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Assalamualaikum, Warahmatullah Wabaraakaatuh

 His excellency, Chairman of MPKU PWM East Java, DR. Mundakir, S.Kep,
Ns, M.Kes
 His excellency, Chairman of PWM East Java, DR. dr. Sukadiono, MM
 His excellency, Technical Team of PWM East Java
 His excellency, The Director of Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Hospital of
Kediri, dr. Zainul Arifin, M.Kes, FISQua
 His excellency, Chairman of PDM of Kediri, Ust.Achmad Choiruddin, M.Pd.I
 Respectable, all participants of this event

Firstly, let’s thank to our God Allah SWT the lord of the universe who has been
giving us His blessing and mercy so that we can gather in this place to attend
Ceremony of Deputy Director Inauguration 2023-2027 Period and Block C Building
Groundbreaking in Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Hospital of Kediri on 24 th of May
Secondly, may peace be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us into
the right ways of life.
All blessed audiences, let us start the function.national C

1. The 1st agenda is opening. Let’s start this event by saying basmallah together.

2. The 2nd agenda is Al Quran recitation will be read by Ust. Khoirun Naim.
Time is yours...

Thank you very much, Ust. Khoirun Naim.

3. The 3rd agenda is sing Indonesia Raya, Sang Surya, Mars Song of
Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Hospital together. For all audiences please
stand up to sing together.

4. The 4th agenda is Reading of the decision letter by MPKU PWM East Java.
For DR. Mundakir, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kes time is yours.

5.    The 5th agenda is Inauguration and Signing the Integrity Pact of Deputy
Director of Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Hospital of Kediri. For dr. Linda
Hapsari and drg Opy Ellafrina, MMR please take the floor.
6. The 6th agenda is Handover of the Position of Deputy Director of
Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Hospital of Kediri 2019-2023 Period to the
Deputy Director of Muhammadiyah Ahmad Dahlan Hospital of Kediri 2023-
2027 Period. For dr.Indah Kusuma Dewi, MM and Mr. Edy Yusuf, M.Kes
please take the floor.

7. The 7th agenda is speeches :

 The first speech will be delivered by The Director of Muhammadiyah

Ahmad Dahlan Hospital Kediri. For dr Zainul Arifin, M.Kes, FISQua,
time is yours.

Thank you very much Sir. It was a delighting welcoming speech from
our Director.

 Now this is the high time for us to listen the speech from Chairman of
MPKU PWM East Java, DR. Mundakir, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kes . The stage
is now all yours.

What an enlightening speech, thank you very much for the greeting,

8. The next agenda is Lecture by Chairman of PWM East Java. For Mr. DR. dr.
Sukadiono, MM the stage is now all yours.

9. The next agenda is a Dua Recitation by Chairman of PDM of Kediri. For Ust
Achmad Choiruddin, M.Pd.I please take the floor.

10. The 10th agenda is closing. Lets close our event with saying hamdallah

11. The last agenda is Block C Building Groundbreaking.

For The Chairman of MPKU PWM East Java, Chairman of PWM East Java,
Technical Team of PWM East Java, Director of Muhammadiyah Ahmad
Dahlan Hospital of Kediri, Chairman of PDM of Kediri. Please take the
place and fit yourself with outfit provided by the committee. And now this is
the high time to as the symbol of the first day of blok C construction. Let us
count together to 3 2 1 and press the button. Ladies and gentlemen please
give a round of applause for the Block C Building Groundbreaking.
Ladies and gentlemen, it means that our program in this morning is closing to the
edge. After this, we would like to invite you for lunch specially prepared by
committee. Before we close this function, as the master of ceremony we would like to
ask for forgiveness for every mistake we’ve done. Enjoy your day and see you next
time. Last a say..wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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