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P.Vijay, 2Dr.R.Vivekananthan
1-PG Scholar, 2-Associate Professor,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, salem-11, Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract- In a vehicle, safeguards lessen the impact of going over harsh ground, prompting improved ride quality and vehicle taking
care of. While safeguards effectively limit unreasonable suspension development, their expected sole reason for existing is to moist
spring motions. In this undertaking a safeguard is planned and a 3D model is made utilizing CATIA. Auxiliary investigation was
done on the safeguard by changing material for chrome vanadium and high drawn steel. The examination is finished by thinking
about burdens, bicycle weight, single individual and twofold people. Auxiliary examination is done to approve the quality.
Correlation is accomplished for two materials to confirm best material for spring in Shock safeguard. Demonstrating is done in
CATIA and examination is done in ANSYS.

Index Terms: Chrome Vanadium ASTM A231, Hard Drawn ASTM A227, Shock absorber, FEA

A safeguard or damper is a mechanical gadget intended to streamline or moist stun drive, and disseminate motor vitality.
1.1 Description
Pneumatic and water driven safeguards ordinarily appear as a chamber with a sliding cylinder inside. The chamber is loaded up
with a liquid, (for example, water driven liquid) or air. This liquid filled cylinder/chamber mix is a dashpot.
1.2 Explanation
The safeguards obligation is to ingest or disseminate vitality. One plan thought, when planning or picking a safeguard, is the place
that vitality will go. In many dashpots, vitality is changed over to warm inside the thick liquid. In water powered chambers, the
pressure driven liquid will warm up, while in air chambers, the hot air is generally depleted to the air. In different sorts of dashpots,
for example, electromagnetic ones, the dispersed vitality can be put away and utilized later. As a rule terms, safeguards help pad
vehicles on lopsided streets.
1.3 Vehicle Suspension
In a vehicle, it diminishes the impact of going over harsh ground, prompting improved ride quality, and increment in comfort
because of considerably decreased plentifulness of unsettling influences. Without safeguards, the vehicle would have a bobbing
ride, as vitality is put away in the spring and afterward discharged to the vehicle, potentially surpassing the permitted scope of
suspension development. Control of extreme suspension development without stun ingestion requires stiffer (higher rate) springs,
which would thus give a brutal ride. Safeguards permit the utilization of delicate (lower rate) springs while controlling the pace of
suspension development because of knocks. They likewise, alongside hysteresis in the tire itself, moist the movement of the
unspring weight here and there on the springiness of the tire. Since the tire isn't as delicate as the springs, powerful wheel skip
damping may require stiffer stuns than would be perfect for the vehicle movement alone. Spring-based safeguards regularly use
loop springs or leaf springs, however suspension bars can be utilized in tensional stuns also. Perfect springs alone, be that as it may,
are not safeguards as springs just store and don't scatter or retain vitality. Vehicles normally utilize springs and suspension bars just
as pressure driven safeguards. In this blend, "safeguard" is held explicitly for the water driven cylinder that ingests and disperses
1.4 Shock Absorber Types
There are various techniques for changing over an effect/impact into generally smooth padded contact.

 Metal Spring
 Rubber Buffer
 Hydraulic Dashpot
 Collapsing security Shock Absorbers
 Pneumatic Cylinders
 Self-repaying Hydraulic
1. Chrome Vanadium ASTM A231 [High Carbon Steel]

 Young’s Modulus =20700 Mpa

 Density=7.86 g/cm^3
 Poisson ratio=0.25
2. Hard Drawn ASTM A227 [Alloy Steel]

 Young’s Modulus=190000 Mpa

 Density=7.8 g/cm^3
 Poisson ratio=0.29
2.1 Reason for Selection of these Material
Stiffness comparatively more than other
Readily available
Good corrosion resistant
1. Inner diameter of a spring = 62mm
2. Diameter of wire (d) = 8mm
3. Outer diameter of a spring = 78mm
4. Number of active coil (n) = 14
5. Weight of the bike= 125kg
Weight of one person = 75kg
Weight of two person =75*2= 150kgs
6. Bike weight + one person= 125 + 75= 200kgs [200 kg convert to 1961.33 N]
7. Bike weight + two person weight = 125+75 = 275kgs [275kg convert to 2696.82 N]
Here by I take mention loads 1&2 for calculation,

