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By Irene Caesar


March 28, 2021


(Russian Scientists of Socialist Orientation)

Moscow, Russia

We now have an enemy that humanity has not yet had. It is a global enemy that does not
belong to any national state. Therefore, no discourse regarding interethnic strife, interracial
strife, strife between national states has anything to do with the present moment, and is
harmful and leads away from the essence of the issue. Now we are dealing with a global
criminal organized group («organized crime») that is striving for power. And it is striving for
power with completely new methods that have never been used before — in a war between
national states. The ideology of this group also does not apply to any world religion, or to any
sect that existed before. This is a completely new ideology. And we must clearly understand
this ideology in order to know our enemy, and to know in what ways we will fight this enemy,
and what this enemy has in store for us. If we do not understand what they have in store for
us, we will not be able to organize.

So what do they have in store for us? A new global empire is being prepared — “Cyber Zion”
or “New Jerusalem” — based on a two-class society: cyber slaves and cyber masters.
Moreover, the difference between these classes will not be according to Marx, and not
according to the English economists, and not according to any economic, political, social
differences. This difference will be an interspecies difference. That is, the creation of two
types of living beings is being prepared. And if we do not understand this, we will not be able
to adequately confront this enemy — an organized criminal group, which, again, has nothing
to do with any national differences, because they are Russian by blood, R1a1, nor with any
world religions, not with Judaism, I want to stress again, not with the Vatican, and not even
with Satanism. This is a completely new ideology.

So, the new ideology is the creation of a two-species society, where there will be two
biological species, and one of the species will be deprived not only of economic, social and
political rights: this new species will be deprived of the possibility of perception and cognitive
abilities — of the perception and cognition of reality. A global moronization of the world’s
population is planned. Moreover, this ruling class of slave traders, slave owners, masters will
be only 1% of the world population. And 99% of the world’s population is prepared for a
global debilization.
This new kind of «service man» or «cyber slave» will not be capable of childbirth. These two
species will not be able to interbreed with each other, that is, create joint offspring. Cyber
slaves will not be able to create their own offspring. Their so-called offspring will be
artificial, bred creatures — with the help of bionics, that is, artificially created embryos will
be interbred with cyber technologies, with nano technologies, in order to be the species that
cannot interbreed with global “masters”.

Moreover, these two species will exist in completely two different realities. “Masters” will
exist in the normal human reality that we know now. They will have self-identity, and so-
called self-consciousness, because self-consciousness is uniqueness. So, cyber slaves will be
denied even self-consciousness. They are offered virtual reality, and multiple consciousness,
which will not be self-consciousness. It will be an imposed artificial “self-consciousness” in
the form of avatars. These slaves will exist in some kind of illusory virtual world, where they
will be artificially implanted with memories, perceptions, the necessary cognitive schemes,
attitudes, etc. When I was preparing this report, the only analogy that I could offer was the
Opium Wars in China, where the richest Chinese empire was hooked on opium, and the entire
coast was covered with opium dens, where people existed in virtual reality, in opium
delusional fantasies. This is what they are preparing for us.

They want to sterilize us. They want to moronize us. They want to introduce us into a
narcotic, in fact, intoxication via cyber-psychotronic technology, and keep us in this
psychotronic cyber-narcotic intoxication. Not only that, they talk about cyber sex. That is,
these creatures will not even have sex. Not only will they not be able to bear children, they
will not even be able to have sex. This will be cyber sex through the stimulation of certain loci
in the brain.

The threat is not just the use of prohibited weapons against unarmed civilians. The threat is
the creation of a two-species society. Such a society will naturally be imposed by methods
that have not been used before. Namely, this society cannot be imposed by war: nuclear war,
chemical, biological war. This society — slavery, debilization, sterilization — can only be
imposed with psychotronic weapons. As a result, now we are dealing with an enemy who is
building satellite psychotronic networks. Right now we are sitting with you, talking about
bullying on the internet, while they are building psychotronic networks: Starlink by Elon
Musk, and OneWeb by England. Moreover, OneWeb is being built with the help of our
rockets, which put their satellites into low-orbit orbits. That is, we are building, with our own
hands, the psychotronic weapons for the Americans and for the British, who are the servants
of this organized criminal global group — we are building the psychotronic weapons that will
destroy Russia. Because the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies is a psychotronic
cyber weapon. This means, we must talk about a new type of cyber weapon, and a new type
of psychotronic weapon.

