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Getting Hands on

Dynamic Reservoir
Simulation with

Black-Oil Case Study

This tutorial is designed to describe the procedure to set up Black Oil simulations; the aim of the first
part is to show how to configure a black-oil context simulation and quality check the data step-by-
step. The second part encourages the trainee to solve common simulation challenges when history
matching and when running predictions. This will be achieved through a series of practical exercises
and group discussions.

The objectives of the training are:

To explain step by step how to configure a dynamic simulation using PumaFlow™ on a Black-
Oil context.
To present an overall of features available on OpenFlow platform.
To give expertise for solving common challenges faced by reservoir simulation engineers.
To promote the independence of the trainee using PumaFlow™ as its dynamic simulation
To promote knowledge interchanges between trainees concerning field development and
history matching.

Some of the skills that the trainee will learn through this tutorial are:

To build a black-oil context dynamic simulation.

To correctly prepare/create the data needed by the simulator.
To visualize and quality check the data.
To perform changes and modifications to the simulation.
To analyze results using all available tools offered by PumaFlow™.
To monitor the simulation.
To learn the key aspects of simulation.
To run predictions.
To perform classical history matching exercises.

This training is designed for new users; there is no need to have previous experience working with
PumaFlow™. Nevertheless, should you have any question during the training, do not hesitate to ask
your trainer, he will pleasingly answer any doubt.

All of the cases in the present document will be run in ALWYN field case from North Sea. For training
purposes, adaptations were done.

Online help is always available from OpenFlow Suite platform.

Enjoy your PumaFlow™ experience!

PumaFlowTM I
1.1 Range of applications ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Reservoir description ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Thermodynamic modeling ....................................................................................................................... 1
Simplified Hydrocarbon Thermodynamic Model ........................................................................................................................ 2

Compositional Thermodynamic Model ...................................................................................................................................... 2

1.1.3 Dual porosity-permeability option ........................................................................................................... 2

1.1.4 Chemical EOR options .............................................................................................................................. 2
Polymer Option .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Surfactant Option ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Alkaline Option ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.5 Thermal applications ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1.6 Fluid flow modelling ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.7 Production aspects ................................................................................................................................... 4
Well Level Features .................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Sector and Reservoir Levels ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

Production Control ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1.8 Numerical resolution ................................................................................................................................ 4

1.2 Software aspects .................................................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Why ? .............................................................................................................. 5

1.4 Questions ............................................................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER 2 ALWYN FIELD CASE PRESENTATION .......................................................... 6

2.1 Alwyn Field History .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Field Properties and Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 7
Traps: Equilibrium Regions ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Fluid Properties .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Petrophysical Properties ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

2.1.2 Numerical Model .................................................................................................................................... 11

Grid Characteristics .................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Numerical Scheme.................................................................................................................................................................... 11

PVT Model ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Time Step Management ........................................................................................................................................................... 12

Production history .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER 3 INTRODUCTION TO OPENFLOW .............................................................. 13

3.1 Connecting to an OpenFlow project .................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Defining unit system and conventions ............................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Defining the unit system ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.2.2 Defining conventions.............................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.3 Date format ............................................................................................................................................ 18

3.3 Study .................................................................................................................................................. 19

3.4 Help .................................................................................................................................................... 19

Black-Oil Case Study II PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 4 FIELD DATA PREPARATION ..................................................................... 22
4.1 Grid data ............................................................................................................................................ 22
4.1.1 Import Grid data..................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 Operations with Calculator: property creation ...................................................................................... 25
Y Cell Permeability .................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Z Cell Permeability .................................................................................................................................................................... 29

4.2 Importing PVT .................................................................................................................................... 30

4.3 Creating KrPc models ......................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.1 Corey Functions ...................................................................................................................................... 42

4.4 Creating the rock compressibility model ........................................................................................... 43

4.5 Creating traps ..................................................................................................................................... 45
4.5.1 Trap creation wizard .............................................................................................................................. 45
4.5.2 Trap importation through generic file .................................................................................................... 46
4.6 Well data ............................................................................................................................................ 49
4.6.1 Importing well paths .............................................................................................................................. 49
4.6.2 Well historical data ................................................................................................................................ 52
Delete properties tool .............................................................................................................................................................. 60

4.7 Defining faults .................................................................................................................................... 60

4.8 Regions for model allocation ............................................................................................................. 64
4.8.1 Region for Kr-Pc allocation ..................................................................................................................... 64
4.8.2 Region for Trap Allocation ...................................................................................................................... 66
4.8.3 Region for Rock Compressibility Allocation ............................................................................................ 68

4.9 Summary of Data Management ......................................................................................................... 69

CHAPTER 5 SETTING UP THE DYNAMIC SIMULATION ................................................ 70

5.1 Configure a PumaFlow activity .......................................................................................................... 70
5.2 Defining simulation parameters ........................................................................................................ 72
5.2.1 General Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 72
5.2.2 Workflow Parameters Tab ..................................................................................................................... 74
Static parameters edition ......................................................................................................................................................... 74

5.2.3 Storage Preferences Tab ........................................................................................................................ 75

Storage Outputs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75

5.3 Editing the production scheduler ....................................................................................................... 77

5.3.1 Production Tree...................................................................................................................................... 77
5.3.2 Production Constraints ........................................................................................................................... 79
Properties tab ........................................................................................................................................................................... 81

5.3.3 Numerical Parameters............................................................................................................................ 82

5.3.4 Storage Preferences ............................................................................................................................... 82

5.4 Adding petrophysical properties ........................................................................................................ 83

5.5 Defining PI and MPI ............................................................................................................................ 84
5.6 Configuring model-zone associations ................................................................................................ 87
5.7 Selecting connections and editing transmissibility ............................................................................ 91
5.8 PumaFlow activity check .................................................................................................................... 93
5.9 Running a simulation ......................................................................................................................... 94
5.10 Visualizing results ............................................................................................................................... 97
5.10.1 Grid results ............................................................................................................................................. 98
Ternary oil-water-gas Saturation Diagram................................................................................................................................ 98

5.10.2 Trap results........................................................................................................................................... 100

Black-Oil Case Study III PumaFlow™

5.10.3 Production tree results......................................................................................................................... 102
5.10.4 Wells production results in 3D Viewer ................................................................................................. 109
5.10.5 Perforations results .............................................................................................................................. 110
5.10.6 Active constraints ................................................................................................................................. 114

5.11 Aquifer impact ................................................................................................................................. 114

5.11.1 Defining an analytical aquifer and the aquifer connection .................................................................. 114
5.11.2 Simulation with aquifer ........................................................................................................................ 117

5.12 Workflow management ................................................................................................................... 121

5.12.1 Workflow Tree...................................................................................................................................... 121
5.13 Restart Run ...................................................................................................................................... 121
5.14 Windowing option ........................................................................................................................... 123
5.14.1 Define a window for the sector ............................................................................................................ 124
5.14.2 Perform a simulation on the complete reservoir to calculate the sector boundary conditions........... 125
5.14.3 Perform a simulation on the sector...................................................................................................... 127
5.14.4 New production scenario on a sector .................................................................................................. 128

5.15 Local Grid Refinement...................................................................................................................... 130

5.15.1 LGR from grid contextual menu ........................................................................................................... 130
5.15.2 Simulation with LGR ............................................................................................................................. 132
PI computation for LGR .......................................................................................................................................................... 133

Regions association for LGR.................................................................................................................................................... 134

5.16 Explicit Initial State ............................................................................................................................... 3

5.16.1 Generate an Explicit Initial State from an existing simulation .................................................................. 3
5.16.2 Workflow edition in Explicit initial State .................................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER 6 PRACTICAL EXERCISES............................................................................... 5

6.1 Classical Local History Matching .......................................................................................................... 5
6.1.1 Simulation with Optimized Parameters (Exercise 1) ................................................................................ 5
6.1.2 Well-by-Well Watercut Match (Exercise 2) .............................................................................................. 8
6.1.3 Relative permeability modification (Exercise 2A) ..................................................................................... 8
6.1.4 Transmissibility Multipliers (Exercise 2B) ............................................................................................... 11
6.1.5 Updating the model with event information (Exercise 3A) .................................................................... 14
6.1.6 Well by Well BHP matching – MPI modifications (Exercise 3B) .............................................................. 15
6.1.7 Well by Well BHP matching – local permeability changes (Exercise 3C) ................................................ 16

6.2 Prediction Cases ................................................................................................................................. 19

6.2.1 Prediction Base Case (Exercise 4) ........................................................................................................... 19
6.2.2 Forecast with Remedial Operations (Exercise 5) .................................................................................... 22
6.2.3 Forecast – Injection optimization (Exercise 6)........................................................................................ 26
6.2.4 Opportunity Index for New Well Locations – New Well Creation (Ex. 7) ............................................... 28
6.2.5 New Well location (Exercise 8) ............................................................................................................... 32
6.2.6 Pressure Maintenance (Exercise 9) ........................................................................................................ 35

CHAPTER 7 SPECIAL STUDY TOOLS ............................................................................ 38

7.1 Productivity Index optimizer (Exercise 10) ........................................................................................ 38
7.1.1 Flowmeter importation .......................................................................................................................... 38
7.1.2 Flowmeter discretization........................................................................................................................ 38
7.1.3 Simulated data ....................................................................................................................................... 40
7.1.4 MPI Optimizer ........................................................................................................................................ 40

7.2 Fluid in place volume and Additional fluid in place calculation ......................................................... 42
7.2.1 FIP creation ............................................................................................................................................ 42
7.2.2 FIP results ............................................................................................................................................... 43

Black-Oil Case Study IV PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 1 PumaFlow a Multipurpose Dynamic
Reservoir Simulator
1.1 Range of applications
PumaFlow™ is a reservoir simulator able to satisfy all the basic and advanced reservoir engineering
needs. It includes a wide range of options:

Corner point and conventional block centered geometry;

Cartesian block-center options with regular or irregular (subgridding) grids;
Black-oil thermodynamic (rigorous or extended), real two-component, compositional with or
without solubility of components in the water phase, and vaporization if needed.
Single or dual porosity (possibly dual permeability) medium;
Thermal effects, EOR;
Chemical additives in water phase: polymers, surfactants, alkalines;
Ions, tracers in water phase.

1.1.1 Reservoir description

The following types of structures are covered by PumaFlow™:

o Corner point geometry.

o Block centered geometry.
o Cartesian geometry

Other features concerning reservoir description:

o Regular or with local grid refinement.

o A highly flexible input of user requirements.
o Grid refinement is defined by local substitution in a previously defined level (tree
o Accurate calculation of inter-cell connections.

A rigorous representation of:

o faults (variable shifts, diagonal direction)

o local layers and interlayers
o pinch-outs

1.1.2 Thermodynamic modeling

As a general procedure, the model is based on:

Dynamic update of thermodynamic library representations when dealing with basic

calculations (density, viscosity, equilibrium, enthalpy, etc.).
Dynamic allocation of these representations (or some of them) to wells, cells, surface
equipment, etc.).

Two basic user inputs are available:

Black-Oil Case Study 1 PumaFlow™

Simplified Hydrocarbon Thermodynamic Model
Black-oil representation including an extension characterized by pressure dependent gas
Real two-component formulation for slightly volatile oils and “simple” condensate gas
applications. User's representation through the input of Rs, etc.;
Precise and flexible input of composite PVT data for flowrate calculation at surface

Compositional Thermodynamic Model

Ncomponents in all phases (1, 2 or 3);
Two-parameter equations of state (PR, SRK);
K values function of pressure, temperature and composition;
Dynamic definition of surface equipment (separators, gas plants) working under various
Automatic gas cycling.

The water phase is characterized by:

A possible variable salinity by solving ion transport equations (with equilibrium constraints:
electroneutrality, ionic interaction with rock).
A variable number of tracer components.
Chemical additives in the water phase (see below Polymer, Surfactant, Alkaline options).

1.1.3 Dual porosity-permeability option

Fractured and non-fractured zones in the same reservoir;
Single or dual permeability;
User-friendly definition of matrix and fracture grids (zonations, etc.), Cartesian meshes, with
subgridding facilities, corner point geometries.

Matrix-fracture flow calculation characterized by:

Average matrix block dimensions defined by zone (all directions);

Specific relative permeability functions;
The governing physical phenomena (several degrees of complexity: capillary forces, gravity
effect, viscous forces), possible dynamic definition of zone scaling factors dealing with the
associated flow terms;
Diffusion flux between the two media (Fick's law).

1.1.4 Chemical EOR options

The injection of three water chemical additives can be simulated.

Polymer Option
Modeling dedicated to both polymer flooding and water shut-off treatment applications.
Time-dependent water phase mobility reduction tables that are function of polymer
concentration, salinity and shearing stress;

Black-Oil Case Study 2 PumaFlow™

Variable saturation end-points;
Reversible/irreversible adsorption that is also salinity-dependent;
Mobility correction of the rear front following polymer slug;
An inaccessible pore volume fraction for polymer solutions.

Surfactant Option
Impact on water-oil interfacial tension (IFT), in conjunction with salinity and alkaline
concentration (if injected);
Impact on Kr-Pc curves via the IFT-dependent Capillary Number;
Salinity-dependent adsorption that is also pH-dependent if an alkaline additive is also

Alkaline Option
Impact on water-oil interfacial tension (IFT), in conjunction with salinity and alkaline
concentration (if injected);
Impact on Kr-Pc curves via the IFT-dependent Capillary Number;
Modelling of the water phase pH, in relation with the alkaline type and OH- adsorption on
the rock.

1.1.5 Thermal applications

Modeling of:

Cooling (warming) effects: variable temperature without vaporization;

EOR processes such as:
o steam injection
o dry or wet bottom combustion
Surrounding formation effect;
Temperature and pressure dependent rock and PVT properties;
Kr-Pc end points as function of temperature;
Specific well calculations for heat loss;
Additional thermodynamic models.

In addition, the simulator is built around the following concepts and facilities:

1.1.6 Fluid flow modelling

Based on Darcy's law for multiphase flow:
o Dynamic input of a library of Kr-Pc data;
o Analytical calculations for the three phase Kro (various models);
o CARLSON and KILLOUGH hysteresis models;
o Interfacial tension effects;
o Dynamic allocation of the Kr-Pc characteristics by zone.
Input of boundaries dealing with various flux conditions:
o General definition with or without end effect modelling (laboratory experiments);
o Analytical aquifers (closed, steady-state, transient).
User-friendly definition of lease-lines. Flux calculation across these limits as a function of

Black-Oil Case Study 3 PumaFlow™

Diffusion/dispersion flux evaluation using Fick’s law.

1.1.7 Production aspects

Modelling based on a multi-level organization: perforation, well, sector, reservoir, field.

Dynamic grouping of wells into sectors and reservoirs.

Possibility of performing restart runs.

Well Level Features

Well-reservoir relationship based on Darcy's law (or quadratic law for gas);
Working conditions calculated from specified flowrates, pressures (bottom-hole and surface)
and ratios (GOR,WCUT,GLR);
Optional calculation of the well hydraulics by a multiphase flow model (PEPITE formulation
for horizontal wells);
Layer flowrate distribution including possible cross-flow in the well-bore;
Pressure drops in the tubing calculated from tables or analytical laws;
Accurate flow modeling around well (Improved PI calculation).

Sector and Reservoir Levels

Specified flowrates for one or several fluids, ratio constraints.
Monitoring of injection/production rates (automatic reinjection).
Highly flexible algorithm for gas-lift optimization problems.

