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NAMA: Teguh Esa Norman

It is not a secret that smoking can cause several serious health problems.
However, most smokers just ignore the health warning that is obviously
mentioned on cigarette’s pack. They may find the habit invigorating at some
times and relaxing at others, but they do not aware that it could be deadly and
dangerous. So what are the harmful effects of smoking?
One of the greatest dangers of smoking is the increased risk of cancer,
particularly lung cancer, but also cancer of the bladder, mouth, and esophagus.
Typically, a person’s risk of developing tobacco-related cancer depends on how
long that person has been smoking, the tar content of the cigarette, the number
of cigarettes smoked per day, and how deeply the person inhales the smoke. The
risk of dying from lung cancer is 20 to 30 times greater for heavy a smoker than
for a nonsmoker.
Smoking has long been recognized as a major risk factor in
cardiovascular disease. The presence of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke
binds to hemoglobin in the blood, making fewer molecules available for oxygen
transport. In addition, it can reduce the blood flow in coronary and force the
heart to work harder in delivering oxygen to the body. Such strain places
smokers at significantly greater risk for heart attack and stroke. Nonsmokers
who are exposed to secondhand smoke have increased the risk of developing
heart disease by 25 to 30 percent.
It is not surprising that smokers also may suffer from various respiratory
diseases other than lung cancer, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Active smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke are also
responsible for increases in other respiratory ailments, such as pneumonia, the
common cold, and influenza. Smokers who contract these ailments take longer
than nonsmokers to recover from them. In addition, when children were raised
in a household in which they are frequently exposed to environmental tobacco
smoke, they are more likely to suffer from asthma and chronic cough.
Lastly, smoking is harmful for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.
Women who smoke are more likely to experience infertility and miscarriage.
When a pregnant woman smokes, some toxins from the smoke can be passed to
the fetus. These toxins can later affect the infant’s lung development and
Global Warming
Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth’s surface
and are the result of the green house effect. The green house effect is a term to
define trapped carbon dioxide which causes the earth to the heat. Then, the
global warming will much more and the climate on the earth will continue to be
hotter. You certainly feel that the current temperatures on earth are so hot
during the day. Then, we all must be thinking that there is a problem with the
climate change where everything becomes unpredictable. The season that
occurs in our earth cannot be predicted anymore as happened a few years ago.
You need to know that those irregularities are caused by global warming.
In detail, the global warming caused by human activity. Today, there are
so many factories are built. It means that they are going to produce carbon
dioxide as their waste. When they are built more and more, then the more
carbon dioxide is produced. Meanwhile, plant is the only element that can
absorb the carbon dioxide and then convert it into oxygen. However, the plants
that are on the earth continue to decrease due to illegal logging, forest fires, and
the diversion of forest as a place of human lodging area. All of those makes the
number of plants continue to decrease and are not able to absorb all the carbon
dioxide maximally. As a result, carbon dioxide trapped in the earth and makes
our earth becomes hotter. One of the visible effects of global warming is the
polar ice continues to melt so they can flood the coast line in the entire world.

Smoking is a highly addictive habit that can have a multitude of negative
effects on a person's health. The primary cause of smoking is nicotine addiction,
which is a highly addictive substance that is found in tobacco. Once a person
becomes addicted to nicotine, they may experience cravings for cigarettes and
other tobacco products, which can lead to regular smoking habits. Additionally,
many people start smoking because they are influenced by friends or family
members who smoke, or they may be exposed to smoking in movies or other
forms of media.
The effects of smoking on a person's health are numerous and severe.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer, and it can also cause other
types of cancer, such as throat, mouth, and bladder cancer. It can also lead to
heart disease, stroke, and respiratory illnesses such as emphysema and chronic
bronchitis. Furthermore, smoking during pregnancy can lead to low birth weight
and other complications, and it can also cause sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS) in infants who are exposed to secondhand smoke.
Smoking and Physical Activity
Smoking affects many aspects of your body, including your physical
endurance. If you smoke, you get less oxygen in your heart, lungs and muscles.
This reduces your physical fitness. It can also cause inflammation in your bones
and joints that may contribute to other conditions like osteoporosis.
How does smoking affect physical activity?
Smoking causes both immediate and long-standing effects on exercise
and physical activity. Smokers’ increased risks for cancer, heart and respiratory
diseases are well known. Yet, in terms of exercise and physical activity,
smokers also have:
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Why are smokers less fit than nonsmokers?
To achieve peak performance, your heart, lungs and muscles need
oxygen-rich blood. When you inhale tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide (just one
of the 4,000-plus chemicals found in tobacco — more than 50 of which are
known to cause cancer) binds to red blood cells. As a result, oxygen is
displaced, preventing delivery to the muscles and other body tissues. This
causes an increase in lactic acid (the substance that causes muscles to feel as if
they’re burning, fatigue, heavier breathing and increased soreness after
This decrease in oxygen reduces your physical endurance, making it more
difficult to do well in sports. It makes it harder to do everyday things, too, like
walking up stairs. In addition, if you smoke, your resting heart rate is higher
than a nonsmoker's due to decreases in oxygenation. This means your heart
must work harder to deliver enough oxygen to your body.

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