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1. 1. Do you know what is the stability of geosystems?

(This is the ability of

geosystems to actively maintain their structure and nature of functioning in space and
time under the influence of changing environmental conditions)
2. Do you know why rapid economic growth is one of the causes of deteriorating
economic equilibrium? (Due to the lack of sustainable development, people's
environmental education has deteriorated and industrialization is now more and more
harmful to nature)
3. What natural resources do you know? (land, subsoil, water, airspace, air, etc.)
4. What is degradation in general and what associations does this word evoke in
you? (gradual deterioration of quality, loss of valuable properties)
5. So what will my presentation be about? (degradation of natural resources)
So, first of all, I chose this topic because I wanted to reveal the concept of
"degradation of nature", identify and explore the root causes of degradation of natural
components, consider the typology of components of nature, as well as try to
cultivate environmental culture.
2. The concept of "degradation of nature"
Degradation is understood as natural or anthropogenic simplification, reduction of
economic and aesthetic potential of the landscape or its components.
Due to excessive anthropogenic impact, the natural environment is degraded, ie the
natural environment of human life deteriorates. Degradation of the environment
contributes to the deterioration of its main components.
3. For many years, the richness of the subsoil, biosphere resources were
consumed and spent as much as possible. Mankind entered the twentieth century
under the slogan: nature is not a temple, but a workshop. This move could not but end
with the global degradation of the natural environment of the globe. It began to
emerge most clearly as a worldwide phenomenon in the early 1970s. The
development of degradation processes on the planet was predicted long ago (I century
BC - Cicero, X century. - Ibn Sin).
4. Degradation processes in the atmosphere occur due to its gas, aerosol, dust,
noise, radiation, electromagnetic pollution. Some pollutants stay in the atmosphere in
a suspended state for several months. They cause a deterioration in the transparency
of the atmosphere, changes in its gas composition, destruction of the ozone layer,
changes in heat balance, and so on.
5. Aerosol polution
Aerosols are solid or liquid particles that are in the air. Solid components of
aerosols in some cases are especially dangerous for organisms, and in humans
cause specific diseases. In the atmosphere, aerosol contaminants are perceived as
smoke, fog, mist or haze.  Solid components of aerosols of technogenic origin are
products of activity of thermal power plants, concentrators, metallurgical,
magnesite, cement, soot plants. Industrial dumps are also a constant source of
aerosol pollution. They have a great variety of chemical composition. 
6. Dust pollution is a mass of solid particles present in air volume units
due to the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. The anthropogenic
component of this phenomenon is one of the most common problems of our time.
Almost all production processes lead to the release of dust, in particular construction
work and landscaping work.
7. Noise pollution of the atmosphere is one of the forms of wave,
physical pollution, adaptation of the organism to it is impossible. Noise is a set of
sounds of different frequency and intensity that occur as a result of oscillating motion
of particles in elastic media (solid, liquid, gaseous). Due to the growing number of
cars (which are the most common source of noise), industrialization of cities,
growing transport mobility, growing technical equipment of the urban economy,
contacts between the man-made environment of the city and the natural environment
are expanding. Rural landscapes and suburban areas are actively affected by
highways and railways, airfields and river ports. These sources of noise also include
railway junctions and stations, large bus stations and farms, motels and campsites,
trailer parks, industrial facilities and large bases of the construction industry, power
8. Radiation contamination - contamination of the earth's surface,
atmosphere, water, food, food raw materials, feed and various items with radioactive
substances in excess of the level established by standards, norms and rules of
radiation safety. The consequences of the release (spill) of radioactive substances are
pollution of the environment, danger to all living things in the contaminated area
(death of people, animals, contamination of crops, etc.), in addition to possible atomic
explosions and severe damage in large areas.
9. Electromagnetic pollution is a set of electromagnetic fields, different
frequencies that adversely affect humans. Some researchers call electromagnetic
smog, which originated and formed over the past 60-70 years, one of the most
powerful factors that negatively affect humans today.
10. Causes of water degradation
11. I suggest you watch an interesting video on this topic.
12. On slide.
13. Soil erosion - is a process of destruction of the upper most fertile layer
of soil and subsoil under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors .
Depending on the factors of soil destruction, there are water, wind, anthropogenic
According to the degree of manifestation of soil erosion is divided into normal and
Normal or geological erosion occurs under natural conditions (without human
intervention) and is slower than the formation of the soil profile during soil formation
processes . It is observed in virgin lands , forests , meadows and usually does not lead
to the formation of eroded soils.
Accelerated or anthropogenic erosion occurs due to irrational human economic
activities and is more intense than soil formation processes. It leads to the formation
of eroded soils.
14. Soil pollution is a type of anthropogenic transformation of soils in
which the content of chemicals in soils exposed to anthropogenic impact exceeds the
natural regional level of their content in soils.
There are three degrees of pollution that require the following actions:
 prevention,
 reconstruction,
 cessation of soil use.
When doses of heavy metals that do not cause exceedances of maximum
permissible concentrations ( MPC ) enter the soil , it is recommended to take
preventive measures and monitor the condition of soils and plants.
15. Soil waterlogging is an increase in soil moisture as a result of over-
regulation of runoff, formation of a plow sole, deterioration of conditions for
evaporation of intensive precipitation, and reclamation works.
Waterlogging of the soil stops the ingress of air.
16. In this slide we see a pie chart of the main causes of soil degradation.
17. Since 1945, about 1.7 million hectares of fertile land in Ukraine have
undergone significant degradation, with 800,000 hectares completely unsuitable.
18. Normative indicators of environmental quality
In the practice of management, the introduction of certain standards and norms of
emissions and concentrations of pollutants in the natural environment, compliance
with which does not lead to degradation of natural components and geosystems.
19. Conclution
1. Environmental degradation is the result of anthropogenic impact. It is
manifested in the deterioration of qualitative and quantitative indicators of natural
components and geosystems in general.
2. Components of the natural environment according to their resistance to
degradation processes are divided into stable "conservative" and unstable

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