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Q : What is drama ?

Is one of the three major literary beside prose and poetry and while it can contain
both other generic forms.
Q : What are the elements of drama?
1- Plot : the series of the events that comprise the whole story in the play.
2- Characters : before the dialogue in a script the playwright often include a cast
of characters.
3- Setting : is time and place of actions.
4- Theme : the unifying idea that is reflected through the elements of the play
and by which the type of a play can be considered.
Q : What are the elements of theme?
1- Tragedy 2- Comedy 3- Romance.
Q : what is signet of the chorus?
The technique of the chorus is adapted from the traditions of classic Greek
drama. The chorus functions in several ways throughout the play. It stands
outside the direct action of the play and comments upon various part of the
drama. The chorus speaks directly to the audience and tells the basic background
history of Faustus and explain that the play is it concern his downfall. This scene
Re-echoes in a comic fashion various part of the proceeding scene between
Faustus and Mephistopheles. In the largest view.
Q : we can called scene (2,4) echo scenes?
Essentially this scene functions as a con if interlude. This type of scene is often
called an "echo scene" because Wagner's actions parody those of Faustus in the
previous scene. The scene also functions as a contrast to the earlier scene in that
the same subject is being presented the used and misuse of knowledge this scene
Re-echoes in a comic fashion various part of the proceeding scene between
Faustus and Mephistopheles in the largest view.
Q : Appearance of good angel and bad angel?
In the first part of this scene, Faustus mind begins to waver. There is a conflict
within Faustus as to whether he should carry out his plan. This inner conflict is
then externalized by the appearance of the good angel angle and the evil angel.
The advice of the good angel and the Evil angel serves to keep constantly before
us the struggle which Faustus is facing and reminds the reader that Faustus is in
severe danger of external damnation.
Q : Discussion the theme of concept of pride ?
The theme of pride is seen in Faustus discussion with Mephistopheles on the
subject of hell . Mephistopheles replies honestly when Faustus asks how Lucifer
fell from grace Mephistopheles says by a spring pride and insolence for which
God threw him from the face of heaven however Faustus out of his pride refuse
to accept the truth.
Q : what is the bad and good within everyman's personality ?
One of most important and prominent themes in Dr. Faustus is by far the conflict
between good and evil in the world and in the human soul.
Q : what is the man's limitations and potential ?
As Europe emerged from the middle ages the man's conception of himself
Q : Compare between the Clash medieval and Renaissance values.
The medieval world and the world of the emerging Renaissance clash in Dr.
Faustus . The medieval world focuses on the attention of God, diverting it from
man. Renaissance puts its emphasis upon individuality and scientific learning.
Mediaeval learning includes the branches of which Faustus is dissatisfied. He
explicitly rejects more learning of logic, medicine, law, religion and seeks the
new branches to satisfy his ambition. as Renaissance values grow, the religious
faith and church power are tarnished. Faustus's reject of faith and sneer at the
pope indicate his turning away from medieval way of thinking. He resolves, in
full Renaissance spirit to accept no limits, traditions, or authorities in his quest
for knowledge, wealth and power.

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