Production Control
Easy definition, at the dataset level, of various monitoring operations for all the production
levels (reservoirs, sectors, wells).
Standard definition of these operations: production element and associated constraint
identification, definition of a list of actions which will be applied sequentially until the
constraint is met.
Standard definition of these actions: list of targets (explicit or implicit) associated with
elementary actions.

1.1.8 Numerical resolution

General formulation based on two basic numerical schemes:
o explicit together with NEWTON's method
o implicit solved with NEWTON's method
Explicit evaluation of polymer/ion/tracer component concentrations.
Several degrees of implicitness of the source terms, from explicit to a fully coupled

Black-Oil Case Study 4 PumaFlow™

1.2 Software aspects
One multi-purpose code including all features.
High performance parallel computations both in Linux OS and Windows OS.
Processor design directed towards vector calculation.
Exclusive use of the central memory.
Extremely modular (tree structure).

1.3 Why ?
In order to properly manage such a powerful tool, it is important to have experience and trained
professionals that are able to perform and interpret any kind of simulation. This is where BEICIP
FRANLAB enters as a solution with PumaFlow™, a high-tech simulator able to reproduce the physical
phenomena involved in a wide range of processes and offering an experience and specialized training
for their clients.

1.4 Questions
1. What is a dynamic simulation?

2. Why do we need to simulate?

3. What is a Black-Oil context simulation?

4. On which type of simulations black oil context should be used?

5. Which equations are involved on numerical simulation?

6. What is PumaFlow™?

7. Which simulation solutions does PumaFlow™ propose?

Black-Oil Case Study 5 PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 2 ALWYN Field Case presentation
2.1 Alwyn Field History
The studied case in this tutorial is based on ALWYN field located in the UK North Sea. The ALWYN
field (100% owned by Total), which lies 440 kilometers north-east of Aberdeen was brought on-
stream in November 1987. North ALWYN is currently one of the largest oil and gas processing
platforms in the UK North Sea. It is a gathering hub for nearby fields with a production of around
140,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Figure 1 Location of Alwyn North Field

This field contains a fluid that can be described with the Black-oil option in a single medium context.

Please ensure that you have all the needed data to be loaded in the project (folder DATA). Ask your
trainer for details.

Subsea World News:

Black-Oil Case Study 6 PumaFlow™

2.1.1 Field Properties and Characteristics
In the following section an introduction of all the properties used in the model will be presented, the
trainee will be guided through an overall of Field case description.

Traps: Equilibrium Regions

In PumaFlow™, Traps are regions where fluids are in equilibrium at initial state. Alwyn North field is
divided into three main traps differentiated by their fluid contacts (OWC). They have all the same
pressure. All traps gather a total of 35 million m3 of OOIP.

Trap 1 Trap 2

Fullfield Model Trap 3

Figure 2 Alwyn North Field Traps

The trainee will learn how to configure these traps later on.

Here follows a summary of the main characteristics of traps.

Property Value

Average Reservoir Pressure, 451

Datum Depth, m 3200

Reservoir Temperature, ᵒC 112.5

OWC Trap 1, m 3231

OWC Trap 2, m 2900

OWC Trap 3, m 3247

Table 1 Physical Properties of Alwyn North Field

Black-Oil Case Study 7 PumaFlow™

Fluid Properties
Alwyn North field fluid can be classified as light oil with an API gravity of 37 °API; it shows a slight
variation of saturation pressure with depth but it is under-saturated at initial conditions. Alwyn fluid
can be defined as oil with dissolved gas at initial state. No gas cap was observed. At datum depth,
saturation pressure is 270 bars.

This field undergoes waterflooding, so a black-oil thermodynamic context was chosen to represent
the fluid.

Standard PVT Tables will be imported.

Figure 3 Alwyn North Field Fluid PVT properties

Petrophysical Properties
The reservoir can be defined as sandstone type. According to special core analysis study, two main
types of rocks were identified: Tarbert formation (on the top of the structure, more clean sand
bodies) and Ness formation (on the base of the structure, shaly formation). They will be defined by a
region that the user will define using a property editor of PumaFlow™. We have two sets of relative
permeability curves, one for Tarbert and the other one for Ness formation.

Average petrophysical properties are shown on the table.

Property Tarbert Ness

Mean Porosity, % 18 12
Mean Permeability X – Y direction, mD 186 221
Mean Permeability Z direction, mD 19 22
Mean Net to Gross, % 97 58
Rock Compressibility, bar 5 E-5
Table 2 Petrophysical Properties

Black-Oil Case Study 8 PumaFlow™

Here follows relative permeability sets per rock type.

Figure 4 W - O Relative Permeability Curves (right) and W – O Capillary pressure curve (left) TARBERT

Figure 5 G - O Relative Permeability Curves (right) and G – O Capillary pressure curve (left) TARBERT

Black-Oil Case Study 9 PumaFlow™

Figure 6 W - O Relative Permeability Curves (right) and W – O Capillary pressure curve (left) NESS

Figure 7 G - O Relative Permeability Curves (right) and G – O Capillary pressure curve (left) NESS

Saturation End Points are gathered on the following table.


Irreductible Water Saturation (Swi) 0.15 0.3
Waterflood residual oil saturation (Sorw) 0.22 0.3
Critical Gas Saturation (Sgc) 0 0
Gasflood residual oil saturation (Sorg) 0.25 0.2
Table 3 End Points per Rock type


Looking at the Kr-Pc curves of the two formations, what can you say about the wettability of the

Black-Oil Case Study 10 PumaFlow™

2.1.2 Numerical Model
A numerical model is discretized both in space and time so equations can be solved by the algorithm.
Grid structure and number of cells are very important for computations and thus, they influence the
time of simulation.

Grid Characteristics
Grid structure: Corner Point Grid

Total Number of cells: 33048, 12049 active

Discretization: NX= 36 ; NY= 51 ; NZ= 18

Figure 8 3D Grid (top view)

Grid information is presented in a file that will be imported, some petrophysical properties exist
already; other ones will be created on demand. This will be the static part of the model.

Numerical Scheme
The numerical scheme for the discretization in this model will be a Fully Implicit with Simultaneous
Resolution (SOLSS), this means that the scheme will be implicit for the pressure and saturation and
they will be solved at the same time using one single linear system for all of them.

PVT Model
The PVT Model for Alwyn North field will be a strict Black-Oil, as commented before. No
compositional changes are expected to take place during the lifetime of the reservoir. Interchanges
between oil and gas phase are not expected either; the field was waterflooded during several years,
so there is no need to add a detailed compositional description of the fluid.

Black-Oil Case Study 11 PumaFlow™

Time Step Management
As it is already known, the time step management is very important for the discretization in time and
it has a great influence in the duration and results of the simulation. For this case, default timestep
rules will be preserved, if needed changes will be done.

The first time step is for the natural depletion in which the following table will be used:

Variable Value

Maximum Time step, days 30

Minimum Time step, days 0.01

Initial Time step, days 0.01

Table 4 Default Time Step Management

Production history
Alwyn North is producing since 1987; history is available until 1992 for a total of 5 years of history.

For predictions purposes, runs will end on 2005. So we will simulate 5 years of history + 13 years of

Oil has been produced from 7 producer wells and water has been injected through 4 injector wells,
injection started on 1988.

A couple of new wells will be proposed by the trainee on prediction period.

Figure 9 Wells location on the grid

Black-Oil Case Study 12 PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 3 Introduction to OpenFlow
OpenFlow Suite is an innovative platform, multi-user, fully integrated, easy to use and open to
connect to any other software. After a unique installation, all Flow applications can be accessed from
the platform (with the appropriated license). Many workflows can be created combining all solutions
proposed. Applications inside the platform benefit from all viewers. OpenFlow Suite bridges the gap
between applications and takes engineers one step forward, it is the future of integrated studies.

PumaFlow™ is IFP’s new generation reservoir simulator featuring rigorous physical formulations,
suited for all kind of fields, high performance computing, brand new user-oriented interface and
work environment. PumaFlow™ has been validated by Beicip-Franlab on some of the world’s largest
or most complex oil fields in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Russia. Thanks to its first-class
physics, PumaFlow™ helps optimizing production and improving recovery of oil and gas fields.

The PumaFlow™ working and data management environment is based on the new OpenFlow Suite
platform, which dramatically eases the reservoir engineer’s mission, for data access and preparation,
QC analysis, workflow design, submission result interpretation and reporting.

Before starting this chapter the user should have the following elements:

1. OpenFlow Suite 2018 installed: in this tutorial we suppose that the software is already
installed. In case you need to install the software please refer to the installation guide or ask
your IT to do it for you. PumaFlow™ will be activated with the corresponding license.
2. User login and password: to connect to OpenFlow Suite, the user needs to have a login and a
3. An OpenFlow project (database) for this tutorial, to which you will be able to connect thanks
to a login and a password.
4. The data set of the ALWYN study available in the folder ‘DATA’.
The second and the third elements should be given by your IT or the training instructor. The data
folder is provided with this tutorial.

The training objectives of this chapter are:

1. To connect to the platform OpenFlow;

2. To define conventions for the project;
3. To have an idea about the OpenFlow environment.

3.1 Connecting to an OpenFlow project

You can start OpenFlow Suite by choosing one of the following two ways:

 Double click on the OpenFlow icon on the Windows desktop.

 Go to Windows ‘Start > programs > Beicip > OpenFlow’.

Black-Oil Case Study 13 PumaFlow™

Once OpenFlow is started, you have to enter a user login and the corresponding password. Click on
‘Ok’ to continue. Select the project to be loaded (for example, here the selected project is named
“TUTORIAL_BO_2018” and click on ‘Next’.

In the next window, the user can select the products to be used in order to have all the options of
these products available in the platform. Click on ‘Ok’ in order to open the selected project.

Black-Oil Case Study 14 PumaFlow™

It’s now possible to verify the number of license used and by whom by checking Show license in use

Every time a new project is opened, project preferences wizard pops-up:

Black-Oil Case Study 15 PumaFlow™

This window allows you to set all general conventions all at once. For Alwyn project, set:

Date format: MM/dd/YYYY

Z convention: ELEVATION

Layer numbering convention: TOP

Unit System: Metric

The Perspective is the arrangement of the different sub-windows available in OpenFlow. In this
window, you can only access the products that were selected in the previous wizard. Select
PumaFlow Perspective.

You can make your own arrangement and save your own perspective in the Perspectives menu

Black-Oil Case Study 16 PumaFlow™

3.2 Defining unit system and conventions
If you miss platform settings proposed by project preferences windows, it is always possible to have
access from Settings menu. Detailed description follows.

3.2.1 Defining the unit system

The platform OpenFlow works with an internal SI unit system, which can be displayed in different
unit systems depending on the study.

To change the unit system, go to: ‘Settings > Unit System’ and select your unit system:

The available unit systems are the following ones:

Basin: For the use of TemisFlow.

Field: British system, based on inches (in), foot (ft), and barrel (bbl);
Field with XY in m: Same as Field except X and Y lengths in m whereas Z is in ft;
Lab: System used in lab experiments (cm, bar, g, g/cc, etc.);
Metric: System based on meters and their multiples, pressure expressed in bar;
MKPS: Variant of the METRIC system, where pressure is expressed in Kg/cm2;
SI: International system, decimal, including meters, Pascal (Pa), flow rate expressed in m3/s;
For this tutorial the unit system should be defined as ‘Metric’.

Black-Oil Case Study 17 PumaFlow™

3.2.2 Defining conventions
For a project, two conventions should be set:

Layer Numbering Convention: this convention determines the origin of the grid and the convention
used to determine the indexes of a cell. Two options are available: ‘TOP’ and ‘BOTTOM’: the first one
sets the origin in the top back left corner while the second one sets it in the bottom front left corner.
For this project we consider the convention ‘TOP’.

Z Convention: this convention determines the sign of Z-coordinates. In ‘ELEVATION’ the Z-

coordinates are negative as the Z-axis is oriented upwards. In ‘DEPTH’ the Z-coordinates are positive
as the axis is oriented downwards. For this project we consider the convention ‘ELEVATION’. So, all
depths should be entered using negative numbers.

3.2.3 Date format

In order to avoid mistakes in defining dates while configuring a PumaFlow™ simulation activity, we
will consider the first available date format (MM/DD/YYYY) to be used for this tutorial as shown

Black-Oil Case Study 18 PumaFlow™

3.3 Study
A Study was created by default with the name of the project. Rename the Study to ALWYN.

It’s possible to create a new study: right click in the study explorer area and create a study as you can
see in the following snapshot.

Then, you can see the added study in the explorers. The ‘Object explorer’ contains all the objects
used in the different studies while the ‘Study explorer’ is composed of data related only to the study.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to import the needed data in the ‘Study Explorer’ for a
reservoir simulation with PumaFlow™.

3.4 Help
Several help tools are provided inside OpenFlow. To know more about an object open it and in the
upper bar click on Help.

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In the Help menu select Dynamic help. A sub-window will open on the right side of your perspective.

You have 3 main options: Contents, Search and Related Topics. By default the Related Topics is
selected. If within this section and nor in the links suggested you do not find the information you are
looking for, go to Search. The research will include the User Manual and the Technical Manual. You
can also access those manuals with the upper bar > Help > Help contents.

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Example of Black-oil search, highlighting tool can be enabled or disabled:

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CHAPTER 4 Field Data Preparation
In this chapter, you will find all the steps needed to prepare the data for the model and to set up the
workflow for the dynamic simulation with PumaFlow™. The chapter will have an overview about
how to import PVT tables, construct the KrPc model, create the rock compressibility model and trap,
import the well data and finally the well historical data for the case.

4.1 Grid data

4.1.1 Import Grid data
We will start with the importing of grid data. To do this, click on ‘File > Import’. Select ‘Grids >
Reservoir grid > Eclipse ASCII (.grdecl)’:

Then click on ‘Next’ to continue. A wizard will help you import correctly the data.

Click on ‘Browse’ and specify the grid data file. Go to the directory ‘GRID’ and select the file

Black-Oil Case Study 22 PumaFlow™

Once the grid is added, a wizard shows you the grid information, and allows to edit or to change
parameters in it.




In the appropriate wizard, during the grid data import, you will find the information presented here

(1): Grid file browsing;

(2): Grid name edition;

(3): The study where the grid should be added can be chosen;

(4): Units for X/Y and Z coordinates and system unit used in files;

(5): The grid properties;

(6): Comments on this grid can be given.

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Now, click on ‘Next’ to continue. In the next window, specify the origin of cells as shown in the figure
below. By default this choice is (1, max, max) and corresponds to the TOP convention.

Click on ‘Finish’, a pop-up message informs you when OpenFlow has finished importing the grid. Click
on ‘OK’ to continue.

Once this operation is finished, the grid and its attached properties appear in the ‘Study Explorer’

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By default, properties related to its geometry are shown. Hide them using

In the OpenFlow platform, you will be able to create the permeability in the Y and Z directions using
the ‘Calculator’.

4.1.2 Operations with Calculator: property creation

Y Cell Permeability
We will create a property named PERMY of type ‘Y Cell Permeability’.

Open the Calculator from the menu by selecting (on the top) ‘Views > Calculator’. The ‘Calculator’ tab
will appear as shown below:


The new calculator is a very powerful tool that can be used to create or edit properties. It can be
historical properties, grid properties or even simulation properties. A lot of functions are available
and can be combined in scripts. You can find examples of scripts in Help > PumaFlow > How Tos >
Workflows > Using the Calculator in Reservoir context.

