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Vu current papers by lmsameerhamza.

[17/03, 21:26] Cs101 17 March
Maximum 35 marks paper from Msword

3 question from Msword

1 question cohesion ki weak aur strong form ky name .
1 question , define declarative paradigms
1 question , four limitation of files comparison to database .
1 question OR operator table
[17/03, 21:35] Today Cs101 paper
Date March/14/022
1: E-waste negative impact on environment?
2: 1 Conceptual question dia hoa tha?
3: IPR stands for?
4: Excel ka formula tha Jo k correct krna tha?
5: 3 Commands of editing group?
6: int main() is mn 1 value di thi uska output pocha tha?
7: Excel mn sum ka pocha tha?
8: Ms word mn style group ka pocha tha?
9: White Box testing k related 1 Conceptual question tha?
10: Spread sheet main values ka btana tha k kis row,, column
k lehaz sy hai....
Mcsqs mostly files mn sy thy
best of luck
[17/03, 21:35] Eng508
Mcqs 54
7 questions of 3 Marks
2 questions of 5 marks
3 Marks
1- disambiguation
2- particularzed conversational implicature
3- non truth confidentiality
4-speech act
5- warning se related tha Koch
6- interleague pragmatic
5 Marks)
1- data collection
2- factors the koi five
[17/03, 21:35] Eng523
54 mcqs
01) Define the term (Discourse psychology)
02) cataphoric and anaphoric reference with example
03) Three approaches for media discourse
04) why rhythm is considered as an important element in
spoken English
05) How john listed the good and workable research topics
06)Relationship between beats and rhythm
07) Discourse analytic approach
08) What is EAP?
[17/03, 21:35] CS311 XML Web Services
@ 2:30PM Fall 2021 (IJ)

Total 50 Questions out of 10 are descriptive 10 Descriptive

questions 3 Marks, 5 Marks.
Here is the Descriptive Quesitions.

1) Write down any two cases in which we should use a DOM

2) Write name of any three JDBC Drivers. Which are commonly
3) Write down the steps we need to use while parsing a
document using JDOM Parser?
4) Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP) is a promising
alternative to HTTP. You are required to write its three
features that you have learned in this course.
5) There are two methods (i.e. GET and POST methods) to post
data from one page to another. Differentiate between these
6) Consider the following two files (Form.html and
Form.html reads two numbers and sends them to Servlet. Now Servlet will sum these
two numbers and display output. You are required to write the
missing code of (at points mentioned in code
below) to get both numbers from HTML form and display their

<form action=" Addition" method="post">
First Number:<input type="text" name="num1"/><br/>
Second Number:<input type="text" name="num2"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Add"/>

// Fill This Area.

public class Addition extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res)
throws IOException , ServletException {
// Fill This Area. }

7) There are five well known HTTP methods that are commonly
used in REST based architecture. You are required to write
their names and description.
8) You are required to write five commonly used methods of
connection interface for transaction management.You are
required to write five commonly used methods of connection
interface for transaction management.
9) Write down any three cases when we should use a SAX
10 JDOM defines several Java classes. You are required to
write at least five JDOM classes.
[17/03, 21:35] Today's paper Eng 513
Authentic task
Speaking task
Levlts language processing program
3 communication channels
3 names for language teaching
Repeated reading
Teacher training
54 mcqs thy total question 63 mcqs half files m se thy starting
waly last m se conceptual thy
50 50 authentic or Levlts wala ata tha bhool gya us time yd ni
[17/03, 21:35] A.oA
Cs101 paper
Mcq conceptual thay
Questiion bhi bhtt Ajeeb thy jo sii thy bs wo question: State
Gram _ leach Biley Act
# include (iostream) output code?
How can we draw a custom text box Ms word through text
Ak Ms excel sy tha Question
mcq bhutt thay Ms excel sy
[17/03, 21:35] Cs610 11 :am
40 mcqs all are from handouts
5 questions 3 marks
5 questions 5 marks
1: Arp technique
2: one was about static or dynamic routing
3: IP and TCP
4: table lookup, close form computation, message exchange
5: value was given define class cidr notation....
2 question was conceptual
[17/03, 21:36] Cs607

35 Mcqs from JUNAID file

1. fuzzy logic topic s 2 short r 1 long question.
2. Candidate elimination algorithm 3 mark ka
3. Soft computing k 3 techniques
4. Predicate action 3 step
5. Unsupervised technique long
6. 5 step of fuzzy logic
[17/03, 21:36] Protocol types for TCP/IP
Address Classes types
Address Resolution techniques
Multicast address protocol 5 types
Multicast protocol for local
End to end and computer to computer communication.
[17/03, 21:36] mgt211
1.facilities to be organized for prodution process
2.Reminder advertising
3.component of design layout
4.decline stage ka btana tha k kesy ap prodution ko increase
kr skty h
5. describe tools which is used in in digital media
6. five digital forces
7. promotional strategies
[17/03, 21:36] MGT211
56 mcqs..
4 short ..3 marks ka
4 long....5 marks ka
Short question...
1.componts quality control system.
2. 4Ps
3. digital managament system names.
4...what is .media mix..

