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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde



Characters including Utterson and Lanyon

R’ships btwn the characters




Science and religion

Mystery, secrecy, unknown, supernatural

Fear, horror, violence

Power, control, weakness

Good and evil


Setting- Gothic and symbolism

Appearance and reality

Tension and suspense

‘something displeasing, something ,downright detestable.’ Enfield on Hyde C1 Repetition and


‘Blackmail House’ Enfield as assumes Hyde blackmailing Jekyll

‘unscientific balderdash’ too fanciful’ ‘scientific heresies’ Lanyon on Jekyll’s science. On Jekyll
‘wrong, wrong in mind’ Jekyll calls his own science as ‘mystic and transcendental.’ And sees Lanyon’s
as ‘narrow and material’

Hyde –‘troglodytic’ ‘foul soul’ Utterson sees ‘Satan’s signature’ on his face.

Jekyll ‘something of a slyish cast, but every mark of capacity and kindness.’

’an ignorant, blatant pedant’ Jekyll on Lanyon

Setting fog ‘chocolate-coloured pall’ and ‘as brown as umber’-simile

‘like some disconsolate prisoner’ Jekyll sitting at the window

‘a pale moon, lying on her back as though the wind had tilted her’ personification.C8

Jekyll uses lots of metaphor and simile and his language is rich in contrast to Lanyon who rarely does
apart from describing Jekyll.

‘polar twins’who are ‘continuously struggling’ in the ‘agonized womb of consciousness’ good and
evil Dr J talks about
‘lean, long, dusty, dreary’ Utterson

‘younger, lighter, happier’ when takes potion

‘neither bell nor knocker’ backdoor associated with Hyde. Door ‘blistered and distained.’

C1 description of Utterson

Trampling of the girl ‘like some damned Juggernaut’

Mention of blackmail

C2 Utterson meets Lanyon and Lanyon explains falling out with Jekyll.

Nightmare of Utterson

Utterson meets Hyde-see descriptions of Hyde

C3 Utterson sees Jekyll about the will ‘The large handsome face of Dr Jekyll grew pale to the very lips
and there came a blackness about his eyes’

‘the moment I choose, I can be rid of Hyde’ dramatic irony

Loyalty of Utterson to Jekyll

C4 Danvers Carew murder ‘the bones were audibly shattered’

‘ape-like fury’

Descriptions of fog pathetic fallacy and Gothic

‘like a district of a city in some nightmare’

C5 Utterson goes to see Jekyll who was looking ‘deadly sick’

Link of Hyde and Jekyll handwriting

C6 Utterson goes to see Lanyon’ I have had a shock….and I shall never recover’ he has seen Jekyll
transform from Hyde we learn later in Lanyon’s letter

Lanyon dies. Utterson goes to see Jekyll but he not available and Poole says he mostly confined in his

C7 Jekyll is talking from his window to Utterson who is walking with Enfield when he begins to
transform ‘expression of such abject terror and despair, as froze the very blood of the two
gentlemen below’

C8 image of pale moon as seen above in quotes.

Poole concerned about Jekyll and goes to see Utterson.

Cabinet door is broken down and body of Hyde in Jekyll’s clothes and letter for Utterson explaining
all. Reread …long chapter details of potions etc

C9 Lanyon’s letter explaining what he saw

‘like a man restored from death-there stood Henry Jekyll! Witnessed transformation
‘he reeled, staggered, clutched at the table’ describes Jekyll-list of 3 verbs showing difficulty of

C10 Dr Jekyll’s statement

‘man is not truly one, but truly two’

‘The most racking pangs succeeded’ pain of transformation physical and mental.

‘I knew myself, at the first breath of this new life, to be more wicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a
slave to my original evil; and the thought, in that moment, braced and delighted me like wine.’

‘Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil.’

‘My devil had been long caged, he came out roaring’

Make the most of language and structure in the extract.

Narrative told in different forms and voices although mostly perspective of Utterson if not in his first

Look at symbolism doors and windows, fog, moon, darkness, lab, Jekyll’s house and fire, the safe,
poor and rich parts of London.

Gothic style.

Context : Victorian London strict and hypocrisy. Big divide of rich and poor

Innovations in Science eg Darwin

Male world, few women in novella not seen as equal.

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