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Managed Backup

Data protection for critical
business information

Customized backup solutions to meet your business needs

Regardless of your business goals, OnX Canada has a tailored Data Protection Backup solution to meet your needs. Whether
you want to retain control of your current backup environment with an offsite cloud target or hand the accountability over to
the certified experts, we have answers. OnX offers a Managed Backup solution ideal for diverse environments and workloads,
and by partnering with OnX, you can worry less about your data protection and focus more on your business objectives.

Managed Cloud Backup

The OnX Managed Backup solution is ideal for environments containing both physical and virtual workloads. This solution offers:

• Backup to OnX high-availability robust data centers or public cloud.

• Reduced CapEx for software and infrastructure and operational overhead of managing backups and restorations.
• Savings on bandwidth as we will never back up the same data twice.
• Simple, one-step recoverability from image-level backups.
• End-to-end management by OnX certified professionals.
• Ability to offload the day-to-day burden of ensuring backups are working and that you can recover in the event of an incident.

OnX Cloud Portfolio

Cloud Consulting Cloud Services Cloud Infrastructure Data Center Data Protection

Cloud Infrastructure
Consulting Data Center
Cloud Security

OnX Managed Backup Solutions—Data protection for critical business information

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Navigating the application era

Managed Backup: Your ransomware get-out-of-jail card
The nature of ransomware code is to seek out every device on a network, encrypt everything, and demand payment in
exchange for a decryption key. Ransomware authors understand that backup systems undermine their efforts, so their code
typically targets backup capabilities. Of course, cloud backups can be placed beyond the reach of ransomware. For instance,
a dedicated offsite backup solution can copy files and data to a secondary cloud storage site where malware cannot find it.

To prepare for and fend off ransomware attacks, organizations need a robust backup and recovery program that accounts for
the needs of their business and their customers while protecting vital data and keeping key systems online. Many organizations
are choosing to partner with experienced managed backup providers to ensure their data is safe.

Did you know OnX also offers backup assessments as a service?

During our backup assessment, OnX experts gain an in-depth understanding of your business requirements and priorities that
your backup plan should cover. Our process includes:

• Conducting staff interviews and developing backup • Discussing best practices, covering strategic direction,
requirements. applications, and processes.
• Collecting, analyzing, and verifying IT environment data. • Compiling recommendations—including a well-defined,
strategic roadmap for data backup and restoration—into
a detailed report.

OnX is here to help with your migration and setup of a Managed Backup environment and provide all of the ongoing support.

Managed Cloud Backup

Back up to OnX high-availability robust data centers or public cloud.

Client data center OnX data center



From developing and deploying modern apps and the secure, scalable platforms on which they run to managing, monitoring,
and optimizing their operations, OnX Canada is the trusted partner businesses need to thrive in the application era.

Contact us today.

OnX Managed Backup Solutions—Data protection for critical business information

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Navigating the application era

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