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Compiled By
It is a short story by the Irish author Liam O'Flaherty. He vividly
narrates how a young seagull learns to fly. The story is a metaphorical
representation of human's need to be independent and confident in life.
“To dominate fear” is the central idea of the story.

o It is an inspiring story of a young seagull.

o He was afraid to fly.
o The seagull lacked confidence and courage.
o It was a real crisis
o His mother and family motivated him to fly
o Every child needs courage and support in his life
o It is our duty to support everyone.
o The story proves the parental role in moulding the children.

I WILL FLY Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

This is an adapted version of Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's speech. The
ignited mind of the youth is the most powerful resource on earth, under the
earth and above the earth. Kalam instils courage and confidence in the boy
by reciting the poem “I Will Fly”. He asked the boy to fly using his wings
of goodness, trust, potentialities, greatness and confidence. He also
encouraged all the students to be unique by fighting the hardest battle in

 ‘I will fly ‘is a speech by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

 Kalam makes this speech in a programme called ‘Sasthrayan’
 'Sasthrayan' means the propagation of science.
 Kalam said that today's youth need not fear about their future.
 A boy from a village tells about his lack of confidence to become a
marine engineer.
 Kalam considers his concern and recited the poem ‘I will fly’
 Everyone has ideas and dreams
 Kalam advised the boy to be unique
 We should find the ‘Unique You’
 Students must work hard until they reach the goal.

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 2

Stephen Hawkins' profile by Kitty Gail Ferguson

Stephen Hawkins' profile by Kitty Gail Ferguson reveals how he has

overcome his disabilities to become the 'supernova' of physics.
 Stephen Hawking was an ordinary English boy.
 He was a slow-learner at school.
 His father wanted him to attend Oxford University.
 He decided to study mathematics and physics from Oxford
 He liked classical music, took part in sports and was famous for his
 He became popular and accepted by his friends
 Meeting with Jane Wilde was a turning point in his life.
 He was affected with ALS, a rare disease.
 She supported him throughout his life
 He wrote a book to make science understandable to common people.
 Hawking was an optimist.
 Hawking's life is an inspiration to the entire world.


Jawaharlal Nehru reflects about the timely arrival of Gandhi to
Indian politics. Gandhi came when the country was in great need of such a
leadership. Gandhi was a beam of light that removed the darkness. Nehru
makes the right assessment of Gandhi in his 'Discovery of India'.
“I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is
their country, in whose making they have an effective voice.... This is the
India of my dreams.”
 And then Gandhi Came’ is taken from Nehru’s ‘ The discovery of India’
 People felt humiliated after the First World War
 There were unemployment and people were in confusion
 Gandhi was like a current of fresh air.
 Gandhiji stood for truth, love and non-violence (Ahimsa)
 He himself set an example for Abhaya (fearlessness)
 He worked for the welfare of the common man by resisting the
foreign rule.
 He fought against our social evils like untouchability and child
 His personality was like a magnet
 The essence of his teaching was fearlessness and truth.
3 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English
Prabhat Kumar Mukopadhyayay

It is very difficult to explain the complexities of human bondage.

Words and deeds have a soothing effect and they cement the bonds of
relationship. The Price of Flowers is a story about the impact of words.
This story by Prabhat Kumar Mukopadhyaya deals with the real-life
situations. The characters belong to the middle-class families.

o The price of flowers is a story written by P.K. Mukhopadhyaya.

o Gupta was an Indian, living in London.
o One day he met Maggie in a hotel.
o She was working as a typist.
o She was from a poor family.
o Her brother Frank was a soldier in India.
o She heard that India is a land of tigers, snakes and fevers.
o Maggie's mother wanted to know about her son Frank.
o Gupta told that Frank is safe.
o He was shocked to learn that Frank had died in the war.
o Maggie gave him a shilling to buy flowers to place on her brothers’
grave in Punjab.
o He accepted it.
o It gave her joy beyond all price

THE TRIP OF LE HORLA Guy de Maupassant

It is a travel essay by the eminent French writer Guy de Maupassant.
It narrates the interesting episode in a hot air balloon called 'Le Horla'. The
essay vividly explains the view of earth from a different angle.

