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This chapter deals with the findings and discussion of first language

interference on morphology derivational affixes found, the function of

morphology derivational affixes and the overcomings of students’ first language

interference in students’ writing narrative texts. There are three steps that the

researcher will serve in this chapter. First, the researcher describes the type of

derivational affixes in the narrative text 11th grader Assalam senior high school,

after analysing the data based on the categories as mentioned in chapter III, The

second is to explain the derivational affixes’ function found in 11 th grader

Assalam senior high school writing text, and third step is the researcher describe

the result of interview to overcome first language interference on students’ writing

skill. The findings and discussion are divided into three subsections, as follows:

4.1 Findings

In this finding of the research, there is the process of first language

interferen on morphology derivational affixes found and the derivational affixes’

function in the 11th grader at Assalam Senior High School. The researcher

presents the table so that the reader understands the discussion easily:

4.1.1 First Language Interference on Morphology Derivational Affixes Found

In order to answer the first statement of the problems related to what the

kind of morphology interference on 11th grader writing narrative text, I analyzed it


to verify whether the students wrote morphological interference or not (see

Appendix 3, page:82). The results can be seen in the tables below:

Table 4.1 morphological interference on derivational affixes

No Type Incorrect Correct

1. Prefix No known Unknown

Not happy Unhappy

Put again Return

Not possible Impossible

2. Infix - -

3. Suffix With sudden Suddenly

With loud Loudly

With quick Quickly

More low Lower

More young Youngest

With slow Slowly

Heart hard Hardness

More big Bigger

No breath Breathless

More fine Finest

With safe Safety

No hope Hopeless

More fast Faster


No Type Incorrect Correct

3. Suffix With easy Easily

Sad Sadness

Final Finally

Prison Prisoner

With foolish Foolishly

So and so Steadily

More old Oldest

Direct Directly

4. Prefix + Suffix So dear Unfortunately

So road Uncontrollably

No intention Unintentionally

So deep deep Profusely

From the table above 4.1, the total of derivational affixes in narrative text

11th grader Assalam senior high school is 29 derivational affixes. There is no infix

found in the narrative text 11th grader. Furthermore, the total of all prefix + suffix

from the table above is 4 prefixes + suffixes. The highest number of derivational

affixes that served on the table above suffix with 21 total suffixes. The second

place is the derivational prefix with 4 total suffixes. The detail explanation will be

covered by the researcher below:

1. Data 1

The poor rabbit would get his meal which doesn’t known to the papa bear

Kelinci yang malang mendapatkan dagingya, tanpa diketahui papa


This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of tidak diketahui from tidak tahu carried out in forming word of tidak tahu in the


The correct is unknown


un- known

(Prefix) (Root)

The word in bold abouve quote are derivational affixes. The prefix found

in the sentence above is un-. The prefix –un sticks into the word known which the

prefix modifies verb into a adjective. The word known is called root and it

belongs to the verb category of part of speech. The derivational affix’ function

changes the verb into an adjective part of speech.

2. Data 2

“I not happy while for away from them”

Saya merasa tidak bahagia dengan jauh dari mereka

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of tidak bahagia from tidak= not, bahagia= happy carried out in forming word of

not happy in the English.


The correct is unhappy


un- happy

(Prefix) (Root)

The word in bold abouve quote are derivational affixes. The prefix found

in the sentence above is un-. The prefix –un sticks into the word known which the

prefix modifies adjectine into negative adjective. The word happy is called root

and it belongs to the adjective category of part of speech. The derivational affix’

function changes the adjective into negative adjective.

3. Data 3

back the coat that I lent you last week

kembalikan mantel yang aku pinjamkan minggu lalu

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of kembali from carried out in forming word back in the English.

The correct is return


Re- turn

(Prefix) (Root)

The word in bold above quote are derivational affixes. The prefix found

in the sentence above is re-. The prefix re- sticks into the word turn which the

prefix modifies verb into the verb. The word turn is called root and it belongs to

the verb category of part of speech. The derivational affix’ function changes the

verb into the verb.

4. Data 4

The rabbit thought this was not possible and challenged the Tortoise to a


Kelinci berpikir ini menjadi hal yang tidak mungkin dan menantang kura-

kura untuk balapan.

