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Annika Park

Mr. Smith

Junior Lit - A block

31 May 2023

The best dog breed

Dogs are said to be man's best friend, they provide support, happiness, and unconditional

love to their owners. But there is a continuous debate around the world on what the best breed of

dog is. Labrador retrievers were initially bred to help fishermen in retrieving fish and many other

tasks. They have assisted humans for many years demonstrating a wide variety of abilities that

make them a classic working dog. There is nothing a labrador retriever can't do. Labrador

retrievers are the best breed to own no matter the person or family because they are the most

inclusive dog.

Labrador retrievers are thought to have the best personalities and can fit into any

environment. In an article written by the American Kennel Club, the author describes labrador

retrievers as, “ friendly, outgoing, and high-spirited companions who have more than enough

affection to go around” (American Kennel Club). Compared to other dogs, labs are proven to be

compatible with any person or family as they are well-rounded. With this breed being very

friendly and outgoing, it is very easy for them to adapt to any home environment. No matter if

they are brought into a big family or a single-person household, labs never fail to include

members or their families into their hearts. This is further demonstrated within my personal life.

My long-time friend, Caitlin, has had a labrador retriever, Callie, for 7 years and everyone who

has come in contact with her dog has never had a bad experience. Callie is a prime example of
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how inclusive and thoughtful labs can be. She greets everyone with endless enthusiasm. She

makes everyone's day brighter as she is always able to meet anyone's needs. If someone is upset

or anxious, she will come to them with a cuddle. If someone is excited, she is always the best

hype man. If someone is energized, she is always up for a walk or a game of fetch. She matches

her energy to the emotions of the humans she is around. Apart from her fun personality, Callie

exceeds the expectations of a dog because of her calm demeanor. Overall, Labs have the best

overall qualities that a dog can have, due to their playful personalities while also supporting their

owner endlessly.

Labs are known for being some of the best working dogs for humans. In an article written

by Canine Styles, regarding emotional support animals (ESA), the author states that labrador

retrievers are “highly food motivated” (“Top 10 ESA Dog Breeds”). Due to labs being one of the

most highly food-motivated dogs, they are much easier to train. When training a lab, you reward

them with a treat or other food. The dogs quickly make the connection that doing a certain

command means they will be given food so they are more than willing to do it. This is ideal

when training an emotional support animal, as they are able to be trained at a quick and relatively

easy pace. In addition to their ability to be trained easily, Labrador retrievers' personalities are a

perfect fit for an emotional support animal. In an article written by Labrador Training HQ, the

author states that “They are at the top of most lists of working dogs… they are ideal emotional

support animals” (LTHQ). Not0 every dog breed is applicable to an ESA, they must be able to

meet the needs of their owners at any time. Labs are ideal ESA dogs as they are an intelligent,

gentle, and loving breed. It is second nature for them to realize the state of their owner's mental

health, and can instantly jump in to support, calm, and reassure them. Labrador retrievers are the
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best working dogs for humans due to their personalities and their ability to be trained easily.

Labrador retrievers are very low maintenance compared to any other breed on the market.

In an article written by Jessi Larson, she describes how labrador retrievers have “Low grooming

needs” (Larson). You are not going to find a non-hypoallergenic dog with lower grooming needs

than a labrador retriever. All they need is an occasional brush and bath, as their coat is thin and

sheds on its own. They are not droolers like Newfoundlands and don’t have crusty eyes like Shih

Tzu’s, they make a perfect dog for a busy person or family. In addition to their low grooming

needs, Labs can get along with any dog. In the same article written by Jessi Larson, she describes

labs as, “A dog’s dog” (Larson). With many dog breeds socialization at a young age is

mandatory for a well-behaved dog but with labrador retrievers, this is not as apparent. Labs are

very low-tempered and can get along with any breed instantly. You do not need to worry about

them getting aggressive or impatient while you are out walking or at a dog park. Overall,

labrador retrievers can fit into any household because of their low maintenance.

There are a variety of aspects that prospective dog owners should look at when trying to

decide on which breed to bring into their household. In all scenarios, a labrador retriever is one

of the top choices. When you look at it in totality it's easy to see why labrador retrievers are such

a popular breed. This is because of their amazing personalities, easy ability to train, and their low

maintenance. If you are looking for a lifelong companion that gives love unconditionally and

always brightens your day, the evidence presented above leads you to one conclusion - a labrador

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Works Cited

American Kennel Club. “Labrador Retriever.” American Kennel Club, 2022,


Jessi Larson. “10 Reasons Why Labradors Are the Best Dogs Ever.” My Dog’s Name, 26

June 2021,

LTHQ. “What Breeds Make for the Best Emotional Support Dogs?” LabradorTrainingHQ,

13 Mar. 2023,


“Top 10 Esa Dog Breeds .” Canine Styles, Accessed 29 May 2023.

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