 This is about a thrilling balloon journey from Belgium to Paris

 There were five men in the balloon.
 Captain Jovis, their leader was accompanied by Mr. Beer, Paul
Bessand, Guy de Maupassant and Lt. Mallet
 People wondered at the sight of the balloon
 They enjoyed the view of Paris city.
 Animals made noise after seeing the balloon
 Barometer showed 2350 meters’ height.
 They were alone in space with moon.
 It was a fantastic journey.
 Passengers thanked Captain Jovis for this wonderful experience
Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 4
It is a travel experience that acquaints us with a strange ritual on a
Fijian island. Travel teaches toleration. It takes us far beyond the
exploration of the land. The traditions, cultures and customs of a land are
explored through each journey.
o It is about a strange ritual in a Fijian island.
o Princess Tinaicoboga and her daughter Raudalice lived in a
o One day, they went for fishing.
o Fisherman of Nabukelevu kidnapped the two women.
o The two women cried for help.
o Suddenly there was a huge storm.
o The fishermen were afraid.
o They threw the turtles into the sea and escaped.
o They saw that those two women were turned into giant turtles.
o Even today, the women from Namuana sing for their beloved ones.
o The turtles come up the surface when the Namuana villagers sing the song


India is highly prone to disasters because of its geographical location
and geological formation. A monitoring mechanism should be set up in
disaster-prone areas to ensure the fulfilment of building codes. It is high
time that we became aware of and equipped ourselves to face impending
 Disasters are a common phenomenon and a real challenge
 There are two types of disasters.
 They are man-made disasters and natural disasters.
 Disasters affect both developed and developing countries.
 Some of the natural disasters are storms, floods, windstorm,
earthquakes and drought.
 India faced disasters like Gujarat earthquakes, Mumbai flood,
Chennai flood, Tsunami and flood in Kerala.
 Some of the man-made disasters are Bhopal gas tragedy, riots,
nuclear weapon, attacks, etc.
 There is a great chance of disasters in India due to its geography
 Death, damage and destruction are the results of disasters.
 Disasters cause damage to life-supporting systems.
 Rehabilitation is an important part of disaster management.
5 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English
This story is an anecdote from Dr. A.J Cronin's experience as a
surgeon in the Royal Navy of the Great Britain. It is about a voyage from
Liverpool to Calcutta during the British rule in India. The story tells how
the author and the hero of the story manage a potential calamity, silently
and bravely. The narrator and the Serang heroically tries to save the lives
of the crew and passengers of the ship.
o The Story is written by Dr. A J Cronin.
o Hasan is a seaman.
o He looked ugly with his short legs and big head.
o Miss. Jope-Smith called him a comic creature.
o During the voyage,some of the crew had small pox.
o It was the duty of A J Cronin, the doctor of the ship, to control the
spreading of disease.
o Hasan was ready to take care the patients.
o He sponged the patients with permanganate solutions.
o He gave medicines in time.
o He supported the Doctor in many ways.
o He buried the dead seamen with due respect
o He is a symbol of selfless love, care, affection, sincerity, devotion,
dedication and responsibility.


Chekhov's 'Gooseberries' is a story of two brothers Ivan and
Nicholai, who pursue happiness in their own ways. The story provides
ample opportunities, to examine critically the ways they have chosen. The
extent to which they attain their goals is also worth considering. The
author examines two of his favourite themes within this tale: social
injustice and quest for fulfilment.
 The story is about man's search for happiness.
 Two brothers – Ivan and Nicholai seek to be happy.
 Ivan becomes a veterinary doctor.
 Nicholai wanted to buy a farm house with a garden of gooseberries.
 He achieves his dream by sacrificing many things like happiness,
health, joys, food, clothes and other entertainments.
 In the end, Nicholai is so happy in his own farm house with
 Ivan never cherishes a dream in his life.
 He is unhappy seeing Nicholai happy.
Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 6
 He can't even bear the sight of a happy family.
 But Nicholai fulfils his life's dream.
 He follows his goal without any compromises.


