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In-Depth Project Planner

Project Abstract: Guild for grade 5 students is centered around the Length: Quarter 1 – roughly 20 ninety
question, “How can we create a digital album that educates other students
about friendship as they listen to it?” Students will engage with all aspects minute class periods
of the music production process. They will compose and create beats, write
and perform their own lyrics, design and create artwork, and publish and Entry Event and Entry Document:
market the final product. All students will learn and create their own
products for each step of the process, culminating in a class collaborative Watch the following video:
effort that allows students to create a class album on the theme of
friendship. Students will engage with different elements of the SEL theme,
friendship, and create musical works that represent the different aspects of
their experience. Students will investigate different aspects of the cultural QT0Bvf2FIQ
world surrounding beats, lyric writing and analysis, and album art from
various cultures and histories. The students blend research, observation, Discuss what an album is? What were the
and exploration of these modes of expression with their own individual and skills the musicians needed in order to
collaborative creative efforts. complete this challenge? From this
discussion we will set our “Need to Know”
Driving Question: How can we create a digital album that educates other questions that will define our learning
students about friendship as they listen to it? activities in order to best answer our
driving question.
Product: Students will create an album that explores a related social and
emotional learning theme, such as friendship.
Purpose: Students will deepen their understanding of the chosen SEL ___ Real-World Problem
theme through different musical performances and projects. They will gain
valuable, industry-related skills from creative projects in music. Through X to the Discipline/Industry
research, observation, and exposure to various examples they will also ___ to the student’s life
broaden their cultural and historical awareness of different cultures from
around the world, past and present.

Audience: Digital release and sharing at a performance night evening. It
can also be shared where appropriate on school social media. Live
performance is also applicable depending on the choices.
Project Milestones:
1. Garageband loops and forms using balanced instrumentation.

2. Creative writing exercise for individual song lyrics.

3. Microphone tracks for our rhythmic rap speech – Rap performance.

4. Album artwork design.

5. Collaborative contribution to our final project based on student interest and ability for points 1-5


Course Content & Skills Learners Need to Know & Learn Learners will be able to autonomously:
(create, evaluate, analyze, apply)
-lyric analysis
-creative writing  Analyze existing songs on a given theme and
-singing alone and with others describe the role of text and musical setting in the
-Rap and rhythmic speech overall impact of the song.
-garageband functions including loops, form, tracks,  Creative poetic texts that make use of rhyme to
mixing, microphone recording convey a message.
-create digital album artwork  Sing along to existing melodies in a variety of group

In-Depth Project Planner
-Choreography design (time pending) sizes.
- video editing (time pending)  Rap lyrics to a steady beat
 Create digital and analog artwork that reflects and
enhances the message of the song

Summative Assessments Critique & Revisions for Craftsmanship:
Teacher Created: Lyrics writing drafts
N/A Rap track practice- receiving verbal
Learner Created Product(s): Beat production submission and revision
Final collaborative contribution to the album in teams for Lyrics, Vocal Peer critique of album artwork
Performance, Beat Creation, and Album Art

Formative Assessments
- Lyrics analysis
- Lyrics writing
- Rap track Rubrics to Guide Quality Control:
- Beat production Feedback is provided in googleclassroom
- Album artwork through the built-in rubric function
attached to each of the 5 formative

Accountability & Weighting - Group: 25% Individual: 75%

Individual Assessments:

- Lyrics analysis
- Lyrics writing
- Rap track
- Beat production
- Album artwork
Group Assessments: Final collaborative contribution to the album in teams for Lyrics, Vocal Performance, Beat Creation,
and Album Art


Milestone 1: Making a beat with form (lessons 1-4) What musical style will it have?
How do we use Bass, Drums, Piano,
Percussion, and Guitar?
How do we set the mood for a song?

Milestone 2: Writing Lyrics (lessons 5-7) How do we make good lyrics?

In-Depth Project Planner
Milestone 3: Performing Lyrics (lessons 8-9) What the beat should be?

Milestone 4: Creating album artwork (lessons 9-12) How do we make album art?

Milestone 5: Identify my interests and passions and build teamwork skills How will we share our work with others?
with my final project group lesson 13 How do we edit our audio and video
Lesson 14-20 will be spent working on the final capstone project of the
How can we create a digital album that
educates other students about friendship
as they listen to it?
The lesson plans are outlined on the google slides presentation found here:
Guild Grade 5 Slides


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