In our case, we want PERMY to be equal to PERMX and we will use the ‘Calculator’ to create this
property , as shown in the following snapshot.

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Select the targeted grid (1) and give a name to the new property PERMY (2) with the corresponding
property type (3). Drag and Dropthe PERMX property to be used (4) and write the formula (5): Finally
compute the calculation (6):



(1): In this field you must select the target that will contain the new property (i.e.: ALWYN_GRID)

(2): Name of the resulting property (i.e.: PERMY)

(3): Type of the resulting property (i.e.: Y cell permeability)

Note that a filter is available to help you find the right property type faster.

(4): Drag and Drop properties to be used in the formula (i.e.: PERMX)

(5): This field is dedicated to the formula we want to apply on the property selected in (2). In our
case, we need only to type PERMX; this way, the property PERMY will take the same values as

(6): Finally, click on ‘Compute’ in order to calculate the ‘Target’ property.

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You can always check if the property value has been properly defined. In the study explorer, right
click on PERMX > Open With > 3D Viewer. The ‘3D Viewer’ editor is then opened.

Then, drag and drop the PERMY property in the (A) area:


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The 3D viewer menu is organized in 3 main parts:

Access to animation panel, filters, property editor, new well, ZOI edition and detach windows
Access to view options.
Export of images.

Click on Locator View icon in the view options.

Each time you select one cell on the viewer (2D or 3D) with on the right menu, general
information and Properties will be updated. Automatic comparisons are made; Locator will always
show all properties available on the viewer on the selected cell.

By comparing both permeabilities you perform a quality check of the operation made with the
formula view.

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Statistics viewer is also available:

Statistic Viewer was reorganized as well.

Access to animation panel, filters and detach windows options

Organization of graphs and export options
View options

Z Cell Permeability
Now we will proceed with the calculation of PERMZ property (Z cell permeability) using the same
technique. The values of PERMZ property are defined using a specified formula: PERMX/10.

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Compare the statistics of PERMX and PERMZ with Statistics Viewer.

4.2 Importing PVT

Openflow Suite 2018 offers a package called PVTFlow to create PVT models or to adjust Equations of
State with a wide range of utilities. However, for this case, we will not focus on PVTFlow use; we will
import a Black-oil PVT formatted in a common external application. For further information about
PVTFlow, we encourage you to ask your trainer; there are special courses dedicated to it.

To import data, you can either select ‘File > Import’ from the OpenFlow menu, or right-click
anywhere in the ‘Object/Study Explorer’ window and select ‘Import’:

Black-Oil Case Study 30 PumaFlow™

Click on ‘Import’, then the following import wizard appears:

Choose ‘Data > PVT > Black Oil PVT (.pvt)’ and click on ‘Next’ in order to import PVT model step by

The following wizard appears:

(5) (6)


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Here are some definitions for this wizard:

(1): Path to PVT file name.

(2): Name given to the imported PVT model in the project. The default name is the name of the file.

(3): Temperature of the PVT model. This temperature can be defined in the file or by the user in this
wizard. The unit of this temperature should be given.

(4): Salinity of the PVT model, if any.

(5): Definition of the ‘Parser Settings’. The user can define the line from which the imported file is

(6): Definition of the ‘No Value’. This means, for this exemple, that the ‘No value’ should be defined
in the PVT file as ‘-7777’.

(7): Via the ‘Find expression’ field, the user can choose a keyword and visualise the corresponding
part of the file in the field below (7).

(8): Visualisation of the file content. We can use the section (6) to go directly to a given keyword.

Click on ‘Next’ to continue importing. The next step concerns the PVT densities import.



Here you can see in section (1) the density keyword ‘DENSITY’ and in section (2) the three imported
densities. With this density wizard the user can make sure that the recognition of the imported PVT
file in OpenFlow platform is correctly done.

Be sure that the imported density is done with the accurate unit, in our case we have to
choose g/cc.

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Click on ‘Next’ to continue with the import of the gas section of the PVT.

Click on ‘Next’ for the import of the PVT oil section.

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Click on ‘Next’ for the import of the PVT water section.

In this wizard, set line 3 to ‘Water compressibility’, line 4 to ‘Water

viscosity versus pressure’ and line 5 to ‘Water viscosity derivative
versus pressure’

Click on ‘Finish’ to finish the PVT import.

We can verify in the ‘Study/Object Explorer’ that the PVT model is imported.

Once the PVT is imported, we can check the imported values by visualising them in the Black Oil PVT
editor of Black Oil PVT.

Double click on ‘PVT_ALWYN’. Different tabs and plots are then available:

View Settings: enables to change the plots settings.

PVT General Data: it contains four general PVT items. The user can change and save their
HC Properties: it contains BO tables for Gas and Oil. The user can change the edited values.
Water Properties: it contains the properties of Water. The user can decide between
correlated or tabulated mode.

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Asphaltene: it has an additional table for asphaltene component.
Correlated density: possibility to use a correlated densities for Oil.

4.3 Creating KrPc models

There are two ways to build a KrPc model:

Import a KrPc model from a data file. As for the PVT import model, the import is performed
with the Eclipse format file.
Build a KrPc model using the PumaFlow™ editors, in which we can input and edit values.

In our current study case ‘ALWYN’, we do not have the KrPc model in an Eclipse format file. This is
why we will proceed by defining the model directly in editors.

Right click in ‘Study/Object Explorer’, ‘New > Kr-Pc’ Set:

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Main view of KrPc wizard:




(1): Name of the created KrPc model;

(2): Optional comments to be added by the user;

(3): Definition of the phases present in the reservoir (here 3 phases are present).

Click on ‘Finish’ to end the creation of the KrPc dataset.

In the ‘Study and Object Explorer’, you can check that the item corresponding to the KrPc Set is
created and appears.

Now we will create two rock types for the ALWYN case. In each rock type we should define:

End points,
Kr and Pc curves,
Calculation mode and the three phase oil Kr computing method.

All these data are defined in the corresponding editors.

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We will start by creating the rock type ‘TARBERT’, in order to show you step by step the way to
proceed for the rock type creation. The rock type ‘NESS’ is created in the same way using the data
stored in the ‘KrPc Model.docx’ file.

Right click on the Kr-Pc Set ‘KrPc_ALWYN’ and select ‘New > Rock Type’ as shown below:

This action will open the wizard below:

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After giving the name ‘TARBERT’ to the created rock type, you can click on finish in order to open the
rock type ‘TARBERT’ editor as you can see in the snapshot below:

At the bottom of the window, you can see series of tabs which corresponds to the previous “Step by
step” section. It lists four actions. Each of these tabs is devoted to one of the following actions:

1. Overview: endpoints summary and KrPc curves;

2. Kr Oil 3-phases: definition of the method to compute the three phase oil Kr;
3. Reference Kr: definition of Kr endpoints and curves;
4. Reference Pc: definition of Pc endpoints and curves;
5. Dynamic Endpoint: definition of endpoints that can depend on the temperature.
In this section, the user can define the water-oil and gas-oil (WO, GO) options.

First of all, do to “Kr Oil 3-phases”. This action will open the following editor:

Define the ‘Stone 1’ method to calculate the Kr values for both rock types: TARBERT and NESS.

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Then go to “Reference Kr” tab.

The data curves that we have (Kr and Pc) are not normalized data. That means that we should
introduce the curve points without using the ‘Scaled mode’.

All the KrPc data are stored in the ‘KrPc Model_2018.docx’ file. Start by filling in the Kr endpoints
then the Kr curves.

Start by filling Endpoints then Curves.

It is possible to copy and paste the Pc curve table from the file ‘KrPc
Model_2018.docx’ to KrPc editor.

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In the snapshot below, you can see the data filled in for the Kr water-oil curve for TARBERT.

Follow the same procedure in order to define Kr in oil-gas system and Pc for both water-oil and oil-
gas systems for TARBERT.

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Finally, save the editor and close it.

Create the Kr-Pc for unit NESS (name it NESS) using the data in the
file:‘ ‘KrPc Model_2018.docx’.

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4.3.1 Corey Functions
As opposed to tabulated Kr it is also possible to define the Kr curves in an analytical way. This
analytical method is based on the Corey functions (𝐾𝑟𝑛 = 𝑆𝑛𝑟 , where 𝑆𝑛𝑟 is the normalized saturation
and r the Corey coefficient).

When a tabulated Kr-Pc is defined by switching the simulation mode to ‘Analytical’, PumaFlow™ will
compute the Corey coefficients which are the closest to the tabulated curves.

The tabulated values will be kept in memory.

The Corey coefficients here are N water

and N Oil. High values of Corey
coefficients will increase the curvature of
the Kr, while low values will straighten
them. A straight line corresponds to a
coefficient N equal to 1.

Make sure the KrPc curves are saved in tabulated mode with the right tables if you tested Analytical

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4.4 Creating the rock compressibility model
In this section, the rock compressibility model will be defined.

First of all, we will create a ‘Rock Compressibility Set’, as shown in the snapshot below.

Right click in the ‘Study Explorer > New > ‘Rock Compressibility Set’.

Then the user can create one or many “Compressibility Models” in the same ‘Compressibility Set’.

The ‘Rock Compressibility Set’ wizard appears as you can see in the following snapshot. In the field
corresponding to the name, please put ‘ALWYN_RockSet’.

In the ALWYN case we have just one ‘Compressibility Model’, so you can use the button ‘Finish’ in
order to finalized the ‘Rock Compressibility Set’ creation.

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Right-click on the now created ‘Rock Compressibility Set’ item and select ‘New > Rock Compressibility

In the field ‘Name’, put ‘ALWYN_RockModel’ as the model name and click on ‘Finish’.

The rock compressibility model editor appears. It has three tabs:

Rock Compressibility Model: simple description of the rock geomechanical behavior.

Rock Thermal Properties: for thermal calculations.
GeoMechanics: for geomechanical expansion and permeability variation with pressure and
We will keep all the default options and only modify the value of the compressibility. The option
‘Enter the compressibility manually’ may be activated and the value 5E-5 bars-1 should be used in the
compressibility field. You can see a snapshot of the editor below:

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Now, we will check the ‘Study Explorer’ in order to make sure that the new item ‘Rocks’ contains the
‘Compressibility Set’ and ‘Compressibility Model’.

4.5 Creating traps

In the ALWYN case we have three traps; each one is associated to a specific zone.

There are two ways of creating traps:

Trap creation wizard

Importing a generic file (useful when several equilibrium regions exists)

We will use the trap creation wizard for the first trap ‘ALWYN_Trap1’, then we will import second
and third trap: ‘ALWYN_Trap2’ and ‘ALWYN_Trap3’.

4.5.1 Trap creation wizard

This is the procedure to create the first trap: ‘ALWYN_Trap1’. Right-click in ‘Study Explorer’ and select
‘New > Trap’. Give the name ‘ALWYN_Trap1’ and click on finish.

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A new empty editor appears and we are going to fill it in and save it. Start by filling in the ‘Initial
Parameters’ part, once it is done the other parts appears to finish the configuration as follows:

To enter the saturation pressure variation with depth, the user can copy
and paste into ALWYN_Trap1 editor the table describing this variation
which is available in the folder TRAP of the data: SAT_PRESS.txt

4.5.2 Trap importation through generic file

This functionality allows users to import generic ASCII files to create Trap objects automatically. This
is very useful for cases with several equilibrium regions.

For second and third traps we will import a generic file, to do so, right-click on Study Explorer >
Import > Data > Traps > Traps description (*txt)

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Choose file ALWYN_Trap2-ALWYN_Trap3.txt available on TRAPS data folder.

Make sure all data on the file are correctly recognized and click Next to go to the following stage
where you must choose which traps you want to import. In this case, keep both traps and click on

Three trap objects must appear on the Study Explorer view:

Black-Oil Case Study 47 PumaFlow™

For quality check, here you have ALWYN_Trap2 and ALWYN_Trap3 description.



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4.6 Well data
In this section we will import well paths and well production data in .prd format. A quality check is
proposed after the import.

4.6.1 Importing well paths

Select ‘Import > Data > Well Logs > LAS (versions 2.0 & 3.0) (*.las)’:

Click on ‘Next’ to continue. Click on ‘Browse’ to select the wells files, then select all the files in this
directory and click on ‘Next’.

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As in the .LAS that we have for ALWYN case there is no log data, we will see the following warning
message. Click on “OK” to close this warning message.

The wizard that appears contains an empty list, because there is no log property in the imported

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Click on ‘Next’ to have the list of trajectories to be imported:

Click on ‘Finish’ to end the well trajectory import. A dialog message informs the user that the import
is correctly done.

In the ‘Study/Object Explorer’ you may see the imported well data (11 items):

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After the well data import it is recommended to make a quick quality control. Select some or all
imported wells from the ‘Object Explorer’ and drag and drop them into the ‘3D Viewer’ (visualization
window already open). This allows seeing wells positions on the grid.

4.6.2 Well historical data

Right click on the ‘Study Explorer’ and select:

‘Import > Data > Production/Injection Historical Data > OFM file format - Wells (*.prd)’.

In the folder ‘PROD’ four OFM Production files should be imported:

‘ALWYN_inj_Hist.prd’: injection data.

‘ALWYN_prod_Hist.prd’: production data
‘ALWYN_Pstat_Hist.prd’: static pressure data.
‘ALWYN_BHP_Hist.prd’: bottom-hole pressure data.
We will start by importing the file ‘ALWYN_inj_Hist.prd’. This file contains the injection rates at
surface conditions of the injector wells.

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Go to the import module and select ‘Production/Injection Historical Data > OFM file format - Wells

Click on ‘Next’ to continue. The following window will help you importing correctly the well data:





(1): First, click on ‘Browse’ and select the file ‘ALWYN_inj_Hist.prd’

(2): OpenFlow recognizes the file format and allows you to display the beginning of the file. This is
useful to check the unit system, the date used for the data.
(3): The table in the bottom part of the window informs about the property types of the production
data. Depending on the unit system that you have selected for the platform, some properties may be
revised. As we mentioned, some of the properties may be not recognized by OpenFlow. It can
happen when the ‘Property Type’ is defined as ‘Unknown’. Please, verify property type of the second
column is ‘Water injection rate at surface conditions’.
(4): The fourth column represents the interpolation mode. For this option put ‘Constant, Next date

Black-Oil Case Study 53 PumaFlow™

Since OFS2016 version, there is an alias system that allows you to set customized key property names
so they can be automatically recognized when imported. To choose aliases, importer wizards provide
a dedicated option.
Alias systems are created right by clicking on System of units tab.

1. Click on ‘Next’ to continue. In the next window, you will see the well names that you can
select, deselect or rename:

2. Click on ‘Finish’ to end the import.

The injection data will be added to the concerned ‘Wells’ in the ‘Study/Object Explorer’.

We can check if the imported data are added to the injector wells in the explorers.

The second file to be imported is ‘ALWYN_prod_Hist.prd’. This file contains the production rate at
surface conditions of the production wells.

Following the same procedure as described before, we get:

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Click on ‘Next’ to continue the import.

Finally click on ‘Finish’ to end the import.

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We can check in the ‘Study/Object Explorer’ that the production data has been imported for N2.
(Check this point for the other wells as well). Some properties are automatically calculated from oil,
gas and water production.

The next file to be imported is ‘ALWYN_Pstat_Hist.prd’. This file contains the static pressure data of
some producer wells.

