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BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.


1. Identitas
a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
b. Semester :2
c. Capaian Kompetensi :
Peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa
Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan
pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi,
prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan
utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan
dan berdiskusi mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka
atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di fase ini. Mereka membaca
teks tulisan untuk mempelajari sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi.
Keterampilan inferensi tersirat ketika memahami informasi, dalam bahasa
Inggris mulai berkembang. Peserta didik memproduksi teks tulisan dan
visual yang lebih beragam, dengan kesadaran terhadap tujuan dan target

d. Materi Pokok : RECOUNT

e. Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP X 4
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model Inquiry Based

Learning, peserta didik dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial teks recount dan
menyusun teks recount secara lisan dan tertulis mengenai pengalaman
seseorang, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks dengan kreatif, mandiri,
serta dapat bekerjasama. Sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan
mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya melalui belajar bahasa Inggris,
mengembangkan sikap/ karakter jujur, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab
serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis,

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran

agama yang dianutnya melalui belajar Bahasa Inggris, mengembangkan
sikap/ karakter profil Pelajar Pancasila dan Profil Pelajar Rahmatan
lil ‘alamiin serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis,
berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi (4C) dan berliterasi.

Materi Pembelajaran
 Bacalah bacaan pada buku teks pelajaran (BTP): Bahasa Inggris SMA/ MA/ SMK/MAK
Kelas X. Jakarta: Kementerian PendidikandanKebudayaan, edisi revisi 2017 hal. 94
s.d. 107.

2. Peta Konsep

Simple Past
Personal Language Tense
Recount Feature

3. Konsep Belajar
a. Pendahuluan
Sebelum Anda memulai untuk mengikuti kegiatan belajar ini,
Cermati Gambar 7.1 berikut yang terkait dengan hukum Newton!.
a. Pendahuluan
Look at the picture. Pay attention to the bold type sentence I have finished
cooking. I cooked with my mom. I did it in a minute ago. So, it’s
still hot.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

1.Have you ever talked about an event that happen in the past?

2.When did you do it?

3.Why do you think you should do it?

4.With whom did you talk about it?

5.How did you express it?

b. Kegiatan Inti
c. Read the captions, pay attention to the underlined parts.
Linda has just graduated from a university in
Jakarta. Mrs Surawan is Linda’s family. She
is announcing Linda’s graduation. Linda is
going to move to Surabaya soon.

Silvia and Ridho have just

married. They married last
June. They got married t
home. Both of them are
from Java.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Floodwaters in Bundaberg have peaked, but more

than 7,000 people are unable to retour to their homes
as the city remains in the grip of its worst flood on record.
In New South Wales, Grafton residents have escaped
a major disaster despite the Clarence River exceeding
new levels but concern has shifted to communicate
downstream.This morning’speak in Brisbane was not
s badas previously feared but residents are being asked
to conserve water because treatment plants
have been affected by flooding.
a.Put the underlined words in the correct columns.

No Past Simple Present Perfect Tense


b.Read the text carefully and answer the

following questions. To
Dear Pipit,
It has been such a long time since the last time I saw you. So far my
holiday in North Sumatra was great.
I spent two days in a wonderful hotel near Toba Lake. Lake Toba’sstunnig
beauty is beyond words to describe. It took almost 6 hours to reach Parapat
from Medan’s Kuala Namu Airport and another 30 minutes to Samosir
Island but it’s worth the long Brastagi, so it’s no doubt I want to go there
again sometime in the future.
I took a boat ride and saw the lake and mountains. It was very tiring but
the view of the lake was so gorgeous.
I hope your vacation has been going well for you too. There is only a week
left of the Eid Ul Fitr vacation and after that we are back yo school. Would
you like meet up sometime before school starts?

Your friend,


BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Check your understanding.

1. Who wrote the letter?

2. Who is the letter likely to be for?

3. What’s the writer purpose of writing the letter?

4. Use the clues in the sentences to guess the meaning of the words in bold
a.Toba Lake’s stunning beauty is beyond words to describe.

b. but it’s worth the long journey.

5 .Give the following details about.

North Sumatera

Lake Toba

Kuala Namu Airport

Samosir Island

6.What does the writer mean when she wrote ‘it was very tiring but the
view of the lake was just gorgeous?’

1.What kind of a person do you think the writer is?

2.What kind of a person do you think the receiver is?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Menentukan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan

a.Read the dialog and answer the following question.
Man : Good morning. May I help you?
Woman : Morning, Sir. Excuse me, could you
tell me who they are?
Man : Oh, they are Indonesian disaster teams.
Woman : I see, I’m sorry, but do you know what are
theydoing? They look very busy
. Man : Right. They are preparing to evacuate homeless
residents. You know because of the floods, 350,000,
people must be evacuated.

Woman : So, you mean that monsoonal downpours and swollen rivers
make them homeless?
Man : Correct. It has been raining very heavily this week. It is
the biggest flood that has ever occurred in Jakarta. Actually, this
area is rarely affected.
Woman : Excuse me, but is it true that four people have died from the
flooding in this area?
Man : You’re right. One of them was a nine-year-old boy who
lived not far from half a billion dollars worth of damage.
Woman : Yes. The 2007 floods also made hundreds of thousands of
people homeless.
Woman : I think it’s also my fault. I should take care of the environment
better. Well,
sir, thank you for sharing the information.
Man : You’re welcome. Bye.

1 Where does the dialogue probably take place?

2. What information did the woman get after speaking to the man?

3. How does the woman feel after having the information about the flood in Jakarta?

4. What is the woman going to do after speaking with the man?

5. Underline all the sentences in the dialog that use simple past and present perfect

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Kegiatan Belajar
Menggunakan past simple dan present perfect tense dalam teks recount

a. Fill in the blanks with suitable phrases in the box.

