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Bifrontal decompressive craniotomy

for massive cerebral edema


Neurological Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts

~' A large bifrontal craniotomy was used in selected patients judged to carry
an unusually high mortality risk due to brain swelling secondary to brain
trauma. The procedure enabled exploration of both hemisphere convexities,
evacuation of accumulated blood and necrotic brain, and decompression of
swollen brain. This report reviews 73 cases operated on at the Massachusetts
General Hospital since March, 1962; 18% of these patients survived. The larg-
est experience was with post-traumatic cerebral edema, although intractable
edema secondary to mass lesions, hemorrhage, toxic encephalopathy, and pseudo-
tumor cerebri was also treated.

KEY W o R D s 9b r a i n i n j u r y 9cerebral edema 9bifrontal craniotomy

EVERAL methods of alleviating brain The operation is carried out with an endotra-
swelling can be instituted with varying cheal tube in place. General anesthesia is
intervals of effectiveness. Ventricular used in active patients; it may not be re-
puncture or hyperventilation may provide quired in comatose patients, but adequate
precious time to begin supplementary mea- ventilation is maintained. In the event that
sures. Hyperosmotic agents, urea and man- the patient's level of consciousness rises, in-
nitol, act promptly to reduce intracranial halation agents may be used. The patient is
pressure. The glucocorticoids, methylpred- placed in the supine position with his face
nisolone and dexamethasone, suppress ele- up. A large bicoronal skin flap is used, with
vated intracranial pressure over longer peri- the limbs placed just behind the normal hair
ods. line, extending inferiorly to the zygoma on
We do not recommend bifrontal decom- both sides and curving anteriorly to the mid-
pressive craniotomy when any of the meth- line; it is carried subperiosteaUy to the level
ods above are sufficient to remove the threat of the supraorbital ridges. Heavy silk sutures
to the patient's life. It is reserved for patients are placed at the base, and the flap is re-
in whom the likelihood of death is felt to be tracted forward of the operative field.
great in spite of these methods. We no longer The reference points for the bone flap are:
use subtemporal decompression for this pur- a burr hole over the frontal sinus; burr holes
pose. in the zygomatic portion of the frontal bone
at the anterior insertion of the temporalis
muscle; a burr hole 1 cm posterior to the co-
Operative Procedure ronal suture in the midline; and two burr
The location of the skin incision, burr holes laterally in the temporal region near
holes, and dural incision are shown in Fig. 1. the coronal plane of the midline burr hole.

,488 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 34 / April, 1971

BifrontaI eraniotomy for cerebral edema

FIG. 1. Steps in the procedure of bifrontal craniotomy. The skin incision is behind the hairline. The
bone opening extends from above the supraorbital ridge to 1 cm behind the coronal suture. The dura,
sagittal sinus, and falx are divided to allow a "fishmouth" opening laterally.

The burr holes are connected by a saw and This wide exposure allows identification
the frontal bone removed, ordinarily in two of contused and lacerated brain. Large acute
halves. The dura is usually tense and bulg- hematomas may be easily removed under di-
ing. It is incised bilaterally above the supra- rect visualization. The temporal, parietal,
orbital ridges to the sagittal sinus anteri- and usually the occipital surfaces can be in-
orly. Near the pterion the dura is opened in spected by careful retraction of the brain
a " Y " shape to facilitate a "fishmouth" with broad retractors or the palm of the op-
opening of the dura. T w o heavy silk suture erator's hand. Wide visualization of the
ligatures are placed through the most rostral brain surface is a principal virtue of this pro-
part of the superior sagittal sinus and tied. cedure. Bleeding points on the cortical sur-
The sinus and falx are divided by scissors. face are controlled with either coagulation or
Failure to totally divide the falx restricts the with bits of Gelfoam. The dura is not closed,
frontal expansion of the brain. In severely and the dural defect is covered with frontal
swollen brains the frontal lobes m a y shift an- periosteum or temporal fascial grafts. T h e
teriorly, and the temporal lobes m a y begin to bone flap may be stored in the bone bank o r
ease up over the sphenoid wing. sterilized and replaced at a later date. T h e