In this essay, “Going Out for a Walk”, Beerbohm challenges the
notion that walking is a productive mental exercise, especially if one is
accompanied by a talkative companion. The writer looks at walking as a
'physical exercise' with a different perspective.
 The writer is against walking for the sake of walking.
 He even doesn’t like a friend’s request to accompany him for a walk.
 Walking stops brain.
 If it is with a boring companion, it is useless.
 By walking, we waste our time for gossips, reading all inscriptions,
notices, advertisements and even milestones.
 Brain stops thinking, it’s just a physical activity.
 One’s power to instruct and to amuse is lost while he walks for the
sake of walking.


The advent of World Wide Web made a drastic change in the
dissemination of information. A cultural transformation took place from
the printed space to the cyber space. It redefined the spatial dimensions of
our universe.
 Cyber space is a real estate, intellectual, legal and artificial
 There are differences like park land, shopping malls and red-light zones.
 There are areas for information and entertainment.
 It is an unlimited world of virtual real estate.
 It is a voluntary destination.
There are 3 main areas.
1. Private emails/ chats 2. Information and entertainment
3. Communities
 They make rules instead of following it.
 It should be moderated to avoid unnecessary discussions and
 It is free from power structures.
 There is no geographical / gender differences.
 We have freedom to leave it or to love it.
7 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English
IS SOCIETY DEAD? Andrew Sullivan
This article talks about the 'i-pod generation', who are the ultra-
modern representatives of modern youth. The youngsters with white wires
hanging down from their ears, are in their own musical world. The nicer
aspects of life remain unnoticed as they keep themselves in their safe

o New generation gets addicted to i-pods, smart phones, other

technical devices.
o These addicts have common traits.
o They have vacant eyes.
o They are not social beings.
o They don’t have connection with outer society.
o They become isolated.
o They don't respond to social cues.
o They miss the sound of nature, cry of a baby, songs of birds.
o They miss the beauty of outer world.
o Technology makes them isolated beings.
o The ear phones disconnect them from outer world.


This story reveals the human face of technology in helping a young
girl shape the world around them. The daily charms of a regular life is
denied to the differently-abled children. The story depicts the need to
include them as the integral part of our society.

 The new technology helps, enables and equips physically-challenged

and mentally-retarded people.
 Greta's father entertains Greta by creating a Greta's street, Greta's
house with fruits in every room.
 He decorates her room with things of her choice like peaches in blue
bowls and white curtains.
 The story proves that technology provides refreshment, relaxation,
sense of achievement, confidence, happiness, satisfaction and
companionship to people like Greta.
 It is an additional boon to physically/ mentally challenged people.

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 8

IF – Rudyard Kipling
If is a didactic poem by the renowned British poet, Rudyard Kipling.
It is perhaps his most famous poem, which gained popular attention and
became a popular anthem.
• If is a beautiful poem by Rudyard Kipling.
• It explains the qualities of a perfect man.
• A gentleman should have a balanced character.
• He should believe in himself.
• He should be patient in waiting.
• He must not listen to lies.
• He thinks and acts well.
• He faces victory and defeat in the same manner.
• Others may twist his words but he never talks bad about them.
• He should work hard.
• He should keep in touch with ordinary people.
• He also keeps friendship with kingly people.

The poet uses figures of speech like metaphor, personification, etc in the
Personification: Triumph and disaster are personified as two imposters.
Metaphor: Unforgiving minute for the time that waits for no man.


This poem by James Shirley tells us about the glory of deeds. Good
deeds will be remembered forever. Deeds speak louder than words. The
central idea of the poem is the vanity and impermanence of earthly glory
and power.
• Death the Leveller is a beautiful poem by James Shirley.
• It reminds us the mortality of life.
• The rank, power and position in this life are not permanent.
• Everybody is equal in front of death
• The king and the common man face death in the same manner.
• They go in to the same cold tomb.
• The soldier and the farmer reap their own fields.
• But they yield to death.