- have you ever noticed - has proved - has added

- has become - has grown - have never returned

- has lived - has been interested - hasn’t changed

Since its start in 1998, Google …..(1) one of the most popular search engines. It
….. (2) from are search project in the dormitory room of two college students to
a business that now employs approximately 20,000 people. Google’s founders,
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, met in 1995 when they were in their twenties and
graduate students in computer science at Stanford University in California. They
realized that Internet search was a very important field and began working
together to make searching easier. Both Page and Brin left their studies at
Stanford to work on their project. Interestingly, they ….. (3) to finish their
degrees. Brin was born in Russia, but he ….. (4) in the U.S. since he was five years
old. His father was a mathematician in Russia. Page, whose parents were
computer experts, ….. (5) in computers since he was six years old. When Google
started in 1998, it did 10,000 searches a day. Today it does 235 million searches a
day in 40 languages. It indexes 1 trillion Web pages
How is Google different from other search engines? …… (6) how
many ads and banners there are on other search engines? News, sports
scores, stock prices, links for shopping, mortgage rates, and more fill
other search engines. Brin and Page wanted a clean home page. They
believed that people come to the Internet to search for specific
information, not to be hit with a lot of unwanted data. The success of
Google over its rivals ….. (7) that this is true.

Over the years, Google ….. (8) new features to its Web site: Google
Images, where you can type in a word and get thousands of pictures;
Google News, which takes you to today’s news;

Google Maps; and more. But one thing…..(9) : the clean opening page
that Google offers its users* In 2009, listedPage and Brin as having net worths of $12 billion
each, at

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

36 and 35 years old. Larry Page and Sergey Brin

a.Answer the questions.

1.How would you solve the problem of the jumble paragraph above?

2.What would the result be if Google and Brind didn’t find internet at that time?

3.Why does Google become the most popular search engine nowadays?

4.Complete these dialogues with the activity in the past simple or present perfect

a.Two new students from the science class are in the school canteen for
the first time. Girl : 1) I like it.
Young man : Do you think so? A friend told
me that the price was
not reasonable. He said
that the environment 2)
Girl : Your friend was right. I must
admit that 3)
Young man : 4)

a. Your mother is asking for help.

Old woman : Nita, help me read this email,
please? I 5) .
Girl : Of corse, mum. Let me read it
for you. 6) .
Old woman : Right. I have just done it. 7)
Girl : Oh, 8)

b.A group of footballers are

taking a break after a
football match. Freddy
: It’s a relief. Our team
won the game at last.
John : So am I. Our captain 9) .
Jack : Right. He deserves a bigger

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Jim : But you guys 10) . John : Yes, but you controlled the ball so well
from the beginning

Bagaimana posisi kalian
Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut
melalui kegiatan belajar 1 dan 2, isilah Tabel berikut untuk mengukur
diri kalian terhadap materi yang telah kalian pelajari. Jawablah
sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada UKBM ini.

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah anda tentang personal recount?
2. Apakah anda tahu bagaimana membedakan past simple vs
present perfect tense?
3. Apakah anda dapat menerapkan fungsi social dalam teks
recount ?
4. Apakah anda dapat menentukan fungsi sosial dan unsur
5. Apakah anda dapat menggunakan present perfect dan simple
past tense dalam teks recount?
6. Apakah anda tahu struktur kalimat simple past tense?
7. Apakah anda tahu struktur kalimat present perfect tense?

Jika menjawab
“TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah
kembali materi tersebut dalam BTP bahasa Inggris umum, dan
pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1 atau 2 yang sekiranya perlu kalian
ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau temasejawat. Jangan putus asa
untuk mengulang lagi!. Dan apabila kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua
pertanyaan, maka lanjut ke bagian berikut.
Ukurlah diri Anda dalam menguasai materi RECOUNTdalam rentang 0 – 100,
tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.

1. Identitas
2. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris-Wajib

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

3. Semester : 2 / Genap
4. Kompetensi Dasar :

3.7. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
recount lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait peristiwa
bersejarah sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.7. Teks recount – peristiwa bersejarah

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
h. Materi Pokok : Recount Text
i. Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP x 6
j. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab dengan pendekatan saintifik, peserta didik dapat
membedakan fungsi sosial teks recount dan menangkap makna teks recount lisan
dan tulis mengenai pengalaman pribadi dan peristiwa bersejarah dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar
dan sesuai konteks dengan kreatif, mandiri, sehingga peserta didik dapat
menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya, mengembangkan
sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta dapat mengembangkan
kemampua Bacalah bacaan pada buku teks pelajaran (BTP): Bahasa Inggris SMA/
MA/ SMK/MAK Kelas X. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan,
edisi revisi 2017 hal. 120– 168n berfikir kritis, komunikasi, kolaborasi, kreativitas

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

(4C). Peta Konsep

Recount Text Personal/His- Comprehension
torical events


Language Simple Past

Function Tense

Generic Structure

Konsep Belajar
Dengarkan pengalaman yang di berikan gurumu

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan cerita pengalaman gurumu.

1. When was the teacher’s first experience in teaching?

2. Where did she teach?
3. How was the condition of the school?
4. How’s the condition of the students?
5. What was the most unforgettable moment of the teacher’s experiences?
6. Write a series of event based on the text?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

c. Kegiatan Inti

. Petunjuk Umum Penggunaan UKBM

(1) Sebelum melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran siapkan BTP kalian

terlebih dahulu.
(2) Kemudian dengan berpikir kritis dan rasa ingin tahu
yang tinggi, identifikasikan masalah- masalah yang
kalian temukan pada gambar tersebut dalam bentuk
pertanyaan- pertanyaan.
(3) Bentuklah kelompok-kelompok kecil masing-
masing 4-5 orang kemudian rumuskan
pertanyaan dari masing-masing kelompok.
(4) Selanjutnya bacalah BTP halaman 120– 168.
Pahamilah apa yang kalian baca untuk
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sudah
kalian rumuskan.
(5) Kerjakan UKBM ini di buku kerja atau langsung
mengisikan pada bagian yang telah disediakan.
(6) Anda dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui
kegitan ayo berlatih, apabila Anda yakin sudah
paham dan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan-
permasalahan dalam kegiatan belajar 1,2,3,4,5 dan 6.
Anda boleh sendiri atau mengajak teman lain yang
sudah siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar Anda
dapat belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.
(7) Kegiatan Belajar
Ayo … … ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh
kesabaran dan konsentrasi!!!

