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Summary of harry potter ch 8

Harry finds life at Hogwarts unfamiliar and strange. Everyone talks about him, and an
adult always seems to be around when he is doing something wrong. Harry finds all the
classes interesting, with the exception of the History of Magic.

Summary ch 9

Harry is upset by news that the Gryffindors will have flying lessons with the Slytherins,
because he does not want to spend more time with his Slytherin enemy Draco
Malfoy.Madam Hooch leads the class, gently sending the new fliers off the
ground.Neville has an accident and breaks his wrist.Harry goes after Malfoy, who
throws the ball in the air.Harry catches it spectacularly and lands safely back on the
ground.But instead of punishing him, McGonagall introduces him to Oliver Wood,
captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, explaining that Harry will make an excellent
Quidditch player.
Summary ch 10

The next morning, Harry and Ron are discussing what the dog could be guarding when

the mail arrives.On Halloween, Flitwick begins teaching his students how to make things

fly.As the prefects lead the students back to their dorms, Harry realizes that Hermione

does not know about the troll.She then lies, saying that she went to face the troll herself

and that Ron and Harry had been trying to save her from it.At this point, Hermione

becomes their friend.

Summary Ch 11
The Quidditch season begins, and Harry is about to play in his first match against

Slytherin.Going off to retrieve the book from Snape, Harry overhears Snape talking to

Argus Filch about the three-headed dog, which makes Harry even more suspicious.The

next morning, the Quidditch match begins.He spots it and is flying toward it when the

Slytherin Seeker pushes him out of the way and is penalized.Later in the game, Harry’s

broom begins moving uncontrollably.Hermione notices that Snape is staring at Harry

and muttering to himself.

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