9 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English

• The death put an end to life.
• But the sweet smell of the actions of the just will remain for ever
• The poem has three stanzas with three couplets.
• It has a rhyme scheme, ABABCCD.
• The poet uses many poetic devices.


This poem by Longfellow opens up new refreshing snapshots before
us. Travel helps to change our philosophy of life. The poem presents the
experience of the poet as he watches the sun rise amidst the hills.
• It is a beautiful poem.
• The poet watches the sunrise.
• He observes the changes when the sun rises.
• As the sun rises the veils are lifted.
• Then the beauty is revealed to the poet.
• The sun is compared to a warrior.
• His glory conquers all the earth.
• The poem is full of visual and auditory images.
• The nature is a source of inspiration and cure.
• It is always smart.
• It can heal the wounds of heart and mind
• Nothing can dim the smartness of nature


Benjamin Peck Keith

This poem is about one of the greatest tragedies at sea. This

tragedy also exposes some of the greatest acts of courage and heroism. The
poet Benjamin Peck Keith narrates this bravery of the duty-bound officials,
who upheld moral values and principles at the time of crisis.
• The Wreck of the Titanic is a beautiful poem by Benjamin Peck
• It is about the greatest tragedy in the sea.
• The poem exposes some noble acts of courage and heroism.
• The titanic was called as a poem of iron and steel.
• Travellers felt proud and safe.
• But it was struck and destroyed.
Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 10
• There were many heroes in the sinking ship.
• Captain Smith was the first.
• He was very brave and determined.
• The crew also proved their courage.
• The bandsmen continued to play music till their end.
• The poem celebrates the courage of Smith and his team

TO SLEEP William Wordsworth

Sleep is sonnet by the British Romantic poet William Wordsworth.
He narrates his own insomnia. The poem ends with a wistful hope and
• To Sleep is a beautiful sonnet by William Wordsworth.
• The poet couldn’t sleep.
• So he was worried.
• Different images of nature flashed through his mind.
• He considers sleep very divine.
• It is the mother of fresh thoughts and joyous health.
• It is the blessed barrier between day and day.
• The poem presents some finest sights and sounds.

Maggie is the central character in the story The Price of Flowers.
She was a teenaged English girl with long hair and sad eyes.
She is an adolescent girl.
She sacrificed all her joys of her age.
Her clothes revealed her poverty.
She loved her family very much.
She was so depressed about her brother who was a soldier in India.
But she was positive towards life.
She was very practical in life.
She was ready to face the challenges of life.
She could play violin.
She kept her house neat and clean.
She struggled to earn one shilling to buy flowers for her brother.
She was the symbol of love and innocence.

11 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English

HASAN, the Serang
 Hasan is the serang of the ship Ranaganji.
 He looks squat and ugly.
 He has short legs and disproportionate head.
 He is a Muslim from Punjab.
 He has no place of his own.
 He has no family or friends.
 He is not interested in earning money.
 He never expects any reward for his work.
 He helped the doctor in nursing the patients.
 He is ready to serve them even though it is an epidemic.
 He prays for them.
 He is very truthful and sincere.

o Dr. AJ Cronin is the narrator of the story.
o He is a newly-appointed doctor of Ranaganji.
o He plays a very important role in the time of disaster.
o We find him confused at the beginning of the story.
o After meeting Hasan, he regains courage.
o He is surprised to see the powerful character of Hasan.
o He is devoted to his profession.
o With the help of Hasan, he could save the lives.

 Nicholai is the younger brother of Ivan.
 He is a government employee.
 He had dreamt of buying a farm with a garden, river and gooseberry
 He sacrificed the happiness of life to achieve his dream.
 He lived like a miser and married a wealthy widow.
 Finally, he bought the farmhouse.
 He planted gooseberries and lived like a landlord.
 His character is an example for self-fulfilment

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 12

 Ivan is an important character in the story Gooseberries.
 He is a veterinary surgeon.
 He told his brother’s story to his friends.
 He was worried to see his brother’s happiness.
 He never had a dream.
 He feels too old to start a new life.
 He is unhappy even to see even a happy family.
 His character couldn’t attain self-fulfilment

 Greta is the main character in the story Conceptual Fruit.
 She is a sixteen-year-old girl
 She has blonde hair and blue eyes.
 She is differently abled.
 She is studying in the 5th grade.
 She attends a special school.
 She has the habit of repeating everything she hears.
 She wants to have each room with bowls of fruits.
 Her father tries to make her future safe.