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of mungkin from tidak=not, mungkin=possible carried out in forming word of

tidak mungkin in the English. The correct is Impossible


im- possible

(Prefix) (Root)

The word in bold above quote are derivational affixes. The prefix found

in the sentence above is im-. The prefix im- sticks into the word possible which

the prefix modifies adjective into the negative adjective. The word turn is called

root and it belongs to the verb category of part of speech. The derivational affix’

function changes the adjective into negative adjective.

5. Data 5

With Sudden, he saw a bird's nest in the top of a tall tree.

Dengan tiba-tiba, dia meliaht sarang burung diatas pohon tinggi


This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of tiba tiba from dengan=with, tiba-tiba=sudden carried out in forming word of

dengan tiba-tiba in the English. The correct is suddenly


sudden -ly

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is -ly. The suffix -ly sticks into the word sudden which the

suffix modifies adjective into the adverb. The word sudden is called root and it

belongs to the adjective category of part of speech. The derivational affix’

function changes the adjective into adverb.

6. Data 6

The more young child was very kind to the rabbit.

Anak yang paling muda sangat baik kepada kelinci

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of muda from lebih=more, muda=young carried out in forming word of lebih

muda in the English. The correct is youngest


Young -est

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is -est. The suffix -est sticks into the word young which the

suffix modifies noun into the adjective. The word young is called root and it

belongs to the noun category of part of speech. The derivational affix’ function

changes the noun into adjective.

7. Data 7

Have your tyranny and heart hard reached this limit?

Sudah sampai batas inikah kezhaliman dan kekerasan hatimu?

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of keras from kekerasan hati carried out in forming word of kekerasan hati in the

English. The correct is Hardness


hard -ness

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is -ness. The suffix -ness sticks into the word hard which the

suffix modifies adjective into the noun. The word hard is called root and it

belongs to the adjective category of part of speech. The derivational affix’

function changes the adjective into noun.

8. Data 8

He lay down on the ground not breath

Dia berbaring diatas tanah menahan napas


This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of napas from tidak=not, napas=breath carried out in forming word of menahan

napas in the English. The correct is breathless


breath -less

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is -less. The suffix -less sticks into the word breath which

the suffix modifies noun into the adjective. The word breath is called root and it

belongs to the noun category of part of speech. The derivational affix’ function

changes the noun into adjective.

9. Data 9

The more fine in the whole country

Yang terbaik diseluruh dunia

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of baik from terbaik carried out in forming word of lebih baik in the English. The

correct is finest


Fine -st

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is –st. The suffix -st sticks into the word fine which the

suffix modifies adjective into the adjective. The word fine is called root and it

belongs to the adjective category of part of speech. The derivational affix’

function changes the adjective into adjective.

10. Data 10

It was no hope for him to escape from the trap.

Tidak ada harapan baginya untuk melarikan diri dari perangkap

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of harapan from tidak=no, harapan=hope carried out in forming word of tidak

ada harapan in the English. The correct is hopeless


hope -less

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is –less. The suffix -less sticks into the word hope which the

suffix modifies verb into the adjective. The word hope is called root and it

belongs to the verb category of part of speech. The derivational affix’ function

changes the verb into adjective.

11. Data 11

I can run more fast than you.

Aku bias lari lebih cepat dari pada kamu


This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of cepat from lebih=more, cepat=fast carried out in forming word of lebih cepat

in the English. The correct is faster


Fast -er

(root) (suffix)

The word in bold above quote are derivational suffixes. The suffix found

in the sentence above is –er. The suffix -er sticks into the word fast which the

suffix modifies adjective into the adjective. The word hope is called root and it

belongs to the verb category of part of speech. The derivational affix’ function

changes the verb into adjective. Prefix + suffix

12. Data 12

So dear, the crocodile was very hungry

Sayangnya, sang buaya sangat lapar.

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of sayang from sayangnya carried out in forming word of sayangnya in the

English. The correct is unfortunately


un -ly

(prefix) (suffix)


The word unfortunately in the quote above is called derivational affix.

The word unfortunately has two kinds of affixes, these are prefix and suffix. The

prefix un- sticks in front of the root change, whereas the suffix –ly sticks at the

end of the root change. The prefix un- and the suffix –ly is changes the part of

speech’s category from the adjective to be adverb.

13. Data 13

The lion thanked him so deep deep.

Sang singa berterimaksih sedalam dalamnya kepadanya.

