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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
National Service Training Program Department
Balcena, Jeannabelle A. CWTS 10023
BSOA 1-4 Assignment No. 2
CWTS-Inst.: Richard L. Sana

1. In your own words, what is mental health?

Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are all parts of our mental health. It
influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Also, it influences how we respond to
stress, interact with others, and make decisions. Every period of life, from childhood and
adolescence to maturity, is vital for mental health.With strong mental health, you may
manage life's challenges, maintain physical health, have fulfilling relationships, give
back to your community, be effective at work, and reach your full potential.

2. Why does it matter to advocate and address mental health issues?

The state of one's mental health matters to their entire well-being. How we think, feel,
and act is influenced by our mental health. It affects our capacity to manage stress,
develop relationships, and, according to some studies, it may even have an impact on
our physical health. No matter a person's age or childhood, mental health is important.
However, the stigma attached to it prevents people from feeling comfortable seeking
help or even speaking about their difficulties. Therefore, it is important to promote
mental health. Being an advocate can be done in a variety of ways; what is important is
that we take action and spread awareness. Simply listening to a friend discuss their
issues with their mental health and letting them know they may rely on you becomes
advocacy. In addition, advocating could include studying the current mental health
legislation and discovering how potential policy changes will impact those who are
mentally ill. Making your voice heard and supporting mental health. If you want to do
more to promote mental health but aren't sure where to begin, you can volunteer for a
local mental health organization, be more aware of the language used when discussing
mental health, and show your support on World Mental Health Day (Saturday, October
10) by starting a conversation about mental health with your loved ones or on social

3. What advice can you give to someone experiencing mental health issues?

When you know someone is struggling, talking to them is often the first step. By doing
so, you can find out what is troubling them and how you might help. To someone who
struggles with mental health issues, I can provide the following advice: provide a
distraction-free, open, and non-judgmental attitude, I'll let them lead the discussion at
their own pace. I won't force them to share anything they aren't ready to share. Talking
might require a lot of guts and trust. I will not second guess their feelings. I will keep
questions open ended example, Instead of saying, "I can see you are feeling very low,"
try asking, "Why don't you tell me how you are feeling?" I'll use polite words throughout.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
National Service Training Program Department
Give someone else enough time to respond, and avoid bothering them with too
many questions. Tell them if they have any tips for relieving stress or practicing self-
care. Exercise, a balanced diet, and a restful night's sleep can all help and protect
mental health. I’ll make sure I understand what they said by saying it back to them.
Even if I disagree with what they have to say, I can still show them that I respect their
feelings by showing that I understand how they feel.
Last but not least, the level of help I can give has a limit of my own. Additionally, it's
important that I look after myself. Give myself some time to relax and think about what
they said or what happened. Help them create a network including more friends, family
members, and mental health specialists who can offer assistance as well.

4. What measures will you take to strengthen your self-awareness?

One of the most important qualities you might have as a leader is your ability to keep an
eye on yourself. The ability to keep an eye on your own feelings and activities is known
as self-awareness. To strengthen self awareness, Spend time in meditation. The goal of
meditation is to increase consciousness through focus. Most often, those who meditate
do it in a peaceful, quiet environment. Regular meditation can help you develop an
awareness of your own emotional state and can help clear your thinking. It may involve
clearing your mind and then asking yourself a series of questions like, "What are my
goals?" and "What do I hope to achieve?". Make a list of your goals. When your goals
become more clear, spend some time writing them down. Sometimes having a lot of
obligations and tasks might be difficult for people. You can concentrate your efforts by
making a list of your responsibilities and long-term objectives. Making a list of goals
might also give your life some direction. It can be difficult to stay focused on your long-
term goals and what is most important to you while you work every day to take care of
your daily responsibilities.Receive feedback at work. Getting feedback from others
might help you understand how other people view your behavior, even when the first
two steps emphasize you looking inward. Regular feedback from coworkers might help
you determine whether your perception of your performance aligns with theirs.
Additionally, criticism occasionally refers to your interpersonal skills.Consult a friend.
Because they are the ones who know you best, your friends are your friends. They may
be able to shed light on your earlier actions. Your buddies can let you know if you've
been too hard on yourself. Your friends can let you know if you have a tendency to put
other people before yourself, even if it means neglecting your own needs. Request an
honest evaluation from your friends, and be open to constructive criticism. Accepting
It's important to recognize your identity and accept it if you want to develop self-
awareness. For instance, you could not be the most sociable person. Although it's not a
bad quality, you should be aware of it yourself. Accept the fact that interacting with
others is not a natural trait rather than trying to be one in every situation. Whatever your
personality quirks, if you are at ease with who you are, others may be as well.

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