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Name : Damar Wulan

Class : TBI/6B

Nim : 12017013

A. Title

Improving Young Learners’ Vocabulary through TPR Technique

B. Background
Vocabulary is one of the language components that can affect macro skills.
Some definition of vocabulary is proposed by some experts. Nunan (1999: 101) states
that vocabulary is a list of target language words. Furthermore, Jackson and Amvela
(2000: 11) say that the terms vocabulary, lexis, and lexicon are synonymous. In
addition, Richards and Schmidt (2002: 580) state that vocabulary is a set of lexeme,
including single words, compound words, and idioms. Vocabulary is the total number
of words in a language; all the words known to a person or used in a particular book,
subject, etc; a list of words with their meaning, especially one that accompanies a
textbook (Hornby, 8 1995: 1331). Those definitions show that vocabulary is the first
element that the English learners should learn in order to master English well besides
the other English components and skills.
Metode Total Physical Response (TPR) adalah sebuah metode pengajaran
bahasa yang dikembangkan oleh James Asher, seorang profesor psikologi di
Universitas San Jose California. Metode ini merupakan metode pengajaran bahasa
yang banyak digunakan oleh pengajar bahasa Asing. Metode ini adalah salah satu
metode pengajaran bahasa yang sangat cocok diterapkan dalam pengajaran
Tatabahasa. Metode ini biasanya sering digunakan pada saat mengajar bahasa asing
terhadap anak-anak, akan tetapi metode ini pun sering diterapkan atau digunakan pada
pembelajar dewasa, seperti mahasiswa. Metode TPR adalah salah satu metode
pengajaran bahasa yang dibangun berdasarkan koordinasi ujaran dan tindakan. Dalam
metode TPR pengajar memberikan perintah kepada siswa dan kemudian siswa
merespon perintah pengajar dengan gerak tubuh. Selain itu, Richard dan Rodgers
dalam (Tarigan 1991) juga menerangkan baha TPR sebagai sebagai metode
pengajaran bahasa yang dibangun antara koordinasi ucapan dan tindakan, sebuah
metode pengajaran bahasa melalui aktivitas fisik.
C. Research Problem
Based on the background of the study above, the identification of the problems are :
1. The students were uninteresting in learning English because the media and strategy
which used by the teacher looks monotonous for students.
2. The students were difficult to memorize of vocabulary, because they have first
impression that English is difficult.
3. Some of students remember the vocabulary words but they forget the meanings.
D. Previous Research Studies
a. A study conducted by JUWITA “ One technique that researchers recommend is
Total Physical Response with object. In addition, this kind of teaching and learning
techniques should not always be applied to teaching reading only but can be applied
to other language skills as well, such as for, vocabulary and speaking classes.” from
this study it can be concluded that the teacher's teaching methods must be more
creative and able to see the conditions and situations of how the learning process that
students want.
b. A study conducted by NINING PUJININGSIH “ The teacher use TPR to teach
vocabulary. The activities can be modified based on the students’ interest as long as it
covers the dour aspects of vocabulary mastery.” from this study it can be concluded
that the TPR method is very easy to use and can be modified according to student
c. A study conducted by IKA NURHALIMAH LBS “ this research can be useful to
collect information about research related to students' vocabulary mastery field. Other
researchers can also use the TPR method with different methods 63
subject/respondent to know the advantages of this method improve students'
vocabulary skills.” from this study it can be concluded that the TPR method is very
different from other methods, proven to be able to help students quickly increase
student vocabulary.
E. Research Method
1. Population and research samples
2.Technique of Collecting Data
3. Technique of Data Analysis

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