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Jeremiah Ildefonso



Financial Problem

I thought of a dilemma during my first admission to Mapua University. To clarify, I will tell my

dilemma in a first-person view because of my experience with this problem. I have been

accepted to one of the prestigious schools in the Philippines, with its rich history, and it can open

many opportunities for me. I know the Philippines has yet to be known as one of the best for

academic excellence, but Mapua University can develop students to compete globally with other

countries. However, we all know that becoming a student at Mapua University is a hefty price

because of their enrollment of four times per year, which ranges around 35-40 thousand pesos

per term. The cost of Mapua University is only comparable to Ateneo or De La Salle, which are

universities higher than other universities in the Philippines. Given that problem, the same

concern applies to us because my family is currently struggling because of an investment gone

wrong, which can burden the family moving forward. On the one hand, accepting Mapua

University could be an investment in the long run because it opens to better job opportunities

with a high salary in the future, resulting in supporting your family and living a stable life to be

able to provide for the family and possibly be accepted to countries gaining a much higher salary

when graduated in Mapua University. On the other hand, resorting to affordable universities, but

can a school that has Chemical Engineering that is affordable choose a course that is affordable

for my parents and potentially finish my degree faster than Mapua University? If I decide to

attend different universities, I will have a decent education and graduate without any financial

problems in the coming years.

This ethical dilemma involves balancing personal ambition and long-term goals with familial

responsibilities and financial considerations. It requires careful consideration of your aspirations

and values and a deep understanding of your decision's impact on your family's well-being. As

for where I am standing, you know what my decision was. I chose the path that could benefit me

in the future. I find this dilemma interesting because you need a wealthy family like mine to

avoid the same problem. This dilemma involves what you desire and long-term gambling with

familial responsibilities and financial considerations. It requires careful decision-making on what

could benefit me and my family.

Technological Advancement or our future

For the next dilemma, I thought of a scenario with the creators of ChatGPT, which is a website

or app where you can ask any possible questions to the AI, and it attempts to answer them within

seconds. It can help anybody with a difficult time with a question or a task. Do you still want to

create the ChatGPT? If it is being used in every university or school worldwide, it is having a

hard time with this ChatGPT, where they ask the AI chat to do their homework and even write

their essays. Do you still want to create a website or app that can hinder the development of

students worldwide? Remember that the students are the future; at this rate, no new invention can

be made because all of their ideas are coming to an AI, and the users of ChatGPT have a voice of

an AI because they use the website and then copy and paste. On the one hand, you will continue

creating ChatGPT because you convince yourselves that it can help students with difficult

questions, which can result in a business. After all, they can make a ton of money through

website subscriptions and make an advancement to society but risk student development
worldwide. On the other hand, they will stop the creation of ChatGPT and develop different

ideas for a business to avoid the risk to students worldwide, where they can develop their

writing, critical thinking, decision-making, and academic excellence.

The creators find themselves with a difficult ethical dilemma with their creation's impact on

students’ development. The website or app provides quick responses and assistance to difficult

questions or tasks. But the problem of using websites or apps has led to many concerns for

universities or schools around the globe. This dilemma is interesting because it considers the

potential consequences of shaping the educational landscape. It is a question of which is more

important, technological Advancement or the preservation of skills and abilities for the students.

The outcome of this dilemma will be critical to future education and innovation.

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