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¿Where is Carmen?

It was 10 at night, on April 25, 2022, I was walking through the garden of my house
as usual at nightfall.

Everything seemed normal until I felt very cold, it was strange, because it was

Suddenly, without expecting it, something hit my back very hard, so hard that I
fell to the ground, what was that so strange?
The moon hadn't risen yet, what time was it?

Last week my wife and I went to the funeral of a friend, who had strange habits, we
also wondered who was his wife? We never met her, how long had she lived alone

I hadn't seen him for 7 years, I heard the news from a colleague of my wife's, that
day we saw a person from afar who did not come to the funeral, but who was watching
from afar, seemed to know what was happening.

Where did that woman come from? I asked a friend, do you know who she is? He
replied that she was Matías's girlfriend, how long? I asked, he said that he
didn't know exactly, but that the relationship between her and Matías was very

When we returned home we found everything a mess, that afternoon was when I went
for a walk and received that sharp blow to the back of the neck, I woke up in the
hospital I asked how long had I slept? two days answered Carmen, I fainted for the
second time, I woke up two hours later but I still don't know if it was really

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