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NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 01
VMGO and Course-on-Focus 

Name: Prog./Yr./Sec.: Date: Score: _______ 

Due Date: ________________

After reviewing the school’s VMGO and your course syllabus, answer this activity: 

Focused Free Write…

From the VMGO Statements, which one/s relates to the study of this course on NSTP-CWTS?
Copy this statement below. Discuss your personal role expectations on how you can contribute for its

Part of CTU System, Main Campus VMGO:


The University shall primarily provide advanced professional and technical instructions for
special purposes, advanced studies in industrial trade, agriculture, fishery, forestry,
aeronautics, and land-based programs, arts and sciences, health sciences, information
technology and other relevant fields of study. It shall also undertake research and extension
services and provide progressive leadership in its area of specialization.

I personally expect to be a part in its attainment by: 

understanding and analyzing the instructions that the University had given to me. I believe
that NSTP- CWTS is part of our University's Mission of providing extension services for
progressive leadership of their students. As a student of Cebu Technological University, I
believe that it is my responsibility to acknowledged the given extension service which is the
NSTP- CWTS in order for our University to achieve its goal of producing an oriented human
capital that is fully-equipped of knowledge, skills, and attributes. Hence, I could be one of the
students who helped in achieving our University's Mission.

 I would like to succeed in this program by (your personal commitment):

acknowledging this course and provide my time to answer the given practices and modules.
Also, I believe that I would succeed in this program by deeply understanding our instructor’s
teachings so that I could apply it in the future. Additionally, I believe that I should also be
motivated to gain knowledge and skills about civic programs for me to apply in the future and
can contribute something essential for the betterment of our community.

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