Follow the same import procedure than before in order to import the static pressure data. During the
import, modify the ‘Unknown’ property type of the second column to ‘Static pressure RDRAI0’.

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Click on ‘Finish’ to terminate the import procedure of the static pressure data.

Now proceed to import the Bottom Hole Pressure from file ‘ALWYN_BHP_Hist.prd’, proceed the
same way as for Static Pressure importation. Set the property type as “Bottom-hole pressure”. Click
on finish to end the importation.

We can finally check that the pressures has been imported for well N2 (check the others as well).

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In order to perform a quick control on the production data, select well ‘N2’ (as an example) from the
‘Study Explorer’ and expand the properties tree of this well. In the tree, right-click on ‘Pressures >
PSTA0’ and select ‘Open With > Graph Viewer’:

A graph will open; it enables you to check the data. If you put the mouse on a data point, the value of
the pressure is shown under the plot:

Graph Viewer shows the same organization as 3D Viewer and Statistics Viewer

Access to animation panel, filters and detach windows options.

Access to view options.
Organization of graphs and Export of images.

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Click on the button ‘Multi-page plots’, then drag and drop in the empty spaces “Oil rate at surface
conditions” and “Bottom-hole pressure” you will get:

It is possible, if needed, to modify the imported data (pressure or production data). To edit
the pressure, select it, right-click and select ‘Open’. A ‘1D editor’ window then opens; this window is
NEW divided in two main parts: the lowest one will display data in a tabular format, the upper one will
opendata in a graph. All data could be edited; however the user must be aware that data consistency
is not saved (i.e.: changing the water rate will not automatically change the water cut).

The same option is available for production data. It is possible to select particular properties and open
them with the 1D Editor instead of the level Production to limit the number of data displayed.

Black-Oil Case Study 59 PumaFlow™

Delete properties tool
This tool allows users to delete several properties at the same time with a new wizard. This is very
useful in case historical production was imported wrongly.

4.7 Defining faults

Faults used in a PumaFlow™ simulation are defined as inter-cell connections. They can be defined in
one of two ways:

Importing an .ascii file that defines them;

Creating (or modifying) faults by selecting faces between cells inside OpenFlow (refer to the
item ‘User Manual > PumaFlow > Inter-cell connections’ of PumaFlow User Manual to know
more about this option).
In this tutorial we will import a data file to define the faults.

Right-click anywhere in the ‘Object/Study Explorer’, then select ‘Import’ to import the faults file.
Choose “Data > Connections > Inter-cell Connections for Faults Definition (Eclipse file format)” in
order to import the faults.

Click on “Browse” in order to identify the faults file located in the folder ‘FLT’. This file contains a
discretized description (some cells faces) of two faults over a grid. Then, a grid is needed to complete

Black-Oil Case Study 60 PumaFlow™

the faults definition. Select ‘ALWYN_GRID’ as the support grid for the connections and click on

Click Next to choose which faults should be imported. Keep both faults.

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Click Next and Origin of Grid Indices are proposed. Keep the defaults.

The following message appears informing you a report of import is available. A dat file opens with
the list of keywords that have been recognized and imported by OpenFlow.

The faults are imported; you can find them under the grid ‘ALWYN-GRID’:

Black-Oil Case Study 62 PumaFlow™

Select the fault ‘FLT1’, and open it. A window will open, on the right part of this window a ‘3D
Viewer’ will show the fault faces on the grid, while on the left part a list of the fault faces is available
and the fault transmissibility multiplier value can be edited. The user can modify the transmissibility
multiplier and the faces of the edited fault:

Drag and drop the second fault FLT2 in the edition area. Then two options are proposed: to edit the
fault ‘FLT2’ or add it to the same visualization. The option to add the fault will give the following

It is possible to extend a fault by selecting cells on the ‘3D Viewer’ (in selection mode) and adding
faces of selected cells to the fault using the option ‘Get Selection’:

Black-Oil Case Study 63 PumaFlow™

4.8 Regions for model allocation
When working with PumaFlow™, it is mandatory to associate objects or models, like traps, Kr-Pc,
compressibility sets, etc. with sets of cells in the selected grid (generally called regions).

4.8.1 Region for Kr-Pc allocation

Each of the two created Kr-Pc models is allocated to one of the two regions splitting the grid into two
zones with an identical number of layers. In other words:

Region 1: 1-36 1-51 1-9, this region corresponds to the lower geological unit called TARBERT.
Region 2: 1-36 1-51 10-18, this region corresponds to a geological unit called NESS.
To build these regions, go to ‘Study Explorer’; right-click on the grid and then select ‘New > Property’.

The following wizard appears, allowing the user to choose the type of the created property. Here, it
is a “Region”. The name of the first created region is ‘krpc_region’.

Since there are two defined rock types with two Kr-Pc models, we have to define two zones for Kr-Pc
allocation. Right-click on ‘krpc_region’ and select ‘Open With > Property Editor (PumaFlow)’.

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This last action will open the following editor. In this editor, define the zones corresponding to the
previous regions and assign integer values to these zones.

The check control can be done directly by visualizing the grid in the ‘Map Editor’. You can also
visualize the result in the ‘3D Viewer’:

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4.8.2 Region for Trap Allocation
Alwyn field has three equilibrium regions. Start by creating a new grid property called Trap_region
with Region as type of property.

The definition of the three regions is done opening it with ‘Property Editor (PumaFlow)’. Fill the
empty editor with indexes defined on the following table:

Copy/paste this table

directly on the editor

Imin Imax Jmin Jmax Kmin Kmax Value

1 36 1 51 1 18 1

1 18 1 1 1 18 2

1 17 2 2 1 18 2

1 15 3 4 1 18 2

1 14 5 5 1 18 2

1 13 6 7 1 18 2

1 12 8 11 1 18 2

1 36 1 51 17 18 3

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The final result should look like this:

Open Trap_region with 3D Viewer for quality check:

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4.8.3 Region for Rock Compressibility Allocation
For rock compressibility, we have only one region representing the whole grid. As shown before, we
start by creating the region property called: “RockComp_region”:

There is only one rock model in Alwyn with the same compressibility value. Hence we don’t need to
define different zone values in this region.

In the ‘Study/Object Explorer’ we can check the three new regions.

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4.9 Summary of Data Management
On the following table we present a summary of data processing in OpenFlow; you can always refer
to the online Help for further details.

Item Can be Imported Can be created on the interface

Grid  Only sugar boxes

PVT  

KrPc  

Rock Compressibility 

Traps (Equilibrium Regions)  

Well Path  

Well production data  

You can open/close perforations

Well Perforation Interval 
through PI/MPI editor

Intercell Connections (Faults)  

Aquifer 

Saturation Regions  

Equilibrium Regions  

Rock compressibility regions  

Black-Oil Case Study 69 PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 5 Setting up the Dynamic Simulation
In this section a workflow containing a PumaFlow™ activity will be created and supplied with all the
necessary data. We will see the specific editors like “Production Scheduler” and “PI/MPI” in order to
configure the dynamic simulation. Once these configurations are performed, we will make the
association of the “Models” (Kr-Pc, Rock Compressibility and TRAP) with the created ‘Region’.

In this section we will show two different runs, the first run is performed without the presence of an
aquifer and the second one is performed with the presence of an aquifer, the idea is to compare
both simulations and comment the results. You will notice that the presence of an aquifer is
necessary to boost the field pressure.

Before starting this part related to the definition of a PumaFlow™ activity, we should make sure that
the internal activity is well defined in the ‘Host and Activity settings’.

5.1 Configure a PumaFlow activity

In this chapter of the tutorial, we will show how to create a PumaFlow™ activity, configure it, supply
it with the imported/created data and finally run it.

Right click in the study explorer area and select ‘New > Workflow’:

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In this example the given name of the workflow is ‘ALWYN_WF’.

Click on ‘finish’ to end the creation.

Go to the palette in the workflow editor and drag and drop the PumaFlow™ activity in the activity

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Now drag and drop all the created or imported data from the study explorer to the PumaFlow™
activity, as it is demonstrated on the following snapshot

Hence all the added data are visible under the PumaFlow™ activity.

5.2 Defining simulation parameters

5.2.1 General Tab
In this section, a configuration of the PumaFlow™ simulation parameters is introduced. To get
started, select the PumaFlow™ activity and click on the link ‘Edit the simulation parameters’ in the
‘Activity shortcuts’ board.

Black-Oil Case Study 72 PumaFlow™

It will open the following editor which contains three tabs: ‘General’, ‘Advanced options’ and

(1) (3)



In the tab ‘General’ the following parts are present:

(1): Definition of the simulation type.

(2): Initial/final date for the dynamic simulation.

(3): Debug option: this option allows to keep the simulation’s temporary files.

(4): Possibility given to the user to export his activity to a PumaFlow™ keywords simulation file (.edo)
or in .xml format that can be re-imported later in a project.

(5): Possibility given to the user to import an Eclipse scheduler file consisting of a discretized
description of the wells, production constraints and/or PI/MPI data.

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5.2.2 Workflow Parameters Tab
For advanced use of PumaFlow™, the ‘Workflow parameters’ tab contains the activation of
Advanced Options and numerical parameters for static and dynamic state (previously existing in
PumaFlow preferences). Refer to the appropriate chapters concerning the usage of the advanced
options in this tutorial and to the PumaFlow™ user manual for more information about the
mentioned options.

Static parameters edition

Select Static Items > Transmissivity Calculation.

Make changes according to the following table:

Minimum Pore Volume for active cells / Matrix 1000 m3

Pinch-out cells on Dz criterion Distance 0.5 m

This means that if a cell is less than 50 cm thick, flow will directly occur between the cell below and
the cell above, bypassing the thin one in the middle. The minimum pore volume for active cells
means that any cell with a volume smaller than 1000 m3 will not take part in the simulation (will be
set to be inactive).

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Save the editor.

5.2.3 Storage Preferences Tab

The ‘Storage Preferences’ tab is available to manage the outputs of the simulation.

Storage Outputs
Go to ‘Storage Preferences’ tab. The user is free to tailor its simulation outputs according to its

In order to have perforation outputs and consequently to be able to visualize the well perforations
status in the 3D viewer, click on Perforated Cell in the Storage Preferences tree.

Black-Oil Case Study 75 PumaFlow™

Add all the wells.

Select the Grid and add ‘Molar fraction of the hydrocarbon components in the oil phase’ and ‘Molar
fraction of the hydrocarbon components in the gas phase’ as for storage prefences.

Save the modifications.

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5.3 Editing the production scheduler
5.3.1 Production Tree
Two groups of wells can be identified in our case; injectors and producers:

Injectors: N1, N9, N14, S9

Producers: N2, N3, N10, N11, N18, N26, N30.
First, we will create these two groups in OpenFlow (in the Study Explorer view). The definition of the
groups will be used to manage production during the field simulation. Right-click on the study
explorer and select ‘New > Production Groups’.

Give the name ‘PROD’ to the new group:

Repeat this action to create a second group and name it ‘INJ’.

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Once the production and injection groups are created click on the ‘Edit the production scheduler’
link in the PumaFlow™ activity. It opens the editor shown below.

In this window you can recognize injectors and producers thanks to the icons next to their names
(reminder: the blue icon refers to an injector while the green icon indicates a producer).

Click on ‘Add production or injection group’: a list of the available groups appears where you can
select the groups to be added.

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Select the two groups ‘PROD’ and ‘INJ’ and click on ‘OK’ then the groups appear in the production
tree editor. In this editor, select the producers and drag and drop them on the ‘PROD’ icon.

Once it is done, you will get the following production tree:

Now, do the same for the group ‘INJ’ in order to finally have the following production tree:

5.3.2 Production Constraints

Preview or/and modify the production constraints. Select all the injection wells from the section
‘Wells And groups’, hence you can visualize the constrained data as the “Water Injection Rate” and
the Bottom hole limit pressure (here for the injector well N1). This visualization is per date, so the
values are updated when you choose different dates for the same well. Apply the following
constraints for all injectors on the first date (11/30/1987), the same constraint will be applied for all
following dates.
Injector Wells constraints for date 11/30/1987

BHP = 1000 bars Injected mass fractions WATER = 1

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In a similar way, for every producer well, define the value of 10 bars for the maximum BHP limit:
select all the producers and select the first defined date (11/30/1987).

Producer Wells constraints for date 11/30/1987

BHP = 10 bars

The observed rates (historical) are defined with the production data imported as .PRD files. To view
them, Open Fluid Control, select only one well and one date.

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Finally, select all the wells and click on the top right button ‘Close wells when rate is 0’.

Save the editor by pressing ‘Ctrl + S’.

Properties tab
This is an auxiliar tab which shows the summary of general constraints of your current case and also
hyperlinks to available commands. It can be opened in Views / Properties.

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5.3.3 Numerical Parameters
In this tab, you can access to various numerical parameters. These values can vary from one date to
another. All parameters values applied at the initial date will affect all the dates. By selecting one
date in particular, the change will be reproduced to all following dates.

First part is ‘Time Step Limits’ to determine the time step length during the simulation. Second part
concerns the maximum variation in properties from one time step to another.



Use the default values.

5.3.4 Storage Preferences

The ‘Storage Preferences’ tab refers this time to the frequency of outputs during the simulation.

At initial date, all results are selected. By default the frequency of output is of 1 year for the Grid
results and 1 year for Restart. The Production and Region results and Aquifer results frequency are
inactive. On the other hand, Production and region Quantities in Storage Specific Dates are selected
for all historical dates.

You can either select one date in particular and tick the checkbox for specific results or use to
ask for specific outputs for all following dates. This last option is only available for Production and
region quantities and Aquifer results.

Uncheck Storage Frequencies for ‘Grid block results value’ and ‘Restart results value’ at date

11/30/1987. Add a new date 01/01/1988 with and activate Storage Frequencies for Grid block
results and Restarts results every 1 year. This action will let us get the grid results every 1st of January
instead of every 30th of November

Black-Oil Case Study 82 PumaFlow™

Uncheck Grid blocks results and Restart in Storage Frequencies

Then check Grid block results and Restart results in Storage Frequencies

Save and close the editor

5.4 Adding petrophysical properties

From the ‘Activity Shortcuts’, click on ‘Select petrophysical properties from the reservoir grid’, then
be sure that the following properties are on the right side of the window:

Active grid block identification: ACTNUM

Net to gross thickness: NTG
X cell permeability: PERMX
Y cell permeability: PERMY
Z cell permeability: PERMZ
Porosity: PORO

Since permeability values may influence the calculation of wells PI’s, it is recommended to select the
petrophysical properties before the PI/MPI configuration.

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If you modify the permeabilities (or add new ones) to be used in the PumaFlow™ simulation, a
warning appears to remind that a PI re-evaluation must be done.

5.5 Defining PI and MPI

Now in the activity shortcuts, click on ‘Edit PI and MPI’. It will open the PI/MPI editor. A warning
message will appear to inform you about missing perforation dates, since this will be the task for this
section so you can ignore the message.

In fact, each well should at least have perforations defined at the initial simulation date.