1.Promotianl. 5 types.
2. Productivity and production diferrents
3. Channal of consumers goods.
[17/03, 21:36] CS401
Mar 14, 21

40 MCQs: Mostly from Past papers


1. Name of the Pin in Port 37A used to enable triggering of ACK

pin? (3)

2. Two statements were given relating SPARC processor..

• Add R2 and R3 and store their value in R4.
• Store krna tha Flag with zero value in "Next" operand. (3)

3. Describe PUSHF and POPF in detail. (5)

4. An assembly program was written in Real Mode. We were

asked to write it in 32 bit Protected Mode. (5)

5. Discuss the structure of GDT. (5)

6. In any assembly programming, describe how IRQ and

interrupt are used to update system time. (5)

7. In 'Graphics Pixel' define the representation of BH, AL, CX

and DX registers. (5)
8. Name of registers for service number and file attributes,
used in Create/Truncate file using INT 21. (3)

9. A question related to identifying INT and it's service

(couldn't remember it fully) (3)
[17/03, 21:36] Eng201 current paper
Choppy sentence with example
Vague language and concrete language
Report writing ky fill in the blank
Analysis of report ky baary main true false
[17/03, 21:36] Cs301
Total 50 Questions
Past papers me se maximum 5 mcqs aye...
What is heap and Min heap and Max heap what will be the
index i of parent and what will be the index i of a child..
Binary search (mcqs and short)
Linked list (mcqs)
Skip list (mcqs)
Where Hashing is required?
Aik array given thi usne double right-left rotation k just 2 steps
likhny thy..
AVL tree k sorting waly conceptual question b aye thy
[17/03, 21:36] Eng101 8am (14/03/22)
4 to 5 (Compound, Complex sentences)
3 to 4 (use of Article a,an,the)
5 to 6 (correct form of verb)
Identification of Pronouns (relative, relaxive)
2 to 3 (either, neither nor etc.)
3 to 4 (cause and effect)
Sentence Fragments
(Unity, coherence, emphasis) important
Essay (5 marks)
Identify Complete sentence and comma splice
Brainstorming and Clustering (5 marks)
Write three elements of paragraph (3 marks)
Write three common use of Language Functions (3 marks)
Correct the sentence
[17/03, 21:36] Cs301
Total 50 Questions
Past papers me se maximum 5 mcqs aye...
What is heap and Min heap and Max heap
Binary search
Linked list
Skip list
[17/03, 21:36] CS304 14/03/2022 Total
Questions: 50 (80 marks)
Total Time: 2hours
40 MCQ's (1 mark = 40)
5 MCQ's from virtual function
5 MCQ's from template/class/abstraction
5 MCQ's from inheritance/public/private/protected
5 MCQ's from exception/throw/catch
5 MCQ's from STL,error handling
5 MCQ's from error handling
10 MCQ's were based on conceptual coding and real life
5 Questions of (3 marks = 15)
1. Write a C++ code and Declare a template function A as a
friend of function B.
2. Consider the code and detect error. if any
3. Name three error handling techniques and define briefly
4. Define multiple inheritance using the given scenario,
transmitter, reciever and phone.
5. Consider the code, highlight the error and then correct it.
5 Questions of (5 marks = 25)
1. Differentiate between function overloading and function
2. Observe the code properly and answer the following
a) define if the program is overloaded or not, justify your
b) write the output of the program.
3. There are some errors in the code given below,you have to:
a) Indicate the line number with errors
b) Give reasons for the errors
c) Correct the errors
4. What do you know about exception in initialization? Explain
with example code.
5. What will be the output of the following code? It was related
to virtual function, class a1,2b,3c.
[17/03, 21:36] Phy101 final term
paper2022 morning 8:00
Total marks 88
Objective 56 mcqs 56 marks ke
Subjective me 4 short question (3) the 4 long question (5)
Short question: (12)
Does your bathroom mirror show your older and younger then
your actually ..----------.
What is the advantage of transmitting power at high voltage,
will the transformer operate, if a battery is used for input
voltage primary.
If the field charge inside a closed surface is known both the
distribution of the charge is unsatisfied, can you use Gauss
law to find electric filed.
Many traffic lights charge when a car roll up intersection. How
dose light sense the presence of car.
Long question: (20)
An electron has de Brglie wavelength of 2.80×10-10m.
Determine a) magnitude of its momentum. B) Its kinetic
What becomes of isotopes that undergo alpha decay? Which
produces a higher counting rate or radiation dectr a gram of
radioactive having a short half-life r gram having a long half-
Explain solar zone. What is its other name?
Distinguish between electric potential and electric potential
energy. A negative charge move in the direction of uniform -
[17/03, 21:36] 1........
Cs502-Mcqs past se bht thoray thay sara paper thorough tha
Subject ma graphs ay thay bananay k liya aur diff types of
graphs batanay tha chapter 9 se sirf mcqs ay np walay aur
kuch ni aya
Kruskals b aya tha
Prims aya tha
Algorithms likhnay k liya ni ay
Thoroughly read kr k jana sab
Paper conceptual tha sara

Cs502 date 14/3/2022 timing 8;00
Mcqs totally sir Junaid wali file se thy
Long question
1) matrix ki adjacency list bnani
2) claim proof krna
3) lemma ki madad se examply or and proof krna tha
4) boolean formula ki madad se circuit logic diagram bnani thi
5) activity selection
Short question
1) DFS k about
2) kruskal and prims algorithm k about
3) bell men ford k about
4) minimum cost ka formula
5) case of prims algorithm

