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Teacher Educa on Program

( Marissa ) Professional Development Plan

A. Self- Assessment

Iden fied area Evidence

● As a dedicated teacher, I am always seeking chances to expose my ● Empowering Our Women of
students to various college and career op ons. I am commi ed to Tomorrow Conference 2023: Hosted
personally suppor ng them at every step of their journey. My goal a conference for my students at the
What are my is to guide them and provide assistance whenever they need it, University of Denver through my
strengths as a ensuring they have the best opportuni es available. Together, we sorority to empower women of color.
explore new pathways and work towards their academic and ● Helped 10th grade and senior
teacher? professional success.
students apply to scholarships
throughout the year.
● Worked with the schools future
center and counselors to work to get
the students college opportuni es
● I make a conscious effort to be ac vely involved in the lives of my 1st Annual Panthers Got Talent
students and immerse myself within the school community.
Whenever my students extend invita ons, I priori ze a ending ● Involvement outside of school such
their events, showing support. To further establish personal as dance club and outdoor club
connec ons, I ac vely par cipate in a er-school programs such as
the dance club and outdoor club. I firmly believe that by being
present in their lives beyond the classroom, I gain a deeper
understanding of their individual needs and can provide the
necessary guidance and support. This approach allows me to
contribute to their overall growth and development, both
academically and personally. It is my genuine desire to be a reliable
presence, assis ng my students every step of the way on their
educa onal journey.

● As an educator, I wholeheartedly dedicate myself to professional ● a ended mul ple professional

growth and con nually seek opportuni es to enhance my teaching development mee ngs this year
prac ces. I ac vely engage in learning from fellow teachers, ● a ended the equity planning
valuing their insights and experiences, while also being open to mee ngs
gaining knowledge from my own students. Recognizing that there ● a ended the equity mee ngs
is always room for improvement, I embrace the understanding that ● constantly ask my students what
my journey as a teacher is ongoing and that I have much to learn.
they thought about class and how to
Nevertheless, I persistently strive to create an engaging classroom
make improvements
environment tailored to my students' interests, employing diverse
teaching techniques and methodologies to cap vate their a en on
and foster a love for learning.
● Upon reflec ng on my classroom management and accountability ● Varying levels of students submi ng
prac ces, I recognize the need for personal growth in these areas. It their assignments
What are my
is evident that I could benefit from further developing my strategies ● students choosing to opt out from the
areas for to effec vely manage the classroom environment and ensure that content
growth as a students are held accountable for their ac ons. I understand the ● unclear expecta ons at mes
teacher? importance of establishing clear expecta ons, consistent rou nes,
and consequences, which would contribute to a more structured
and produc ve learning environment. By ac vely seeking
professional development opportuni es and seeking guidance from
experienced educators, I am commi ed to honing my classroom
management skills and fostering a sense of responsibility among
my students.
● MLL students consistently performing
● As I reflect on my teaching prac ce, I realize the importance of lower than their counterparts
strengthening my mul lingual support in the classroom. It's clear to ● not allowing for enough opportuni es
me that there is room for growth in how I meet the needs of for alterna ve and personalized
students from diverse linguis c backgrounds. I genuinely want to assessment
create an inclusive environment where every student feels ● need to create a rubric specific to
supported and valued, regardless of their language skills, but I have where they are at in their language
no ced that I do not give my mul lingual students the a en on proficiencies
they deserve.

● I realize the importance of improving my classroom prac ces in ● high number of missing assignments
several key areas. Firstly, I recognize the need to enhance the way I ● high number of students failing
deliver lessons, ensuring that I bring energy and enthusiasm into ● not enough scaffolds and need to
every teaching moment. Secondly, I understand the significance of keep high expecta ons up
refining my assessment methods to effec vely measure my
students' progress. I aim to use a variety of assessment strategies,
such as worksheets, projects, and discussions, to gain a
comprehensive understanding of their learning. Lastly, I
acknowledge the importance of working on my self-confidence as a