MPI will be computed following these rules:

 If a perforation is partially opened, MPI will be lower than 1,

 If a perforation is completely opened, MPI = 1
 If a perforation is completely closed, MPI = 0

If you answered ‘Yes’ to the question, notice that radius and skin were set by default:

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Productivity Indexes will be computed using the skin and radius values defined in the following table.
The software will use the Peaceman formula to compute the cell numerical PI, sometimes called
connection factor. At this step the Well Reference Depth can be defined for all the wells. The
reference depth values are given in the next table. This is the depth at which the pressure will be


N1 7.5 0 -3287

N10 7.7 0 -3152

N11 7.7 0 -2627

N14 7.5 0 -3285

N18 10.8 0 -2638

N2 7.7 0 -3165

N26 10.8 0 -3177

N3 7.7 0 -3165

N30 7.7 0 -2913

N9 7.5 0 -2992

S9 7.5 0 -3263

First, define the reference depth for the wells with the values in the table. Then select wells by color
code group and then Add new date for perforations.

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Click on ‘OK’ to close the window. Define the PI for the other wells the same way.

After the PI calculation using skin and radius values, a global PI value is displayed as you can see on
the snapshot above.

Below MPI value, we find the same global value of PI. This new value takes into account the MPI for
each cell. Under PI, you find the value Σ(PI). Under MPI, you find Σ(PI*MPI).
For example if MPI value is 2 for cell (10 31 4), global PI becomes 193.49.

Save and close the editor.

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5.6 Configuring model-zone associations
Now, in order to associate the created KrPc, trap and compressibility models to their corresponding
regions, click on the link “Edit the model-zone associations” in the ‘Activity shortcuts’ board.

By default the Kr-Pc association is active: keep this option selected and click on ‘Next’. This will give:

Select ‘krpc_region’ and click on ‘Finish’.

The association editor is open as shown in the snapshot below. Select a couple Region/Model and
click on ‘Add’ to create the association.

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Finally the following association is defined: KrPc model TARBERT with the region “1” (top) and KrPc
model NESS with the region “2” (bottom).

By clicking on the Show... button you will be able to visualize the association in the Map Viewer. The
name of the Kr-Pc model is superposed on the region it is associated with.

Use option at the top right of the editor. It will save the editor and automatically reopen the
Edit Model-Zone Association without going through the Activity Shortcuts.

Repeat the same procedure for the rock compressibility association:

Click on ‘Next’ to select the region ‘RockComp_Region’ and then click on ‘Finish’.

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And finally click on ‘Finish’ in order to open the association editor. Here, there is only one rock model
to associate to the created region.

After the association is done, use .

Finally for the trap association, apply the same procedure:

Click on ‘Next’ to continue the trap association.

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Choose the “Trap_region” and click on ‘Finish’ in order to open the ‘Trap associations’ editor.

Select all the regions and all the traps models and click on the button ‘Associate 1-1 ’:

Check that the trap associations are done as shown below:

Finally save the editor and close it.

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5.7 Selecting connections and editing transmissibility
To configure faults with their transmissibility multiplier, select the item ‘Select connections and edit
transmissibility’. In the editor you can see the available faults with their transmissibility multipliers.
Tick both faults as shown below:

Save the modifications and close the editor.

An efficient way to check if the configuration of the PumaFlow™

activity is completed and the simulation is prepared to be launched is to use
the view ‘Activity Tasks’: the list of items for a selected activity is available
and indicates tasks to be mandatorily completed with a red exclamation
mark. If the PumaFlow™ activity configuration is completed, the icon of the
PumaFlow™ activity no longer displays a warning sign.

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A new method of transmissivity calculation is implemented in OFS2018. It is used by default for all
new workflow.

It is possible to use the former method selecting ‘Back-compatibility calculation mode’ (versions prior
PumaFlow2018). To do that, click on the activity ‘Edit the simulation parameters’ > ‘Workflow
parameters’ > in Static Items, select Transmissivity Calculation and select ‘Back-compatibility
calculation mode’. Here we will keep the default method.

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5.8 PumaFlow activity check
This option is available in PumaFlow contextual menu; the idea is to check if there are anomalies on
the configuration of the workflow before launching it. Right click on PumaFlow activity icon and
select Check activity. If a correction is needed, a pop-up window will give details about the

If everything is ok, the following window will appear:

If one activity was not performed, the check activity will fail and describe what actions are missing
with a hyperlink to correct it.

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5.9 Running a simulation
In order to launch the PumaFlow™ simulation, click on the ‘Run Workflow’ icon in the upper menu

This will open the following workflow launcher

In the Workflow Launcher the user can check the available host’s characteristics
before launching the simulation (with the ‘View Host Charge’ option).

Select the workflow to be run and click on the button circled in the image below in order to add the
workflow to the right area and indicate it is a “Workflow ready to be launched”.

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Click the ‘Execute’ button in order to launch the selected workflow.

The following dialog message proposes to switch the current perspective to monitoring perspective.
Click the ‘Yes’ button.

In the study explorer, you can see that the status of the workflow has changed to “Running”.

In the monitoring tab you can see details about the simulation progress. The simulation will stay on
the “Running” status while the simulation is under computation.

Once the simulation is completed (or stopped) the appropriate status is indicated.

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Once the PumaFlow™ simulation is completed, simulation results and simulation reporting files (.edi,
.odi, .log and .sdi formats) appear in the study explorer under the appropriate activity node:

The user can check the .odi file to have a report on the simulation time steps and to check if the
simulation is properly finished.

In case of error the status of the workflow will be ‘on error’ and in the .odi report file more details on
the error will be available for further analysis.

It is possible to follow the evolution of the run and get intermediate

results while the simulation is running. With the graph viewer, the user can
preview the results available at each moment and update the plot with
incoming simulation results during the run. This update is possible thanks to

the button ‘Synchronize With Current Running Workflow’ of the menu

bar (as shown in the example below):

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A reporting file for the initialization step is also available (see the file ALWYN_WF.edi below).
This step is the first step performed in a run: the simulation data set is checked and the
initialization of reservoir properties (pressure, saturations) is performed. The initial volumes of the
different fluids in place are also given.

5.10 Visualizing results

Several visualization tools are available to check the results; here we will present these tools for
different types of results:

Grid results
Production tree results (wells, production groups)
Traps results
Perforation results

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5.10.1 Grid results
The 3D Viewer can be used to visualize simulation results on the reservoir grid. For example, select
the grid pressure as a simulation result, right click and select ‘Open With > 3D Viewer’:

The evolution of the pressure in all the cells is shown. The user can animate it with the ‘Time
Browser’ and change the displayed date:

Ternary oil-water-gas Saturation Diagram

Open the oil saturation with the 3D Viewer: SO. In the 3D tree on the left, not only the oil saturation
is present but a new property called ‘Saturations’. By selecting SO, the 3D Viewer will show only the
values of oil saturation on a linear scale from min to max value of oil saturation in the model. By
selecting Saturations instead it changes the scale to a ternary one taking into account the oil, gas and
water saturations. Oil is in green, gas in red and water in blue. The color displayed for each cell is
chosen depending on the fluid with the highest saturation value.

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If only the saturation of two fluids exits in the results, the third one will be deduced from the
formula 𝑆𝑜 + 𝑆𝑔 + 𝑆𝑤 = 1

During the simulation, there are only 2 phases in Alwyn model:

Other results are available (for production groups and numerical parameters). You can
check these results with the graph viewer. For example the time necessary to perform the
simulation CPUTIME:

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5.10.2 Trap results
The ‘Volume In Place’ is a viewer dedicated to traps results: it is available by selecting the trap node,
right-clicking on it and choosing ‘Open’ or double click directly on the node:

For a selected date, this editor shows a table of the different results in all traps:

In the table the user can see the volumes in place at surface conditions and reservoir conditions for
example, as well as the average pressure at a given date.

This table is available for the PumaFlow™ initialization run mode. For this mode, this table
is helpful to check if the volume in place is accurate before starting the simulation.

The traps’ simulation results can also be analyzed with the graph viewer similarly to the well results.

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Select the properties OIP SURF and RECOVERY O SURF for ALWYN_Trap1 and open them with the

Graph Viewer. Both properties are located in the same graphs. Use the option to separate all
properties in different graphs and to reorganize them.

Add the animation panel to add all 3 traps. Select all 3 traps to superimpose their results on the same

A template for traps simulation results can be created.

EDI file

More information concerning traps can be accessed from EDI file; it can be found right below the
workflow name tree by deploying the workflow tree. EDI means “Edition Initialization” in French; it
contains all data concerning initialization: average pressures, top and bottom depth delimiting the
trap, fluids in place (surface and bottom conditions), mass in place, dimension of the model and

Black-Oil Case Study 101 PumaFlow™

warnings that alert the user of some modifications made by the software or errors that prevent the
initialization to complete properly.

Here follows the view of the EDI file:

5.10.3 Production tree results

Wells and groups results are available under the workflow tree structure.

The simulation results and the measured data for wells can be compared. The next plot shows an
example of comparison between simulation results and measurements for oil rate and static
pressure for the well N2.

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It is possible now possible to visualize observed data and simulation data in the same graph in one
click. Open the workflow until you get to well N2. Right click on Q OIL SURF PROD and select ‘Open’.

When historical data for the couple object/property exist, here oil production rate at surface
condition for N2, OpenFlow will automatically get this property to add it with the simulation results.

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As a reminder, the historical data are located under the Wells’ section.

The graph viewer works mostly by drag and drop. Next is an example of what can be done to improve
the page:

Press on the button to add a new graph and to split the page horizontally. Drag and drop the
simulated static pressure for the same well N2 on the open space under the first graph.

It is also possible to select both properties at once, right-click and select ‘Open Observed and
simulated data to get the same arrangement in the Graph Viewer. By selecting only ‘Open’, both

properties will be in the same graph. With the option ’Group by axes type’ will separate the 2
properties in 2 plots.

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To show the legend, select ‘Graph1’ and ‘Graph2’in the top left part of the viewer and in the ‘Graphic
Settings’ section tick the option ‘Show legend’. There was a great improvement in the layout of the
legend. It’s possible to exclude the mention of the property, object, workflow and simulation (used
only with CougarFlow) and change manually the name of each curve.

Know that you can change the color, symbol and line type by selecting directly the property. The
options will appear in the Graphic Settings section after the selection. Multi-selection on the
properties will impact all properties.

For further usage (like reporting), graph viewer plots can be exported. All the options are
located on the upper right of the Graph Viewer.

- As images to external files by clicking on ‘Export as Image’ button . For this option,
several file formats, organization of the graphs and file location are proposed. *.pptx format
is now available.
- As presentation, it is possible to ‘Export the animation to PowerPoint File’ or ‘Graphs in
PowerPoint (.pptx) slide’ .
- As tables, 2 formats are available: ‘Export data series to CSV’ and ‘Export data series to
Excel’ enables exporting the graphs in a ‘Tabulated Table’ file format (accepted by
Microsoft Office Excel and other similar editors).

To have the same plot for the other producing wells or to animate it, select the icon ‘Open Animation
Panel’ and drag and drop all the production wells in this panel. You can then screen through the

Black-Oil Case Study 105 PumaFlow™

same results for other wells using the animation buttons (previous, next, play, pause or select
directly the well):

By enabling the Animation panel option, a new export images option is available . It will export as
many images as there are objects in the Animation Panel. ‘Export data series to Excel’ will create
as many tabs as there are objects in the Animation panel.

Two options are available using save as icon to allow saving graphs’ configuration for further

o Save as Document: then the needed graph will be saved in the project.
o Save as Template: only the graph configuration is saved in the project, it can be used later
to construct graphs similar to the original one (same results type, same graphic settings)
Save the last plot configuration as a template and name it ‘SAVE_TEM’

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Another and quicker way to visualize results per well is to use pre-defined templates. For instance,
NEW select one producer and right click. Go to ‘Open With Template’; ‘PumaFlow’ and select ‘Production
Well Surface Rates and BHP’. This will open a pre-defined template.

In the same manner as before, to share the same plot with other producing wells or to animate it,
select the icon ‘Open Animation Panel’ and drag and drop all the production wells in this panel.

You can also select several wells at once in the Study Explorer befor opening the template to achieve
the same result.

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For fields where wells are put in groups or sets, the user can create the equivalent sets for
OpenFlow visualization. These sets can be directly used in Graph Viewer animation tab.

For example: select the producers, right-click on them and select ‘New > Well Set’:

Give a name ‘PROD_SET’ to this set and click on ‘Finish’ (you can do the same to create the well set
‘INJ’ for injectors):

Black-Oil Case Study 108 PumaFlow™

Open a graph viewer and plot the cumulative oil for the well N10. If you drag and drop the well set
‘PROD_SET’ into the animation panel then you can animate the plot for all the producers of the well
set ‘PROD_SET’.

5.10.4 Wells production results in 3D Viewer

NEW PumaFlow2018 displays well production results as bubble maps in 3D viewer with any grid property.
Several production results or historical data for as many wells selected could be seen simultaneously.

First, open the oil saturation in the 3D-Viewer. Choose the ternary representation by selecting the
Saturations propertyand move to the last available date (01/31/1992).

Go the well results in Study Eplorer and drag/drop N2 oil rate and water cut to the 3D panel. Both
results will appear as disks attached to the well location. Historical data could be added to the view
by dragging and dropping the historical field from the well folder. They will be displayed as cicrcles

By selecting one or more properties, their values for the wanted date will appear in red on the map.

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By simply dragging and dropping well name, their corresponding properties will be seen in the

5.10.5 Perforations results

Pull down the wells in the workflow tree.

The perforations results are at the bottom of the well results list. They are represented by a rectangle
followed by the perforation indices.

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The perforation results can be displayed in a graph viewer, in a statistic viewer or in a log viewer.

Pick the log Viewer. Choose the dates you want to look at.

Below the log view of the N10 well perforations PI for the first date 11/30/1987.

This is the Histogram view that can be chosen to be in cumulative mode or normal mode (unticking
cumulated mode). Curve and curve + points views are also available.

The log viewer has a new organization as well following the same organization as the other viewers.

Open Q OIL SURF PROD property from cell (11,26,2) with the Graph Viewer. The animation panel is
now available for perforations.

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Drag and drop all the perforation in the animation panel.

By selecting perforations at the same time in the animation panel, all the curves will superimpose
allowing a comparison. Use Automatic Rescaling option to adapt the scale to all curves.

It is also possible to see in the 3D viewer which perforations are open. To do so click right on the
workflow name and select Show perforation status in 3D Viewer...

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The 3D Viewer opens with dots representing the perforations are now displayed. They are green
when the perforations are open grey otherwise.

At the left of the viewer in the Perforation status space you can see what criteria are used to define
if the perforation is open or not. When the perforation is open, it will be green and when it is closed,
it is grey.

The circles can be replaced by the perforated cells. In a case with a high number of wells this can
improve the readability of the perforation status.

To do so in Perforation settings untick Show symbol then go to the Discrete zone part and increase
the opacity.

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5.10.6 Active constraints
It is possible to visualize in the graph viewer which of the constraints defined in the Production
scheduler is applied through time.

Inside the well results there is an output called ACTIVE_CONSTRAINT. Double click on it.

The graph for the N3 well of the ALWYN_WF workflow shows that the main active constraints were
the maximum rates. Indeed the simulator had to comply with the observed rates. It also indicates
that the well was closed twice during the simulation. This is a useful graph to quickly identify
unexpected behavior such as BHP violation during historical production or unexpected closures
during forecasts.

5.11 Aquifer impact

In this part we will take into account the existence of an aquifer.

5.11.1 Defining an analytical aquifer and the aquifer connection

According to a material balance study, an aquifer could be present in the east part of our reservoir.
The analytical aquifer functions are used to supply a boundary condition to the grid that is not the
usual no-flow condition: they are equivalent to a source term imposed to a set of cells. Generally, the
aquifer volume is an uncertain parameter in a reservoir simulation.