Use and Abuse of Cyberspace

Cyber space is a parallel world based on internet. Nobody can live

without this ‘space’. This virtual world gives us any information within
seconds. The communication is so fast and cheap in this world. But we
should discuss in detail the negative side of this world. The young
generation is wasting time using this space for unimportant matters. There
are many issues in the world regarding the misuse of cyber space. The new
generation is very active in the cyber space. They forget that the real life is
outside. Thus, it is a social issue too.

4th March 2020

What a day it has been for me today! I cannot forget this day in
my life. I am sad / happy this day. What am I to do? How can I Sleep?
13 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English
Introducing a Person

Good morning
Dear teachers and my dear friends,
I am happy to be here on this occasion. I would like to introduce a
guest to you. The founder of SammaN Foundation and a world famous
social entrepreneur. Yes, Irfan Alam is our chief guest. He is a young
business man. He is from Bihar. He organized the Rickshaw pullers. He is
the founder of SammaN Foundation. He is a role model for us. I welcome
the guest. Let’s give him a big applause. I welcome all of you.
Thank you

Conditionals : Type 1 (open condition)

If-clause Simple Present -- Main clause Will shall can may +plain
1. If you study hard -- you will get a first class.
2. If it rains -- we shall postpone our picnic.
3. If I find the pen -- I shall give it to you.
Conditionals of this type tell us that something will happen if a
certain condition is fulfilled. The condition may or may not be fulfilled.
Conditionals : Type 2 (Improbable or imaginary condition)
If-clause Simple Past (Subjunctive) -- Main clause
would/shauld/could/might + plain infinitive
1. If you studied hard -- you would get a first class.
2. If I were you -- I should not do that
3. If we started now -- we could be in time
Conditionals of this type are used when we talk about something
which we don't expect to happen or which is purely imaginary.
Conditionals : Type 3 (Unfulfilled condition)
If-clause past perfect Main clause would/should/could/might + perfect
1. If you had studied hard -- you would have got a first class.
2. If I had tried again -- I should have succeeded.
Conditionals of this type say that something did not happen because
a certain condition was not fulfilled.

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 14

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today is a page which will be written in golden ink in the history of
France. A journey with a difference is about to take place – a journey
through the ‘SKIES’. A few gentlemen are going to master the winds and
the skies. Yes, here is a balloon ride, a ride from Paris through air.
Now I am standing very close to La Villette, the place where Le
Horla is about to take off. About 300 people are standing here to witness
the starting of this wonderful event. Captain Jovis and the other travelers
are ready for the ride.
Well, La Horla, the balloon is also ready for the ride with the
command of Mr. Joliet. The rope has been cut. Oh! The moment the rope
is cut, the balloon starts flying upward. Wow! What a spectacular scene!
The multi-coloured balloon has its take off now. The balloon is moving in
a moderate speed as you can see in the visuals.
From LaVillette,, with Cameraman Jean Davis, Juliet Le Paris TV,

Question 1 : Would you mind spending some time with me for an

Answer : No, I wouldn’t. You can take as much time as you want.

Question 2 : What prompted you to select this field?

Answer : My Childhood experiences, wide reading and the realities
around me prompted me to select this field.

Question 3 : Who is your role model?

Answer : I don’t consider anyone as my role model. Everyone who
comes into my life teaches me something new.

Question 4 : Would you like to give a piece of advice to the present

Answer : Yes, I think our youth have immense potential to change the
ways of the world. They should use their talents, knowledge
and skills to create a better world.

15 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English


Priya Sekhar
‘Happy Villa’
Vattiyoorkavu P O
Thiruvananthapuram – 695023

The HR Manager
Teach for India
Mumbai, India


Sub: Application for the post of _______ (write the name of the post)_______.