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks recount

Bacalah teks recount pada BTP di halaman 123-124 .

Setelah kalian memahami teks tersebut kerjakan latihan
berikut melalui kegiatan diskusi dan berpikir kritis.

1. What’s the text about?

2. Determine orientation and reorientation of text?

3. Which historical events happened in Surabaya in

1945 based on the text. Find out them from each

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

paragraph and write in the column below.

1st paragraph

2nd Paragraph

3rd paragraph

4th paragraph

5th paragraph

4. From the above events determine 5 past form

of the verbs and make them into new



BING-3./4.7/2/1.1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks recount

Setelah memahami teks recount diatas, carilah

satu peristiwa bersejarah lainnya secara individu
dan tentukan informasinya berdasarkan question
words berikut.

1. What’s the text about?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

2. When did it happen?

3. Who involved in the event?

4. Write a series of events based on the text?


5. Write the orientation and reorientation of the text?

6. What does the text discuss about?

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recount

Bacalah beberapa teks recount pada BTP di halaman

134 dan 145 . Setelah kalian memahami teks tersebut
bandingkan teks tersebut berdasarkan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Components What you write Text title: B J Habibie Text title: Cut Nyak

Orientation What happened

Who involved

Where it happened

When it happened

Body A series of events -

(a new paragraph of -
each event using your
own words) -

Reorientatio Your comment about

n the event.

The Conclude the text

Purposes of purposes using your
the text own words

Kegiatan Belajar 3
Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks
recount terkait peristiwa bersejarah

Bukalah link berikut

Pahami biografi “Hellen Keller” kemudian isilah tabel dibawah.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Components What you write Text title: Hellen Keller

Orientation What happened

Who involved

Where it happened

When it happened

Body A series of events

(a new paragraph of
each event using your
own words)

Re- Your comment about

orientation the text

Kegiatan Belajar 4
Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks
recount terkait peristiwa bersejarah.

a. Baca dan pahami teks recount pada BTP di halaman

134-135. Setelah kalian memahami teks tersebut
jawablah pertanyaan berikut.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

1. In 1974 Habibie was promoted as the vice

president of Airbus A-300B aircraft then
president Suharto asked him to return to
Indonesia because.......

2. What made Habibie respected by people in Germany?

3. How did Habibie become the third president of the Republic of


What’s Habibie’s effort in overcoming the financial crisis in his presidency era

. What do you think about Habibie’s life background until he achieved his greatest carieer in
engineering and government
a. Bukalah link berikut biografi
“Hellen Keller” Jawablah pertanyaan berikut.

4. Who was Hellen Keller?

5. How did Hellen’s ordinary life change differently after she

contracted an ilness?

6. What can you say about Ann Sulivan’s roles in Hellen’s life?

7. What evidence in the text you can find that Ms

Sulivan change Hellen’s weakness into

8. What’s your opinion about Hellen’s effort to break the limit of

her condition?

3kqkHT3HzM Pahami

Kegiatan Belajar 5

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

A. Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis,

pendek dan sederhana, terkait peristiwa

a. Understand the following jumbled sentences then arrange them

into good order.

There was no concrete evidence for the growing suspicions, as the Japanese had already
surrendered to the Allies, The declaration of independence passed without a hitch.

An English translation of the proclamation was broadcast overseas.

Soekarno had initially wanted the Declaration of Independence to be read at Ikada Plain, the
large open field in the centre of Jakarta,
The proclamation at 56, Jalan Pegangsaan Timur, Jakarta, was heard throughout the country
because the text was secretly broadcast by Indonesian radio personnel using the
transmitters of the JAKARTA Hoso Kyoku radio station

but due to unfounded widespread apprehension over the

possibility of Japanese sabotage, the venue was changed to
Soekarno's house at Pegangsaan Timur 56.


a. Rearrange jumble paragraphs below into right order.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

My wonderful experience at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha

We played against a team from Thailand, Mongolia, and Malaysia. The most difficult
and important match was that against the Malaysian Team. We played well for the
match and tried our very best. But finally we lost to them and ranked 9. It was so close.
We nearly reached our goal - to be among the first 8 teams.

In December 2006, I went to Doha to participate in the 2006 Asian Games taking part
in the Bach Volley Ball Championship. We prepared for a long time, training hard and
fighting for approval of our participation. Nothing was easy. My partner, clear, my
coach, King, and I were aiming to get into the top 8 at the Asian Games.

Unfortunately, I sprained my ankle one week before departure, which frustrated me

beyond belief. I had physiotherapy every day following the injury, and tried to recover
as quickly as possible. Of course, the ankle could not heal completely in a few days, so I
had no choice but to just try my best and have my ankle taped when I played in


Kegiatan Belajar 6

Mengarang sebuah personal recount berdasarkan gambar berseri.

Create the story based on the picture series consist of orientation, series of event,


3 4

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Bagaimana posisi kalian sekarang?

Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan belajar 1 sampai 6 ,
isilah Tabel berikut untuk mengukur diri kalian terhadap materi yang telah kalian
pelajari. Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada UKBM ini

1. Apakah kalian telah memahami hal-hal pokok tentang recount text

tentang peristiwa bersejarah?
2. Apakah kalian telah memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan dari teks recount?
3. Dapatkah kalian menyelesaikan soal-soal reading comprehension
berkaitan dengan recount text?
4. Dapatkah kalian membuat kalimatberkaitan dengan Simple Past
5. Dapatkah kalian mengarang cerita berdasarkan gambar berseri

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah kembali

tersebut dalam buku teks pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari

ulang kegiatan belajar 1 dan 2 yang sekiranya perlu Anda
ulang dengan bimbingan guru atau teman sejawat.
Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi!. Apabila
Anda menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan,
lanjutkanlah ke UKBM berikutnya.
Di mana posisi Anda?

Ukurlah diri Anda dalam menguasai materi Teks

Prosedur dalam rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan ke dalam

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

kotak yang tersedia.

