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ROLL NO: 206-210 PR00566



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ROLL NO: 206-210 PR00566


A. Fill in the blanks

1. Bitter Enemy- Mercury, Friend-Sun, Jupiter and Moon
2. 0,0 respectively.
3. 0 & 15 SAS
4. 15 & 15 SAS
5. Moon and Venus

B. Say True or False

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True

C. Match the following

1. By 8th lord
2. 36 bindus
3. 28 bindus
4. Hidden wealth
5. Indicated by 2nd lord
D. Select the correct answer out of the given
1. Agastya
2. Ayudha
3. Right side of the heart
4. Sanat Kumar because Mercury at 17deg 02 min which is 3rd part.
5. Mercury

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Section 2

1. Transit effect of Jupiter in Leo and Scorpio

• Jupiter in D1 chart is in Makara having 5 Bindhu= 5*100/8= 62.5% strength.

(because 8 bindhus is 100%). Its very good with respect to Guru ashtakavarga..

• Now Jupiter being 4th (happiness and materialistic properties) and 7th lord (partner,
spouse, trade) when it transits through Leo having only 2 bindus provides
inauspicious results such as loss of money, misunderstanding with partners, troubles
from authorities, trouble in family happiness, decline in spirituality. However, since
the natal position the bindus is high, the native will fight through all the troubles
during the transit.

• Jupiter when transit through Scorpio with 6 bindhus provides auspicious results such
as buying property, starting new partnerships, increase in income, visiting big
spiritual places.

2. Effects of Digbala of Venus and Sun

Venus: The digbala for Venus in the given chart is 2.98 SAS only, but the minimum required
for auspicious results is 50 SAS. Therefore, digbala is less and do not enjoy favorable
results. The native may lose lands and properties, may not posses beautiful clothes or
ornaments, less affectionate, source of income may be minimal, may have to struggle to get
peaceful and comforts in life.

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Sun: The digbala for Sun in the given chart is 52.4 SAS, whereas the minimum required for
auspicious results is 35 SAS only. Therefore, digbala is more and enjoy favorable results.
The native will be fortunate, disciplined and commands respects from others, famous with
tendency to rule others, courageous and healthy, enjoys benefits from government.

2. Effects of Sarpa Drekkana

• If the lagna lord is place in Sarpa Drekkana, the native will be jealous of others, is
secretive, scheming, his spouse may get terminal diseases.

• If the 5th or 9th lord is placed in Sarpa Drekkana, then there will not be rise in life, and
native has to put up lot of efforts, but inspite of it the situation may force him to face

• If the 10th lord is place in Sarpa Drekkana one has to face hurdles in profession and may
not promise fulfillment of profession. The person will be indecisive.

4. Dasa effects of Jupiter and Mars Jupiter: If Jupiter is well placed and in
10th, 5th, 9th then in the dasa period of Jupiter there will be acquisition of kingdom, acquire a
high administrative and political power in government, great felicity, recognition by
government, acquisition of conveyances, clothes, devotion to deities and brahmins,
happiness with wife and children, success in performance of religious sacrifice.
In the given D1 chart, Jupiter is in 5th house, however, is debilitated. Therefore, expect
not full auspicious results. Which can bring distress to children, loss of properties. In the later
part there could be good results like gain of wealth and recognition from government.
Mars: In its dasa period, a well placed Mars with strength in 11th and 2nd, be in benefic
amsa, associated with benefic , he will bestow acquisition of power, administrative or political
power, gain of wealth, land, gain from foreign countries, good relationship with coborns,. If in
Kendra or 3rd house, one will get wealth through Valor, victory over enemies.
If ill placed or associated with malefic, there will be loss of wealth and unfavorable results
during its dasa period.
In the given D1 chart Mars is in 9thor trikona house along with best friend Sun and Enemy
Mercury. So, expect good results from government. However, deals in business matter and
communication may face troubles which needs extra care.

5. Application of SBC
Sarvotobhadra Chakra (SBC): is also called as Trailokya Deepa Chakra as it is applicable in the three
lokas, viz, Swarga, Martya, Patala. Using this we can study problems related to individual, nation or
state, mundane astrology, fixing of muhurta, Horary astrology etc.

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Section 3
Answer any Six
1. Sevaka, Bandhu, Poshaka and Ghataka for the given chart.