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 34 / April, 1971 489

Raymond N. Kjellberg and Alberto Prieto, Jr.
temporal muscle, galea, and skin are care- Results
fully closed, with care taken that the layers In this group of very high risk patients, 13
overlap to exclude a direct tract which would survived ( 1 8 % ) ; these cases are summa-
invite cerebrospinal fluid leaks. rized in Table 1. An additional 16 patients
Several options exist during the course of showed definite neurological improvement
the procedure, depending upon the patient's following the procedure but succumbed to
condition and the operative findings. If the other causes: cardiac arrest, gastrointestinal
situation is one of great urgency, angiog- hemorrhage, or pulmonary emboli 3 to 38
raphy may be omitted because the explora- days postoperatively. Eleven of the survivors
tion is adequate without this time-consuming were patients suffering from traumatic in-
diagnostic preparation. The procedure may jury, and the survival in this subgroup was
be begun by making the temporal incisions 22% (11 of 50) while in the subgroup of
and a burr hole or subtemporal craniectomy subarachnoid hemorrhage it was 12.5% (2
to explore the lateral surfaces before pro- of 16). No patients with gunshot wounds
ceeding to the larger operation. Unilateral nor the one with infarction lived. Of the six
rather than bilateral craniotomy may be done. patients who were apneic preoperatively, two
Postoperatively, close observation is nec- survived. All but one of the survivors had
essary. Patients may require ventilatory and been comatose or had responded only to
other systemic support. The large bone de- painful stimuli. Bilaterally dilated and fixed
fect serves as a guide to the status of the in- pupils had been present preoperatively in
tracranial pressure. A finger may be inserted seven survivors. The oldest survivor was 48
cautiously beneath the dressing for palpation years old. At the time of decompression, 33
of the tension of the brain. We usually limit patients required evacuation of at least one
fluids to 1000 to 1400 cc per day, often us- intracranial hematoma, including six of the
ing a .45% sodium chloride and 2.5% dex- 13 surviving patients ( 4 6 % ) .
trose and water mixture. Steroid therapy, in- The quality of survival was excellent in
stituted preoperatively, is usually continued five patients, the oldest 23 years; they were
and hyperosmotic agents used if needed. neurologically intact and returned to work or
A wide variety of methods of cranioplasty school. Four patients had some residual de-
have been used in these patients. We cur- ficits but were capable of full self-care and a
rently favor preservation of the bone in ster- satisfactory life. Four patients were sent to
ile packets which are frozen at --30~ and chronic care facilities.
irradiated with electrons to a dosage of 2 Of the 60 patients who died, death came
million rads. Cranioplasty by any of the within 24 hours for 25 patients, and 87%
usual methods is done about 3 months post- had succumbed by the 10th day.
operatively or as judgment indicates.
Characteristics of Patients Cranial decompression for increased in-
In this series of 73 patients, there were 51 tracranial pressure secondary to a mass le-
males and 22 females with ages ranging from sion was performed by Horsley 5 who advo-
3 months" to 84 years. Traumatic injury af- cated a large skull defect in the right tempo-
fected the largest group of patients (50), ral region and a free dural graft. In 1905
whereas subarachnoid hemorrhage (16), Cushing 3 described a subtemporal decom-
gunshot wounds (6), and massive cerebral pression in which a 6 >( 8 bone defect was
infarction ( 1 ) were less frequent. created, the dura mater cut in stellate fash-
Of the 73 patients, six were apneic upon ion, and the temporalis muscle, fascia, galea,
arrival in the emergency ward, six others had and scalp closed. In 1912 Hudson 6 described
irregular respirations, 68 were comatose, re- the placement of a large osteoplastic flap in
sponding only to pain or not at all. Decere- the occipitoparietal region for decompres-
brate postures were exhibited on one or both sion in patients in whom a direct attack was
sides by 65. One or both pupils were dilated not carried out for mass lesions. Spiller and
in 65, and pinpoint fixed in three. The plan- Frazieff ~ advocated palliative operations for
tar responses were noted extensor in 68 and brain tumors, recommending that the basal
not noted in three. part of the right temporal bone be removed.

