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1. WhAT is the definition of factual report?

2. What is the function of factual report text?
3. Mention the text structure/generic structure of factual report text!
4. What does a general classification contain in a factual report text?
5. What does description part of factual report text?

Read the text below and answer the question no 6 to 10!

Platypus is a semi aquatic mammal from East to North Australia including

Tazmania. Platypus is one of species of mono dream and the five
extreme species. Platypus is also the one and only mammal that lays
eggs instead of giving birth. They lay eggs instead of giving birth because
it can make them live young. Platypus have a flat body and tail and are all
covered with dense brown fur to keep them warm. They have webbed
feet and large robbery nets. They use their tail for story joy. Platypus are
species that are close to ducks and they are mammals. Their weights are
varieties around 0.7 to 2.4 kg and males are larger than females. Male
total length averages to 50 cm while the female major approximately 45
cm. Platypus has an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius and
typical of the placental mammals.
6. What is The topic of the text above?
7. What is The color of the platypus fur?
8. What species is the platypus?
9. What Do the platypus feet look like?
10. Explain what is Platypus means?

11. Mention the text structure/generic structure of Recount Text!

12. Mention Kinds of Recount text!
13. What is the definition of Recount text?
14. What is the function of Recount text?

Read the text below and answer the question no 15 to 19 !

I’ve had pretty bad experiences in the past. When I was 10 years old, I
played in the pool with my father, mother and brother.
We are very happy because it is the first time to go to the swimming pool
with all family members.

When I came to the swimming pool, I saw that there were various kinds of
swimming pools for small children, teenagers and adults.

Mom and dad told me to play in the swimming pool for small children
because the depth can still be overcome. While my brother played in the
place of teenagers.

At first I was very lonely because there was no one I knew in the
children’s pool. Then I came to where my brother was playing and got into
her pool.

It turned out to be very deep and made me sink. Luckily my brother could
swim and immediately saved me.
15. According to the text, What type of text above is ?
16. What is The main character from the text above?
17. What is the text about?
18. How did the story end according to the text?

19. What is the problem from that recount text above?

20. Mention the language feature of Recount Text!

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