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1 Warm up

Discuss the questions in pairs or small groups.

1. Do you watch sports on television? Do you have a favourite sports star?

2. Have you ever had an accident while doing sport? What happened?

3. Do you like reading magazines about celebrities? Why/why not?

4. Do you enjoy watching or reading interviews with celebrities?

5. What does AI mean to you? Do you feel positive or negative towards AI?

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2 Pre-listening task: vocabulary focus

Part A: Complete the definitions of the words below by filling in the gaps with the correct words from
the list.

Group 1

body happen job officially place sport

1. announce (v): tell people something , especially about a decision, plans, etc.

2. racing (n): any that involves competing in races

3. release (v): let somebody come out of a where they have been kept or stuck and
unable to leave or move

4. result in something (phr. v): make something

5. retire (v): leave your and stop working, especially because you have reached a
particular age or because you are ill

6. injury (n): harm done to a person’s or an animal’s , for example in an accident

Group 2

facts health now outside people said

1. current (adj.): happening

2. cover (n): the of a book or magazine

3. quote (n): a group of words by somebody in particular

4. documentary (n): a film or television programme giving about something

5. condition (n): the state of somebody’s or how fit they are

6. in public (idiom): when other , especially people you do not know, are present

Part B: Look at the following sentence. Can you think of some things you wouldn’t like to do in public?
Discuss in pairs.

I don’t like to eat in public. I prefer eating at home.

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3 Listening for specific information

Listen to the report. Write down the numbers you hear next to the things they relate to.

a. → ...the number of times Michael Schumacher won the World Driver’s

b. → ...when Schumacher retired from racing.

c. → ...when Schumacher was injured in an accident.

d. → ...when Schumacher was released from the hospital.

e. → old Schumacher is.

f. → ...when a documentary about Schumacher was released.

4 Listening for comprehension

Listen to the report again. Answer the questions true (T) or false (F).

1. Michael Schumacher had an accident while skiing, resulting in a brain injury.

2. Schumacher has made several appearances in public since his accident.

3. The magazine responsible for the interview used an AI program called to create quotes
that sounded like they could have been said by Schumacher.

4. Schumacher’s sister, who appeared in a Netflix documentary, said that she wanted her brother to
be able to enjoy a private life as much as possible.

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5 Reading: phrasal verbs and idioms

Part A: Match the phrasal verbs and idioms in bold with the correct definitions.

1. My boss says I need to come up with new ideas if I want to keep my job. (phr. v)

2. Jane said that my car looks a bit over the top since I painted it yellow and blue. I think it looks
great! (adj.)

3. I think that flying cars could be the nextstep for technology. (idiom)

4. The police said that they will make the public aware of the new laws. (phr. v)

5. In order to make the most outof your holiday, you should try to get up early so that you can enjoy
the whole day. (idiom)

6. I didn’t say that. Don’t put wordsinto my mouth! (n)

7. If you want to get attention, you could try posting a video on social media. (phr. v)

a. tell someone something

b. a likely thing to happen in the near future

c. find or produce an answer, an amount of money, etc.

d. suggest that somebody has said something when in fact they have not

e. make someone notice you

f. gain as much advantage, pleasure, etc. as you can from somebody/something

g. too extreme or too much of something

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Part B: Complete the dialogue below with the phrasal verbs and idioms from the above exercise. You
may need to change the tenses of the words. After completing the dialogue, read it out with a partner,
focusing on pronouncing the key vocabulary correctly. In which context might this conversation take

Tim: I want to have a big party for my birthday. I’m thinking of inviting at least a hundred
Jess: Don’t you think that’s a little ? Why not just invite your friends and
Tim: Well, I’m going to be 30, and I want to the last day of my twenties. I
3 4
just don’t know how to people’s so that they know
about the party!
Jess: I see. Have you thought about using social media? You could put an advert online to
5 6
people of the party.
Tim: I tried that, but nobody seemed to notice it. I guess I need to a new
Jess: Perhaps the is to post a video? It would make the invitation seem more
personal, I think.
Tim: I thought about doing that too, but I find the idea of putting a video of myself online a bit
scary. I’m worried that someone might make changes to the video and
my .
Jess: Well, if you pay me, I’ll make a video for you!

6 Pre-reading task: reading for general understanding

You are going to read a text about people’s opinions on the Schumacher news story. Scan the text
quickly and match the profession with the correct speaker. One profession cannot be matched to any
of the four speakers in the text and should be marked ‘Not given’.

Justine Craig Luci Not given



magazine writer


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Putting words in somebody’s mouth

Three people share their opinions on the AI interview

A. Justine, 44

I’m not a big fan of Formula One, but I think that this magazine should be punished. It’s just horrible – taking
a guy who has had a serious accident and putting words into his mouth. I know that, at the moment, a lot of
companies are using AI in order to get attention, but there need to be laws and rules to prevent people from
using the technology in a way that causes harm to others. That’s why I became a lawyer, actually. I expect that
governments will act and that laws will be changed, but I think that we also need to make the public aware of the
dangers of AI. It’s not just about the possibility of losing our jobs – we could lose our rights, too.