An analytical aquifer is composed of two different objects:

A model, named aquifer: it describes the physical attributes of the analytical aquifer (type of
aquifer, fluids, …);
A set of cell faces, named aquifer connection: faces of the grid through which the fluid will

Black-Oil Case Study 114 PumaFlow™

To create an aquifer, right-click on the study area, then select ‘New > Aquifer’.

A pop-up will appear, give a name and select a study to add the aquifer, and then click on ‘Finish’.

The Aquifer editor will open. In this editor, select ‘Closed Aquifer’ with only water, tick the box for
‘Average aquifer fluid compressibility’ as well as for ‘Average aquifer rock compressibility’ (it means
that the ‘aquifer fluid compressibility’ and the ‘reservoir fluid compressibility’ are the same; similarly
the ‘Reservoir rock compressibility’ has the same value as the ‘Aquifer rock compressibility’).

Black-Oil Case Study 115 PumaFlow™

Give the following value for ‘Fixed aquifer volume’: 3.0E9 rm3.

Finally, save the editor and close it.

Once the Aquifer is created, it is necessary to create a connection for the aquifer with the grid. In
order to perform this task, right click on the ‘ALWYN Grid then New > Aquifer Connection’.

The following pop-up will appear, click on ‘Finish’.

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The aquifer connection editor will open, add a line by clicking on ’Add’ and complete the location of
the connection as in the example:

Automatically a ‘Connection’ object is created in your ‘ALWYN Grid’. Once it is done, press on the
button ‘Refresh 3D …’, then a ‘3D Viewer’ with the connection position is opened:

Finally save the editor and close it.

5.11.2 Simulation with aquifer

We will copy and paste the previously completed workflow “ALWYN_WF”. Give this new workflow
the following name: “ALWYN_WF_AQ”.

Black-Oil Case Study 117 PumaFlow™

Open the new workflow for edition and drag and drop the aquifer object (which was created in
advance) on the PumaFlow™ icon.

Using the “Edit the aquifers/connections association” link, the aquifer can be connected to the

The associations should be done in a similar way as it was previously done in the region/model
association editor.

Once the association is completed, save and close the editor. Then you can run the simulation and
check the results.

Black-Oil Case Study 118 PumaFlow™

Select oil production rate and static pressure for well N2 in one of the workflow, right-click and select
Open Observed and Simulated Data.

Drag and Drop the 2nd workflow in the box: Drop here to add the data to all charts.

Black-Oil Case Study 119 PumaFlow™

The same property displayed for different objects or workflows in the same graph is shown with a

color gradient depending of default color of property. This state corresponds to the option .

Another option is available that will give a different color for each workflow whatever the property

displayed .

You can then drag and drop the producer wells to see the results for all of them into the Animation

The last option , which is new, will apply a different color by object. If only one object is
displayed, the pattern will change to distinguish curves.

As you can notice as you analyze the results, the static pressure varies significantly between the
two simulations, with and without an aquifer presence. We can infer that the aquifer volume has
an impact on reservoir pressure and therefore can help matching it.

Black-Oil Case Study 120 PumaFlow™

5.12 Workflow management
5.12.1 Workflow Tree
This tool helps to track all workflow dependencies in a graphic way. It is open by default in PumaFlow

Dependencies depicted are those by default (when a workflow is copy/paste) but new dependencies
can always be created.

Several tasks can be performed from this view:

Run your workflow
Create a new root
Generate Explicit Initial States

5.13 Restart Run

In PumaFlow™, runs can be restarted from a time step; this is very useful for prediction runs where
we want to keep unchanged the historical part.

This saves a lot of simulation time and optimizes the whole project time.

Here we will show you how to do it so you can use this option on prediction scenarios.

Black-Oil Case Study 121 PumaFlow™

You can restart any run by right clicking on any completed workflow and choosing ‘Restart from A
Time Step...’

A wizard lists the time steps available for a restart. Select Time step 7.

A new workflow will be automatically created and named “Restart of…”

Now, any dynamic parameter can be edited. Never edit a static parameter!

The only difference compared to other workflows is on the Edit Simulation panel: start date and
Restart date will be fixed; end date can be changed by the user. This means that the period from
Start date to Restart date will not be simulated again, results are kept from the original simulation.

Black-Oil Case Study 122 PumaFlow™

Change the last date to 01/31/2001

5.14 Windowing option

The windowing option allows to run simulations on parts of a grid (or windows), using boundary
conditions (fluxes) at the limits of the window derived from a full-field run.

Three steps are necessary to create a windowing run:

Define one or more windows in the full-field grid.

Run the full-field simulation on the whole grid, in order to calculate the fluxes and/or
pressures at the window boundaries at each time step.
Run simulations on the window only, where the imposed boundary conditions are the fluxes
calculated during the full-field simulation.
Data used for the run on the window can be defined by the user or initialized with the full-field run
data. The simulated period should be equal or included in the time period of the full-field run.

These reduced size models run faster than the full-field simulation. Moreover, the user can
accomplish more easily and more quickly the well history production calibration, or evaluate the
impact of different processes on the recovery, with a limited computational time. It is also possible to
add the local grid refinement inside the windowing areas.

In this section, the three steps needed to perform a windowing simulation are presented. A
development scenario is proposed in order to increase the production of a selected sector.

In this part, we want to test the effect of a sector development scenario on the cumulative oil rate of
the sector. First the sector is defined. It contains an injector and two producers. Then the behavior of
producer wells during the forecast period motivates the extraction of the sector in order to try a new
production scenario. After the sector extraction is decided, a simulation on the complete grid is done
to calculate the boundary conditions on the sector. Then the new production strategy is applied on
the selected sector and the effect on the cumulative production is shown.

Note: the propose exercise aims to show the methodology, following exercises will not be linked to
this one.

Black-Oil Case Study 123 PumaFlow™

5.14.1 Define a window for the sector
We want to create a window that contains the wells N14, N30 and N3. Right-click on the grid and
select ‘New > Window’.

Give a name to the new window and click on ‘Finish’.

A ‘Map View’ opens, in which you can drag and drop the wells N3, N30 and N14. To define a window
containing these three wells, use the selection mode to select a region and save it (keep pressing

Black-Oil Case Study 124 PumaFlow™

Then the window is created and visible under the grid node in the study explorer.

5.14.2 Perform a simulation on the complete reservoir to calculate the sector

boundary conditions
Copy and paste the workflow ‘ALWYN_WF’, rename the copy to be ‘Development_Sector’. Edit the
workflow and add the created window by drag and drop to the configuration:

The studied development scenario of the defined sector will be from 11/30/1987 to 06/01/1993,
which covers the period with historical data and a few months of forecast. The final simulation date
must be defined for the PumaFlow™ activity.

Black-Oil Case Study 125 PumaFlow™

We decide to save the boundary conditions every month for the selected period. To do so we will
create dates for the group ‘Field’ in ‘Edit the production scheduler’ in ‘Production Constraints’ tab.
These dates correspond to the first day of all months from February 1992 to June 1993.

Select the option ‘Add New List of Dates’ . Give the first and final dates with the frequency:

Then, the dates will be added to the list:

Save the workflow and launch it in order to calculate fluxes at the defined window boundaries for the
new dates.

Black-Oil Case Study 126 PumaFlow™

5.14.3 Perform a simulation on the sector
Once the workflow ‘Development_Sector’ is completed, right-click on the workflow and select the
option ‘Rerun Workflow on Window’:

Select then the window to be considered for the simulation:

A new workflow called ‘Development_Sector-Window’ is created in the ‘Study Explorer’. The grid
used in this workflow is an extracted grid from the grid ‘ALWYN_GRID’, it has the name
‘ALWYN_GRID-W’ and it corresponds to the defined sector.

Run the workflow ‘Development_Sector-Window’. Compare the simulation elapsed time of the
workflows ‘Development_Sector-Window’ and ‘Development_Sector’, can you find an
explanation of the difference in the elapsed time?

Plot the results for the wells. Compare the cumulative oil for the wells N3 and N30 results obtained for
this workflow with those of ‘Development_Sector’. What do you notice?

Black-Oil Case Study 127 PumaFlow™

5.14.4 New production scenario on a sector
Copy and paste the workflow ‘Development_Sector-Window’ and rename it ‘Development_Sector-
Window-NP’ and edit it.

We will define new production constraints for the wells N3, N30 and N14 for the forecast period. To
define new production constraints go to the production constraints tab in the production scheduler
and add the date 02/01/1992 for the wells N3, N30 and N14.

For N14 a new constraint of a ‘Maximum water rate at surface conditions’ with the value of 4500
sm3/day should be imposed on 02/01/1992.

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For the producers (N3, N30) put a constraint ‘Maximum oil rate at surface conditions’ with these

N3: 0.0 sm3/day;

N30: 630.0 sm3/day with a status Open

Save the modifications and launch the workflow.

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We will compare the sector cumulative oil production of the old and the new production
development scenarios. For this comparison, plot for the sector the produced cumulative oil at
surface conditions as shown below:

As this new production strategy tested on this sector gives a higher sector cumulative production,
the new development scenario is therefore better from this point of view.

5.15 Local Grid Refinement

The aim of this exercise is to learn how to create local grid refinements. Two main options are
available: grid contextual menu and 3D viewer. We will focus on contextual grid menu.

5.15.1 LGR from grid contextual menu

Copy/paste ALWYN_GRID and rename it to “ALWYN_GRID_LGR”.

Right-click on the grid and select New > LGR.

Since we are creating this LGR around the well N3 call it LGR-sectorN3.

Black-Oil Case Study 130 PumaFlow™

Select Local grid boundaries to be I=18-21 ; J=12-15 ; K=1-5. These are the limits of your refined zone.

The grid refinement is the level of refinement you want to apply on the selected local boundaries. By
default, ‘Refinements’ shows the (‘n’) number of concerned cells in the intervals, but an error
message indicates that no refinement has been defined yet.

As for the exercise we want to divide each cell into the local boundary in 3 identical sub-cells among
I, J & K. Indeed, we could just increase the ‘Refinements’ tab. A single click will increase of ‘n’

For more advanced definition of the refinement ‘Activate variable cell dimension’. Each sub-division
per cell along I, J or K could be precisely defined, giving the number of sub-divisions and their

Click on ‘Next’ to check grid properties to be downscaled to the sub-grid. Then click on ‘Finish’.

Black-Oil Case Study 131 PumaFlow™

Open any grid property with 3D viewer, verifications can be made by activating the wireframe for the
LGR object. You can drag and drop the well N3 on the 3D viewer. Check if refinement level was
respected, check that all properties were downscaled and also the well discretization.

The wireframe can be visualized in the grid view settings options

It is important to ensure that the well path is not in the middle of a cell intersection to avoid
difficulties at the moment of discretizing.

5.15.2 Simulation with LGR

Copy/Paste ALWYN_WF workflow and rename it to ALWYN_WF_LGR.

Edit the workflow and remove the Grid by right clicking > Delete (directly on PumaFlow activity tree).
Drag and drop ALWYN_GRID_LGR

Black-Oil Case Study 132 PumaFlow™

Check that all properties have been added to the sub-grid in ‘Select petrophysical properties from
the reservoir grid’.

PI computation for LGR

Each time you change the grid, PI’s are reinitialized (PI calculation requires permeability property).
Necessary data need to be input again so it computes new PI’s.

Edit PI/MPI of wells according to instructions given in section 5.5 (only well radius should be set).


N1 7.5 0 -3287

N10 7.7 0 -3152

N11 7.7 0 -2627

N14 7.5 0 -3285

N18 10.8 0 -2638

N2 7.7 0 -3165

N26 10.8 0 -3177

N3 7.7 0 -3165

N30 7.7 0 -2913

N9 7.5 0 -2992

S9 7.5 0 -3263

Black-Oil Case Study 133 PumaFlow™

The only difference that you will notice is the discretization of well N3.

Regions association for LGR

It is done in the same window as for the main grid. Region properties are also downscaled to the sub-
grid level.

It is only necessary to do it on the main grid when option “Apply the same associations on subgrids”
is checked; the association done for the main grid will be applied to the subgrid.

Following images show the LGR final associations for quality check purposes.

Black-Oil Case Study 134 PumaFlow™

Run the workflow and check the results.

They must be the same results as the case ALWYN_WF at well and production group level but the
refining gives detailed results on the grid level.

Black-Oil Case Study 2 PumaFlow™

5.16 Explicit Initial State
Activating this option allows the computation of initial state using the vertical equilibrium
assumption. Parameters such as pressure, saturations, bubble points or dew points, molar
compositions, water mass, hydrocarbon masses may be modified on a cell by cell basis to account for
a different distribution. This means that the initialization maps will be imposed by the user,
PumaFlow will perform coherency verifications but it will not calculate property distributions. The
fluid equilibrium is then no more guaranteed.

There are two possibilities to define an explicit initial state simulation:

 from a completed simulation,

 from a new PumaFlow activity with selection of all minimum required grid properties.

5.16.1 Generate an Explicit Initial State from an existing simulation

Right-click on the workflow ALWYN_WF_AQ and select > Generate an Explicit Initial State.

Then select the fourth time step date 01/01/1989), maps will be extracted from this date.

Select Time step 4 and click Next.

In the next window, available properties in the reservoir grid will be displayed. Some of them will be
chosen to generate the Explicit General State: pressure, oil and water saturation, molar fraction of
heavy and volatile component. it has been added to the grid outputs in chapter 5.2.3.

In the left window, available properties to generate an Explicit Initial State are displayed. In the right
one, properties which take part in the fluid flow simulation.

In the left window, select properties which will be used in the simulation to perform an Explicit Initial
State. Press Add. Selected properties are displayed in the right window.

Click Finish.

Black-Oil Case Study 3 PumaFlow™

It is necessary to define at least 2 saturation maps, the third one will be deduced from

Sw + So + Sg = 1

In the study Explorer, the Explicit Initial State simulation is generated under the name
ExplicitInitialState of ALWYN_WF_AQ

5.16.2 Workflow edition in Explicit initial State

A special icon indicates the activation of Explicit Initial State option in PumaFlow activity:

To finish the configuration, select Associate hydrocarbons properties to the PVT. This step allows
indicating which maps refer to which PVT components.

Run the workflow and check the results. Focus on EDI file messages.

Black-Oil Case Study 4 PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 6 Practical Exercises
This chapter aims to show and discuss practical exercises that reservoir engineers will face as
common daily simulation challenges. The idea is also to incentive the independence of the trainee,
create group discussion and of course, to learn the methodology that PumaFlow™ proposes.

In all cases the following stages are proposed:

Prior discussions: to promote group analysis concerning the exercise proposed.

How-to: tips of how to perform the exercise.

Results Analysis: global discussion of results and questions to answer. The aim is to understand the
physical phenomena together with the simulation results. In some cases, the best scenario needs to
be chosen.

6.1 Classical Local History Matching

We cannot perform predictions with a model that has not been matched. In this case we will state
some prior conditions to keep the exercise as real as possible:

This model underwent a global history matching process using CougarFlow™ assisted history
matching feature (AHM).
Well by well match still needs improvement.
Optimized values (coming from CougarFlow™) will be given so you will be able to perform an
optimized run with them.

6.1.1 Simulation with Optimized Parameters (Exercise 1)

Prior discussion

Following items were affected during history matching process, take a look at them and comment
what was the effect of changing them.


