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6 Ways Power of Silence Can Improve Your Life: Never defend yourself: “If anyone tells you that such a person speaks ill of you, don’t make excuses about what is said of you, but answer: He does not know my other faults; else, he would not have mentioned only these.” - Epictetus Weak people hide their flaws and show off their strengths Wise people boast about their flaws without showing off their strengths. Don't let your ego blind you. Never complain: “Don’t be overheard complaining, not even to yourself.” - Marcus Aurelius. Complaining is the simplest and most ineffective thing to do. If you have the ability to change a situation, do so. If it isn't, shift your viewpoint. The mind gives up and surrenders before the body. Stoic virtues include endurance, perseverance, and composure. Be Careful of What You Say: “Be silent, or let thy words be worth more than silence.” - Pythagoras Spend no time engaging in celebrity gossip, backbiting, or childish fights. Learn to Respond, Not React: “| think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right.” - Cato The Elder How one reacts to hostility is a strong evidence of wisdom. Maintain a cool, calm, and collected demeanor at all times. Never allow anyone the power to make you angry. Don't Tell Them, Show Them: “Waste no time arguing how a good man should be. Be one” - Marcus Aurelius What you do, not what you say you'll do, determines your level of success. Convince through your actions, not your words.

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