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Sua, Egidio B.

February 14, 2023

The first call narrative is coming from the book of Exodus 3:1-12. In this narrative, we
can see how God Himself, in the form of a burning bush, calls Moses to liberate His people from
the Egyptians. Here, it is clearly emphasized the hesitance of Moses to go to the land of Egypt
and face Pharaoh. But in the middle of the doubts and fears of Moses to face Pharaoh and free
the Israelites, God assures to him that He [God], will be with him and that this call to Moses is a
sign that it is God Himself calling him and sending him to this mission.

The second call narrative is taken from the book of the Prophet Isaiah 6:1-13. In this
narrative, God reveals Himself to the Prophet Isaiah in a majestic way, full of glory and honor.
Prophet Isaiah, acknowledging his worthiness fell and declared himself “Woe!”. But one of the
seraphim flew towards him, carrying a charcoal taken from the altar, placing it on the lips of the
Prophet Isaiah, declaring his worthiness before the Lord of hosts. After that, God commissions
the Prophet Isaiah with a question “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” and with no
hesitation, the Prophet Isaiah voluntarily offered himself as a missionary of the Lord.

The last call narrative is from the book of the Prophet Jeremiah 1:4-10. In this narrative,
we can see how God appoints Jeremiah to a special mission, to be a prophet to all the nations.
Clearly, the Prophet Jeremiah is afraid to go and partake of this mission that God entrusted to
him, for he, as stated “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.” Regardless of this statement
made by Jeremiah, God assures to him that He [God] will be with him as he goes to all the
nations and be a great prophet. The powerful words of God, “I have put my words in your
mouth. 10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to
destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” gave Jeremiah the assurance that he will be safe
and protected by God as he offers himself to this special mission.

The Catechism for Filipino Catholics or CFC stresses out the very mission and purpose of
the Church. That “Christ Himself founded his Church to continue his saving mission on earth.”
The PCP II or the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines supports this as it was stated then
that the Church in the Philippines is a “Community in Mission.” In this description, we are then
empowered to share in this mission, to become prophets of God’s word, and become imitators of
Christ. We are being reminded that the mission being emphasized in this document is not
reserved for those who are in the religious life, rather, it is being shared to all of, both religious
and the lay. That as Catholics, we are being called to bear witness to the faith, and to render our
service especially to those who are in need.

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