Ref: Advertisement in The Times of India dated 25/01/2020.

With reference to the advertisement in ‘The Times of India’ dated

25.01.2020, I would like to apply for the post of ___________ (write the name of
the post)________ in your esteemed institution. I am a graduate in English
Language and Literature and have an experience of two and half years in a
private institution in the city.

I will be extremely pleased to be a part of your company. If selected

I promise to serve the company in the best possible way.

Please find enclosed a copy of my resume. I look forward to hearing

from you.

Yours faithfully,
Priya Sekhar

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 16


(Your Name)
(Your e-mail) (PHOTO)
(Your phone number)

(Address for Communication)

To work in a firm where I can utilize my abilities for its overall

Educational Qualification:
MA, B.Ed., NET

· Worked in National Service Scheme for two years
· Served as College Union Chairman during post-graduation
· Won essay and quiz competitions at graduation level

· Won the best volunteer award during my term in NSS

· Computer expertise with P.G. diploma in Computer Application
· Skilled in MS Word, MS Excel, and Power Point

· English, Hindi, Malayalam (speak, read, and write)

· Travel, Reading and Badminton


I hereby declare that the details given above are true to the best of
my knowledge and belief


17 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English

Appreciation of a poem

_____ (write the name of the poem)____ is a great poem. It is written by ______
(write the name of the poet)_____. This is a very interesting poem. The author has
used good language in the poem. The poem is about _______ (theme)______.
The poet has written a lot of similar poems. But this one is his best.

These are the most beautiful lines of the poem. These lines convey a lot of
meanings. Every reader will like these lines. The ending of the poem is
Both the poems convey good message. The poems share many
things in common. We can also see striking contrasts. Both the poets use
figures of speech. They make them effective. The poets view the same
issue from different angles.

Speech (Format)

Dear friends,

I am here in front of you to speak a few words on the topic “____

(name of the topic)___”. I am very happy that I got a chance to talk to you. I have
a lot of ideas about this topic. I thank the organizers for giving me an
opportunity to speak before you. You can agree or disagree with my
views. Please be patient to hear my words.

__________(few sentences about the topic)____________

It is time to end my speech. Thank you for your patience. Please

think about my ideas. Ideas can change lives. It is time to be active. We
hope for a better tomorrow. Always remember that. Wishing you all a
great day. Thank you.

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 18

Letter to the Editor


The Chief Editor
Times of India, Kochi

Sub:- __________ (name of the topic)__________

I read Times of India daily. It is a great news paper. You report

everything truthfully. I write this letter to share my ideas on the topic ____
(name of the topic)___. I have my own opinion about this issue. Please consider
my ideas. Please publish it in the newspaper.
__________(few sentences about the topic)____________
_____ (name of the topic)_____ is an important issue. Government must
think about this. Similar issues come up every day. There are positive and
negative sides to every subject. We have to accept the positives and reject
the negatives. The Government and the readers should open their eyes. It
is time to be active. We hope for a better tomorrow. I conclude the letter.
Thank you
Yours Faithfully,

How are you? I think you are going smooth there. I am somewhat
fine here. I think it is long since we wrote each other.
I am writing this letter to tell you an important matter.
Convey my regards to all. Hoping to see you soon. I stop my letter.
19 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English
Travel Essay

We were very thrilled to visit Wayanad. Our trip was to Wayanad

last week. We set out our journey at 5 AM. It was a wonderful experience
to travel through Thamarasseri Ghats. It was covered with fog. I enjoyed
the scene a lot. The monkeys were very active on the road to chase our bus
as if they expected some eatables from us. Some of us threw some food
items out of the bus.
After breakfast we went straight to Pookkod Lake. We experienced a
soothing atmosphere there. Most of us were busy taking photos in the
background of the scenic beauty. At 10 Am we returned back from the
lake and headed to Meenmutty Waterfalls. This was very close to
Neelimala. We reached the falls through a 2kms trekking. Everybody
enjoyed the water fall by getting down the cool water. At 12 noon we went
to Banasura Sagar Dam, which is the largest earth dam in India. After
taking lunch at 12 45 pm we began to climb the step of the Dam. The sight
was so beautiful. We had a shopping of spices, coffee, bamboo products
and herbal products from nearby shop. At 3 pm we reached Edakal Caves.
To climb up to the top of the caves was not that easy. We felt so tired
reaching the top of the hills.
By 6 pm we started journey back to our school. We enjoyed our
journey very much. All of us were dancing and singing as we could. We
reached school at 8.30. It was really a memorable trip.