Setelah Anda menuliskan penguasaan terhadap materi

Teks Recount, lanjutkan kegiatan berikut untuk
mengevaluasi penguasaan Anda!
Yuk Cek Penguasaan Anda terhadap Materi Teks Recount!

Uji Kemampuan

Anda sudah mengikuti 6 kegiatan belajar tentang Recount Text tentunya Anda pasti sudah
memahami konsep yang telah dipelajari. Mintalah penilaian Formatif dari gurumu agar kalian
dapat melanjutkan Ke UKBM berikutnya


1. Identitas
a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
b. Semester :2
c. Capaian Kompetensi :
Peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa
Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan
pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi,
prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks otentik menjadi rujukan
utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik
menggunakan bahasa 21
Inggris untuk menyampaikan
keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi mengenai topik yang dekat dengan
keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia peserta didik di
fase ini. Mereka membaca teks tulisan untuk mempelajari
BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

d. Materi Pokok : Narrative

e. Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP X 4
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi, Tanya jawab,

analisis, penugasan, presentasi peserta didik dapat :
1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi struktur teks unsur
kebahasaan pada teks Eksposisi dengan benar.
2. Peserta didik mampu menentukan ide pokok tiap paragraf dengan
3. Peserta didik mampu menentukan makna yang sama dengan tepat.
4. Peserta didik mampu menemukan refrensi kata yang tepat

sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran

agama yang dianutnya melalui belajar Bahasa inggris, mengembangkan
sikap/ karakter profil Pelajar Pancasila dan Profil Pelajar Rahmatan
lil ‘alamiin serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis,
berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi (4C) dan berliterasi.

g. Materi Pembelajaran

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

 Th. M. Sudarwati / Eudia Grace. 2018. Pathway to English for SMA

/MA Grade X. Erlangga. Halaman 94 s.d. 113.

2. Peta Konsep

Bacalah bacaan pada buku teks pelajaran (BTP): Bahasa Inggris SMA/ MA/ SMK/MAK Kelas X.
Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, edisi revisi 2017 hal. 169– 192

DEVINISI TEXT Menyusun text

T2e.ks Naratif



UNSUR KEBAHASAAN Mempresentasikan Text

T2e.ks Naratif

3. 3. KonsepBelajar
a. Pendahuluan
Sebelum mempelajari materi ini, silakan Anda amati dan memahami gambar berikut
di bawah ini
Bukalah link berikut Amati video

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut

berdasarkan cerita yang telah kalian

amati. 1. Where is the setting of the


Mention and characterize the characters of the
3. Determine the orientation of the story......................................................................
...................................... 4.
Determine the conflict of the
..................................... 5.
Determine the resolution of the

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

..................................... 6. What’s
the moral value of the

1. Petunjuk Umum UKBM
a. Sebelum melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran siapkan BTP
ti kalian terlebih dahulu.
b. Kemudian dengan berpikir kritis dan rasa ingin
tahu yang tinggi, identifikasikan teks yang
terdapat pada BTP.
c. Selanjutnya bacalah BTP halaman 155– 192.
Pahamilah apa yang kalian baca untuk
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan selanjutnya.
d. Kerjakan UKBM ini di buku kerja atau langsung
mengisikan pada bagian yang telah disediakan.
e. Anda dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut
melalui kegitan ayo berlatih, apabila Anda yakin
sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan
permasalahan- permasalahan dalam kegiatan
belajar 1,2,3,4,5 dan 6. Anda boleh sendiri atau
mengajak teman lain yang sudah siap untuk
mengikuti tes formatif agar Anda dapat belajar
ke UKBM berikutnya.

Kegiatan Belajar
Ayo … ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh
kesabaran dan konsentrasi!!!

KegiatanBelajar 1

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif

Ayo Berlatih

Bacalah teks narrative pada BTP di halaman 157-158. Setelah

kalian memahami teks tersebut kerjakan latihan berikut
melalui kegiatan diskusi dan berpikir kritis.

5. What’s the text about?

6. Determine orientation of the story!
7. Determine the conflict of the story!
8. Determine resolution of the story?
9. Rewrite the some sentences of the story then determine the verb
form of tenses

1 They looked and saw a crying baby who looked just a little finger. Past
Form: looked, saw, looked


KegiatanBelajar 4

Menyimpulkan makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks naratif

Ayo Berlatih
Baca dan pahami teks recount pada BTP di halaman 172
. Setelah kalian memahami teks tersebut jawablah
pertanyaan berikut.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

1. What’s Malin’s intention went to sail?

2. How did Malin Kundang treat his mother before he became a


3. What can we infer from the Story?

4. What do you think about Malin Kundang action when he

admitted her mother

5. What should you learn as a child from Malin’s Kundang story?


Membuat teks naratif sederhana secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks

Ayo Berlatih

Mempresentasikan teks naratif naratif

sederhana secara kontekstual terkait fungsi
sosial, struktur teks

Ayo Berlatih

Setelah anda membuat cerita imaginary sederhana berdasarkan pengalaman sebagai

siswa. presentasikan cerita tersebut kepada guru anda secara lisan

Bagaimana posisi kalian sekarang?
How do you feel with the lesson you have done?

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Apakah kalian telah memahami generic structure dan struktur

kebahasaan dari teks naratif?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

2. Dapatkah kalian mengidentifikasi kata kerja yang ada pada teks

naratif ?
3. Dapatkah kalian menentukan generic structure masing-masing
4. Dapatkah kalian menemukan ide pokok dari masing-masing
5. Dapatkah kalian menjelaskan pesan moral dari cerita legenda?

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas,

maka pelajarilah kembali materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks
Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1yang
sekiranya perlu kalian ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau teman
sejawat. Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi!. Dan apabila
kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan

Dimana posisimu?

Ukurlah diri kalian dalam menguasai materi teks naratif legenda

rakyat dalam rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang

Setelah kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi teks

naratif , lanjutkan kegiatan berikut untuk mengevaluasi
penguasaan kalian!.