The four groups starting from ascendant are

Bandhu : 1H+5H+9H bindus total= 26+24+27= 77

Sevaka : 2H+6H+10H bindus total= 29+36+26= 91
Poshaka : 3H+7H+11H bindus total= 34+34+28= 97
Ghatak : 4H+8H+12H bindus total= 22+26+25= 73

Result: The sum of bindus in poshaka are more than that of ghataka, therefore the native will
be wealthy and helpful. The sum of bindus in Sevaka is more than that of bandhu the native
have to serve under a person superior to him.

3. Important periods indicated by Jupiter and Saturn using BAV

Jupiter: from Ju BAV

• • Sum of bindus from lagna to Jupiter: 5+5+6+4+5= 25
• • Sum of bindus from Jupiter to lagna: 5+6+4+3+5+5+6+2+5= 41

  += 
Above 25th, 41st and 66th years are important years of Jupiter in native’s life. Since Jupiter is
naturally benefic planet, the native may experience begetting of children, wealth, marriage,
prosperity in life, career prospects according to the age.

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Saturn: Since Saturn BAV is not given, I am considering Mars BAV and studying bindus
between these planets.
• • Sum of bindus from Mars (Taurus) to Saturn (Leo) : 2+2+5+2=11
• • Sum of bindus from Saturn (Leo) to Mars (Taurus) : 2+3+5+4+1+2+4+5+4+2= 32
• • 11+32=43

Above 11th, 32nd and 43rd years are important years of Mars in native’s life. Since Mars and
Saturn are naturally malefic planet, indicate danger from weapon, accidents however may
eventually safely come out with lots of struggle as Jupiter is aspecting lagna. Jupiter id
debilitated so needs lots of efforts.

3. Results of Digbala of the planets for the given chart.

The below results are truly based on the digbala. The overall reading of the chart is
necessary to for collective results.

Sun: The digbala for Sun in the given chart is 52.4 SAS, whereas the minimum required for
auspicious results is 35 SAS only. Therefore, digbala is more and enjoy favorable results.
The native will be fortunate, disciplined and commands respects from others, famous with
tendency to rule others, courageous and healthy, enjoys benefits from government.

Moon: The digbala for Moon in the given chart is 45.5 SAS only, but the minimum required
for auspicious results is 50 SAS. Therefore, digbala is less and do not enjoy favorable
results. However, the digbala is not too less also. The native have to struggle to get wealth,

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and comforts. The native may be average in helping others. Have decent reputation even
though not high status. Mother may have sickness.

Mars: The digbala for Mars in the given chart is 46.1 SAS, but the minimum required for
auspicious results is 30 SAS only. Therefore, digbala is more and enjoy favorable results.
The native is clever, successful, serve under boss, is cruel, bold, prosperous, quick and
decisive judgment, will be respectful to his preceptors. Have the opportunity to have landed
property, will be short tempered.

Mercury: The digbala for Mercury in the given chart is 19.8 SAS only, but the minimum
required for auspicious results is 35 SAS. Therefore, digbala is less and do not enjoy
favorable results. The native may have skin diseases and worship evil gods and sane.

Jupiter: The digbala for Jupiter in the given chart is 23 SAS only, but the minimum required
for auspicious results is 35 SAS. Therefore, digbala is less and do not enjoy favorable
results. The native has trouble in learning, not lucky, may not have ability to influence others,
less god’s grace, jump into conclusion without thinking and trouble for having children or with

Venus: The digbala for Venus in the given chart is 2.98 SAS only, but the minimum required
for auspicious results is 50 SAS. Therefore, digbala is less and do not enjoy favorable
results. The native may lose lands and properties, may not posses beautiful clothes or
ornaments, less affectionate, source of income may be minimal, may have to struggle to get
peaceful and comforts in life.

Saturn: The digbala for Saturn in the given chart is 13.31 SAS only, but the minimum
required for auspicious results is 30 SAS. Therefore, digbala is less and do not enjoy
favorable results. The native have trouble with spouse or marry many more, trouble with
ears, have to work hard to come up in life, also slow in getting work done.

4. Vedha of Venus and Mars

Venus Vedha: Being benefic and karaka gives gain of spouse, happiness from spouse,
favour from government/authority/royals. Gives gains through watery products, grains and
happiness, increase in virility,, gain of ornaments, dresses good health, physical comforts,
comforts of vehicles, conveyances, children and grandchildren and wealth.