Again, I repeat, this is a global new empire that is hyper-national or crypto-national, that is, it
does not belong to any nationality, to the Jews, or Zionists, or to Americans, or the British.
This is a crypto-global empire that has completely different plans for humanity, and
completely different methods for global domination.

The steps in this plan are as follows. First, to create and use all over the world an artificially
created, chimeric virus — as a binary biological weapon. They took a coronavirus, inserted
four inserts of HIV there; added hemagglutinin, a protein that is present in influenza “A” (this
is the famous Spanish Flu Pandemic); and made a very infectious, aerosol-spreadable (that is,
by airborne droplets) virus with HIV inserts – essentially, the Airborne AIDS. It is not hard to
see what happens when this virus is injected, as a vaccine that produces antibodies to the
spike protein that contains these four HIV inserts. This vaccine, injected into the client’s
bloodstream, will cause full-blown AIDS.

But the most important thing is the transition to an open, global digital government, with the
destruction of national sovereignty. The primary goal of the Covid-19 biological binary
weapon attack was not just depopulation for easier control of the masses. The main goal was
precisely the abolition of democracy through the imposition of digital identity, which is easy
to forge and forge from outside the country, violating the independence of the nation, and
completely breaking the institution of national self-government of the people.

Moreover, cyber takeover is a prerequisite for a cyber attack. The ultimate goal is not just the
subjugation of national governments, but their complete destruction. The cyber attack will be
carried out from global floating servers in neutral waters, and from satellites in low-orbit
orbits. Moreover, from the same satellites, an attack with a plasma weapon (DEW – directed
energy weapon) will be carried out, which we saw in Northern California, when entire areas
of Northern California were depopulated with the help of self-igniting smart miters belonging
to the Rothschild company, and with the help of the «Iron Beam» from Boeings and from
satellites. This weapon was originally developed by this organized crime group for Israel.

So, it is planned to create a world electronic government with the loss of national sovereignty,
and the psychotronic global network of satellites on low orbit. And when this system is
created, that is, when we get the so-called digital identity, and the entire document circulation
is converted into electronic form, at this moment a cyber strike will occur — from these
floating servers in neutral waters, and from satellites StarLink and OneWeb. Again, I would
like to point out: StarLink is not a government-owned company, and OneWeb, too, cannot be
described as strictly government or national. The British specifically left the European Union
in order to create their own kind of corporate identity, characterized precisely in terms of an
organized crime that does not serve the interests of its people, but, on the contrary, runs
counter to the interests of its people. And all these legal entities seen in the active promotion
of this plan — Google, Facebook — they are in the British jurisdiction, in the offshore British
jurisdiction. That is, we have, in fact, England as a facade for this global organized crime

And when this cyber strike occurs, all information will be erased — from phones, from
computers, even from hard disks, even from them, because they have special inserts to erase
all information. Everything will stop. But in addition to our personal information, all our
factories that operate on Western software will stop. That is, the software will be completely
disabled on the territory of Russia, as earlier in the Soviet Union there was similar cyber-
sabotage to blow up pipelines. Moreover, the factories will not just stop: technogenic
catastrophes will begin at the factories. Just as the Americans drilled holes in the Soyuz on
orbit (with the help of the NASA Astronaut Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor, CIA engineer
under the guise of MD), they will also launch attacks on factories. Judge for yourself the
consequences of technogenic catastrophes.

And also, all accounts that will be converted into digital money will be reset to zero. First,
they will rob the population of Russia, and then they will completely erase the digital
currency that is now being built by the “eco-system” of Sberbank, until the next global crisis,
which comes every ten years. All historical information will be erased; all educational
programs that will be transferred to the cloud of our strategic adversaries; all health
information; all rights to property, land, houses, apartments (titles of property). That is, the
citizens of Russia will become people without a country, without a nation, without surnames,
without passports, without apartments, without houses.

