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“It all started when a young mother of two children left her village, which was in the Amazon,


was hit by the plague.

“First of all the young woman had gotten sick and to save her children she took them to the

mountain, she left them near a beautiful ravine, far from the region. In this place, fish and fruit

trees abounded. The mother left and she left them very sad because she would not see them


The children did not notice the absence of her mother because they played with the animals, ate

fruits and bathed in the stream.

“Later at night they started looking for their mom and they cried because they wanted to be birds

to find her mom.

“Finally, the mountain took pity and turned them into little birds. The children, turned into birds,

flew but when they arrived at their town they saw that there was no one, all the people were


Then the legend tells that the birds do not stop flying and when they climb the trees tired of

looking for their mother, they sing: Ayaymama!

This legend was born in the Amazon, which is a place of many myths and legends. The protagonist

of this legend is the arutaú nyctibio bird, a bird that is also called ayaymama due to the similarity

of the sound they sing. This legend tries to explain the birth of this bird found in Central and South


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