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Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 5 - Day 3

1. STAR PLAYER IS CAUGHT 5. The soldiers were _____ to learn that their
furloughs had been canceled.

A) distraught
The cheating scandal came to a head when Art
B) duplicity
Krause, our football captain, made the egregious
 mistake of getting caught cheating on a midterm C) egregious
exam. If Art were suspended for his part in that D) acrimonious
sordid* affair, our chances for winning the city E) paucity
championship would go up in smoke.* The 
distraught coach asked the principal to overlook 6. Definitions: Match the new words with their
Art’s duplicity, but Mr. Dorsey replied in an  meanings.
acrimonious fashion that the players had been
given “a plethora”* of athletic instruction but a   
paucity of moral guidance.”
Sample Sentences: Use the new words in the
following sentences. A) scarcity
B) cunning, trickery
The bank teller’s _____ error was difficult to
C) mentally confused, crazed
D) remarkably bad
E) bitter
7. distraught

A) distraught
B) duplicity A) scarcity
C) egregious B) cunning, trickery
D) acrimonious C) mentally confused, crazed
E) paucity D) remarkably bad
2. We tried to ignore her _____ comments, but that E) bitter
took considerable restraint.
8. duplicity
A) distraught
A) scarcity
B) duplicity
B) cunning, trickery
C) egregious
C) mentally confused, crazed
D) acrimonious
D) remarkably bad
E) paucity
E) bitter
3. _____ is the stock in trade of all adroit*
counterspies. 9. acrimonious

A) distraught A) scarcity
B) duplicity B) cunning, trickery
C) egregious C) mentally confused, crazed
D) acrimonious D) remarkably bad
E) paucity E) bitter

4. Although it was a creative writing class, the teacher 10. paucity

complained about the _____ of talent there.
A) scarcity
A) distraught B) cunning, trickery
B) duplicity C) mentally confused, crazed
C) egregious D) remarkably bad
D) acrimonious E) bitter
E) paucity

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Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 5 - Day 3

Answer Key:

1: C 6: D
2: D 7: C
3: B 8: B
4: E 9: E
5: A 10: A

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