And now the ideological program of the so-called “Inclusive Capitalism” is being built for
this, which was announced — “Great Reset” — by Klaus Schwab at the last meeting of the
World Economic Forum in Davos, and which was prepared by the Rothschilds. In late fall
2020, Evelyn (or Lynn) Rothschild declared that the Rothschilds want socialism, and even
more so, communism for Europe. You must understand: I am being attacked by my partners,
distributors in Europe — Germans, and Canadians, Americans. They say to me: Irina, are you
not afraid of losing your property? They all stand on their ears afraid that now everything will
be taken away from them. The Synagogue of Satan (self-named, they call themselves in this
way) plans to take all property from 99% of the world’s population. That is, everything should
be in sharing — cars, houses, apartments, land, even wives. There should be no institution of
the family, no institution of private property, no institution of personal property. That is, they
will have the institution of property, the institution of family, wife, child, sex. And the slaves
which they identify as us — we will have cyber sex, some cyber crazy fantasies; and we will
be bred like chickens on a farm.

That is, we must immediately clearly establish and clearly state that the entire elite of Russia
— Deripaska, Potanin — all these people, the entire ruling elite of Russia will belong to cyber
slaves. Take Kovalchuk, who declared that Russia cannot avoid creating “a service man”
(read: slave). If he expects that he will NOT be “a service man”, he is simply cognitively
deficient already now. We must, we, the sane people of Russia — we must make it clear to
our ruling class that they should not expect, that they should not keep illusions they will NOT
be made cyber slaves, and that they will NOT be sterilized and given cyber sex instead of
normal sex. Let them not expect that they will not be deprived of all their rights, and that their
property will not be taken away from them. The way Biden has now called Putin a murderer
suggests that the Hague is destined for all of them. That is, Russia must now unite around its
leadership. The whole country must unite: whites, blacks, Asians, White Russians, narrow-
eyed, wide-eyed, dark-skinned, blondes, black-haired, green-eyed — everybody. Kalmyks
and Vologda residents – all must unite in order to prevent Trotskyism again in our country —
only now not in the form of a tragedy, but in the form of a comedy. Because this is, in fact, a
comedy, when Prince Charles, Klaus Schwab’s deputy, tells us that we will have communism,
while a lackey ties his shoes.

But the most important thing that we still need to understand: in this new financial system that
they are preparing, there will be no money at all: no digital currency, no crypto currency.
Therefore, when German Gref tells us that he will build digital money for us in Russia, and
that this is some kind of advanced “eco-system”, and when Mishustin builds all kinds of
digital schemes for us here, they must understand: this is already obsolete, it is already
outdated, and no one in the West is interested in it anymore. They are building a completely
different financial system. And this system has already been patented. Bill Gates has already
patented it with patent 060606.

What is this patent about? This patent says that the financial system for cyber slaves will be
based on two loci in the brain – a locus of pain and a locus of pleasure, which were localized
by Yale University professor Jose Delgado. He inserted an electrode into a bull’s brain, and
the bull could not do anything during the bullfight. He stopped. That’s what they want. That
is, correct behavior will be sanctioned by exciting, stimulating the locus of pleasure, and
wrong behavior will be punishable by exciting the locus of pain. This is what they want. They
no longer want any money, or banks. Banks are not generating the returns they expect. Usury
percentage in Europe is negative. That is why crises are made every ten years. First, cheap
loans are distributed. Then every ten years there is a shearing of cattle — butchering of goats
– as they say bluntly. As Nathan Rothschild puts it: “culling the cattle” to make profits off
those cheap loans they’ve been distributing. As a result, they grab assets, earning about 200%
of the profit (for example, the cost of almost entirely paid house, plus the house itself,
expropriated by the bank for stopping mortgage payments).