This interference above occur in the root word. The Indonesian root word

of dalam from sedalam-dalamnya carried out in forming word of sedalam-

dalamnya in the English. The correct is profusely


pro -ly

(prefix) (suffix)



The word profusely in the quote above is called derivational affix. The

word profusely has two kinds of affixes, these are prefix and suffix. The prefix

pro- sticks in front of the root change, whereas the suffix –ly sticks at the end of

the root change. The prefix pro- and the suffix –ly is changes the part of speech’s

category from the adjective to be adverb function


4.1.2 Result of Students’ Interview

Here is the data of interview activity which is taken from 11 th grader at

Assalam Senior High School Dawuan-Subang. The interview activity aimed to

know the factors which contribute to first language interference on student writing

especially on narrative text to find the overcome first language on student writing


The factors which contribute to first language interference are students

do not understand how to write correctly vocabularies of English; it is delivered

by alomost all students.

Interviewer : apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan dalam pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris?

:(Do you have any difficulties when you learning English?

Students : saya kesulitan pada penulisan dan listening, karena yang

disebutkan tidak sesuai dengan tulisanya, sehingga saya

kesulitan pada saat menulis.

(I have difficulties on part writing and listening, because

different how to pronounce and write, that’s make me


on writing)

Interviewer : apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan ketika menulis teks



: (Do you have difficulties when you write English text?)


student : yes, saya pusing dalam penulisan susunan kalimat dan

menentukan kelas kata.

(yes, I am dizzy when I write, arrange sentences and

determine the part of speech)

The next factor is students are have limited of knowing the part of speech

Interviewer : apakah kamu memiliki kesulitan dalam penggunaan kosat

kata baru pada penulisan teks bahasa inggris?

(Do you have any problem when you use new

vocabularies when you write English text?)

Student : terakadang, susah dalam penulisan karena peyebutannya

berbeda dengan penulisan dan tidak tau jenis part of


(sometimes, difficult on writing because pronounce and the

written different, and I don’t know the part of speech)

Another factor which contributes to first language interference is students

tend to write in Indonesian sentence first before translated in English, students

tend to use first language structure in the target language.

Interviewer : apakah kamu menulis Indonesia dahulu atau langsung

kedalam bahasa inggris?

(Do you write Indonesia first or direct into English?)

Students : ya saya menulis Indonesia lalu kebahasa inggris


: (yes I do, I write Indonesian first than translate to


Interviewer : apakah kamu menerjemahkan kebahasa inggris kata demi


: (Do you translate Indonesia into English word by word?)

Student : ya saya menejemahkan bahasa inggris kata demi kata

: (yes I do, I translate to English word by word)

Interviewer : apakah kamu sering menggunakan pola bahasa Indonesia

kedalam bahasa inggris.

: (Do you often use Indonesian grammar when you write

the English text?)

Student : ya saya sering menulis bahasa inggris menggunakan pola

bahasa Indonesia.

: (yes I do, I often write an English text use the Indonesia


The students’ effort to overcome the interference

Interviewer : apakah kamu akan bertanya ke guru untuk klarifikasi

tentang permasalahan kamu pada pembelajaran bahasa


: (Are you going to ask the teacher for clarification on


issues that you have been mentioned above?)

Student : iya saya akan bertanya kepada guru dengan permasalahan

yang saya temui pada pembelajaran bahasa inggris?

: (yes I will ask my teacher about my problem in English


interviewer : apakah kamu akan mencari referensi di kamus, buku atau

referensi lainya untuk menghimdari interfensi bahasa

Indonesia ketika kamu menulis teks bahasa inggris?

: (Would you look for a reference in dictionaries, books or

other references to avoid the interference of Indonesian

language when you write the English text?)

Student : iya saya mencari referensi dikamus.

: (yes I do, I will search references in dictionary)

4.1.3 The Result of Teacher’s Interview

In this session, the teacher was given the question in order to find the

information related to how the teacher overcome the students’ first language

interference in writing of English texts. The overcomes of students’ language

interference for the teacher is putted in question. (see Apendix 4, page107). The

result of an interview shows that the teacher focuses on the students’ pronounce

than students’ writing, applying the direct approach in teaching students and at the

sametime would organize students’ activities on aspects of avocabulary meaning

to involve them in writing directly.


