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Music video style

The music video (depending on the lyrics that transmit a meaningful/specific

message) should contain a live performance of the artist (either in the Neve studio
or in and some scenes (frames) that might include anthropomorphic animation.

For example, in the song called "Be Someone" by Libby Akerman, the music video
should have a love story which shows a few flashbacks of some couple that had fun
together at their times and in present they have started to have an argument, then
furthermore they get back together after they've stayed apart from each other.

Animation style

The animation of some frames (depending on the lyrics) should have an

anthropomorphic animation which would include two characters : one male character
and the femme fatale of the animation.

The Filmmakers will be using the Blackmagic Pocket/URSA Mini/4k/Canon C100 cameras
as we want to have a high-quality and clear content, and 2 or 3 tripods so we can
have a multi-angle footage of the live performance of the artist.

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