490 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 34 / April, 1971

B i f r o n t a l c r a n i o t o m y for cerebral e d e m a

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J. Neurosurg. / Volume 34 / April, 1971 491

Raymond N. Kjellberg and Alberto Prieto, Jr.
The concept of internal decompression with brains were swollen and further swelling was
subtotal removal of the mass and dural clo- anticipated. We feel the survivors of this
sure is attributed to McKenzie. ~ BotterelP in group illustrate the difficulty in making an
1950 reported amputation of the nondomi- accurate prediction of death. The precise
nant temporal lobe as a life-saving procedure criteria of selection of patients probably vary
in patients in whom exploration of the tento- somewhat.
rial incisura failed to relieve the herniation, s The quality of the neurological and men-
Gurdjian and Thomas 4 in 1964 felt that the tal function of the survivors, we think, has
craniectomy of Cushing and the craniectomy been reasonably good. The number of mas-
of others in the temporal area were usually sively disabled long-term survivors has been
not successful, and they favored combining small. Because 87% of those who died did
intracranial mass removal and bone decom- so within 10 days, we do not feel that this
pression. Clark, et al., 2 reported two cases in procedure needlessly prolongs the life of a
which massive total craniectomy was done, hopelessly damaged patient. In general, we
but both patients died, and thus evidence believe that the younger survivor from a de-
favoring use of Clark's procedure is lacking. cerebrate state probably has a better poten-
We feel that bifrontal craniotomy is a more tial for good neurological recovery than does
physiological procedure than most of the al- the adult, as Robertson and Pollard 9 have
ternatives because it allows decompression noted. However, their experience that pa-
of both cerebral hemispheres simultaneously tients over 15 surviving decerebration do not
with expansion anteriorly and superiorly. It make useful recoveries is not borne out in
avoids lateral brain shifts and pressure of the our cases.
incisura upon the midbrain. The bone edge We hope that careful analysis of cases will
does not wedge in upon the swollen brain prompt further study of the most feasible ap-
and contribute to impaired venous circula- plication of the procedure. In the interim, we
tion. It facilitates inspection of both hemi- submit the following indications as a guide
spheres and removal of acute subdural or in- to the decision to use this procedure:
tracerebral hematoma as was done in 45% 1. Coma: totally unresponsive or respon-
of the patients in our series. In one case, a sive only to deep pain
point of hemorrhage was located posteriorly 2. Unilaterally or bilaterally dilated and
beyond access via the bone opening, and an fixed pupils
occipitoparietal craniectomy was necessary 3. Apnea
to control a large lacerated cortical artery. 4. Decerebrate posturing: unilateral or
Six patients had concomitant intracerebral bilateral, either spontaneously or in re-
hemorrhages which may have been unde- sponse to a noxious stimulus.
tected by less extensive exploration. Sixteen
patients ( 2 2 % ) showed definite neurologi- Preferably, at least two of the indications
cal improvement but died of other causes. It above should be present. In any instance in
is hoped that such patients may have a better which a more limited procedure appears to
outlook for survival as we improve methods provide adequate provision of additional in-
of managing the problems of other major tracranial space either by virtue of evacua-
physiological systems in these desperately ill tion of hematoma or room for expansion
patients. into a defect, we favor withholding bifrontal
It should be emphasized that the presence craniotomy. However, we have come to be-
of bilateral dilated fixed pupils, decerebrate lieve as do Gurdjian and Thomas 4 that lim-
rigidity, and the absence of spontaneous res- ited cranial defects provide trivial volumes of
pirations, sometimes regarded as contraindi- space in patients suffering from massive
cations to surgery, were, in fact, the specific brain injury and swelling. Nevertheless, we
indications under which this rather drastic deplore instances reported to us of patients
procedure was undertaken in most of the pa- in whom this procedure was used for rela-
tients. In two patients (Cases 10 and 12) tively modest injuries.
without overt signs of midbrain compression, We are unable to prove with unequivocal
the decision was made intraoperatively to documentation from these cases that their
conduct bifrontal craniotomy because the survival is uniquely attributable to the bi-

