occur or is about to occur so that they
can practise the alternative reaction.
Humanitarian assistance
When the habit develops outside of sessions, significant others (such as parents or spouses) are
told to encourage the client to use the competing answer. They are told to commend the client
for resisting the habit and effectively utilising the alternative reaction.
Motivational Technique
The therapist goes over with the client all the circumstances in which the behaviour arises and
how it might have caused trouble or shame. The client is more likely to use the competing
reaction to break the habit outside of the therapy session.

3. Systematic Desensitization (SD). Firstly, Relaxation Training Techniques to lessen the

physiological agitation that they encounter as a symptom of their fear and anxiety issues. The
individual participates in specific relaxation behaviours that cause physiological reactions in
opposition to autonomic arousal. It causes physical reactions like a warming of the palms, a
reduction in muscular tightness, and an increase in pulse rate and breathing rate. After
experiencing these opposing physiological reactions, the individual reports feeling less anxious.
Together with the client, the therapist creates an order of fear-inducing triggers. While the
therapist recounts events from the order, the client exercises relaxation techniques. The person
in SD unwinds while visualising the dreaded stimulus. The client is not actually in touch with the
stimulus that causes fear because most of the lawyer Jameela’s stated fears are in abstract

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Behaviour Modification (ESSB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2023

Matric No: MC220717536

4. a) Low self confidence - Behavioural excess- traits of the human brain that needs to be reduced.
b) Cognitive Restructuring.
There are three stages in brain restructuring. Recognize upsetting feelings and circumstances By
being asked to record their distressing ideas, clients create a self-monitoring system.
Determine any subsequent emotional reaction or conduct as shown in the accompanying table.
Reduce distressing ideas and try to substitute them with more logical or positive ones. Therapist
confronts the client's upsetting thoughts by posing inquiries that prompt the client to consider
the reasoning behind the thoughts or to view the circumstances from a different perspective.
Cognitive therapy for example. Determine the person's distorted reasoning patterns. Ask the
individual to examine his or her ideas and replace any that are inaccurate or illogical with more
reasonable ones. Challenge the subject's erroneous reasoning by posing three different kinds of
a) What proof is there?
b) Are there any additional theories?
c)What are the consequences?

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Behaviour Modification (ESSB3084) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination January 2023

Matric No: MC220717536


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