She also focuses on guiding the students on exploring the speaking and

vocabulary items in both languages. She asked the students to pay more attention

on creating their own opportunities for practicing how to pronounced, cooperating

with classmates, and put the new vocabulary on the complete sentence.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 Kind of Morphology Interference on Derivational Affixes

The research finding in this chapter shows the different words that

interference of first language that make an incorrect meaning or function of part of

speech, and the type of affixes and the derivational affix function that appear in

students’ writing narrative text. The explanation data in the table above reveal that

there are two types of affixes served in the student writing narrative text. The

prefix and the suffix become the affix that appears in the data that has been

explained. Moreover, there are no infixes identified in students’ writing narrative

text. In the student narrative text, there are only the suffixes and the combination

of prefix + suffix. The words that contain suffix in the previous data prove that the

suffix is attached at the end of the base word, and the prefix + suffix is attached in

the front and at the end of the base word.

The kinds of suffixes that appear in the data that have been served are

un-, im-, re-, -ly, -est, -less, -ness, -st, -er. Furthermore, the other affixes that have

been described are prefix + suffix. The prefixes + suffixes are served in the data,

there are un- + -ly, and pro- + -ly, The prefix + suffix in the data are not as many

as the suffixes. The prefixes + suffixes are the kind of affixes that are rarely used

to create several words that have a different meaning.


4.2.2 The Function of Derivational Affixes

The morphology interference on derivational affixes found in the student

writing narrative text in the previous data depending on the correct word is the

words function created. The first prefix, are the adjective forming which form the

part of speech’s category from the verb to the adjective (un-,) adjective to

adjective (un-, im- ), and verb to verb (re-). From the suffix noun to adjective (-

est, -less) verb to adjective (-less, -er) adjective to adjective (-st) adjective to noun

(-ness) and adjective to adverb (-ly) The suffixes function that formed the correct

word in the students writing narrative text, to give the reader comprehension

about the meaning of the new words that had been created.

Furthermore, the first function of prefix + suffix found in the students’

narrative text are the adverb forming that changes the adjective to the adverb (un-

+ -ly) and (pro- + -ly) The functions of prefixes + suffixes in the data are not as

many as the function of suffixes.

The finding of the research that have been formulated, the derivational

affixes in the students’ narrative text 11 grader Assalam Senior High School

Dawuan had been explained clearly, such as the suffixes and the prefix + suffix.

The use of the suffixes and prefixes in the students’ narrative text shows that the

words can be created as new words with diverse meanings. The kind of affixes

that served is also changing the category of part of speech, from the adjective to

noun, verb to the noun, adjective to adverb and so on.


4.2.3 The Overcome First Language on Student Writing Skill

Having analysed all the data of the interview, the writer draws

conclusion, There are many factors that contribute interference on morphology

derivational affixes, those are: The students do not understand how to write

correctly vocabularies of English, students are have limited of knowing the part of

speech, the students tend to write in Indonesian sentence first before translated in


According to Komariah stated Interference is barriers as a result of the

habit of using mother tongue or first language in mastering the second language or

language learned. (Komariah, 2008:26) the students doesn’t know about the use of

affixes, they made an affixes using Indonesia pattern as their first language, then

their write the sentences used Indonesia patterns.

According to Ellis refers to interference as ‘transfer’, which he says “the

influence that the learner’s first language exerts over the acquisition of a second

language”. He argues that transfer is governed by learners’ perceptions about what

is transferable and by their stage of development in second language learning.

(Ellis, R. 1997:51) the students are use base word (root) as the affixes their made

on their writing narrative text.

Based on the data found in students’ writing narrative text, interview and

the factor of interference on morphology derivational affixes, the researcher

concluded to overcome the interference on morphology derivational affixes, that

dealing with the roles to overcome students’ first language interference, the

teacher focuses on adjusting the teaching method to suit the students’ level. She

uses comparison between the students’ first language and second language in

terms of vocabulary with its part of speech.

The teacher introduces the rules of parts of speech, used affixes and how

used dictionary to find out the part of speech on new vocabularies, so that the

students have to apply these rules to new writing English text. Students are

supposed to memorize the rules. In order to explain the rules, the teacher uses

comparison between the students’ affixes and part of speech both on first

language and second language. This concerns with what the theory stated that

teacher roles are similarly related ultimately both to assumptions about language

and language learning at the level of approach (cited Nurmala in Richards &

Rodgers, 2001:23).

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