4. Dapatkah anda menemukan refrensi kata yang tepat?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka

pelajarilah kembali materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan
pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1, 2, 3, dan 4, yang sekiranya perlu Kalian
ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat. Jangan putus asa
untuk mengulang lagi! Dan apabila Kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua
pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya.
Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri Kalian dalam menguasai materi descriptive dalam rentang 0
– 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.

Setelah Kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi descriptive, lanjutkan

kegiatan berikut untuk mengevaluasi penguasaan kalian!

Yuk Cek Penguasaanmu terhadap materi report!

Agar dapat dipastikan bahwa Kalian telah menguasai materi report, maka
kerjakan soal berikut secara mandiri di buku kerja Kalian masing-masing.

A mobile phone or cellular telephone (abbreviated as handphone) or handphone

(abbreviated as HP) is an electronic telecommunication device that has the same
basic capabilities as conventional fixed line Juhdan, but can be carried anywhere
Yuk Cek Penguasaanmu terhadap Materi !

Setelah menyelesaikan kegiatan belajar 1 sampai 6, Ini adalah

bagian akhir dari UKB materi Narrative Text, mintalah tes
formatif kepada Guru kalian sebelum belajar ke UKB berikutnya.
Sukses untuk kalian!!!

Anda sudah mengikuti beberapa kegiatan belajar tentang narrative

text, tentunya Anda pasti sudah memahami konsep yang
telah dipelajari. Mintalah ujian formatif kepada guru anda.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1


1. Identitas
a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
b. Semester :1
c. Capaian Kompetensi :

Peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk
berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembacanya. Berbagai jenis
teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks otentik
menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi
mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia
peserta didik di fase ini. Mereka membaca teks tulisan untuk mempelajari
sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi. Keterampilan inferensi tersirat ketika memahami
informasi, dalam bahasa Inggris mulai berkembang. Peserta didik memproduksi teks
tulisan dan visual yang lebih beragam, dengan kesadaran terhadap tujuan dan target
BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

d. Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP X 6
e. TujuanPembelajaran :

sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya melalui belajar Bahasa Inggris, mengembangkan sikap/ karakter profil
Pelajar Pancasila dan Profil Pelajar Rahmatan lil ‘alamiin serta dapat
mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi,
berkreasi (4C) dan berliterasi.

f. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Th. M. Sudarwati / Eudia Grace. 2018. Pathway to English for SMA /MA
Grade X. Erlangga. Halaman 50 s.d. 77 berkaitan dengan materi
Analytical Exposition

2. Peta Konsep

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Persuading other people regarding
actual social issues



introduces the topic and shows thespeaker Vocabulary:
or writer’s position. Words related to the topic
Arguments: Grammar:
States the main argument which consists Connectors and conjunctions of
of elaboration that support the argument. cause-effect
restates the writer’s position/conclusion.

3. Proses Belajar

a. Pendahuluan

Sebelum mempelajari materi ini, silakan Anda membaca dan memahami tabel
di bawah ini.

Sometimes, information is blurred because of the stereotypes commonly

accepted in the society. However, in writing a scientific text, we have to be
able to sort out the facts from the opinions in that information.
See the following examples of statistics of facts and opinions about wolves.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Statements Fact or Opinion? Why?

This statement makes a
generalization about all
Wolves are sly, cunning and
Opinion wolves. It can be proven that
most wolves do not exhibit
these traits.
Animal-behaviour experts
Wolves live in packs or
Fact have observed that this is
The fact that wolves eat meat
Wolves are carnivores. Fact
has been well documented.
This statement has been
proven to be incorrect:
Wolves will only eat meat
Opinion ranchers often put poison
from freshly killed animals.
into carcasses and leave
them for wolves.
Although there are many
legends about humans
Wolves will accept humans joining wolf packs, this has
into their pack. never been proven.
Therefore, this statement is
an opinion.
Anthropologists have
observed that some Inuit
Some Inuit people use
Fact people use wolves as
wolves as working animals.
working animals.

Identify which of the following statements are facts, and which are opinions.
Write why you have chosen fact or opinion.

Statement Fact or Opinion? Why?

Music can affect the

listener’s feeling.
A song can help one to
remember past
Music can either
increase of decrease our

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Song lyrics can be only

understood when we are
listening in sad mood.
A song is a good media
to deliver a moral
Music is an universal

Untuk bisa lebih memahami materi ini, silakan anda melanjutkan ke Proses
Belajar dan ikuti petunjuk yang ada dalam UKBM ini.

b. Kegiatan Inti

1. PetunjukUmum UKBM
a. Th. M. Sudarwati / Eudia Grace. 2018. Pathway to English for SMA
/MA Grade X. Erlangga. Halaman 50 s.d. 77 berkaitan dengan materi
Analytical Exposition
b. Setelah memahami isi materi dalam bacaan berlatihlah untuk berpikir
tinggi melalui tugas-tugas yang terdapat pada UKBM ini baik bekerja
sendiri maupun bersama teman sebangku atau teman lainnya.
c. Kerjakan UKBM ini dibuku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada
bagian yang telah disediakan.
d. Anda dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegitan ayo
berlatih, apabila anda yakin sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan
permasalahan-permasalahan dalam kegiatan belajar 1, 2, 3 dan 4.
Anda boleh sendiri atau mengajak teman lain yang sudah siap untuk
mengikuti tes formatif agar anda dapat belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.

2. KegiatanBelajar
Ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran dan konsentrasi

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Read the following text carefully.
Bullying and Teasing: No Laughing Matter

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Unfortunately, teasing is often part of growing up ― almost every

child experiences it, but it isn’t always as innocuous as it seems. Words
can cause pain. Teasing becomes bullying when it is repetitive or when
there is a conscious intent to hurt another child. It can be verbal bullying
(making threats, name calling), psychological bullying (excluding
someone, spreading rumours), or psychical bullying (hitting, pushing,
taking someone’s possessions).

