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Breast cancer intrinsic subtype classification, clinical use and future trends

Article  in  American Journal of Cancer Research · December 2015


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Xiaofeng Dai Yankun Yang

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Xiuxia Liu
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Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943 /ISSN:2156-6976/ajcr0014158

Review Article
Breast cancer intrinsic subtype classification, clinical
use and future trends
Xiaofeng Dai1, Ting Li1, Zhonghu Bai1, Yankun Yang1, Xiuxia Liu1, Jinling Zhan1, Bozhi Shi2
National Engineering Laboratory for Cereal Fermentation Technology, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan Univer-
sity, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China; 2Bioengineering College, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 404100, China
Received August 8, 2015; Accepted August 19, 2015; Epub September 15, 2015; Published October 1, 2015

Abstract: Breast cancer is composed of multiple subtypes with distinct morphologies and clinical implications. The
advent of microarrays has led to a new paradigm in deciphering breast cancer heterogeneity, based on which the
intrinsic subtyping system using prognostic multigene classifiers was developed. Subtypes identified using different
gene panels, though overlap to a great extent, do not completely converge, and the avail of new information and
perspectives has led to the emergence of novel subtypes, which complicate our understanding towards breast tu-
mor heterogeneity. This review explores and summarizes the existing intrinsic subtypes, patient clinical features and
management, commercial signature panels, as well as various information used for tumor classification. Two trends
are pointed out in the end on breast cancer subtyping, i.e., either diverging to more refined groups or converging to
the major subtypes. This review improves our understandings towards breast cancer intrinsic classification, current
status on clinical application, and future trends.

Keywords: Breast cancer, intrinsic subtype, classification, heterogeneity, signature, gene expression profiling, clini-
cal use, trends

Introduction mined by anatomical prognostic factors but

rather intrinsic molecular characteristics that
Breast carcinoma is the leading cause among can be probed using molecular methods [4-7].
women in most developed countries [1]. It is This conceptual change has led to a new para-
not a single disease, which comprises of many digm on how breast cancer patients are strati-
biologically different entities with distinct path- fied and treated, which provides an incremental
ological features and clinical implications [1-7]. increase on the reproducibility and accuracy of
Accumulating evidence has suggested that disease prognosis and therapeutic decision
breast cancers with different histopathological making [11]. Integrating information from mul-
and biological features exhibit distinct behav- tiple levels or dissecting this problem from the
iors that lead to different treatment responses pathway point of view, has led to an expanding
and should be given different therapeutic strat- spectrum on breast cancer subtypes or the
egies [8]. Thus, accurate grouping of breast other way around. With our incremental knowl-
cancers into clinically relevant subtypes is of edge on this complex tumorigenesis progress,
particular importance for therapeutic decision novel molecules with emerging roles are gain-
making and thus urgently called for. ing their importance which, though contribute
to deciphering breast cancer heterogeneity,
Classical immunohistochemistry (IHC) markers complicate our understanding towards subtyp-
such as ER, PR and HER2, together with tradi- ing of this complex disease.
tional clinicopathological variables including,
e.g., tumor size, tumor grade and nodal involve- This review clarifies breast tumor intrinsic clas-
ment, are conventionally used for patient prog- sification, clinical features and therapeutic
nosis and management [9, 10]. The advent of strategies of each major intrinsic subtype, and
high-throughput platforms for gene expression the current status of the commercial classifica-
analysis such as microarrays has shown that tion signatures. Emerging information and
tumor cell response to treatment is not deter- novel perspectives on breast cancer subtyping
Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

Table 1. Summary of the breast tumor molecular subtypes

Intrinsic subtype IHC status Grade Outcome PrevalenceΔ
Luminal A* [ER+|PR+] HER2-KI67- 1|2 Good 23.7% [p1] [10]
Luminal B* [ER+|PR+] HER2-KI67+ 2|3 Intermediate 38.8% [p1] [10]
[ER+|PR+] HER2+KI67+ |Poor 14% [p1] [10]
HER2 over-expression* [ER-PR-] HER2+ 2|3 Poor 11.2% [p1] [10]
Basal* [ER-PR-] HER2-, basal marker+ 3 Poor 12.3% [p1] [10]
Normal-like [ER+|PR+] HER2-KI67- 1|2|3 Intermediate 7.8% [p2] [15]
Subtypes with detailed expression patterns and clinical implications discussed in the text, which take the majority of the
breast tumor cases and are most commonly referred to. ΔThe prevalence of each subtype is taken from the publication indi-
cated in the square bracket.