Cs502 Koch mcqs past paper s thy Koch Koch handsout s
Log me prims algorithm ka question tha ak
Ak list thi us s graph btna tha
Ak question tha graphs ka tha k isko represent Kese krty hn
ye 3 num ka tha
Ak question DFS me diagram thi usko desending order me
likhna tha
Ak question ford wall algorithm ka tha
[17/03, 21:36] Today CS101 paper
Date March/14/022
1: E-waste negative impact on environment?
2: 1 Conceptual question dia hoa tha?
3: IPR stands for?
4: Excel ka formula tha Jo k correct krna tha?
5: 3 Commands of editing group?
6: int main() is mn 1 value di thi uska output pocha tha?
7: Excel mn sum ka pocha tha?
8: Ms word mn style group ka pocha tha?
9: White Box testing k related 1 Conceptual question tha?
10: Spread sheet main values ka btana tha k kis row,, column
k lehaz sy hai....
[17/03, 21:36] Today CS601
McQ conceptual thy kuch orange monkey ki file main Sy aey
Or questions b easy thy
1)Encoding technique name of standard Ethernet 10 base 5
and 20 base T
2)U frame in HDLC name of the field of U Frame
3)ARP k operation type of Address btany thy
4) IEEE 802.1 is Sr related question that
5) name of five fields of Ethernet
6) haming distance find krna tha table main values given thi
7) minimum haming distance find krna tha.
8) Data link layer ki 2 sub layers k name btany thy
9) CDMA me sy tha
10) characteristics name in which data defeated
[17/03, 21:36] CS301 current paper
1.((x+y)*(p+q)/r)-s. Creat expression tree:5marks
2. Heap definition: 3 marks
3. Sort heap : 3marks
4. 10 7 12 5 3. Perform insertion sort: 5 marks
5. Image segmetion : 3 marks
6. Heap tree ko array me convert krna tha :5marks
7: insertion sort program error correction krni thi :5 marks
8. Equivalence Relations : 3 marks
9. Deletion in avl tree
10. hashing definition: 3 marks
[17/03, 21:36] Today paper:
Cs607 artificial intelligence
80 percent mcqs from hadi, junaid and arslan file.
1: Three phases of machine learning
2: inductive and deductive reasoning
3: Information gain with reasons
4: Fuzzy logical operators
5: Fuzzy inference system
6: Classical sets and fuzzy sets
7: Adding facts in CLIPSand deftemplate is given.
8: Concept of membership function in fuzzy logic
9: Robotics and its features
10 : Conjuctive normal form
[17/03, 21:36] Bt101
Mcqs bht easy thy sry
2 no questions:
1.Noise pollution
2. Types of parasites
3.Horse like animals which extinct now
4. Flight in birds
3 no questions
1. Ecological niche
2.Transpiration, percolation, ground water
3.endoplasmic reticulum
5 no questions
1. Process of decomposition
2. Evolution and paleontology
3. Metamorphosis
4. Methanogens
[17/03, 21:36] Eng301
16March -2022 11:00 am
54 mcqs thy or easy thy
Action research
Types of sales letter
Types of oral presentation
Extending credit letter
Skills for job
True false thy baqi
Lctr no 45 mei sy 1 long question tha true false ka or mcqs
b thy
Ye achyy sy kr lena
[17/03, 21:36] My paper bt406 at 11 am
Short Q
Define the design of Research?
What is Histrography?
Define types of Grounded theory?
Definition phenomenology?
Define Grounded Theory?
Types of phenomenology?
Define FGD?

Long Question
Describe Expectations research and Descriptive research?
Write their goals.
Enlist the 5 Types of Qualitative research in his book.
Difference between Qualitative research and Quantitative
research with examples.
Define partictaion and nonparticipation of observation?
McQ ppts say thay
[17/03, 21:36] BT406 My paper at 5p.m
What is the statistics in research
What are two methods of describing the data
What is the difference between the enthonography and entho
What is the limitations in the ground study.
What are steps of qualitative research's
Table representation
Narrative define
[17/03, 21:36] Bt402 5pm 16-3-22
What are Antivirals
What are Prebiotics
Use of bacteria in agriculture field
Use of biofuels in Charging devices
Method of applying biofertilizer in detail
Microbial minning
subunit vaccines  5
History of Vaccine production 5
How protein function by interacting with other proteins 5
Objectives of transgenic plants 5
[17/03, 21:36] Mgt301
64 Questions
56 MCQs were all conceptual but easy.
4 short questions
Differentiate b/w Target market and market targeting
Convenience and shopping good
Flow of marketing channels
Impacts of marketing on individual
4 long questions
Effective segmentation requirements
Factors affecting price
Google Adwords and 3 expensive keywords
Marketing intermediaries
[17/03, 21:36] Bt401 Final term
2:30 pm
Total question 52
40 mcqs
✅What is botanical garden?
✅Difference between law and legislation.
✅Molecular analysis by environment gene interaction.