Bullying behaviour is prevalent throughout the world and it cuts
across socio-economic, racial/ethnic, and cultural lines. Researchers
estimate that 20 to 30 percent of school-age children are involved in
bullying incidents, as either perpetrators or victims. Bullying can begin
as early as preschool and intensify during transitional stages, such as
starting school in first grade or going into junior high school.
Victims of bullying are often shy and tend to be physically weaker
than their peers. They may also have low self-esteem and poor social
skills, which makes it hard for them to stand up for themselves. Bullies
consider these children safe targets because they usually don’t retaliate.
If your child is the victim of bullying, he may suffer physically and
emotionally, and his schoolwork will likely show it. His grades will drop
because, instead of listening to the teacher, he is wondering what he did
wrong and whether or not anyone will sit with him at lunch. If bullying
persists, he may be afraid to go to school. Problems with low self-esteem
and depression can last into adulthood and interfere with personal and
professional lives. Bullies are affected too, even into adulthood; they may
have difficulty forming positive relationships. They are more apt to abuse
alcohol, smoke, and even grow to be an abusive spouse. Some studies have
even found a correlation between bullying and later criminal activities.
(Adapted from:

Answer the questions based on the previous text.

1. What are the types of bullying are discussed in the text?
2. How does bullying influence the life of the victims?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

3. How can we know if someone’s being bullied?
4. Are bullies affected by their behaviour too?

The following words are terms used in the previous text. Consult your
dictionary and match them with their correct meanings.
Words Meanings
1. Innocuous (…) a. to continue trying to do or doing something
in a determined, but often unreasonable way.

2. Perpetrator ( … ) b. Completely harmless (= causing on harm)

3. Retaliate ( ... ) c. to involve yourself in a situation when your

involvement is not wanted or is no

4. Persists (…) d. Someone who has committed a crime or a

violent or harmful act.

5. Interfere (…) e. a connection or relationship between two or

more facts, numbers, etc.

6. Apt (…) f. to hurt someone or do something harmful to

them because they have done or said something harmful to you.

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Complete these sentences with the terms above.

1. Some mushrooms look _______________________, but are, in fact, poisonous.

2. The _____________________, of the massacre must be brought to justice as a
war criminal.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

3. If someone insults you, don’t _____________________, as it only makes the

situation worse.
4. If he _____________________________, in calling you names, then report him to
the teacher.
5. It’s their problem and I’m not going to_____________________________.
6. The children are more ________________________, to use pencils than crayons
because they don’t want their hands to be dirty.

Bila Anda telah memahami dan mampu menyelesaikan soal di

atas, maka Anda bisa melanjutkan pada “Kegiatan Belajar 3”.

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Read another exposition text below carefully.

Should Parents Censor Their Children’s Reading Materials?

Most parents monitor their children’s activities, and censor things that
Thesis they find inappropriate, but in what ways should they censor children’s
reading material?
No parent wants their child to grow up using bad language – this much
is true of nearly every parent, and at least every good one. Therefore, it
seems reasonable enough to stop children reading books that are full of
bad language. The same thing goes for sex, violence, drugs, and a whole
lot of other things. But, the important thing is to keep things age-
appropriate. If an eight year old picks up a book that is full of these
things, then the book was never written for eight year old in the first
place. The book is clearly not age appropriate for them and they should
not be allowed to read it until they are older.

This is the key point. Many parents would stop their child ever going
near that book, but perhaps it is just best to make them wait until they
are fifteen of sixteen, and mature enough to deal with its themes. Many
people would say that impressionable young people should never be
exposed to these ideas, but in reality, it’s important that children get
some exposure to unpleasant things. Otherwise, how else do they learn
about them? Young people who have lived incredibly sheltered lives
may go off the rails when they finally taste freedom, and can put
themselves into all sorts of dangerous situations because they’re not at
all streetwise. At the end of the day, a novel that shows all of the nasty
effects of taking drugs is hardly going to encourage children to do them:
it will have the opposite effect if anything.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

A younger child, however, may respond very differently to such themes,

becoming angry or upset rather than taking an important message
away from the reading. This is why younger children’s reading should,
in many circumstances be more closely monitored.

Some parents also stop their children from reading certain books on
religious grounds. This is completely understandable if the book
promotes Satanism, or undesirable practices, but in many cases,
censorship is totally unnecessary. Books are often banned on the basis
of referring to magic, or witchcraft. While the biliefs do say that these
Reiteration things are bad, if they are included in a work of fiction then they are not
going to do any harm to a child. Focus should not be on specific things
that may crop up in the book, but on the messages that it conveys.
Ultimately, the best thing is to keep it age appropriate. Read things and
keep an open mind. Reading is good for children, so parents shouldn’t
discourage it.
(Adapted from:

Answer the following questions based pn the best

1. Does the text have an introductory statement that gives the auther’s
view or grabs attention

2. Does the text give any evidence to support the argument?


3. Does the text have a conclusion that sums up the argument

4. Are there any motive words in the text?

5. Can you find the use of conjunctions to link causes and effects?


Connectors vs Conjuctions

The main characteristic of both connectors and conjuctions is, of course, that they join or link two
statements. The difference between conjunction and connectors is in the kind of link that they
make. Conjunction grammatically join two clauses (independent or dependent, depending on the
38 sentence. Connectors are used between two
conjunction), so that together they read as one
separate sentence. Consider these examples:

a) CONJUNCTION: Mount Kilimanjaro is on the Equater, but it has a convering

b) CONNECTOR: Mount Kilimanjoro is on the Aquator. Nevertheless it has a covering of snow.
BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

BIG– 3.4/4.4 /

Conjunction Connector
Examples: Examples:
 After evening falls,  Evening falls. Then,
mosquitoes become active mosquitoes become active.
 If t rains, visit will be  It might rain. In that case,
cancelled. the visit will be cancelled.
The meaning variety
Various conjunctions and connectors have somewhat similar meanings.
However, a conjunction may have many different meanings, while
connectors tend to have just one meaning. Therefore, one conjunction may
have similar meanings, to many connectors. Here are some examples:

Conjunction Connector
And Additionally, also, besides this,
39 furthermore, in addition,
moreover, afterwards, next,
subsequently, then, thereafter, as a
BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Kegiatan Belajar 4

Setelah Anda memahami “Grammer Insert” diatas, silahkan dilanjutkan ke

kegiatan belajar berikutnya. Apabila Anda belum paham, mintalah pada
teman atau guru anda untuk membimbing kembali terkait “Connectors vs

Fill in the blanks with therefore, consequently, as a result, thus, or for
this reason.
1. Rent is too expensive in Boston. _______________I have decided to move to

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

2. I used to waste all of my time watching TV show that I didn’t even like.
__________________ I decided to give away my TV, so that I might start
getting more work done.
3. I have long been interested in science and animals. __________________ I
have decided to study biology in college.
4. The athlete was caught using drugs. ___________________, he was kicked off
the team.
5. The president called a special holiday. _______________________school was
6. The government did not prepare for the hurricane.
____________________many people suffered.