 Load 1 = 1961.33 N
 Load 2 = 2696.82 N
4.1 Introduction to CATIA
CATIA is one of the world's driving top of the line CAD/CAM/CAE programming bundles. CATIA (PC helped three dimensional
intelligent application) is a multi-stage PLM/CAD/CAM/CAE business programming suite created by Dassault frameworks and
advertised worldwide by IBM. CATIA is written in the C++ programming language. CATIA gives open turn of events, design
using interfaces, which can be utilized to tweak or create applications. The applications in programming interfaces upheld visual
fundamental and C++ programming dialects.
Generally alluded to as 3D item Lifecycle the board (PLM) programming suite, CATIA bolsters numerous phases of item
advancement. The stages extend from conceptualization, through plan (CAD) and assembling (CAM), until examination (CAE).
Each work seat of catiaV5 alludes and each phase of item advancement for various items. CATIA V5 highlights a parametric
strong/surface-based bundle which utilizes NURBS as the centre surface portrayal and has a few work seats however give KBE
(information based designing) support.
4.2 Fundamentals of CATIA
Part Design
The Part Design Workbench is utilized to make Solid geometry utilizing a Feature based methodology. As a rule the
highlights are delivered from portrays made in the Sketcher Workbench. The particular tree contains all the highlights made
alongside the sketch used to characterize them. All the Solid highlights are contained inside a hub called a Part Body. They likewise
contain wireframe draws that are utilized to make the highlights. As you make highlights they are added to the tree arranged by
creation. There might be different Part bodies inside a CAT Part which can be Boo learned together so as to frame complex strong
models. Part bodies can be added to the Specification Tree by choosing Body from the Insert drop down menu when in the Part
Design Workbench. The Part body would then be able to be renamed by altering its properties.

Figure 1: Bottom part

Figure 2: Top part

Figure 3: Helical spring part

Figure 4: Assembly

ANSYS is a building reenactment programming supplier established by programming engineer John Swanson. It creates
universally useful limited component investigation and computational liquid elements programming. While ANSYS has built up a
scope of PC supported building (CAE) items, it is maybe most popular for its ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS Multi-material
science items.
ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS Multi-material science programming are non-exportable investigation instruments
joining pre-handling (geometry creation, fitting), solver and post-Processing modules in a graphical UI. These are universally useful
limited component demonstrating bundles for numerically taking care of mechanical issues, including static/unique auxiliary
investigation (both direct and non-straight), heat move and liquid issues, just as acoustic and electro-attractive issues.
ANSYS Mechanical innovation joins both basic and material non-linearity. ANSYS Multi-material science programming
incorporates solvers for warm, basic, CFD, electro-attractive, and acoustics and can in some cases couple these different material
science together so as to address multidisciplinary applications. ANSYS programming can likewise be utilized in structural
designing, electrical building, material science and science.
5.1 Ansys workbench Analysis
The ANSYS Workbench stage is the system whereupon the business' broadest and most profound set-up of cutting edge
building reproduction innovation is fabricated. A creative venture schematic view integrates the whole re-enactment process,
managing the client through even complex transcendentalism investigations with intuitive straightforwardness. With bidirectional
CAD network, amazing exceptionally robotized fitting, a task level update instrument, unavoidable boundary the board and
coordinated improvement devices, the ANSYS Workbench stage conveys uncommon efficiency, empowering Simulation Driven
Product Development. The Workbench environment allows you to solve much more complex analyses, including:
1. Multi-part assemblies.
2. 3-D solid elements, shell elements, and shell solid assemblies.
3. Nonlinear contact with or without friction.
4. Small-displacement and large-displacement static analyses.
5. Modal, harmonic, and Eigen value buckling analyses.

6. Steady-state thermal analysis, including temperature-dependent material properties and thermal contact.
Figure 5: Meshed model

5.1.1 Static Structural Analysis for Shock Absorber using Chrome Vanadium ASTM 231 as Spring Steel:
 Bike Weight with One Person (125kg+75kg) = 200kg = 1961.33 N

Figure 6: Equivalent stress-1961.33N (Chrome Vanadium)

Figure 7: Total deformation-1961.33N (Chrome Vanadium)

 Bike Weight with two Person (125kg+150kg) = 275kg = 2696.82 N

Figure 8: Equivalent stress -2696.82 N (Chrome Vanadium)

Figure 9: Total deformation-2696.82 N (Chrome Vanadium)

5.1.2 Static Structural Analysis for Shock Absorber using Hard Drawn ASTM A227 as Spring Steel
 Bike Weight with One Person (125kg+75kg) = 200kg = 1961.33 N

Figure 10: Equivalent stress - 1961.33N (Hard Drawn)

Figure 11: Total deformation - 1961.33N (Hard Drawn)

 Bike Weight with two Person (125kg+150kg) = 275kg = 2696.82 N

Figure 12: Equivalent stress - 2696.82 N (Hard Drawn)

Figure 13: Total deformation-2696.82 N (Hard Drawn)


Table 1: Chrome vanadium result

Table 2: Hard Drawn ASTM-227 result


 In this project a shock absorber is designed and a 3D model is created using CATIA.
 Structural analysis was done on the shock absorber by varying material for chrome vanadium and hard drawn steel at different
 Total deformation and Equivalent stress are calculated.
 The equivalent stresses and total deformation for chrome vanadium are very low as compared to hard drawn steel.
 Conclude that as per our analysis using material chrome vanadium for spring is best and also design is safe.
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