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1. vesicular (heard during auscultation of chest)

Inspirasi dominan terbentuk dari Turbulensi terbentuk diantara bronkus lobaris dan segmental

Ekspirasi dominan terbentuk dari aliran udara ketika melewati airway yg lebih besar

2. tracheal (heard during auscultation over the sternum)

Higher and higher pitched than vesicular sounds are.

The expiratory phase is as long as or longer than the inspiratory phase.


1. wheezing

Indikasi obstruksi airway

2. crackles

Ada 2 fine dan coarse. Fine crackes frekuensi lebih tinggi durasi lebih rendah dari coarse crackle.
Fine crackle terjadi akibat pembukaan tiba tiba dari airway yg tertutup, coarse crackle terjadi karena
adanya sekret.

3. ronchi

Low pitched wheezes,. Rupture of fluid films and airway wall vibrations and are associated with
disorders that vause increased airway secretion or reduced clearance of secretions. Rochi tend to
clear with coughing

4. stridor

High pitched contionuous sound heard over the trachea. Due to turbulent in upper airway (larynx or

5. pleural rub

Inflamed pleural surfaces against one and other during ches tmovement, cause include. Tb and
pneumonia Lower anterior lung

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