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Powered by Al Bing “Mid-Term Break” is a poem by Seamus Heaney that was published in his 1966 book “Death of a Naturalist”. The poem is about the death of Heaney’s younger brother, Christopher, who was killed by a car at the age of four ‘The poem’s diction is simple and direct, conveying the emotional turmoil experienced by the speaker who has lost a loved one ina traumatic way. The imagery used in the poem is powerfil and evocative, depicting the unexpected ways in which s they confront this tragedy The tone of the poemis elegiae, with an underlying sense of sadness and loss. The structure of the poem consists of seven, stanzas made up of sets of three lines, or tervets. These tercets remain consistent throughout the poem until the final ine, which is separate ftom the preceding stanzas and acts as a point of summary for the entire piece In conclusion, “Mid-Term Break” is a poignant and moving poem that explores themes of loss and grief through its use of simple diction, powerfil imagery, elegiac tone, and structured form. Is there anything else you would like to know about this poem?

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