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Section 2

Q1. ACS Code of Conduct in the Covid-19 pandemic

Considered example : One.Tel, a 4th largest telecommunication industry of Australia in 90’s and
collapsed in 2001. Investigation states the One.Tel's collapse is a classic example for
unsuccessful vision, on purpose slip-up, dishonest economical policy and uncontrolled growth
(Avison David, 2005). This incident can seem as least IT failure - mainly in invoice routine, a
vast pact of variation realized in IT apply from the code of ACS-Australian Computer Society
(ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian, 2014)

1) The Primacy of the Public Interest

A commerce need the importance of the society all the own business ease. Business must
has to preserve and be concerned stability of IT services and the latest information. IT executive
of One.Tel failed in a continuing plan on money overflowing and viewpoint was only on
abundant revolution and growth.
2) Competence
In initial days of One.Tel the application developers accomplished which believably
beyond the ability. In need of crucial novel works time the panel intended on capable
programmers to work incessantly to produce an artifact and senior administrative fail to
comprehend the outcomes devoid in terms and conditions. Thus, the IT team lacked in
compliance of competency.
3) The Enhancement of the Quality of Life
Applications of the GST-Goods and Services Tax along with preamble mobile apps of
NextGen are not up to the mark. The disagreement in billing app formulation is overpowered and
obliged to become conscious have an effect on end code. App development team was with
pressure and hurry to complete on time lead to scandalous.

4) Honesty
An organization need to be with expertise, awareness, sources and upshot. One.Tel on
purpose made incorrect notion on product as well as service with hard coding to present
operability in initial system. ICT hang about in building, somewhat unaffected, until the collapse
in 2001. Poor communications hold without flexibility lead to inconsistency linking the ACS
code and One.Tel performance.
5) Professional Development
The chief downbeat impacted in invoice system show the way to the business into harsh
break down. The majorities of the regulars and tele-com broker’s contact only via the receipt, as
the bills are erroneous and then the assurance went lost by offensive critique cracked the
Professional expansion of One.Tel.

6) Professionalism
One.Tel failed to maintain financial openness confirmation. The ICT failed in most
instances regarding planning in advance to hand over suitable priority in improvement billing
formation . Thus, the ACS code professionalism is being violated and not supplied ..


i)Ethical issues

Rogue is committed for economical; definite on time service to the customers those were
independent web intensive vendor. Most of them are focusing malware as well as spam
protection. Quite a lot of botnets employed by Rogue guaranteed the reliability to defend their
command as well as control prompts of servers from humiliating effort. Spam and other
fraudulent services leveraged Rogue for continuous delivery. Corrupted advertisements often
linked to code hosted on Rogue to exploit browser vulnerabilities to infect machines with

Ethical issues involved with Rogue are listed below (ethical-issues-in-information-technology-it,


1 Accountability
One has to be aware of the accountability matter in taking moral decisions. In general
Software developers assure for declarations to the consumer on the environment and
feature of the item for consumption with limited communicate warranty. Rogue possesses
the justifiable to settle on the express service contract that needs to be practical while
defining all sort claim and forecast on competence, worth and character of the software.

2 Admittance Right
Rogue failed to provide the admittance right to the customer
3 Copyright
Rogue is not providing the copyright to the consumers
4 Deal Covert
This is a significant ethical issue that has to be secured of worth and convenience so as to
protect the private feature of ideas known to the discover mere confidance.
5 Piracy
This is an activity of creating illegitimate copy of the software by the owner so as the users
cannot make backing copies. Rogue is prepared to bump into software piracy.

1.1 Violation of Interest of Public

Rogue hosted malicious software into the client system without their knowledge. Any
business have to give preference to their customers. Also need to safeguard and apprehensive
firmness of ICT- Information and Communication Technology services all along with the up-
to-the-minute details. Rogue failed to take care of the public interest, specifically the clients
consent and awareness on their implantation.
1.2 Quality of Life
The assessment of worm shows that the system of Rogue are not official, wipe out data
during the course of action with the purpose of targeting malevolent software demonstration
with a convincing confidence that is concerning disruption of service to be reliable with the
public excellent.

ii) Rogue’s commitment towards other stakeholders

Rogue , a information and communication technology professional is obliged for cheaper,
guaranteed, on time delivery and service of his product irrespective of the circumstances. He is
with a wide range of consumers with independent web based trader having the intension of
exhibiting the malware and spam software codes. He also committed to provide reliable
command-and-control servers to offer safe and sound humiliate endeavors with nonstop delivery
fraudulent services leverage. But he involved himself in the Malware interference. He exercised
several botnets for achieving his goals.

iii)Duty-based ethics

Duty-based ethics are apprehensive about the doing of people instead of giving importance to the
consequences of their events.

a) Perform the right thing.

b) Accomplish the right thing to do.
c) Don't accomplish incorrect things.
d) keep away from wrong actions.
Pros of duty-based ethics
 highlight the value of each human being
 focuses on providing the same respect to all human beings.
 Offers the basic human right concerns regarding interests of a individuals of a
bigger cluster.
 Pin points the incorrect actions
 Kantian version states some things must never be made, regardless of good consequences
they create as a reflection of human feeling.
 Rossian version with the modification to permit a range of duties to be evenhanded, disagreed
by means of better thinking and with some certainty.
 Never suffer decisions taken by reasonable confidence.
 Provides public with regulations to facilitate moral decisions making depending upon the
more or less work of contemplation.
 covenant by means of purpose and intention
 Frames narrow ethical rules with a purpose.
Cons of duty-based ethics
 Operates upon absolute rules with the only way of trade with cases of unfit so as to build a
record of exemptions to the decree
 Permit on actions to create a good position
 inflexible to bring conflicting duty in concert
 cannot handle the cases with conflict of actions

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