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Prepare your environment
Get the source
Get the third-party libraries
The preferred method
The "Contrib" method
Regardless of the method


Troubleshooting / common problems
Compile fails after git pull

Prepare your environment

VLC requires a C11 compiler, development headers and a toolchain.

gcc (version 4.9 or later) is recommended, but clang/LLVM are known to work as well.

If you build from the Git repositories, you will also need the GNU build system, also known as the "autotools" (autoconf,
automake, libtool and gettext) to setup the Makefiles. Make sure they are up-to-date and usable for your system.

On Fedora:

$ sudo yum install git libtool pkgconfig

On Debian or Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install git g++ make libtool automake autopoint pkg-config flex bison lua5.2

On Arch

$ sudo pacman -S base-devel git pkg-config autoconf automake

Get the source

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Start by getting the source, using FTP for official releases, or using Git to track VLC development.

If you are using the Git development version, start by bootstrapping the source tree:

$ git clone git://

$ cd vlc
$ ./bootstrap

Bootstrapping will fail if 'autotools' is missing or out-of-date.

If you are using an official release, download source code, extract the archive and go into the resulting VLC directory, e.g.:

$ wget
$ tar xvJf vlc-3.0.12.tar.xz
$ cd vlc-3.0.12

Get the third-party libraries

Now you can almost configure the VLC build. But first, you need to make sure that all the required dependencies are in place.

You must install and enable all the necessary underlying libraries. If you fail to install a required library, either the configure
script or (more likely) you will end up with a crippled VLC program. Furthermore keep in mind that whilst build a program (in
this case, VLC), you need to install the development packages (development header files and import libraries), not just the
run-time libraries. On Debian/Ubuntu, the correct package names end with -dev. On RPM distributions, they usually end in

Be careful! If the libraries are not provided by your distribution, you may be better off linking VLC with them statically. See
the "Contrib" method.

There are a several ways to get those libraries. You should use only one method at a time:

The preferred method

Installing the dependencies from the package or portage system is generally much easier and faster. However this only works if
your distribution actually ships the necessary libraries. Otherwise, you may need to use the contribs method (see below). It is
also possible to combine both methods, picking only the missing bits and pieces from contribs.

For example on Debian or Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get build-dep vlc

openSUSE users might have a look at the source-install (si) command in the zypper manpage:

$ sudo zypper si -d vlc

Note: To get the libraries, you must first add the VLC repositories to your system repositories. For example in openSUSE:

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$ sudo zypper ar<openSUSEversion> VLC

You should replace <openSUSEversion> with the version of your system (12.1, 11.4, 11.3, 11.2 or 11.1)

The "Contrib" method

If your distribution does not provide the needed libraries or if you really need to link VLC statically, use the VLC contribs
system, included in the VLC source.

First, you need to install the GNU autotools (if you have not already done so), CMake, subversion, Git and a recent GNU/tar
utility or equivalent.

# apt-get install subversion yasm cvs cmake ragel

Then you can run:

$ cd contrib
$ mkdir native
$ cd native
$ ../bootstrap
$ make

That should download and build a lot of those libraries for you. Unfortunately, given the large number of libraries and the
variety of the platforms people build VLC for, it is not unlikely that you will hit an error while contribs are compiling. Thus,
this approach is only recommended for experienced Unix compilers.

Regardless of the method

In any case, some basic OS support libraries are not included and must really be installed through the packaging system in any
case, notably ALSA, PulseAudio and OpenGL.

./configure is used to check whether your system is able to compile VLC. Also you can choose the features in your build.
As a reminder, this command will show the various options:

$ ./configure --help

For most users, ./configure does not require any command-line options.

By default, features to be compiled are chosen automatically depending on what libraries are detected as available. If the
contribs have been compiled first, the resulting VLC will be reasonably functional.

Note that libraries that are not in the default prefix, and not in vlc contribs, must be known to pkg-config in order for
./configure to find them. Use PKG_CONFIG_PATH for this.

There are some features that are disabled (not compiled) by default. If you want them, they must be forced on by using
configure flags. You can find a list of these features by searching for "disabled" in ./configure --help.


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If you want to install VLC into another directory, run

$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/folder/

You can find example of configure in the Configure page of this wiki.

Compile VLC:

$ make

You do not need to install VLC to use it. You can also simply run it from the build directory:

# ./vlc

If you really want to install VLC to the system, run this as root:

# make install

You can uninstall later with this, but you need to keep the build tree untouched until then:

# make uninstall

To remove files created during the compile (optional) type:

$ make clean

Troubleshooting / common problems

You may need to install Lua if you get "LUA byte compiler missing." message. You namely need to install "luac", the Lua byte

On Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install lua5.1

On Fedora:

$ sudo yum install lua

VLC 1.1 and later requires XCB libraries to deal with X11 displays. Do not disable XCB or you will not get any video support!

To install these libraries run the following commands (Debian/Ubuntu):

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$ sudo apt-get install libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xv0-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-com


Under Fedora:

$ sudo yum install libxcb-devel xcb-util-devel

For OpenGL (Debian/Ubuntu only), you will additionally need XLib with XCB:

$ sudo apt-get install libx11-xcb-dev

If your distribution provides a version of XLib without XCB, then this later package will not be available. So you will not be
able to use OpenGL. Use XVideo instead.

Compile fails after git pull

It is likely that the sources in the repository have changed significantly since they were last pulled, and a build system cache has
gone out of date. Try the troubleshooting methods described in the hacker guide for modules.

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