If Venus is related with malefics, there will be loss of wealth, ruin of animals, quarrels with
women and all kinds of losses.

Mars Vedha: During the period the native will come across loss of wealth and grain loss of
intelligence, loss of family members or separation from them, loss of lands, ill-health due to

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imbalances of bodily humours, loss of work, mental agony, unhappiness from spouse and
children, loss of property, law suits related to property, trials and tribulations due to quarrels,
separation from friends, relatives and family, abdominal diseases, foreign travel, loss of

5. Beeja sphuta and kshetra sphuta for the given chart

Beeja is the seed of the male and Kshetra is the bed of the woman.

Kshetra sputa calculations.: Considering the given chart as female chart

Longitude from From rashi chart:
Longitude of Mars: Vrishabha, 6d 21m = 36d 21m
Longitude of Moon: Vrishchika, 4d 38m = 214d 38m
Longitude of Jupiter: Makara, 8d 24m = 278d 24m
Total Degree min = 528d 83m = 529d 23m

Remove 360 multiples= 529d 23m-360= 169d 23m

Kshetra sputa: 169d 23m will come to Kanya rashi, 19d 23m (Even sign)
Navamsa sign: Kanya rashi, 19d 23m will come in Navamsa at Mithuna rashi. (Odd)

Resulting sign is Even and Navamsa sign is Odd. The result is children will come
after, not immediately.

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In the Rashi chart, the kshetra sputa rashi lord Mercury is hemmed between malefics
Sun and Mars. Jupiter the debilitated. Navamsa also Saturn is posited in the kshetra
sputa rashi. Which indicates there can delay and trouble in progeny.

Beeja sputa calculations: Considering the given chart as male chart

Longitude from From rashi chart:
Longitude of Sun: Vrishabha, 25d 1m = 55d 01m
Longitude of Venus: Mithuna, 9d 11m = 69d 11m
Longitude of Jupiter: Makara, 8d 24m = 278d 24m
Total Degree min = 402d 36m

Remove 360 multiples= 402d 36m-360= 42d 36m

Beeja sputa: 42d 36m will come to Vrishabha rashi, 12d 36m (Even sign)
Navamsa sign: Vrishabha rashi, 12d 36m will come in Navamsa at Mesha rashi.

Resulting sign is Even and Navamsa sign is Odd. The result is children will be
In the Rashi chart, the beeja sputa rashi is associated with malefic mars, however in
conjunct with energetic planet Sun and benefic Mercury. Also aspected by Jupiter and
Moon. However, Jupiter and Moon are debilitated and Beeja sputa is aspected by
Saturn. In Navamsa, Rahu is posited in Bheeja sputa rashi. So not favourable
conditions, therefore progeny is doubtful.

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7. Effects of garvitadi Avashtas

• A planet in is in exaltation or in moolatrikona it is in Garvitavastha. A Planet in

Garvitavastha will give happiness through new houses and garden, regalhood, skill in
arts financial gains at all times and improvement in business.

• If a planet is in friendly house or conjuct with or aspected by a benefic or is in conjuct

with Jupiter it is said to be in Muditavastha. A planet in Muditavasta will give residences,
clothes, ornaments, happiness from lands and wife, happiness from relatives, living in
royal palaces, destruction of enemies, and acquisition of wisdom and learning.

• The planet posited in 5th house if associated with a node or the Sun, Saturn or Mars it is
said to be in Lajjitavastha. A planet in Lajjitavastha will give aversion to God, loss of
intelligence, loss of child, interest in evil speeches, and listenless in good things.

• If a planet is in conjuct with Sun and is aspected by or conjuct with a malefic or is

aspected by an enemy, it is said to be in Kshobhitaavastha. A planet in kshobhitavastha
will give acute penury, evil disposition, miseries, financial debacles, distress to feet and
obstruction to income due to royal/government wrath.

• If the planet is in an enemy’s house or conjuct with an enemy or with Saturn it is in

Kshudita. A planet in Kshuditavastha will cause downfall due to grief and passion, grief
on account of relatives, physical decline, trouble from enemies, financial distress, loss of
physical strength and eclipsed mind due to miseries.

The planet id in watery sign and is aspected by a malefic but not benefic it is in Trushita. A
planer in Trushitavastha will cause disease through association with females, leading over
wicked or evil deed loss of wealth due to one’s own men, physical weakness, miseries
caused by evil people and decline of honour.

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