What happened with FGR if the climate change progressively.
✅how is to conserve the plant biodiversity.
✅ Features of pakistan terrestrial water act 1976
✅ What is nagoya protocol
✅what are game species
✅when a specie become functionally extinct?
⚫mcqs zyada past files mai sy e thy
[17/03, 21:36] Eng201 current paper*
Choppy sentence with example
Vague language and concrete language
Report writing ky fill in the blank
Analysis of report ky baary main true false
[17/03, 21:36] Bio 204 final term paper
At 2:30 pm
1:how many types of reaction contribute to the loss of nutrient
quality during sterilization.
2:write any 5 effluent disposal method.
3:how pH is controlled in fermentation? Briefly describe.
4:what are the requirements of filtration system for the
sterilization of animal cell culture.
5:what information must be available for designing of batch
sterilization according to Deindoerfer and Humphery.
6:what is the function of compressor in fermenter design.
7:writ down the equation to measure air flow during
8:write down the Chemical method that can be used for
disruption of cell.
9:when a fermentation is scaled-up, what problem occur due to
batch sterilization and how it is eradicated.
10:write 2 examples of axial flow impeller.
Last 2 dell factor ki calculation m se thy.
Or quizes ppts m se or past papers m se thy sare.
Best of luck 🤞😊
Remember me in your precious prayers ❤️
[17/03, 21:36] *BT505 16/3/2022
Mcq mostly from ppts
1 Reynold numbe (5)
2 Mass spectrometry (5)
3 Application of flourocorbon (5)
4 what is the test format usend in biosensor (5)
6 what is three types of Antibody (2)
7 Differnce b/w wet Etching or plasma Ecthing (3)
8 Difreence b/w Beta ana Gama rays (3)
9 Thermal biosensor agy bi thori statment thi (3)
10 papr chromatography(2)
[17/03, 21:36] 11 am 16\03Exotropic
anisotropic, aptamers,bioners, real time application of PCR,
convergent method of dendrimes and advantage, limitations of
traditional pcr, nanotechnology impact on daily life, afm
lithography, bioconjugates quantum dots
[17/03, 21:36] Abdul Wahab paper
Today Eng101 2:30pm (16/03/22)* LHR
4 to 5 (Compound, Complex sentences)
3 to 4 (use of Article a,an,the)
5 to 6 (correct form of verb)
Identification of Pronouns (relative, relaxive)
2 to 3 (either, neither nor etc.)
3 to 4 (cause and effect)
Sentence Fragments
(Unity, coherence, emphasis) important
define slang (Marks 2)
underline Adverb and Adjective ( Marks 2)
Identify Complete sentence and comma splice and
Causes and effect underline (Marks 3)
True/False sentence (Marks 5)
Underline independent causes and dependent causes (Marks
fill in blanks option diay hoye tha (Marks 5)
underline Adverb (Marks 5)
[17/03, 21:36] Bt101
Mcqs easy thay pptz thay
1)define sere
2)phylum nematoda
3)ecosystem factors
4)ozone depleting substances
5)according to darwin which brings evolution
6)characteristics of archea
7)waste water treatemet (long)
8)evidence of natural selection (long)
9)digestive system of echinodermeta (long)
10)logistic population growth (long)
11)Jacobson organs
[17/03, 21:36] Today paper eng101
Today paper was easy
It contain 50 mcqs ....
30% mcqs from past paper and 20% from tenses ....
In subjective portion it contain 14 questions ...
In subjective portion the mostly questions was in the form of
and false and it contain one essay about pen is like a sword
this essay is
The past paper ....
Please remember to learn the tenses portion in eng101
[17/03, 21:36] eng101/14mar2022@11am
Q64:CORRECT OPTION lgana tha(5M)
Revising(revising,proofreading,draft) means that you rewrite,
build upon what has been written to make it better. It is at this
stage that you get rid of unnecessary(unnecessary,useful)
material, improve(prove,improve) on what you are going to
retain. A typical revision(draft,outline,revision) means writing
on two or more drafts. Here you insert details left out, put in
transition(grammar,transition,function) words which would
make smoother reading. If you are working on a word
processor, take out a hard copy so that you can see your
entire document at one time.
Q63:subj verb agreement(5M)
is k according verb lgany thy 5 sentences me
Q62:essay on "without justice societies deteriorate gradually"
Q61: unity topic, T/F(3M)
Q60:identify run-on or complete sentences(3)
Q59:put correct passives in the sentence(3)
sack or discover ko passive bna k sentence me fit krna tha
Q58:MCQs thy 2(3marks)
topic sentence or paragraph se related
Q57:make sentences of inquire & enquire(2)
Q56:true false (2)
ek essay ka tha k greek me its mean to attempt(false)
paragraph(body),2 synonyms,compound complex,subj verb
agreement, essay writing,tenses,23-35topics objective k liye
most imp
[17/03, 21:36] Eng101 paper
Timing: 11:00 am
There were total 64 questions, 54 mcq's and rest were of
subjective type.
Mcq's were about synonyms, correct form of verb, infinitive,
pronoun, tenses, rules of essay writing, parallelism, sentence
fragment, comma splice, fused sentence etc etc.
And subjective portion consisted of true false and fill in the
blanks which were simple statements taken from handouts.
One question was to paraphrase the lines.
One was about to write
"Topic"of given paragraph.
And one question of 5 marks, to write a paragraph on topic
"Does man used to bad news? Does he wanted to be reported
good news?
Overall, if you have well read the handouts, then it'll be
okay...but practice is also compulsory.
[17/03, 21:36] MGT211
my today's Paper 2:30
56 Mcqs all were handouts but 50% conceptual

Short 3 marks
1-productive facilities
2- Price skimming
3- if u r a manger then what's step u will taken for sales

Long 5 marks
Ye bhi conceptual thy Mai bs Jo yad ha wo likh ra hu

1- characteristics of millennials
2- tips of doing business
3- which type of decision u will taken in intro stage and growth
4- Total Quality management as HRM