Each time an item is changed on PumaFlow™, you should copy/paste the original one, and then edit
the copy. Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V is always useful!

Copy/paste all items described here below and assign optimized values.

New item name Aquifer_OPT ALWYN_Trap1_OPT ALWYN_Trap2_OPT Connection_OPT

Found in Study Aquifer / Volume Trap1 / WOC [m] Trap2 / WOC [m] Aquifer Connections /
Explorer as [m³] Multiplier

Value 2.333E+10 -3235 -2896 0.5667

Table 5 Optimized parameters after global history match 1/2

Black-Oil Case Study 5 PumaFlow™

New item name ALWYN_RockModel FLT1_OPT FLT2_OPT
Found in Study Rock Compressibility FLT1 / Transmissivity FLT2 / Transmissivity
Explorer as [1/bar] multiplier multiplier
Value 1.889E-5 0.667 0.333

Table 6 Optimized parameters after global history match 2/2

Copy-paste ALWYN_WF_AQ and rename it EX_01_ALWYN_WF_AQ-OPT. Delete the old objects to

add the newly created ones and redo the associations. Aquifer connections and faults will be
reassigned inside the workflow. Run the Workflow.


 Fault transmissivity could not be changed directly in the new objects (Study Explorer).
Indeed, when creating the new workflow, click on ‘Select connections and edit
transmissibility’. From the Transmissibility window the user is able to select faults and edit
their transmissibility multiplier.

 Aquifer connection needs to be changed through the wokflow link ‘Edit the
aquifers/connections association’. Since the original grid is used, the two existing aquifer
connections are proposed (‘Connection’ and ‘Connection-OPT’) but only one aquifer is
available (‘Aquifer-OPT’) has been created on the original. Save the editor.

Black-Oil Case Study 6 PumaFlow™

At the end new objects should be considered for simulation.

Results Analysis

Compare your first Alwyn run with the optimized run: Field and Well by Well results together
with measured data.
What are the main changes that can be noticed in terms of pressure and water production?

NEW PumaFlow2018 enables to quickly create resulting properties using automatic calculations, after the
run is completed. Select the workflow grid and right click; select ‘Calculator’.

If the user selects ‘Compute Net Oil Thickness property’ it will create a new grid property ‘Net oil
thickness-01’ (type: Oil thickness) at all dates. The evolution of the net oil thickness could then been
visualized displaying the property in a 3D-window and importing each date in the animation panel.

Black-Oil Case Study 7 PumaFlow™

6.1.2 Well-by-Well Watercut Match (Exercise 2)
Prior discussion

After well-by-well evaluation, list all wells that show a considerable mismatch in terms of watercut.
Several parameters can be considered in order to match this ratio:

Permeability distribution
Relative permeabilities of water to oil
Fluid contacts
Vertical-permeability values
Presence of injectors

In this case, we will focus on relative permeabilities and vertical heterogeneity. 2 exercises are
proposed: 2A and 2B.

6.1.3 Relative permeability modification (Exercise 2A)


Create Grid property to delay water breakthrough: critical water saturation which will
rescale the relative permeabilities curves making the water phase to be non-mobile until
water saturation reaches this critical saturation in a grid block. We propose to set a value of
0.3 for the entire grid; user is free to do it differently.

Black-Oil Case Study 8 PumaFlow™

Create a Zone of Interest (ZOI) > 3 cells around well N2 using “filtering by objects of interest”

Open Ex2a-SWCR-N2 grid property through 3D editor, select property edition and perform
the following task:

Editor icon

your ZOI

Black-Oil Case Study 9 PumaFlow™

Fix “elsewhere” values to be 0.3 and set values for well N2 ZOI according to the following

Well ZOI Range of SWCR

ZOI-N2 0.3 – 0.45

Table 7 Range of values of Scaled Critical Water in Oil Saturation per ZOI

The idea is to create a Grid property with local modifications in some areas (ZOI’s).

This value will be

applied only to ZOI-N2

This value will be

applied to the entire
grid (excluding the ZOI)

Click on Apply to get the


Once created and edited, this property will be associated to the workflow through “Select
petrophysical properties” edition option. RUN YOUR WORKFLOW!

Black-Oil Case Study 10 PumaFlow™

Results Analysis

Check the evolution of the watercut of each well.

What is the SWCR that best fits N2 water production?

6.1.4 Transmissibility Multipliers (Exercise 2B)

Second movement will be to affect the transmissibility. We propose to treat wells separately
depending on their production profile.

We will create again Zones of interest and will assign transmissibility multipliers to them.

Prior Discussion

Check ternary oil-gas-water saturation diagram at date 31/01/1992 in 3D Viewer.

Share your comments.

Check again water production profiles of all wells. Define a list of those that need special attention.

Black-Oil Case Study 11 PumaFlow™


Work on Zones of Interest that were already created (N2) and create new ones around wells
you have chosen to change.
Create new Multipliers of transmissibility in X, Y or Z-direction directly on the ZOI’s (this
means you should right click on them to access the New> Multiplier menu); assign values
depending on the case.

Perform several sensitivities to get the multiplier that best fits each production profile. For
that add the Zones to PumaFlow Activity and Select the multiplier in ‘Select petrophysical
properties from the reservoir grid’.
Following table depicts our recommendations, nevertheless, the exercise is opened for

Well ZOI Property (Multiplier) Range

ZOI-N2 TRANSZ- 0.1 – 1


ZOI-N3 TRANSX+ 0.1 – 1

Table 8 Range of values of Transmissibilities per ZOI

Black-Oil Case Study 12 PumaFlow™

Note: For the ZOI-N2 transmissibility multiplier tick “Reverse direction for transmissibility or
transmissibility multiplier” multiplying transmissivity factor of cell connections in K- direction. This
property type is visible in the properties tab.

The new grid properties (Transmissibility Multiplier) are then stored under the ZOI folders. Indeed,
the Zones folders need to be drag & drop to the WF. You will select the multipliers in ‘Select
Petrophysical properties from the reservoir grid’.

Results Analysis

Plot: measured Watercut + Optimized base case Watercut + Best SWCR/TRANS optimized
Comment your results: are they good enough to continue?

Black-Oil Case Study 13 PumaFlow™

6.1.5 Updating the model with event information (Exercise 3A)
Prior Discussion

We will assume that a report was found with important information concerning well interventions to
increase their IP after performing these processes; well tests were made to verify each well’s skin,
only 50% of the acidizing interventions were successful, we are very confident about these results. A
summary of the report follows:

Well Test Date Skin Value

N2 01/MAY/1990 4

N10 01/JAN/1989 4

N18 01/JAN/1989 -4
Table 9 Skin values after well tests


Work on a copy of your last optimized workflow.

PI/MPI editor on PumaFlow™ activity assists you to assign events to wells. Add new dates to
wells and change the skin value according to the table. Remember that well radius remains
the same!

Results Analysis

Is there a change on Productivity Indexes? Why? What sort of change is observed?

Plot measured BHP’s and BHP of your last workflow. What happens with concerning
wells BHP’s?
Is there a change in terms of fluids production?

Black-Oil Case Study 14 PumaFlow™

6.1.6 Well by Well BHP matching – MPI modifications (Exercise 3B)
Prior discussion

BHP, PI and fluids rates are clearly linked. Production happens due to the interaction of these three
factors: 𝑄 = 𝑀𝑃𝐼 × 𝑃𝐼 × 𝜟𝑷

We can have the same rate by either increasing the PI or by augmenting the pressure difference (ΔP).
Based on this, a non-matched BHP can be catching PI issues.

What do you think about this? What is the importance of having a good BHP match for
What happens with the BHP if we increase the PI? Base your answer on the equation above.

Compare all producers measured BHP and BHP from your last optimized model (with Skin changes
from Exercise 3A). Comment the differences and choose the wells with higher mismatch as targets
for modifications.

Important assumptions: we will perform all modifications on the first date of production since we
cannot justify changes on further dates.


Work on a copy of your last optimized workflow (based on exercise 3A) in the PI/MPI editor.
Perform PI calibrations on concerning Wells (only producers) by modifying their Productivity
Index Multiplier (MPI) on the initial date.
Select completion lines to be modify, right click and select “Set Value for Selection”.
What value should you assign? That will strictly depend on Well’s actual behavior and how
close/far are the simulation results from measured data (mind the PI-Q-BHP relationship).
Be careful: MPI is unique for each event date; if the well has multiple dates, changes needs
to be done on the first date and on the second date also.
List your MPI changes using the following table (this will easy-up the whole process).

Well Exercise_3B_Run1 Exercise_3B_RunN

MPI Value MPI Value







Table 10 MPI value changes per well and per run

Black-Oil Case Study 15 PumaFlow™

Important: We will exclude well N26 from MPI modifications. This well will be used on the next

You can either change

MPI values perforation
by perforation or select
all and set value for

Results Analysis

Take exercise 3A case results as base case for comparison purposes.

What is the effect in terms of Bottom Hole Pressure?
Is there any effect on oil and water production?

6.1.7 Well by Well BHP matching – local permeability changes (Exercise 3C)
Prior discussion

The aim of this exercise is to show how we can apply local changes to petrophysical properties such
as permeability in X, Y or Z direction. Changes will be applied on well N26.

This well shows higher BHP than expected; following the same logic from previous exercise, we will
lower their permeability in X direction by applying multipliers on a Zone of Interest nearby N26


Create Zones of interest: 400 m around wells N26 since N10 is very close.

Black-Oil Case Study 16 PumaFlow™

Create New Multipliers on the ZOI’s: X cell permeability multipliers and assign values until
you get the good BHP match.

We propose the following ranges for permeability in x-direction multipliers.

Well ZOI Property (Multiplier) Range

ZOI-N26 PERMX 0.1 – 1

Table 11 Range of values of x permeability multipliers per ZOI

Each time a permeability multiplier is added around a well, its PI must be re-evaluated.

Make sure you select all wells before clicking on .

Results Analysis

Compare BHP – Static Pressure results with Exercise 3B and with measured data.
What is your best case?

Black-Oil Case Study 17 PumaFlow™

One way to quickly compare simulations results would be to use PumaFlow Template as mentioned
in chapter 5.10.3.

Once the template open, the user could click on the button ‘Apply a different color for each
Workflow’ located at the right panel. Finally, the user can ‘Open Animation Panel’ and drag/drop the

Black-Oil Case Study 18 PumaFlow™

6.2 Prediction Cases
From now on, we will consider that our model is « matched » enough to take it as base case for

The purpose of these exercises is to apply different well controls on prediction to optimize both
production and injection.

6.2.1 Prediction Base Case (Exercise 4)

Prior Discussion

First, list all changes that have been applied to the model so we are sure we are working with the
very last matched version. The table is empty so the trainee fills it with its own matching values. The
instructor can provide the solutions if it is necessary.

Exercise 2A Exercise 2B Exercise 3A Exercise 3B Exercise 3C

Scaled Critical Updating Permeability
Transmissibility MPI
Item Water in Oil Event Changes
Multipliers Modifications
Saturation information
(Perm Mult)

Grid property ZOI property PI/MPI editor PI/MPI Editor ZOI property


ZOI-N3 - MTRANSX= - - -

ZOI-N18 - MTRANSX= - - -

Reservoir SWCR= - - - -

Well N2 - - Skin= MPI= -

Well N10 - - Skin= MPI= -

Well N18 - - Skin= MPI= -

Well N11 - - - MPI= -

Well N26 - - - MPI= -

Well N3 - - - MPI= -

Well N30 - - - MPI= -

ZOI-N26 - - - - MPERMX=

Table 12 Summary of changes per exercise

Black-Oil Case Study 19 PumaFlow™


Check that your simulation has all changes listed above.

Run predictions until 01/01/2005 by changing the simulation end date.

Add a new date for all wells 1st February 1992 (02/01/1992) and save

Set new production constraints for all producers (except Well N30) and all injectors
according to the following table:
Constraint Value Applied to

Activity Coefficient 0.9 All Wells (producers &

injectors, except N30)
Maximum Oil Rate (surface) 2000 sm /day All producers
(except N30)

Bottom-hole pressure limit 35 bar All producers

(except N30)
Maximum Water Rate 3500 sm /day All Injectors
Bottom-hole pressure limit 1000 bar All Injectors

Table 13 Production constraints for predictions

Use the option ‘Close wells when rate is 0’

Black-Oil Case Study 20 PumaFlow™

Go to Storage Preferences and set a storage frequency of 1 month for Production and region
results value from date 02/01/1992.

Run your simulation

Results Analysis

What can be noticed about water cut property per well?

Plot average pressure for Trap 1. What happens with pressure through time?
Do we have a plateau of oil production? If yes, what is the plateau oil rate? Duration?
Is this the best way to produce the remaining reserves?

Black-Oil Case Study 21 PumaFlow™

6.2.2 Forecast with Remedial Operations (Exercise 5)
Prior Discussion

When a constraint is no longer respected, the well or group on which the constraint is applied will be
closed by default.

For example, when a well maximum watercut is exceeded, the well is closed.

However, this default behavior does not reproduce the complex process planned for the exploitation
of a reservoir, when working conditions are evolving. Remedial operations are actions that will
modify groups, wells or perforations attributes (open/closed, rates, pressures …) when constraints
are no longer respected, in order to meet again these constraints.

For example, when a well maximum watercut is exceeded, one or more perforations, that have the
highest watercut, can be closed, in order to meet again the maximum watercut constraint.

Once Remedial Operations are defined and added to the activity, they can be associated to one or
several constraints, by using the button Set at the right of the constraint. This button will open the
list of available remedial operations that can be associated to the corresponding constraint.

If this constraint is no longer respected during the simulation, the simulator will sequentially apply
all the actions described in the associated remedial operation.

After each action, the value of the parameter (on which the constraint is applied) is computed again.
If the action has been sufficient to respect over again the constraint, the simulator resumes the
simulation. If the constraint is still not respected, the next action will be applied, further on. If all the
actions described on the remedial operation have been applied without a sufficient effect, the well
or group is finally closed.

Remedial operations library: Remedial operations are defined independently from the PumaFlow™
activity. They are gathered together in a remedial operations library, which may contain several
remedial operations of different type or use.

Black-Oil Case Study 22 PumaFlow™


Create a Remedial Operation library with the following Basic operation (right-click in Study
Explorer New> Remedial Operation Library): Multiply the MPI of the well perforation which
has the highest watercut by 0 (zero) and apply it 30 times. These sequence of actions are
going to close the layers which watercut exceeds a value that will be fixed on well’s
constraints. We allow this action to be applied only 30 times, this means that only 30
perforations can be closed during the whole simulation period.

Constraint all producer wells with an Advanced Constraint for Perforations: Perforation

maximum water cut. Set the Remedial Operation by clicking on the right button .

Black-Oil Case Study 23 PumaFlow™

For results analysis perforation results should be added to the workflow before running in Edit the
simulation parameters > Storage Preferences and limit the outputs to productivity index (numeric)
and Watercut as output variables for perforated cells of all wells.

Perforation Status in Grid Properties will be useful to analyze the results. It is already
Run your simulation

Results Analysis

Plot well N18 evolution of watercut per perforation through time. To do so, under whichever
N18 perforation select the ‘W CUT’ track and Open With ‘Log Viewer’, it will display anyway
all the well perforations. Show Histogram in log viewer, to do that select the property and
tick this option in the Curve Settings.

