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General instruction:

1. A master list containing the names of the students who are included in the survey will be
2. The study only requires 225 participants, therefore, 9 sections will have 17 participants
while 4 sections will have 18 participants.
3. The selection of students from each section is randomized. There is no
standard/requirement being followed.
4. In case the student selected is absent, the teacher may choose a substitute from the
same section. Please note the absent student and provide the name of the substitute.
5. The google form will require an email address of each student. It does not need to be a
formal email address containing personal information such as their name. Any email
would do so long as it is active and used only by one student.
6. The student should not search the questions on the survey in any search platform. The
survey should be answered honestly and without bias.
7. After or before answering the survey, we require the students to list their names on a
form given as well as provide their signature to it. The teacher should scan the list and
send or forward it to Mrs. Josephine Montefalcon. The file will then be turned over to the
principal investigator, Ms. Angel Grace Lagrosa.
8. An e-certificate will be given both via email and google drive given to the teacher.
9. We encourage the participants to know that in case they have something that they do
not understand they can raise their concern to the teacher. The teacher may give an
answer or solution unless it contributes bias to the survey. The teacher can contact the
principal investigator for any concerns.

Google form:
1. The first page of the form will require the participant to provide their email address and
choose what strand they belong to. Information about the study such as the rights of the
participants is also provided on the first page as well as the contact information of the
principal investigator, the adviser, the College of Pharmacy and Chemistry dean, and the
research ethics committee.
2. Everything is translated to bisaya in case the participants have trouble with english.
3. The second page of the form contains the consent. The participant will just have to tick
“agree”. This survey is entirely voluntary therefore, if the participant wishes to not be
included, he/she should not answer the survey and notify the teacher. The teacher will
then choose someone from the same class as a substitute.
4. The third page is the start of the survey questionnaire. This part will evaluate the
knowledge of the participant by answering each question with either true or false. It is
important that no bias or influence from an AI, search engine, or classmate will affect
each answer of the participant. Therefore, we highly encourage that the participants will
not talk to each other during the survey. It is also important to remind them that this is not
graded and they just have to answer the questions honestly.
5. Next part would be another category of the questionnaire which is the “Attitude”. It is
given via likert scale and the participants will choose from strongly agree, agree,
disagree, and strongly disagree.
6. The last page of the form is another category of the questionnaire, “Practice”. It is
answerable by Always, Often, Once, and Never. After completing the form, click submit
and the participant will be redirected to a confirmation page.
7. In case the participant is not able to proceed to the next page, it might be because
he/she has skipped a question. The form will automatically direct it or navigate to the
skipped question.

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