1 bhol gya hu

Alhamdulillah acha hogya bs long me Kuch msla hua zra

[17/03, 21:36] Today's my eng 101 paper
Timing 8:00
*life is not victory,but battle....paragraph likhna tha
Sentence dye hwy thy adverb ko underline krna tha
Article ka use...Sentence dye hwy thy
Or kch heading Nii yaad pr us m they it waghera lgany thy
sentence m
Btw is the abbreviation of?
i.e means??
Fused and comma splice...Sentence dye thy btana tha...
Or mcqs m correct word btana tha mean tense k according....
Or Kch sentence thy us m btana tha k noun h ya adverb...
[17/03, 21:36] Eng101
Timing 2:30
Allhamdolil paper acha ho ga mostly paper handouts m sy tha
Jesa k outline Unity coherence linear
Sujective m fill in the blanks thi jis m hm ny 2 pair of words
lgany thy accept r Except m sy fill krna tha 2no m Accept
lagna tha
5 number k question m adverb select kr k likhny thy
Ik r 5 number k question m sentences ko Sahi kr k likhna tha
2 number k question m comma wala krna tha 3 options m sy 1
select krna tha
Emphsizing passive sentences and de emphasizing ki
Linear cyclic m sy 2 marks ka question aya tha wo step wali
example thi jo cycic waly m likha hoa tha
MCQs preposition m sy thy
R handouts m sy lines uta k di hoi thii

Its my Eng101 paper hope so it will help you

Remember me in your prayers

Regards: Captain 🥰
[17/03, 21:36] Eng101 8am (14/03/22)
4 to 5 (Compound, Complex sentences)
3 to 4 (use of Article a,an,the)
5 to 6 (correct form of verb)
Identification of Pronouns (relative, relaxive)
2 to 3 (either, neither nor etc.)
3 to 4 (cause and effect)
Sentence Fragments
(Unity, coherence, emphasis) important
Essay (5 marks)
Identify Complete sentence and comma splice
Brainstorming and Clustering (5 marks)
Write three elements of paragraph (3 marks)
Write three common use of Language Functions (3 marks)
Correct the sentence
[17/03, 21:36] Today eng 101 paper
Some mcqs from cause and effect mostly from tenses .some
synonyms. Not from past papers .
Subjective . Identify personal pronouns .
Cause and effect .
Paragraph likhna tha . you're not feeling alone when ur
reading a book .
True false .fill in the blanks.
[17/03, 21:36] Asslam_o_Alikum every
Today my Paper of CS 101.
40 Mcqs the sary conceptual the. 5 short questions the 3
marks kay.
1.Draw the The truth table of OR operation.
2.Akk question the usko output min karna the.
3. Table the MS excel wala...
4.Why E waste develop on environment.?
Long Questions.
1.Matching karni the.
2. Excel waly topic min sy the koii..
. Bki Questions mjay yaad nhii.
Overall sara paper conceptual the.
Best of luck all Students.
[17/03, 21:36] Pak301
Total McQ=55
SQ of 2 marks=2
SQ of 3 marks=3
LQ of 5 marks=3
Total marks=83
Mostly McQ from past papers and quizzes
3 McQ about virtual University of Pakistan
SQ from past papers
First constitution assembly
2nd BPC report
Objective resolution
Three points about federal government
Five points about 1962 constitution
Two reasons of dawnfall of ayub khan
[17/03, 21:36] Eng101

Sentence fragment
3 principal of writing
Sentences rearrange karna ty
Specific aur general mark karna ha
[17/03, 21:36] PAK301 15 March 5:00


1. Result of 1970 elections. 2 Marks

2. Why did Presidents dissolve different civilian governments

during time period of 1988-1999...? 2 Marks

3. Reforms by Zia-ul-Haq. 2 ya 3 Marks ka tha

4. 5 Points of Presidential system of 1962 Constitution. 5


5. Write a detail note on neighbors of Pakistan. 5 Marks

6. Importance or Natural resources in the development of a

country. 5 Marks
[17/03, 21:36] PAK301 15 March 5:00

52 k aas pas Mcqs thy jin me dates waly b thy lkn zyaDa theory
waly thy...

- What was foundation of constitutional development in

Pakistan? Objective Resolution.
Ye mcq 2 daffa aya tha

-One Unit cabinet ki date.?

-Shariah court were formed in...? 1981

- when east Pakistan was invaded...? 1971

- literary rate in Pakistan is...? 46%

- Industrial development bank developed in..? 1961

- who was First president...? Iskandar Mirza

-who was Second governor general...? Khawaja Nazimuddin

- Allama Iqbal University is example of...? Distance learning

- Which university is example of e-learning ...? Virtual


- COAL quantity or quality k lehaz sa kya h: a)Low b) High c)

