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Literature Review on the Staff Turnover Rate in Saudi Arabia

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Literature Review on the Staff Turnover Rate in Saudi Arabia

A high turnover rate is a critical indicator that is undesirable to employers. It is also
an expensive ordeal since they must sit and restructure on how to acquire a new team and
train them to the workplace specifications. Nevertheless, the turnover figures have triggered
action from the Saudi Arabian Ministry Of Health, as evidenced in this review.
An Acute Observation
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has noted a high turnover rate in the work history of
Saudi Arabian staff. Staff turnover is the rate at which staff leaves their employment
positions within a given period, often one year. The ministry is highly concerned about this
trend since it is an indicator of organizational performance. They are responsible for the
wellness, health policies, and programs run within the health sector. It is the largest service
provider with the most employees in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, there is a need to manage the
workforce to ensure that the employees enjoy their work and, in turn, offer exemplary service
in return.
Challenges Leading to High Turnover Rates
A high turnover rate results when the employees are unsatisfied with their working
environments and choose to leave the job sooner or later. A lower turnover is witnessed when
the employees prefer to retain their existing workplaces. According to Alluhidan (2020), the
high turnover is contributed to the perception of poor working conditions and low payments
after work. The primary aim of the ministry is to reduce the turnover rate to a level below the
world's average. It seeks to achieve this objective through fundamental strategies discussed in
this review.
Several challenges promote the high turnover, and the two mentioned earlier are but a
drop in the sea. Surveys conducted to study the high turnover rate in Saudi Arabia reveal that
lack of motivation at work and failure to give employees a work-life balance quickly
accelerates the possibility of turnover increase. The world is dynamic, and many keep
changing, especially in IT. Most organizations assume that the skills during the recruitment
face of employees will automatically advance without them taking part in further training.
This delusion is an active ingredient of high turnover rates.
Finding a solution ot the Highturnover Rates
There is a direct correlation between an employee's job satisfaction and their intention
to leave their job. According to Muzaffar & Javed (2021), employees who are satisfied with
their jobs tend to have a lower turnover rate, while those who are unsatisfied have a higher

rate. The MOH found out that there are possible actions that, if taken, will reduce the high
turnover rate figures. Some of these practices include organizing paid leaves, paying for
holiday retreats, creating a safe working environment, and offering career development
opportunities and seminars. The organization also noted that the turnover is likely to reduce if
the right personnel is employed since they will not find it difficult to adjust to the
environmental demands.
Additionally, when employees are given training and development opportunities and
promotions, it leads to increased job satisfaction and a lower turnover rate. Proper training
and development positively impact job satisfaction (Huang, 2019). To critical extents, the
organizations can consider importing foreign labor to fill the numerous positions the locals
would often shift to, thereby reducing the turnover rate. The MOH offers various pieces of
training for its staff, gives them incentives, conducts regular motivating programs strictly
scrutinizes the recruitment procedures to ensure they find only the candidates suitable for the
needed posts.
The ministry is capable of controlling the turnover effect in the nation of Saudi
Arabia. All they need is proper planning and coordination to execute the planned mandates.
The enactment of the mentioned solution can also solve the problem or atleast reduce it.
Questions related to the case study
Is the ministry of health willing to cater to the advanced education of all its employees whose
number is beyond 100,000?
To what limits will the organizations be willing to pay to curb the high turnover rate?

Alluhidan, M., Tashkandi, N., Alblowi, F., Omer, T., Alghaith, T., Alghodaier, H., Omer, T.,
Alghaith T., Alghodaier, H., Alazemi N., Tulenko K., Herbst C., Hamza M. &
Alghamdi, M. G. (2020). Challenges and policy opportunities in nursing in Saudi
Arabia. Human Resources for Health, 18(1), 1-10.
Huang, W. R. (2019). Job training satisfaction, job satisfaction, and job performance. Career
Development and Job Satisfaction, 25.
Muzaffar, S., & Javed, U. (2021). Training and development opportunities and turnover
intentions post saudization. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of
Egypt/Egyptology, 18(14), 521-531.

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