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Martin Sanzana

When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine Assigment 1.6

Reflect: For your Workshop in this lesson, you wrote your own short story. You practiced tying
in what you have learned from the lessons
in this unit so far such as creating mood, implying theme, and
creating vivid characters.

For your application, write a Writer's Reflection. This is where you discuss what choices you
made as a writer. Your reflection should be 150 words.
Include the following points:

 What did you do to create a mood? Include two quotes from your own story to show me
 What did you do to create a theme? Include two quotes from your own story to show me
 What did you do to create a vivid character? Include two quotes from your own story to
show me.

 All attached documents must have a proper header that includes your name at the top of the
document. If you submit a document that does not include your name and a header, it will be
rejected and you will have to resubmit the assignment with the proper header.


-But how is it possible, I checked that the tickets were correct," said Martin's mother, upset,
since she wanted her son to enjoy his new favorite movie. The first thing I did was to imagine a
situation that fits what I want to convey, which in this case is the feeling or anger of Martin's
mother, since her son will not be able to enjoy the movie he was looking forward to.

-The movie was great mom, Super Mario is worthy of winning an Oscar for the way it was
made," said Martin when they finished watching the movie with a smile on his face. The boy
was showing or radiating happiness, as he got to see the movie of his favorite video game, and
enjoyed it in the company of the people he loves the most.

"At the beginning of April the movie of Martin's favorite video game was released" and "they
had time to go to the movies to see Super Mario Bros with his mother, his friend Jose and his
grandmother Meme" this story was based on an experience of mine, in which my family and I
went to see the movie mentioned, since it was something that happened to me in April when
we went to the wrong movie theater.

-Mom, how can we wait an hour, it's too long," said Martin, exasperated by the time he had to
wait to see the movie," and "Martin was a 15 year old boy who was a fan of Mario Bros video
games". I used my characteristics and dialogues to make my character more vivid, and as
similar to me as possible, since as I mentioned I used myself as an example to create my

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