Black-Oil Case Study 24 PumaFlow™

Select the first month of each year and make sure to have same axis for all plotted logs and
show Histogram (curve settings) at each date.

Look at the information contained in the ODI file which warns when a perforation is closed
(look for ‘WCUTL’):

How many perforations were closed? Conditions were actually met for the closure?

Black-Oil Case Study 25 PumaFlow™

6.2.3 Forecast – Injection optimization (Exercise 6)
Prior Discussion

Plot average pressure for trap 1 from Exercise 5.

Note that results can be slightly different depending on your best case; nevertheless, the tendency
should be that pressure clearly increases. What it is also real is the fact that there is an over-design in
terms of injection, this affects operational expenditures.

The idea of this exercise is to control the injection (quantity and time) so field pressure still remains
above saturation pressure but it does not lead to over-injection conditions. This control will also have
an effect on water production.

Black-Oil Case Study 26 PumaFlow™


Run a first case without Injection, name your case “EX_06a_No_injection”, close all the
injectors on date 01/02/1992 (1st February 1992).

o Answer the following enquiries: what can be noticed about this case? What happens
with reservoir pressure? What can be the consequences?
Now, create a new case “EX_06b_Injection_optim” were you set a maximum water injection
limit of 4000 m3/day for INJ group (injector group) on date 02/01/1992 (1st February 1992).
This date should be added to the group list of dates.

Caution, injectors status must be switch back to ‘Open’ on 02/01/1992.

Stop injection on 05/01/1998 (1st May 1998) for all injection wells.
You can still play on water injection limit and on the date were the injection stops so the case
can be improved.
For later usage (Exercise 7), add new grid outputs (Simulation parameters > Storage
o Relative permeability of the oil phase
o Cell permeability in X direction
o Net thickness of the cells
o Initial porosity
Run your simulation and get your optimized case.

Black-Oil Case Study 27 PumaFlow™

Results Analysis

Plot the average pressure of Trap 1 and compare it to Exercise 5 results and also with the
case without injection.
What is your fluid saturation pressure?
Is your optimized case average pressure above Saturation Pressure?
Why is it so important to keep it above?
Plot cumulative water injection for INJ group, compare it with Exercise 5. Estimate the excess
of water that was injected before? Is your new case optimized?
Compare cumulative oil production for the three cases. What are your conclusions?

6.2.4 Opportunity Index for New Well Locations – New Well Creation (Ex. 7)
Prior Discussion

So far we have reached a recovery factor of almost 50% of OOIP; we still have remaining oil that can
be recovered.

The management approved to drill 2 new wells to increase the recovery on those areas that have
been poorly drained.

To choose the best location we will create a map of “opportunities”, represented by an index, which
will show the areas where wells can be drilled based on its opportunity index.

Opportunity index determination is a well-known methodology that has been widely applied; it
consists on creating a grid property based on a combination of several parameters such as: oil
saturations (residual and actual), permeability, porosity, oil relative permeabilities, net-to-gross and
pressure. There are many formulations available on SPE papers; we will propose the following one
based on SPE paper 122915 “Exploitation plan design based on opportunity index analysis on
numerical simulation models”2 (simplifications and change in nomenclature were made for
demonstration purposes):



I_OPPOR = Opportunity index, fraction

I_PERM = Relative flow capacity, meters

I_HC = Porous mobile volume, meters

I_PRESS = operation pressure, fraction

A. Molina, A. Rincon: “Exploitation plan design based on opportunity index analysis on numerical simulation models”, SPE p

Black-Oil Case Study 28 PumaFlow™





PERMX = permeability in x direction, mD

KRO = oil relative permeability (at current date), fraction

NTG = net to gross ratio, fraction

DZ = cell thickness, meters

SOIL = oil saturation (at current date), fraction

SOWCR = residual oil saturation, fraction

PORO = porosity, fraction

PRESSURE = pressure, bars

Pa = abandonment pressure, bars

These are the general conditions for new wells:

Only two wells are to be drilled.

400 meters surface spacing should be respected.
Wells can be either horizontal or vertical.
Drilling time is 1 month, thus, there should be a time separation of 1 month between each
well opening. Wells should be opened on 1st January 1998 and 1st February 1998. It is up to
the engineer to determine which one will be opened first.

Objective: position two wells based on the opportunity index of the field.

Black-Oil Case Study 29 PumaFlow™


Refer to the ‘Calculation of Opportunity Index’ in the Help > PumaFlow > How tos > Workflows.

From exercise 6b (optimized injection scenario), following grid properties are needed. Some
are static can be used atinitial date, others are dynamic and must be selected at the right
date (01/01/1998):

HU Net thickness of the cells 11/30/1987

KXM Cell permeability in X direction 11/30/1987
PHIINI Initial porosity 11/30/1987
SGC Critical gas saturation in a G/O system in drainage mode 11/30/1987
SORG Gasflood residual oil saturation 11/30/1987
SORW Waterflood residual oil saturation 11/30/1987
KRO Relative permeability of the oil phase 01/01/1998
PRESS Pressure / reference phase 01/01/1998
SG Gas saturation 01/01/1998
SO Oil saturation 01/01/1998

To calculate Opportunity Index at date 01/01/1998, open first the Calculator (Views menu):
o Drag and Drop all needed properties in Inputs for the wanted date.

o Select the target container with , it should be the grid in the workflow containing
the workflow results (here ‘ALWYN_GRID’). The new property will be found here
after the calculation.
o Give a name to the new property (‘I_OPPOR’) and edit the Calculator fields as below
o Use the following script, also found in the How To manual (‘Calculation of
Opportunity Index’):

//creation of Sor values
I_HC = if(I_HC<= 0 , 0, I_HC);
I_PRESS = PRESS-50; //Paban = 50 bars

Black-Oil Case Study 30 PumaFlow™

 Be aware to use same property alias in the inputs table and in the formula
 The resulting property ‘I_OPPOR’ is normalized at the end of the calculation
(divided by its maximum value)
 In the Options tab, it is possible to open the results in a viewer automatically
after computing the script.

o Compute

Results Analysis

Open the property with 3D viewer and statistics viewer.

Check the coherency of values, remember that the best zones will have 1 as index value and
the worst ones will have 0 as index value.

Black-Oil Case Study 31 PumaFlow™

6.2.5 New Well location (Exercise 8)
Prior Discussion

To locate new wells, we will base our decision on the newly created property I_OPPOR, we will
consider a cut-off of 0.2 to highlight the areas with higher index. This cut-off is case-dependent.


Visualize property I_OPPOR on 3D Viewer and double-click on the Color scale to filter the
property. Set a minimum of 0.2 and hide values below minimum.

Drag&drop all wells.

Now, it is your time to choose the new wells location considering the constraints: 300 m
between each weels, wells should be opened on 1st January 1998 and 1st February 1998.

To place a new well, click on the well icon on 3D or 2D viewer , Well edition panel will be
opened on the left. New wells creation constraints are
o Maximum horizontal length: 1 km
o Minimum space between two wells: 400m

Black-Oil Case Study 32 PumaFlow™

By default Vertical Well creation is opened, only Well head coordinates and well length are
needed. Well Along Grid option will let you choose the index of cells for the trajectory.

Picking of Well head coordinates : For vertical well use directly on the chosen cell. For
Well Along Grid, pick the chosen cell with the first on Well Graphic Data Acquisition line,
well head coordinates and trajectory will appear in the table.
Keep only the cells where you want your well to be discretized. It is possible to select the

cells one by one with Collect Index option on the right side of the table . All cells can be
edited. Change the well name. Click on Discretize well on Structure Grid(s)and then click on
Create Well.

A New well will be created and will be available on Study Explorer menu.

Black-Oil Case Study 33 PumaFlow™

Repeat the procedure to place the second well.

Edit your workflow (EX_08_ALWYN_New_wells) to add both wells.

Edit PI/MPI for new wells considering a well radius of 7.5 cm.
In the production scheduler move new wells to the ‘PROD’ group
Activate new wells. Here we will suggest some production constrainsts but, these are really
well-dependent so, feel free to change them if necessary:
o Opening Date of 1st well: 01/01/1998
o Opening Date of 2nd well: 02/01/1998
o Maximum oil rate: 1000 - 1500 m3/day
o Minimum BHP: 35 bars
Create as many scenarios as you can, feel free to change the target rate if it is necessary. The
idea is to keep the case with higher oil recovery factor.
Run your model

Results analysis

Check the most important variables for wells: bottom-hole pressure, static pressure, oil
production, water production, cumulative oil.
Check the average field pressure.
Check the final recovery factor.

Black-Oil Case Study 34 PumaFlow™

6.2.6 Pressure Maintenance (Exercise 9)
Prior Discussion

After opening new wells, there is a drop of pressure (below saturation pressure) that leads to an
increase of gas saturation. Injection can be improved by imposing pressure maintenance rules.

Maintaining pressure in a reservoir consists of replacing the produced volumes by the adequate
volume of injected fluids to avoid a fall of pressure. Generally there are two ways to maintain
pressure in a reservoir:

First case: adapt the injection rate to the production or (production rate is not affected)
Second case: adapt the production rate to a given injection rate (injection rate is not
Pressure maintenance option allows to constraint groups of wells (or sectors) with other groups.

On this specific case, we want to maintain the reservoir pressure by replacing all that is produced
(water) through water injection (first case); if that is not enough, we will set a make-up rate, this is an
extra rate that can be injected if needed to achieve the pressure target.


Copy and paste your best case with new wells (exercise 8).
Edit the production scheduler and apply the following changes:
o INJ group:
 Add date 01/01/1999 (all changes will be set on this date only)
 Remove the group maximum water rate constraint from that date clicking
on ‘Delete constraint for all the simulation’ .
The other button (‘Cancel constraint’ ) will deactivate the constraint for
the given period, but it can be reactivated on the simulation period later on,
using .

 Activate pressure maintenance in Advanced Constraints: produced fluid(s) to

be replaced (Water-Oil-Gas); constraining group (PROD); Fraction = 1; target
for pressure maintenance = 290 bars.

Black-Oil Case Study 35 PumaFlow™

 Activate additional injection rate of 50000 sm3/day; injection order: field
fluids then additional fluids;

o Injector Wells:
 Add date 01/01/1999 (all changes will be set on this date only).
 Set a new maximum water injection of 20000 sm3/day for every well.
 Make sure they have the status “Open”.

Black-Oil Case Study 36 PumaFlow™

Be careful with excessive gas production from some wells that can cause excessive pressure
variations and by consequence, simulation crashing. Think about restricting gas production to
some wells if it is necessary. Notice that this is not a compulsory step but a suggestion in case
you have troubles with your simulation.

Run the simulation

Results Analysis

Compare average pressure of trap 1.

Compare recovery factors.
Compare cumulative water production.
Is there a benefit of maintaining Alwyn’s reservoir pressure?
Taking into account that water needs to be treated to be re-injected in the reservoir, is this
scenario economically attractive? Think about a fictive treatment cost of 2$ per barrel of
water, assume oil price is 50$ per barrel, do your mathematics and comment your results.

Black-Oil Case Study 37 PumaFlow™

CHAPTER 7 Special study tools
7.1 Productivity Index optimizer (Exercise 10)
This exercise aims to show a workflow to adjust flowmeter data to well simulated data by optimizing
perforations’ productivity index multipliers.

Here follows a summary of the workflow.

Measured Configured
Discretization data: MPI
Data: Run with
of flowmeter completed Optimizer
Flowmeter adjusted MPI

7.1.1 Flowmeter importation

The only well with available data is N2. Import its flowmeter log contained in folder FLOWMETER.

Well Dynamic data > Flowmeter (.flm)

Set property type according to the file. Top and bottom intervals are in feet.

Check imported data on log viewer.

7.1.2 Flowmeter discretization

A flowmeter allows to measure liquid rates as a function of depths of a producing well. The
discretization allows knowing the rate at perforation level of a discretized well. It consists in a
geometrical discretization similar to a well discretization on a grid. Finally, the addition of all
discretized rates must be equal to the addition of rates measured by the flowmeter.

Black-Oil Case Study 38 PumaFlow™

Discretization menu can be accessed by right-clicking on the well.

Select Alwyn grid and click on finish so the discretization is performed. A new object should appear
on the discretize section of the grid.

Open discretized flowmeter with log viewer and on the same plot, add the flowmeter imported
(before discretization). This view corresponds to the cumulative mode, and it allows to quality check
the performed discretization. This cumulative mode could be selected by selecting the specific rate in
the View Settings (‘Other Settings’).

Black-Oil Case Study 39 PumaFlow™

7.1.3 Simulated data
Copy/paste workflow ALWYN_WF_AQ taking into account flowmeter data and rename it

Select formation pressure and flowmeter

and run the workflow .

7.1.4 MPI Optimizer

Create a new optimized MPI set by right-clicking on previousworkflow “EX_10_ALWYN_WF_AQ-
flowmeter” > New > Optimized MPI set. At the end of the process, this new workflow will be
automatically called “Optimized EX_10_ALWYN_WF_AQ-flowmeter”.

Check that measured data comes from discretized wells and simulated data from
“EX_10_ALWYN_WF_AQ-flowmeter” workflow.

Black-Oil Case Study 40 PumaFlow™

When the editor opens, check that the flow rate type is set to Oil FR and click on Compute MPI. A
new set of optimized MPI is generated.

Create a workflow from the results and affect MPI’s at flowmeter dates.

Black-Oil Case Study 41 PumaFlow™

A new workflow (“Optimized EX_10_ALWYN_WF_AQ-flowmeter”) will be automatically opened.
Check in PI/MPI editor that MPI values of well N2 are updated.

Now the workflow can be run.

7.2 Fluid in place volume and Additional fluid in place calculation

This functionality helps the user to have a deeper analysis over the repartitioning of fluids in the
entire reservoir through the creation of customized regions.

In the same context, it is part of the flexibility of the OpenFlow Suite allowing the import of ECLIPSE™
format grid properties defining these additional regions. In our case, we will just build

Once the FIP is associated to the simulation, the resulting computation is available in TRAPS node in
OpenFlow Suite. Graphic 1D editor is available together with volume and statistic viewer for a full
exploitation of results.

7.2.1 FIP creation

Create new property in Alwyn Grid and type it ‘Fluid in place regions’.

Black-Oil Case Study 42 PumaFlow™

FIP property will be built like the Trap_region was to make sure the volume calculations are correct.
Right-click on the property and Open with Property Editor (PumaFlow). Copy and Paste following

Imin Imax Jmin Jmax Kmin Kmax Value

1 36 1 51 1 18 1

1 18 1 1 1 18 2

1 17 2 2 1 18 2

1 15 3 4 1 18 2

1 14 5 5 1 18 2

1 13 6 7 1 18 2

1 12 8 11 1 18 2

1 36 1 51 17 18 3

Save the window.

7.2.2 FIP results

Copy/paste ALWYN_WF_AQ, rename it ‘EX_11_ALWYN_WF_AQ-FIP’ and add ‘FIP’ to the workflow
(‘Select petrophysical properties from the reservoir grid’).

Run the workflow .

Black-Oil Case Study 43 PumaFlow™

A new node appears in the workflow results, 3 zones defined in FIP property can be seen:

The behavior is the same as the Traps. Double-click on Fluid In Place Regions to access Volume In
Place editor.

Check volumes and pressure are the same as in Trap’s Characteristics for a few dates.

The results located under each region are the same than Trap’s results.

End of the Black-Oil Study Case

Black-Oil Case Study 44 PumaFlow™

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