Over the next ten years, the central bank of central banks will encourage another financial
bubble for the next crisis. The next crisis will be a “bail-in” crisis. The 2008 crisis was a bail-
out crisis. That is, they gave money to banks. And in 2028, there will be a bail-in crisis. That
is, they will simply bankrupt the banks. And depositors who kept their money in banks will
lose their money. This scheme was tested by the Rothschilds in Crete, the crypto-colony of
England, a few years ago, about eight years ago. And the Central Bank of Russia with
Nabiullina is testing this process continuously, accustoming Russian citizens to the fact that
they will simply lose their money. There will be expropriation of personal savings of citizens
around the world. And after that there will be no banks, no money. Only psychotronic control
from psychotronic satellite systems on low orbits.

In my opinion, before the cyber war, there will be a delimitation of cyber spaces. Because
NATO members will need to accuse Russia of cyber attacks. Moreover, this cyber attack will
be an anonymous attack. What do you think: where does “Anonymous” come from (the
symbol of which is the image of a black suit with a question mark above)? Nottingham hosts
an underground cyber center of Great Britain, in an underground city. River is flowing
nearby, which cools this artificial intelligence. This is where Snowden was created. This is
where Assange was created. This is where «Anonymous» was created. This is where ISIS was
created. All such black operations to deceive the world community were created in
Nottingham! So it is from there that all this will happen, all coordination. That is, the control
center is located in Nottingham.

So, there will be a delimitation of cyberspaces in order to ensure the safety of the complete
erasure of the cyberspace of Russia without affecting the servers of the West. This means that
now Russia must track floating servers in neutral waters. Russia must clearly understand
where this so-called “global” artificial intelligence is located. Financial Center 666 is located
on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. Lucifer, as you know, is the Devil. All psychotronic weapons
are located in Austria, in the neutral zone. The global center is located in Nottingham,
England. Russia should clearly know about all these centers, because when a cyber strike
against Russia occurs, Russia should respond adequately. That is, Russia must change its
military doctrine. Where is Sivkov? Where is Kvachkov? Where are all our experts? I repeat,
Russia’s military doctrine must be changed.

In the military doctrine of Russia, there should be a closure of the sky from the western
satellites. First of all. Second, an adequate strike at the centers of global artificial intelligence:
Nottingham, Lake Lucerne, Austria, etc. That is, our enemies, the so-called “our partners,”
should know that Russia will not respond to them with nuclear weapons. Russia will respond
with a high-precision, high-speed strike, very addressed, against these centers. And Russia
must clearly define where the floating servers are located in neutral waters. Because when this
war starts, this war will be openly terrorist in nature. And Russia must put forward a new
doctrine: protection from global terrorism regardless of national borders. This doctrine must
be clearly developed, because the enemies will attack us from neutral waters. And there is no
such doctrine. Where is the doctrine? Give us a doctrine that will protect our country and our
population from complete global destruction and turning us not even into slaves, but into
animals, into cattle. Can we even use the term «a service man»? Since Kovalchuk is planned
to be turned into cattle.

So, the main ingredients of an imminent cyber war are: disabling all software; shutdown of all
factories; technogenic catastrophes; destruction of all digital document circulation; the
destruction of the digital currency that the Sberbank is now trying to create on the basis of the
“block chain”. But the block chain is a Trojan Horse that binds to every program on the
computer, and it is precisely the block chain that is the cyber weapon. It is the blockchain that
will destroy the cyber system of our country. In conclusion: the destruction of all digital
libraries, repositories of digital education, etc. This cyber attack has been documented in all
the dystopias that were created by Hollywood. These are not just some fantasies, conspiracy
theories. This is described in the Rand Corporation documents. This is described in the
documents of the International Monetary Fund. This is described in the documents of the
World Economic Forum. These documents deal exclusively with a new war — cyber war,
which, in fact, will be a psychotronic war. Therefore, I would like to appeal to all sane people
in Russia so that they create an ideological, scientific, political, military doctrine — a new one
that will respond to new threats, a new enemy that carries, I repeat, a completely new threat,
which did not exist before.

Thank you for your attention!

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