Elite d) last option yaad nahi
[17/03, 21:36] Cs101 current paper
Mcqs were from programming languages, database and ms
Short questions of 3 marks
1- list 3 electronic thefts
2-usual way of protecting software
3-name the structure which alters the execution process of
4-sum formula of ms excel
5- difference between coupling and cohesion
Long questions
1- negative impacts of cs on society
2- program to calculate area and perimeter of rectangle
3- formulas of ms excel
4- commands of pages group in insert ribbon
5- definitions of prototyping, evaluationary prototyping,
throwaway prototyping, rapid prototyping and agile methods
[17/03, 21:36] Cs302
SRAM types
A/D errors
Make Jk flip diagram
Glitches how to avoid in race condition
Timing graph
State assignment and state reduction
[17/03, 21:36] Cs101
Cs negative impacts on health
Truthtable for NoR gate
Values di thi excel unko sum krny or average krny ka formula
poocha tha..
Or sath 1 cell ka address
State Gramm leachy bilely?
Description on equirement analysis and design phase
[17/03, 21:36] Cs 302
MCQs mostly from quiz 2 moaz files
Types of DRAM
filling ICs diagram
3 bit up and down counter
Make Moore diagram from given input
[17/03, 21:36] Eng301
16March -2022 11:00 am
54 mcqs thy or easy thy
Action research
Types of sales letter
Types of oral presentation
Extending credit letter
Skills for job
True false thy baqi
Lctr no 45 mei sy 1 long question tha true false ka or mcqs
b thy
Ye achyy sy kr lena
[17/03, 21:37] Eng301
16March -2022 11:00 am
54 mcqs thy or easy thy
Action research
Types of sales letter
Types of oral presentation
Extending credit letter
Skills for job
True false thy baqi
Lctr no 45 mei sy 1 long question tha true false ka or mcqs
b thy
Ye achyy sy kr lena
[17/03, 21:37] Objective files ma se thi.
Define rectilinear motion
Define rigid body
Find angular momentum
Find moment of inertia?
Write moment of inertia of hollow sphere,, solid sphere,, hollow
cylinder and rectangular plate?
Find moment of inertia long ma
[17/03, 21:37] Cs302 mcqs jo hai
diagrams ma sa ah rahe hai 74HC163 is terah ke diagrams jo
hai in sa related kaisai k yeh kis ke example hai up counter ke
ya down counter ke ya up/ down counter ke diagrams ko ache
terah prepare kerai

Cs302 40 mcqs the 10 question the 5 or 3 marks k 15 to 20

mcqs come from past or quiz sa the aik question tha jis ma
diagrams the or us ma two red boxs the A or B batana tha in
ma kon sa gate aye ga 3 marks ka aik question latches k bara
ma tha J. K latches or D latches ma ferk and how to change Jk
into D or aik question tha diagrams bani hui the or same ko
remove kerna tha aik question fill in the black ka tha three
marks ka aik or long question tha jis ma states q0, q1, q2. Or
states A, B, C, D, E, F
[17/03, 21:37] Today Cs101 paper
Date March/14/022
1: E-waste negative impact on environment?
2: 1 Conceptual question dia hoa tha?
3: IPR stands for?
4: Excel ka formula tha Jo k correct krna tha?
5: 3 Commands of editing group?
6: int main() is mn 1 value di thi uska output pocha tha?
7: Excel mn sum ka pocha tha?
8: Ms word mn style group ka pocha tha?
9: White Box testing k related 1 Conceptual question tha?
10: Spread sheet main values ka btana tha k kis row,, column
k lehaz sy hai....
Mcsqs mostly files mn sy thy best of luck
[17/03, 21:37] Today Cs101 paper
Date March/14/022
1: E-waste negative impact on environment?
2: 1 Conceptual question dia hoa tha?
3: IPR stands for?
4: Excel ka formula tha Jo k correct krna tha?
5: 3 Commands of editing group?
6: int main() is mn 1 value di thi uska output pocha tha?
7: Excel mn sum ka pocha tha?
8: Ms word mn style group ka pocha tha?
9: White Box testing k related 1 Conceptual question tha?
10: Spread sheet main values ka btana tha k kis row,, column
k lehaz sy hai....
Mcsqs mostly files mn sy thy best of luck

CS 101
Monday 14-03-2022
8:00 AM
40 Mcqs Conceptual from Handouts.
10 Question of 3 or 5 marks.
1- prototype definition and types in column 5 definitions match
the column 5 marks
2- MS word related 2 questions
3- c++ program write output.
4- write project query statement given.
5- write two incarnation f
To information hiding
6- explain BLOCK and INLINE elements in HTML?
7-Write devices used by AI agents.
a) to perceive environment
b) to affect environment
8- write data types
(Answer=Integer ,float, character)
[17/03, 21:37] Today's #CS302 paper at
Mcqs 30(s0me fr0m m0az past papers)
5 sh0rt questi0ns
what wiII be the qu0tient and remainder if we divide the binary
digit 1101 by 101
1 sh0rt questi0n fr0m traffic signaI c0ntr0I system
draw the I0gic diagram 0f S-R gated Iatch
find the frequency fr0m 10 cycIes 0f cI0ck signaIs measured in
draw the diagram 0f implementi0n 0f fif0 buffer using RAM
3 long questions
Draw the next state truth tabIe
2. H0w many 0perati0ns are perf0rmed 0n a mem0ry aIs0
the diagram
3. Draw the timing diagram 0f J-K flip fl0p also explain their
p0tentiaI timing differences
[17/03, 21:37] CS 101
Monday 14-03-2022
8:00 AM
40 Mcqs Conceptual from Handouts.
10 Question of 3 or 5 marks.
1- prototype definition and types in column 5 definitions match
the column 5 marks
2- MS word related 2 questions
3- c++ program write output.
4- write project query statement given.
5- write two incarnation f
To information hiding
6- explain BLOCK and INLINE elements in HTML?
7-Write devices used by AI agents.
a) to perceive environment
b) to affect environment
8- write data types
(Answer=Integer ,float, character)Edu410
Final term 2022
Mcq mostly quiz file thay