He/She was born on (date) at(place)in(city/state/year)
 He/She was born in Russia in 1920 (on 25th March 1920)
 He/She was educated at the University of Oxford.
 He/She has won several aw
 ards including Padmasree.
 He/She is the recipient of many national and international awards
including Padmabhushan.
 His/Her major works include A,B,C and D (Develop the hints to
write the Profile)
R.K. Narayan was born in 1906 in Tamilnadu. He completed his
education in Chennai and Mysore. He is famous as a writer. His important
works are The Guide, Swami and Friends, Malgudi days. He was
awarded Sahithya Academy Award in 1951 . He passed away in 2001 . He
continues to live in the minds of people even today.
Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 20
The following steps are involved
1. Provide an apt title for the precis
2. Identity the central idea
3. Avoid examples and non-essential information
4. Reduce the length of the passage into 1/3rd
Activity III: Email

To :
Cc :
Sub: Greetings!

Dear friend,
Hello and how are you? Things are going on fine here in Kerala. I have
joined school for plus one course in Govt MGHSS, Chadayamangalam.
You too must be going to school, right? Did you join for the commerce
group? How does the new subjects feel? Are you still in New Indian
School, Dubai? Well, when will you be arriving here next year? I have a
lot of things to convey to you.
The best thing I saw in the Plus one course is a set of new books and a new
syllabus. Especially the new English Text. Oh, my dear friend…. all the
stories and articles are so nice; and so inspiring. The text is printed in
colour and even has pictures and grammar exercises; for the first time in
I am so happy to hear from you after a long time. Hope we will meet
during next Christmas.
Love and Warm Regards

21 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English



------(Write the name of the function)------

It has been decided to conduct a____________(name of the

programme)_____ on _________(date)________ under the auspicious of
___________(name of club) in ABCD School,at
__________(time)am/pm. The venue is __________. The
__________(name of inaugurator) will inaugurate the function. All are

Place: _______ Signature

Date: _______ Secretary/Convenor
Name of the Club


Prayer : School Choir

Welcome Speech : Headmaster
Inauguration : (Name of Inaugurator)
Felicitations : 1. (Name of the speaker, his/her designation)
2.(Name of the speaker, his/her designation)
Vote of Thanks : Convenor(Name)
National Anthem



Seminar on Poverty: a Social Issue

It has been decided to conduct a Seminar on Poverty a Social Issue

on 2 February 2013 under the auspicious of the Englsih Club in Govt.
High School Kozhikode, at 2pm. The venue is School Auditorium The
Panchayat President, Ms. Haseena will inaugurate the function. All are

Place: Kozhikode Signature

Date: 20/01/2013 Secretary/Convenor
English Club

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 22

Slogans / Placards/ Wall notice
Save trees, Save Earth Green Kerala, Clean Kerala
Good Earth, Green Earth Preserve forest Reserve water
Plan and plant trees Save Earth Save Life

Agree / Disagree

 I agree with it.

 It is right
 I don’t agree with it.
 It is wrong.
 It is good.
 There are many merits and demerits.

? Imagine that you are participating in a debate on the topic

'Empowerment of a woman begins at home.' Write four points to justify
your arguments
a) I agree with it.
b) Empowerment of woman begins at home.
c) Women should get freedom at home.
d) Women do many things at home.

STEP UP, Vijayabheri – District Panchayath, Malappuram
‘Kaithangu’, Published by District Panchayath, Pathanamthitta

23 REVISION TIPS | Higher Secondary (Class XI) English

Higher Secondary (Class XI) English | REVISION TIPS 24

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