B. Craig, 31

I think the reaction is a bit over the top. The magazine is about celebrities. It’s entertainment. It’s not supposed
to be taken seriously. They even say that the quotes were written by AI! I mean, I can understand that the family
might be a bit upset, but at the same time, he’s a rich and famous person, which means that the public is going
to be interested in him. As a hairdresser, I hear all kinds of gossip about celebrities. It’s a bit of a hobby for many
people, I think. We all like to imagine what it would be like to be one of them. I can see these kinds of interviews
happening all the time in the future but with images or videos made by AI. People will know it’s not real.

C. Luci, 24

It’s the only industry to work in, isn’t it? I’m so glad I chose to study computing instead of something like English!
The people who know how to use AI in the future will be the rich ones. This is the next step for society. We have
access to this huge amount of knowledge – the Internet – but most of us don’t know how to use it. Instead of
using it to make new things or come up with new ideas, we look at photos of cats or play online games. AI allows
us to make the most out of our amazing invention. I think it’s exciting!

Sources: BBC, Reuters, The Guardian

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7 Reading comprehension

Part A: Read the article again. Match statements with the correct speakers. One of the statements
cannot be matched to any of the speakers and should be marked ‘Not given’.

Craig Justine Luci Not given

1. They think that there will be more AI interviews in the future.

2. They are a big fan of Formula One.

3. They want to get a job working with AI.

4. They don’t think people are aware of the dangers of AI.

Part B: For each question, choose the answer you believe best suits the speaker.

1. How does Justine think we can protect ourselves from AI?

a. She thinks that we should punish people who create AI programs.

b. She thinks that we should turn the internet off to protect ourselves before it is too late.

c. She thinks laws and rules will be necessary to prevent people from using AI to harm others.

2. Why does Craig think that the reaction is a bit over the top?

a. He thinks that, because the magazine is about celebrities, it is not meant to be taken seriously.

b. He thinks that there are more important things to worry about.

c. He believes that the magazine created the AI interview in order to get attention.

3. Why does Luci seem to feel positive about AI?

a. She thinks that AI will create millions of new jobs.

b. She thinks that AI will help us to make the most out of the internet.

c. She believes that AI will be able to entertain us by creating cat photos and online games.

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8 Reading: general vocabulary

Part A: In the text above, find a word that matches each definition.

1. do something bad to somebody because they have broken the law or done
something wrong (v, para. A)
2. stop somebody from doing something or stop something from happening (v,
para. A)
3. damage or injury that is caused by a person or event (n, para. A)

4. films, music, etc. used to entertain people (n, para. B)

5. informal talk or stories about other people’s private lives (n, para. B)

6. the study of computers and how they can be used (n, para. C)

Part B: Complete the sentences with the correct word from Part A. You may need to change the form
of the word.

1. I want to study , but my parents want me to do a law degree instead.

2. My favourite form of is going to the cinema.

3. If you use an umbrella when it rains, it can your clothes from getting wet.

4. We shouldn’t a thief if he steals food because he doesn’t have any money.

5. Mobile phones can cause to people, especially if they use them while driving a

6. I don’t believe the ; I think Mary is a wonderful person.

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9 Discussion: roleplay activity

Part A: The television interview below has been reorganised. Read through the conversation, and put
each part of the dialogue in the correct order.

Just to get started, Haley, what is your film about? Where does it take place?

1 Hello everyone! I’m here with Haley today. She’d like to talk about her new film.

Thank you, Nick! Hi everyone. It’s good to be back here in London!

And what about the dog?

Well, in the film, my character lives on the Moon with a pet dog called Luna.

You see, my character is a scientist, and she’s studying a special type of rock that can only be
found on the Moon.
That’s interesting! Why the Moon?

It’s going to be in cinemas from next week. I hope you enjoy it!

I do! I have one of my own. Maybe we should watch your new film together. When does it
come out?
No, I don’t think so! She’s very friendly, though. Do you like dogs?

Well, she’s been alone for a while, and the dog is her friend, you know, someone to talk to.

Can the dog talk too?

Part B: Using the conversation above as a reference, practise the interviews below in pairs. After
completing each interview, switch roles.

Student A is interviewing an actor about their new film in front of a live audience. The
interview will also be shown on television.

Student B is a famous actor who wants to talk about their new film.

Student B is a journalist interviewing a famous sports person for a newspaper article.

Student A is a sports person who has just won an important competition.

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10 Extended activity: speaking

Part A: Take turns to select a card. Describe the underlined word to your partner without using any
of the other words on the card.

Part B: Think of a famous person that you would like to do an interview with. This could be someone
who is alive or somebody from history. Write down the name of the person, then think of five
questions to ask them. In pairs, take turns to practise your interviews.

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