1 categories of vowel
2 Tense of verb
3 Types of speaking
5 Independent clauses
6 Principle of listening
Idioms and collection
Constant sound
How you can develop better writing in children
Step in learning phonics
Enlist levels of language presented by Raymond
Example skimming
CVC wards
[17/03, 21:37] Today Cs101 paper
Date March/14/022
1: E-waste negative impact on environment?
2: 1 Conceptual question dia hoa tha?
3: IPR stands for?
4: Excel ka formula tha Jo k correct krna tha?
5: 3 Commands of editing group?
6: int main() is mn 1 value di thi uska output pocha tha?
7: Excel mn sum ka pocha tha?
8: Ms word mn style group ka pocha tha?
9: White Box testing k related 1 Conceptual question tha?
10: Spread sheet main values ka btana tha k kis row,, column
k lehaz sy hai....
Mcsqs mostly files mn sy thy
best of luck
[17/03, 21:37] Cs506 todays paper
90% Mcqs from junaid waqar files
3 number questions
3question mein Code diye howe the jinhe complete karna tha
1. Three layers k name likhne the presentation layer business
layer aur data layer
1. Mein ak table diya tha jis mein yes no fill karna tha
wepservlet see related
5 number questions
Error code ka pocha howa tha
Example 200 403 401 ye wale Jo Hain
Ak mein code complete karna tha
3 questions mein coding karni thi
1. Ak statement thi his mein hum ne ak 2.0 ka servlet bana tha
uss ki classes di hoi thi
1. Mein hum ne color ka code likhna tha red blue aur green
K user see color input karwao agar too in mein see color
select karta too color show karwao nahi too show karwao no
color is selected
Next question k code mein web-based program likhna tha k
agar koi user pahli dafa website visit karta too welcome likha
aye aur
User first time login nahi karta too yani wo pahle hi website ka
member ha too welcome back likha aye

From. Ayat chauhdury

Muje easy lagya ku k muje website development ati thi uss liye
code write kar diye
Thanks to all of u
[17/03, 21:37] MGT 522 Final Term
First 4 short and rest were long Questions. MCQs were based
on general knowledge.
1. What are different issues of urban development of
Pakistan? Explain three in this regard.
2. Why is governance required in modern state? Give at
least three arguments in this regard.
3. Governance is required for the governance in any modern
state for the following reasons;
4. What are the characteristics of an effective and
successful policy? Identify three characteristics.
5. According to John S. Dryzek, Lasswellian dream of Policy
Science has failed in United States of America (USA). How it
can be revived?
6. What are different reasons of health crisis of Pakistan?
Explain any five in this regard..
7. Which factors should be considered while designing an
effective policy in a democratic society? Identify any five in
this regard.
8. What are the different suggestions given by James Q.
Wilson for policy research?
9. What are the different methods of theorizing? Identify any
[17/03, 21:37] Bt 101
8:00 am
40 mcqs file ka ni pta kon c wali se aye thy but easy thy.
3 long questions 5 marks k

Evidences of Theory of natural selection . Long

Phylum cilliophora long

Effect of global warming long

Orders of amphibia
Temperature regulation in reptiles

Habitat fragmentation
Sympatric speciation
[17/03, 21:37] Bio 3o1

Different between monocot and Didcot chromosome

effect of mutations
mutations alert gene function
which molecules technique is used for protein
Geimsa staining use
western bloting
Difference between western and souter southern bloting
Base of analoges chromosome
Different between organic and inorganic methods And write
step of organic methods
[17/03, 21:37] Bt302 5pm 15-03-2022
50 mcqs  11 questions
Cell types of cellular barriers
How cellular immunity provides protection
Mast cell degranulation
V(D)J combination diversity
Diversity of T cells at genetic level
Difference between TCR and BCR
Pathology of complement system
Mechanism of oxygen Independent killing,effector molecules
and their functions
[17/03, 21:37] Bt302( Final Term)
11:00 am
Total question 61
Mcqs: 50
Questions: (11)
1-Factor affecting the antibody and antigen test (2)
2- new born baby get a infection, how immune system will help
him to overcome? Explain breifly(3)
3- what is precipitation reaction?(2)
4- explain the classes of antibodies (5)
5- explain the five components of CD3.(5)
6- Write the classification of graft rejection on the basic of
7- which antigen of thyroid organ is involved in autoimmune
disorder of hashimoto's thyroiditics. (2)
8- describe the location of following lymphoid organs (2)
a)payer patches
c) thymus
d) appendix
9- what immune response is produced by immune system
againt tumor cells (5)
10- how antigen variation help organism to protect from
immune system. Differentiate between antigen shift and
antigen drift (3)
11- what happend if co-stimulatory interation occur in the
absence of T-cell receptor? (3)
[17/03, 21:37] Bio301
Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Giemsa stain
PCR principle and reagents
Western blotting
Genotype and phenotype