492 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 34 / April, 1971

Bifrontal craniotomy for cerebral edema
frontal craniotomy. I n this respect, the pro- Of the 73 patients exhibiting c o m a , apnea,
cedure resembles m a n y other methods in use dilated pupils, or decerebrate postures, 18 %
for surgical m a n a g e m e n t of brain trauma. survived.
We submit that the time is ripe for critical, The procedure is p r o p o s e d for cases in
controlled, and well-documented evaluation which death is likely to supervene without
of the various indications and methods of effective decompression and as an adjunct to
clinical m a n a g e m e n t of brain trauma and other therapies such as h y p e r o s m o l a r agents
brain swelling. and steroids to combat brain swelling.
We have been encouraged to continue the
use of bifrontal c r a n i o t o m y on the basis of
1. Botterell EH: Disruption of frontal and tempo-
observations that several patients survived ral lobes as a cause of secondary coma follow-
after exhibiting a p n e a a n d / o r bilaterally di- ing head injuries. Paper read at the meeting of
lated fixed pupils, clinical signs c o m m o n l y the Harvey Cushing Society, Nov. 14, 1947,
preceding death in patients so affected. Our cited by Evan JP et al" Acute head injury, in
US Armed Forces Medical Journal, vol 2, pp
clinical impression that bifrontal craniotomy 1001-1007, July 1951
was useful for severe brain t r a u m a and 2. Clark K, /',lash TM, Hutchison GC: The fail-
swelling was at the outset greeted with m a j o r ure of circumferential craniotomy in acute
skepticism by our neurosurgical colleagues. traumatic cerebral swelling. J Neurosurg 29:
Over the subsequent years, however, most of 367-371, 1968
3. Cushing H: The establishment of cerebral her-
our staff has c o m e to the position of endors- nia as a decompressive measure for inaccessi-
ing its use, providing it be restricted to the ble brain tumors; with the description of intra-
high risk category described. We have been muscular methods of making the bone defect
encouraged by the interest of our senior staff in temporal and occipital regions. Surg Gyn
and residents to publish this technique and Obstet 1:297-314, 1905
4. Gurdjian ES, Thomas LM: Surgical manage-
invite its appraisal b y other neurosurgeons. ment of the patient with head injury. Clin
We have presented our appraisal of the case Neurosurg 12:56-74, 1964
material, not so m u c h as p r o o f of its superi- 5. Horsley V: On the technique of operations on
ority over other methods, but rather as prov- the central nervous system. Brit Meal J 2:411-
423, 1906
ocation for further critical appraisal of its 6. Hudson WH: A new decompression operation
use. for the brain. Ann Surg 55:744-749, 1912
7. McKenzie KG: Glioblastoma: a point of view
concerning treatment. Arch Nenrol Psychiat
Summary 36:542-546, 1936
Extensive decompression of the brain 8. Munro D, Sisson WR Jr: Hernia through inci-
when needed can be achieved by broadly re- sura of tentorium cerebelli in connection with
craniocerebral trauma. New Eng J Med 247:
moving the frontal bone bilaterally, incising 699-708, 1952
the dura supraorbitally, and dividing the sa- 9. Robertson RCL, Pollard C Jr: Decerebrate
gittal sinus and falx. state in children and adolescents. J Neurosurg
In addition to providing an abundance of 12:13-17, 1955
10. Spiller WG, Frazier CH: Cerebral decompres-
additional space to a c c o m m o d a t e brain sion: palliative operations in the treatment of
swelling, the operative exposure permits an tumors of the brain based on the observation
opportunity for unusually thorough explora- of fourteen cases. JAMA 47:679-683, 744-
tion of the cerebral convexities. By virtue of 751,849-853,923-926, 1906
the forward displacement of the brain, lat- Received for publication April 24, 1969.
eral shifts of the m i d b r a i n are minimized as Address reprint requests to: Raymond N. Kjell-
is impingement of the remaining bone edge berg, M.D., Neurological Surgery, Massachusetts
upon the surface draining veins. General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 34 / April, 1971 493

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