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Assalamu'alaikum, and the mercy and blessings of Allah

hello everyone, my name is Fajar Ihwanul, here I want to describe something very special in my
personal opinion, he is my friend, his name is Arief Syafaat, he and I are friends from high school,
and I know him quite well, he sometimes looks very personable. diligent sometimes half, depending
on the mood.

quite good at giving ideas, agile in any case, when it comes to discipline he is a typical person who
like me is disciplined because of conditions. And don't forget he is a humorous person too. He also
has the character of a person who is difficult to keep quiet and talks a lot.. apart from that he has a
selfish nature, in the sense that if he wants something then what he wants must be done/getted, but
if there is something that he thinks is not important or not interested he will be the one to give up
but participate

Okay, if physically he is tall and his body is a bit thin, and also has hair that I think is difficult to
describe, you can say straight, can be wavy too and black. He also has a thin mustache, and a sharp
nose. And he has thin lips. He has brown skin in general and also I admit he is a sweet person..

Okay. That is all from me. And I want to apologize to you are, because no one is perfect in the world.
Thankyou and wassalmualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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