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1. What is meant by energy spectrum of a black body? What do you infer from it?

The distribution of energy for various wavelengths at various temperatures is known as energy
spectrum of a black body.

Inference: (i) The energy distribution will not be uniform for any particular temperature.

(ii) When temperature increases, the wavelength decreases.

(iii) The total energy emitted at any particular temperature can be found with the help of the area
traced by the curve.

2. Explain Planck’s hypothesis (or) What are the postulates of Plancks quantum theory?

(i) The atoms in the black body are assumed as simple harmonic oscillators.

(ii) The oscillators will not emit energy continuously.

(iii) They emit radiation in terms of quanta of magnitude ‘hν’, discretely.

i.e., E = nhʋ where n = 1, 2, 3, 4…

3. What are matter waves? Write an expression for the wavelength of matter waves?

The waves associated with moving particles of matter (e.g., electrons, photons, etc) are known as
matter waves or de-Broglie waves.

Wavelength for matter waves is

λ = h / mv = h / p

where, h – planck’s constant

m – mass of the particle

v – velocity of the particle

p – momentum of the particle

4. What is the physical significance of a wave function?

(i) The probability of finding a particle in space, at any given instant of time is characterised by a
function ψ (x, y,z),called wave function.

(ii) It relates the particle and the wave statistically.

(iii) It gives the information about the particle behaviour.

(iv) It is a complex quantity.

(v) |ψ|2 represents the probability density of the particle, which is real and positive.

5. Write down the schroedinger wave equation and give any two applications of it.

There are two types of schroedinger wave equations,viz.

(i) The Schroedinger time dependent wave equation, given by

Eψ = Hψ

Where, E - Total energy of the particle

H - Hamiltonian operator

Ψ - wave function

(ii) Schroedinger time independent wave equation, given by,

∇2ψ + 2m / ħ2 [E - V] ψ = 0

Where, E - Total energy of the particle

V - Potential energy of the particle

m - mass of the particle

ħ - h / 2π (h – Planck’s constant)


1. It is used to find the electrons in atomic structures.

2. It is used to find the energy levels of an electron in an infinite deep potential well.

6. Define normalisation process and write down the normalised wave function for an
electron in a one dimensional potential well of length ‘l’ metres.

Normalisation is the process by which the probability of finding a particle inside any potential
well can be done.
It is given by,
Ψ = √2/𝑙 sin nπx / l, where l is length of potential well
7. Define Wien’s displacement law. Give its limitation.

It is defined as the product of the wavelength of maximum energy emitted and the absolute
temperature is constant.
λmT = constant
Limitation : It holds good only for shorter wavelength.

8. Define Rayleigh – Jeans law. Give its limitation.

It is defined as the energy is directly proportional to the absolute temperature and is inversely
proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength.
E = 8Πkt / λ4
Limitation :It holds good only for longer wavelength.

9. Write the Fermi – dirac distribution function and give its importance.

Fermi – dirac distribution function represents the probability of an electron occupying a given
energy level. It is given by

𝐹 (𝐸 ) = 𝐸−𝐸𝐹
1+ 𝑒 𝑘𝑇

Where , K – Boltzmann constant

T – Absolute temperature

Importance : It gives the probability of filling the electron within the given energy level.

10. Define density of energy state .

Density of states Z(E)dE is defined as the number of available energy states per unit volume
in an energy interval E and E+dE.

Z(E)dE = Number of available energy states between E and E+dE in a cubical metal piece
Volume of that cubical metal piece

11. What are the characteristics of Laser light. ( Or ) State the properties of laser beam.

The four important characteristics of the laser beam are :

(i) It is highly directional
(ii) It has high intensity
(iii) The beam is purely monochromatic
(iv) It has coherence

12. What are the conditions required for laser action ?

The two important conditions required for laser action are

(i) Population inversion should be achieved
(ii) Stimulated emission should be predominant over spontaneous emission

13. What is meant by population inversion and how it is achieved?

The number of atoms in higher energy level is more than that in lower energy level is called
population inversion. It is an essential requirement for producing a laser beam. It is achieved
by pumping action.

14. Can a two – level system be used for the production of laser ? Why?
No, two – level system cannot be used for the production of laser , because for population
inversion to be achieved at least three levels are required.

15. Write the difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. Spontaneous emission Stimulated emission

1 Emission of light radiation is not Induced emission of light radiations
triggered by external influence caused by incident photons
2 Emitted photon travels in random Emitted photon travels in particular
direction direction
3 Emitted photons cannot be controlled Emitted photons can be controlled
4 This process is a key factor for This process is a key factor for laser
ordinary light

16. What is pumping action ? What are the three important components of any laser

The process of creating a population inversion in the atomic states is known as pumping
action. It is essential requirement for producing a laser beam.

The three important components of laser are ,

(i) Active medium
(ii) Pumping source
(iii) Optical resonator

17. What is meant by optical resonator ( or ) Resonance cavity?

An optical resonator or a resonance cavity is a feed back system, which consists of an active
medium kept in between a 100% mirror and a partial mirror. Here, the intensity of light
produced in the active medium is increased by making the light to bounce back and forth
between the mirrors. Finally the laser beam comes through the partial mirror.

18. What is Nd – YAG laser?

Nd – YAG is a neodymium based laser

Nd – Neodymium ( rare earth element Nd3+ )
YAG – Yittrium Aluminium Garnet ( Y3 Al5 O12 )
It is a four level solid state laser.

19. What is the role of nitrogen and helium in CO2 laser?

In CO2 laser the nitrogen helps to increase the population of atoms in the upper level of CO 2
while helium helps to depopulate the atoms in the lower level of CO 2 and also to cool the
discharge tube.

20. What are the applications of laser in industry and medical fields.

Industry :
(i) Cutting
(ii) Drilling
(iii) Welding
(iv) Non – Destructive Testing ( NDT ) : Testing the materials for flaws or defects
without damaging them.

Medical :

(i) Treatment of detached retinas

(ii) Performing micro surgery and bloodless operation

(iii) Treatment of human and animal cancer and skin cancer

(iv) It is used to shatter the kidney stones

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