Kegiatan Belajar 5

Rewrite these sentences with appropriate punctuation and linking

(There are more than one correct answer)
1. Penny did you pass the class. I She never did her homework.
2. The Mayans were one of the most academically advanced cultures in pre-
Colombian, North America. I the cause the collapse of their civilization is
still unknown.
3. She is afraid of dogs. I she was bitten by her neighbor’s Chihuahua as a
4. Tsunamis are highly destructive events. I they are rare and often

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

5. Chickens have wings. I they cannot fly.

Choose the best connectors of cause and result to complete sentences.

1. He had a meeting yesterday … he couldn’t go to the movies with us.
a. That’s why
b. On account of
c. As

2. Doctors believe some bacteria are more resistant nowadays … the

misuse of antibiotics.
a. Because of
b. Owing to
c. Therefore
3. … you have no more money to spend, you will have to stop buying
useless things.
a. For this reason
b. such that
c. since

4. I knew I couldn’t win … I didn’t play in the match and I decided to do

more practice to improve my performance for the next competition.
a. Due to
b. Such a
c. Consequently

5. … traffic jams I arrive late for work every day.

a. Because
b. As a result of
c. That’s what

6. She was … attractive woman that everyone wanted to invite her to their
a. Such
b. such an
c. so

7. The students were upset … it was raining outside and they couldn’t go
out and play.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

a. Since
b. Therefore
c. As a result of

8. You are not following the doctor’s advice …, you won’t get better.
a. On account of
b. Such that
c. For this reason

9. Edwards is … conceited that he won’t even consider the possibility of not

getting the job.
a. Such
b. Such a
c. So

10. … the rain had poured down for three days without any rest, there
where floods the area.
a. As
b. Owing to
c. Consequently

Bila Anda telah memahami dan mampu menyelesaikan soal di

atas, maka Anda bisa melanjutkan pada “Kegiatan Belajar 3”.

Kegiatan Belajar 6

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E.

The following text is for questions 1 to 4.
Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight
There are many ways to lose weight. You can do sports regularly and eat
nutritious food and drinks. One thing you should not forget is to make sure to
consume healthy drinks. Soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks that you
often consume contain added sugar and carbohydrates that jeopardise your
weight-loss strategy. Here are five drinks that won’t add to your weight.
First, water is the best weight loss drink. If you are bored, with
drinking pure water, you can try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, and
cucumber, to add flavour but not calories.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Second, vegetable juice provides you with the fibre and nutrients that
your body needs to promote weight loss, as well as keep you full longer. Find
vegetables that have low sodium levels.
Third, unsweetened tea. Green tea provides metabolism and
accelerates weight loss. Black and oolong teas contain a lot of antioxidants,
which can help clear your body of toxins.
Fourth, black coffee helps stimulate your weight loss as caffeine
suppresses hunger when you drink it in the morning and afternoon. It also
heats up the body and boosts metabolism.
Last, skimmed milk provides lean protein, vitamin D, and calcium that
help you build muscles and keep your bones strong.
By choosing the right drinks, such as the five drinks mentioned, you
can lose your weight and maintain your health.

1. What is the text about?

A. Milk is not a good drink for losing weight
B. Black coffee helps to suppress your hunger
C. Five drinks that can maintain your healthy life
D. You have to drink unsweetened tea for your diet program
E. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded
with added sugar and carbohydrates

2. Which of the following drinks is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. Vegetable juice
B. Skimmed milk
C. Mochaccino
D. Oolong tea
E. Black tea
3. According to the text, what can do you do if you are bored with drinking
pure water?
A. You can replace it to soft drinks.
B. You can add sugar and green tea.
C. You can add syrup to the water
D. You can add fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber to add flavour.
E. You can add sugar and fresh lemon slices, lime, and cucumber to
add flavour.

4. “It also heats up the body and boosts metabolism.” (Paragraph 5)

What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Water
B. Green Tea
C. Carrot juice

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

D. Black coffee
E. Skimmed milk

The following text is for questions 5 to7

Online Etiquette on social media
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Path play an important
role in our daily lives. They make real-time communication possible even
over vast geographical distances. While the benefits are undeniable, there
are drawbacks such as misunderstanding, disputes, harassment, and
crime. Therefore, online etiquette is needed to minimise those problems.
Firstly, add only people that you know in person. While having
many online friends might seem like a nice idea, it may have dangerous
consequences. For example, sex predators have been known to pose as
younger people to communicate with their targets and lure them into
meeting face-to-face. Secondly, do not post yourself doing things that
might have negative repercussions in the future. Thirdly, you don’t need to
broadcast your entire life on a public site. However, you can take pictures
and keep them privately. Fourthly, do not post inappropriate things or
photos of people doing such things. They might look funny to you, but they
might be disturbing to others.
Social media is a good place to start a discussion. However, you
should be aware of the negative sides and follow online etiquette, just to
be safe.