Mcqs zyada pcr ma sy thy

papr bio 301
At 2.30
All mcqs from the topics of Mutation and PCR
Telomerase define
Western bloting
Western bloting procedure
DNA extraction method organic and inorganic and the
procedure of organic method
Mutations effect
Autosomal dominant ressive and x linked and multifactorial
wala question jis main percatnge likhni hoti hai
RAPD and AFLP differnce
[17/03, 21:37] Edu 401 5 pm paper
Paper was easy
Kuch mcqz imran files sy thy or kuch handouts but agr imran
all in one file achy sy ki ho to hope so woh b solve ho jain gy ..
Q.prevalance of madrissa education in Pakistan
Q .Eu definition of non formal learning
Q.what is privatization
Gender difference in school
Gender discrimination in school
What is population education and explain its traces
Role of research in population education.
Q freedom of choice for parents
Q .Billet in formal learning
Q.hanger learning.
Q demand side pressure
Q non formal education
How teacher can change regidity into flexibility in school
How technology reduce geaographical region for learning
Baki ab yad ni han
[17/03, 21:37] Sta406
Mcqs easy the file se hi the pehle 5 mcqs mid part se the
about point distribution and associate, sufficient Walon se
Kuch. Overall Mcqs mere bht ache hoye.
1. Diff between Null Hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis
2. D.f find krni thi F distribution ki.
3. Yeh BHI koi degree of freedom D.f hi find krna tha but P ki
value di hoi thi.
4. Ek formula likhna tha mean distribution Ka if sigma is given.
5. Ek table Diya HOA tha uss ki resemblenss find krni thi or chi
graph table Ka d.f BHI.
6. Ek me C R ki value find krni thi n or Alfa ki value di hoi thi.
7. Yeh BHI koi table hi tha or Binomial distribution find krni thi
n,. Alfa, p ki value di hoi thi.
8. S2 square ki value di hoi thi or S1 square ki find krni thi n ki
value hi Di Gy thi. Yeh to bht mushkil laga even k sigma ki
values BHI ni na mean ki or na hi X ki koi or values.
3 or 5 marks wale Q tough the.
Baki 2 Qs me H0 or H1 Diya giya giya tha equal and not equal
Kr k or analyse krna tha k reject kren he k ni.
Chi graph or f destribution Waly Qs dehan se tyar krein.
[17/03, 21:37] ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM !

-Names of Autosomal Dominant Diseases

-Three Systems for Determination of Sex

-Principle of PCR (5 Marks)

- Procedure of Westernblotting (5 Marks)

-Deletion Mutation and It's Effects/results (5 Marks)

[17/03, 21:37] Alhamdulillah 😇
Bt101 15. 03. 2022
1.Allopatric speciation
2.Adaptations to prevent dehydration in mammals
3.Names of attributes of contributes in bio magnification
4.Two Heat producing mechanism in mammals
5.Name of Ozone depleting substance
6.Difference in coxal glands and malphigian tubules
7.R selected species and k selected species (long)
8.Types of pseudopodia (long)
9.Origin of eukarota
10.Balanced polymorphism with example
11.Different forms of energy in ecosystem
12. Describe inheritance of acquired characteristics for soft
[17/03, 21:37] Bt301
Timing 8:00am
1-How deoxynucleotide joins?
2- Why wild type beta phage is not suitable for cloning?
3- Specifications of different mapping types?
4- What is the use of chloroplast gene?
5-DNA profiling?
6- Advantage of PCR?
7-Inverse PCR?
8- Chromosome jumping?
9-Plasmid vector?
10-PCR uses in medicine

Mcqs easy thy*bio201*

Lysosomes function
Signalling system
T cell activation
Mhc 1 vs mhc 2
Bio 201
1.Why cell is important
2.define helper t cell
3. Why cell signalling is important
4. Describe cell signalling process
5.proto oncogene
6. Describe cell culture cell line .
7. describe endocytosis
And mostly file sy mcq thy
[17/03, 21:37] -Paper Chem201

- Psuedo First order Reaction

-Mechanism Of Reaction
-Stopped flow Mechanism

-What are Azeotropes (5 Marks)

-What are Stoppped Flow Technique (5Marks)
[17/03, 21:37] Cs201 today(15/03/2022)
paper at 2.30 pm.

Mcqs was mostly past papers.

Total questions was 50.
Long and short=10
Questions are the following👇👇👇
Q#1.write the code for a user defined manipulator named
SetHex to display a number into it's hexadecimal
representation by setting the showbase flag.
Q. 2 find the correct errors in the following code:
String==new char[20];
Q.3 what is output of the following code.:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstedlib>
Using namespace std;
Template <class 1>
Class A
T func(T a , T b)
Return a/b;
Int main()
A <int> a1;
Court<<a1. Func(3,2)<<endl;
Court<<a1. Func(3.0,2.0)<<endl;
Return 0;
Q. 4 Build a two way relation b/w following class
Class ClassA{};
Class ClassB{};
Q. 5 what is the output of following code
Int x, y;
Cout<<"enter two integer";
Cout<<x<<(x==y "is": "is not")<<"equal to<<y;
Q. 6 write a program which ask user to input and breadth of
rectangle. Then using macro, the program should calculate the
area of rectangle and show on screen.
Q. 7 write setter function for the following data.
Class complex
Int real;
Int imag;
Es m jo programe hain vo
[17/03, 21:37] Today sta641 2:30pm

Q1. Q-Qpolt find karna tha excel man

Q2 same tha
Q3. mean standard deviation correlation in excel
Q4. F-test find karna tha spss
Q5.sahi yad nai aa raha abhi

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