B. Create a plan
Goal Plan Resources Timeline
What do I want to accomplish? How will I meet my goal? When will I meet my
What resources can I draw from goal?
to meet my goals?
To meet this goal, I will I can draw upon various I aim to implement
Shor incorporate more interac ve resources to meet my goals, such these strategies on a
t and hands-on ac vi es into as educa onal websites, online ongoing way, however,
My short-term goal is to enhance my lessons. I will also vary my teaching pla orms, instruc onal I will always take the
Term student engagement and par cipa on instruc onal methods, such materials, and professional me to reflect at the
Goal in my classroom. as incorpora ng mul media
resources, group discussions,
development opportuni es. end of every semester
to see what steps I
Collabora ng with fellow
and real-world examples. took to reach this goal
teachers and seeking guidance
Addi onally, I will provide
clear instruc ons and from experienced educators will
expecta ons to promote also be valuable resources to
ac ve student involvement enhance student engagement.
and establish a posi ve
learning environment.
My short-term goal is to improve my To achieve this goal, I will I can u lize resources such as I aim to implement
Shor classroom management and create a establish clear expecta ons books, ar cles, and online these strategies on a
t more structured learning environment. and rules for behavior in the courses on classroom ongoing way, however,
classroom. I will develop and management. I will also seek I will always take the
Term implement consistent guidance from experienced me to reflect at the
Goal rou nes and procedures to
ensure smooth transi ons
colleagues and a end workshops
or conferences related to
end of every semester
to see what steps I
between ac vi es. effec ve classroom management. took to reach this goal
Addi onally, I will proac vely Collabora on with fellow
address any disrup ve teachers and sharing best
behaviors and provide prac ces can provide valuable
appropriate consequences or insights and resources.
incen ves to promote
posi ve behavior. I will seek
professional development
opportuni es to learn
effec ve classroom
management strategies and
My short-term goal is to enhance my To achieve this goal, I will I can u lize resources such as I aim to implement
Shor communica on and collabora on with establish open lines of parent-teacher communica on these strategies at the
t parents/guardians. communica on by providing pla orms, newsle ers, and start of the new
mul ple channels for parents templates for progress reports or semester and use this
Term to reach out, such as email, parent-teacher conferences. I will document as a
Goal phone calls, and scheduled
mee ngs. I will regularly
also seek guidance from more
experienced teachers and a end
reminder of the
promise I made to do
update parents on their workshops or webinars on so.
child's progress by trying to effec ve parent engagement
call home or send strategies. Collabora ng with
communica on at least once colleagues and sharing successful
a month, both academically prac ces can provide valuable
and behaviorally. resources and insights.
Addi onally, I will ac vely
seek input from parents
regarding their child's needs,
interests, and concerns, and
incorporate this informa on
into my instruc onal
My long-term goal is to foster a growth To achieve this goal, I will I will collaborate with colleagues Fostering a growth
Long mindset among my students and create explicitly teach and reinforce to share strategies and best mindset and crea ng a
Term a classroom culture that promotes the concept of a growth prac ces for promo ng a growth culture of resilience is
resilience, perseverance, and a love for mindset to my students. I will mindset in the classroom. I can an ongoing process
Goal learning. incorporate ac vi es and also u lize resources provided by that extends
discussions that highlight the educa onal organiza ons and throughout the
value of effort, the power of online pla orms dedicated to academic year. I will
yet, and the importance of cul va ng resilience and dedicate me and
embracing challenges. I will fostering a love for learning effort in the classroom
provide construc ve to explicitly teach and
feedback that emphasizes the reinforce these
process of learning rather principles consistently.
than focusing solely on By the end of each
outcomes. Addi onally, I will school year, I aim to
encourage students to set observe no ceable
realis c goals, track their shi s in students'
progress, and celebrate their a tudes towards
achievements, fostering a challenges, increased
posi ve and suppor ve self-belief, and a
learning environment. greater passion for
learning. However, I
understand that
nurturing a growth
mindset is a lifelong
journey, and I will
con nue to refine my
prac ces and support
my students'
development in
subsequent years.
To meet this goal, I will I can draw from a wide range of My goal of effec vely
Tech My technology goal is to effec vely explore and evaluate various resources to meet my goals. integra ng
nolo integrate educa onal technology tools educa onal technology tools Educa onal technology educa onal
and resources to enhance student and pla orms that align with pla orms, websites, apps, and technology will be an
gy engagement and facilitate personalized my instruc onal objec ves online resources specific to my ongoing process
Goal learning experiences. and student needs. I will
incorporate technology into
subject area can provide valuable
tools for integra on. Also by
throughout the
academic year. I aim
my lesson plans to create leveraging social media as a to gradually
interac ve and engaging classroom resource and things we incorporate
ac vi es that cater to diverse tradi onally do not see as technology tools and
learning styles. I will provide “educa onal” resources into my
ongoing support and instruc on, with
guidance to students in consistent
u lizing technology tools implementa on and
effec vely and responsibly. evalua on. By the end
Addi onally, I will regularly of the first semester, I
assess the impact of an cipate significant
technology integra on on progress in integra ng
student learning outcomes technology.
and adjust my strategies

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