5. What is the text above?

A. The pros and cons of social media
B. A few rules of using social media
C. The drawbacks of social media
D. Discussion on social media
E. How to use social media

6. According to text above, which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Online etiquette is needed to prevent something terrible
happening when you use social media
B. You have to be careful when you want to post something on your
friends’ walls
C. You cannot post photos of other people doing nonsensical
D. You do not have to add someone that you know in real life
E. You don’t have to post inappropriate things

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

7. “However, you can take pictures and keep them privately.” (Paragraph
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Carelessly
B. Vaguely
C. Secretly
D. Publicly
E. Openly
The following text is for questions 8 to 10
We need to give our full attention to employment of children
because it is one of the biggest problems that must be faced in several
countries. This problem can be ruinous. Many children lose their rights to
have education, missing out on their joyful childhood because they have to
earn a living. Child labour damages the future generation of any country.
We should take serious action to reduce child labour.
Another bad impact of child labour is crime. High child labour rates
will increase crime rates because children will be easily drawn to bad
things, such as smoking and consuming drugs. If they don’t have money,
they will commit crimes.
There are a number of ways to reduce child labour. First, we must
refuse child-produced products. Then we can provide them with basic
education that will enable them to obtain normal jobs. Governments
should also make strict trade laws which deploy stern measures against
child labour. If all this is done, the whole world could be greatly changed.
From the explanation above, we should try to reduce the amount of
child labour. By doing so, it will make the world a better place to live. It
will also lessen crime and reduce world poverty.
8. What is the topic of the text?
A. Child-produced product
B. The world’s economy
C. The world’s income
D. World poverty
E. Child labour

9. What is NOT a bad impact of employment of children?

A. Rising crime rates
B. Increasing productivity
C. Damaging the future generation
D. Omitting their happy childhood

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

E. Raising the number uneducated people

10. “…will enable them to obtain normal jobs.” (Paragraph 3) what is the
synonym of underlined word?
A. Get
B. Fail
C. Lose
D. Drop
E. Evade

Kegiatan Belajar 4

Below are paragraphs of a text about smoking in restaurants.
Rearrange the paragraph into a good analytical exposition text and
then choose a title for the text.

Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others,

and a health risk to the smoker and should not be allowed in any
Firstly, smoking in restaurants is rude. The smell of the smoke
affects all people and can make them enjoy their food less. People
pay to taste good food and not be put – off by foul – smelling smoke.
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smoker.
Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease and people should not be
allowed to smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Smoking in restaurants is not just impolite. It must not be allowed
because it is rude, harmful to others and dangerous for the non –
Another reason why smoking should not be allowed in restaurants
is the harm it can do to others. Passive smoking, that is, breathing
in smoke from someone else’s cigarettes, can lead to asthma attacks
and even cancer.

Make up arguments for the following thesis statements, minimum 3
arguments for each thesis statement.
1. Smoking is bad

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

2. Reading has many benefits.
3. Watching too much TV has many disadvantages.
4. Corruption has become part of the culture in Indonesia.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

5. English is the world’s most important language.

Going to college or getting a job right after graduating high school is
the common choices of teens will likely face. Some likely choose to continue
studying at college or university but the others try to find job. Here are the
Why is it so important for students to continue on to post-secondary
education; university or college? The reason is that post-secondary
education will allow them to get the skills and tools that they will need to
help them prepare for a good career. It has been said that the more
education they have the more careers will be open for them to choose from.
Employers today will tend to be more open to a person with the more
However, some of them choose to get job right after high school.
They believe that education is critical but college is not. In fact, there are
numerous careers, such as in healthcare, technology, operations,
transportation, and the

building trades that do not require a four-year degree from college or

university. Furthermore, as they advance in these careers, there is also
nothing stopping them from pursing a college degree at a later age.
So, what are you doing after graduating high school? Think carefully!

Conclude with your own words two opposite point of view that you get
from the text?

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

c. Penutup

Bagaimana kalian sekarang?

Setelah anda belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan belajar 1, 2,
3, dan 4 tentang ungkapan saran dan tawaran berikut diberikan tabel
untuk mengukur diri anda terhadap materi yang sudah anda pelajari.
Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada UKBM ini di
Tabel berikut.

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

N Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah anda bisa mengidentifikasi struktur teks unsur kebahasaan
pada teks Eksposisi dengan benar?
2. Apakah anda dapat menentukan ide pokok tiap
paragraf,menentukan makna yang sama dengan tepat?
3. Apakah anda dapat menemukan refrensi kata yang tepat?

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka

pelajarilah kembali materi (BTP) dan pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1, 2 ,
3 dan 4 yang sekiranya perlu anda ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau
teman sejawat. Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi. Dan apabila
anda menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan berikut.

Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri anda dalam menguasai materi Analitycal Exposition dalam
rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan kedalam kotak yang tersedia.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

Setelah anda menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap mater Analitycal

Exposition, lanjutkan kegiatan berikut untuk mengevaluasi penguasaan
Yuk cek penguasaan anda terhadap Analytical Exposition!

Sebagai akhir dari UKBM.Kalian kerjakan soal –soal berikut ini:

The Dangers of Typing SMS while Driving

The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous

consequences. We know that mobile communications are linked to a
significant increase in distracted driving which results in injury and loss of
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that
in 2010 driver distraction was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes -
with 3,092 people killed - and crashes resulting in an injury - with 416,000
people wounded.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text
messaging creates a crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not
distracted. Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved in
an automobile accident and survived admitted they were sending or
receiving texts when they crashed. Distracted driving endangers life and
property and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The warning of texting and driving.
B. The debatable issue of texting and driving.
C. The involvement of mobile devices while driving.
D. The risks of texting while driving.
E. The consequences of not paying attention traffic.

2. What does the passage tell us about the writer's opinion on the issue at
A. Text messaging creates more risk than undistracted driving.
B. Mobile communication doesn't have relation with accident.
C. Many people lost their live because of injury.
D. Distracted driving is still safe for the drivers.

BIG – MBC/ 1 / 1.1

E. Only adult drivers involved in the accident.

3. From the text, we know that …

A. The mobile phone should be banned in the street.
B. Distracted driving makes accident more rarely to happen.
C. Most of the accident caused by the condition of the road.
D. 18 percent of fatal crashes were caused by unnoticed street signs.
E. Drivers involved in car accidents admitted they were texting when
they crashed.

4. Distracted driving endangers life, ... it is not an acceptable action.

A. As
B. If
C. So
D. And
E. yet


 Th. M. Sudarwati / Eudia Grace. 2018. Pathway to English for SMA /MA Grade
X. Erlangga. Halaman 50 s.d. 77 berkaitan dengan materi Analytical


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