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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

Date: May 2, 2023 Section: Upper Level

Topic: Vocal Music in the Romantic Era Time: 1hour 15 minutes

I. Learning Objectives
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of vocal music of the Romantic
B. Performance Standard
The learner sings and performs themes of selected song.
C. Learning Competencies
The learner listens perceptively to selected art songs and excerpts of opera.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Vocal Music of the Romantic Period (1820-1910)
Reference: Power Up with MAPEH 9 – Jude B. Roldan, et al.
Physical Education, Health and Music – Lorna R. Lopez, et al.
Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos – Raul Sunico
Grade 9 Learner's Material for Music and Arts – Department of Education PH
History of Music – Hugh M. Miller
Music: An Appreciation – Roger Kamien, et al.
Materials: Laptop, Power point, Speaker, Cut-outs visual aids

III. Learning Activity (15 minutes)

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Management
B. Review
Composers of Instrumental Music: Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn
Teacher says:
The Classical Period is known for Patrons of the Churches and aristocrats in courts and salons. While in
the Romantic period, music was predominantly secular and performances are held in concert halls. We
have learned from our previous lessons that the romantic period was time of expansion. There was
already an advancement in science and technology like the steam engine. All inventions are for
furthering the productivity of the industrial revolution. Compared to those expansions, the Romantic era,
vocal music requires singers to perform greater range of tone color, dynamics and pitch. Thus, Opera
became an important source of musical expression.
Teacher asks:
Can you describe the differences between the music of the classical and romantic period in terms of
Melody, Rhythm, Form and Harmony?
C. Motivation – Excerpt listening of Instrumental music: (1) Mozart’s Symphony no.40, (2)
Beethoven’s Ode To Joy, (3) Chopin’s Nocturne no 2 in Eb, (4)Stauss’ Blue Danube and
IV. Lesson Proper (45 minutes)
Art Song - written to be sung in recital with piano accompaniment and often set to a poem known as
"Lied" or "Lieder" in German. It requires special skills for both the singer and pianist. The two
performers must agree on all aspects of the performance to create a unified partnership.
e.g. The Beautiful Miller - composed in 1823 by Franz Schubert, scoring Tenor-Piano
Opera – it is a drama set to music that include poetry, costumes, acting and dancing in addition to
vocal and instrumental music.
Opera Seria – is an Italian dramatic opera, serious by nature, usually with a heroic theme.
Overture - is an instrumental composition which serves as an introduction to the opera.
Prominent Genres of Opera in the Romantic Period
1. Opera Buffa - a comic opera, typically in Italian, especially one with characters drawn from
everyday life.
e.g The Barber of Seville - A voice just now - Gioachino Rossini
2. Opera Comique - an opera on a lighthearted theme, typically in French and with spoken
e.g. The White Lady – Come nice - Francois-Adrien Boieldieu
3. Grand Opera - a style of opera characterized by grandiose scale, heroic and historical subjects.
e.g. The Jewess – Rachel, when from the Lord - Fromental Halevy
4. Lyric Opera – a style-type known as lyric drama. It combined the melodic appeal of opera
comique with some of the large scale aspects of grand opera.
e.g. Thais – Jules Massanet and Lakme Leo Delibes

Libretto – text or script of an opera written in verse or prose, and provides the storyline, characters, and
Librettist – the person who writes the libretto of an opera or operatta.
The Music
Its role is to convey emotion, character, and mood.
Different musical forms used in opera
Arias – A melodious excerpt for one singer. It is used for lyrical, more reflective and vocal solos.
Recitatives – A type of singing that resembles speech and closely follows the natural declamation of text
Choruses – An ensemble of singers
Teacher says:
The music and libretto work together to create a cohesive story and experience for the audience.
The Characters
They are the ones who portrays through music, singing, and acting.
Different types of characters in opera
Heroes - Protagonist
Villains - Antagonist
Comedic relief – Characters that acts to release tension moments in the scene.
Play Giacomo Puccini’s La Boheme and have students identify the different types of characters and their
roles in the story.
The Stage and Set Design
It helps to create the visual world of the story. Different set designs and lighting can convey mood, time,
and place.
Show the set design of (1) Bizet’s Carmen, (2) Verdi’s La Traviata, (3) Wagner’s Die Valkyrie, (4)
Puccini’s Tosca and (5) Rossini’s La donna del lago; and ask students how it contributes to the overall
experience of the opera.

V. Assessment
Game: What I Know? Jumbled letters
Instructions: Gather in a 5 member group, each group will be given materials to combine the letters.
1. What is a melodious excerpt for one singer that is used for lyrical, more reflective and vocal
solos? ARIA
2. What kind of Opera that is typically in Italian, especially one with characters drawn from
everyday life? COMIC OPERA
3. Who was the composer best known for the ballet during the Romantic period? PETER ILYICH
4. Who was the master of the Romantic Art song? FRANZ SCHUBERT
5. What is a style of opera characterized by grandiose scale, heroic and historical subjects?
6. It is considered as the highest voice classification of a female; what type of voice is this?
7. What is a drama set to music that include poetry, costumes, acting and dancing in addition to
vocal and instrumental music? OPERA
8. What do you call the text of an opera? LIBRETTO
9. What is a sung dialogue or a vocal part that is performed following the pattern of speech rather
than a melody? RECITATIVE
10. The art song is a vocal music composition, usually written for one voice with accompaniment.
Which of the following instrument is used as an accompaniment for art song? PIANO
*Teacher will show the correct answers after presenting all the items and score the works of the

VI. Summary
VII. Assignment
Have students research and present on a specific opera from the Romantic period, discussing the
composer and their major works. Give at least 5.

VII. Conclusion
Application of Bible Verse James 4:14, to emphasize that our talents in life are just borrowed gifts from
God and it must be used in His purpose.

Prepared by:

Anna Paula R. Dulay

Practicum Student

Checked by:
Mr. Angelito E. Ayran
Coordinating Teacher

Noted by:

Mr. Jerson Bero Ladao

Practicum Teacher

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