are provided, with the future trends forecasted breast tumors [18-20] and can be widely
to conclude this paper. applied in the clinical setting [21]. It is worth
noting that although different in gene composi-
Gene expression profiling and intrinsic sub- tion, the signatures identified by different stud-
types ies should converge to the pathways they imply,
based on which the same sample should not be
With the development of microarrays, gene classified into different categories. However,
expression profiling (GEP) has been used for this is not the case due to, e.g., lack of stringent
breast cancer prognosis, specifically aiming at standardization of the methodology and breast
identifying patients with sufficiently good prog- cancer intrinsic subtype definition [22].
nosis to allow the safe omission of adjuvant
chemotherapy [6, 7]. The pioneer studies con- The development of tissue microarray (TMA)
ducted by Sørlie et al. reported a distinctive technology has enabled the validation of gene
‘molecular portrait’ of breast cancer using 456 signatures at the translational level. A study
cDNA clones, according to which tumors were exploring the combined protein expression pro-
classified into five intrinsic subtypes with dis- files of a large panel of well-characterized com-
tinct clinical outcomes, i.e., luminal A, luminal mercially available biomarkers revealed 5 ma-
B, HER2 over-expression, basal and normal-like jor groups [23]. In particular, they identified two
tumors [12, 13]. The rational underlying such large subtypes exhibiting luminal epithelial cell
classification is that the differences underlying phenotypic characteristics, hormone receptors
the gene expression patterns among cancer positivity, absence of basal epithelial pheno-
subtypes reflect the fundamental differences typic features and HER2 protein over-expres-
of the tumors at the molecular level [14]. Each sion; two subgroups characterized by high
of the five intrinsic subtypes is nicely mapped HER2 positivity and negative hormone receptor
to an IHC-defined subtype (Table 1) except for expression, and differ from each other by MUC1
the normal-like tumors which account for 7.8% and E-cadherin expression; and one group
of all breast cancer cases in a lymph-node neg- characteristic of strong basal epithelial marker
ative cohort [15], shares a similar IHC status expression, TP53 positivity, absent hormone
with the luminal A subtype and are character- receptor expression and weak luminal epitheli-
ized by a normal breast tissue profiling [16]. al and cytokeratin expression [23]. These sub-
types accord well with those intrinsic subtypes
These five intrinsic subtypes have been repeat- based on GEP, which confirms the biological
ed by several other studies with varying num- heterogeneity of breast cancer and demon-
bers of genes included in the signature. For strates the clinical relevance of the intrinsic
instance, Hu et al. found a signature containing subtypes identified using high-throughput tech-
306 genes that can distinguish these subtypes nologies [23].
with significant differences observed on rela-
pse-free and overall survival [17]. Parker et al. Though Sørlie’s subtyping has set the standard
reported a 50-gene classifier (PAM50, which for intrinsic breast tumor categorization, other
contains mostly hormone receptor and prolif- classifications also exist. For instance, Sotiriou
eration related genes, and genes exhibiting et al. identified 6 groups among breast carcino-
myoepithelial and basal features), which has mas using a signature containing 706 cDNA
significant prognostic and predictive values on probe elements, which include 3 luminal-like, 1

2930 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

Figure 1. Intrinsic breast tumor subtypes identified according to the example studies listed in the text. Gray blocks
show subtypes identified from the study, white blocks are out of the scope of the corresponding study or 0 subtype is
found. The value in each block shows the number of subtypes identified for each subtype. The corresponding blocks
are unified for the identified group comprising of multiple tumor subtypes. GEP: gene expression profiling. Subtyp-
ing using gene expression data. TMA: tissue microarray. Subtyping using protein expression data. PATH: pathway.
Subtyping based on pathway. INT: integrative view. Subyping using data integrated from multiple levels.

HER2-like and 2 basal-like subtypes [24]. Fan the M subtype. Besides, this subtype contains
et al. have suggested a 70-gene signature to genes involved in growth factor signaling, and
classify tumors into 4 groups where the normal- displays low expression of claudin 3, 4, 7 (simi-
like subtype was not identified according to lar to the claudin-low subtype). The LAR sub-
Sørlie’s subtyping [25]. Lehmann et al. have type is ER negative but displays luminal gene
subdivided triple negative tumors into 6 stable expression patterns [26].
groups, i.e., 2 basal-like (BL1 and BL2), 1 immu-
nomodulatory (IM), 1 mesenchymal (M), 1 mes- Despite these inconsistent naming and num-
enchymal stem-like (MSL) and 1 luminal andro- ber of categories grouped by different studies
gen receptor (LAR) subtype using GEP. The BL1 (Figure 1), breast tumors fall primarily into
subtype is heavily enriched in cell cycle and cell three major classes, i.e., luminal, HER2 over-
division components, suggesting the potential
expression and triple negative phenotypic tu-
response to anti-mitotic agents such as tax-
mors (TNP), where triple negative tumors are
anes (paclitaxel or docetaxel) of tumors belong-
the most heterogeneous and comprise largely
ing to this subtype. The BL2 subtype displays
unique gene ontologies involving growth factor of the basal subtype. The expression pattern,
signaling and has features suggestive of basal/ treatment response and clinical outcome of the
myoepithelial origin. The IM subtype is enriched major breast tumor subgroups, i.e., luminal,
for genes involved in immune cell processes. HER2 over-expression, basal, are discussed
The M subtype displays a variety of unique below [27]. All basic breast tumor intrinsic sub-
gene ontologies that are heavily enriched in cell types, their intrinsic nomenclature, featured
motility, ECM receptor interaction, and cell dif- IHC status, prevalence, as well as the associa-
ferentiation pathways. The MSL subtype sha- tion with clinical variables, i.e., tumor grade and
res genes for similar biological processes with patient outcome, are summarized in Table 1.

2931 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

Expression and clinical features of basic intrin- py and hormonal treatment. Other targeted
sic subtypes approaches such as anti-angiogenic strategies
were suggested to be effective for luminal
Luminal tumors tumors as well. For example, the anti-VEGF anti-
body, bevacizumab, was shown to improve pro-
The luminal-like tumors express hormone re- gression free survival in metastatic breast can-
ceptors, with expression profiles reminiscent of cer when combined with paclitaxel, among
the luminal epithelial component of the breast which 60% of the patients carrying luminal
[16]. These patterns include the expression of tumors [27]. In 2012, the mTOR inhibitor ev-
luminal cytokeratins 8/18, ER and genes asso- erolimus (Afinitor) was approved in combinati-
ciated with ER activation such as LIV1 and on with exemestane for treating ER-positive,
CCND1 [16, 24]. At least two subtypes exist HER2-negative advanced breast cancer that
within luminal-like tumors, i.e., luminal A and recurs on standard therapies [31]. In addition,
luminal B. Approximately speaking, the luminal Palbociclib (under development by Pfizer), a
A and luminal B tumors each represents the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 inhibitor, is
[ER+|PR+]HER2- (tumors with ER or PR positiv- approaching approval for treating such patients
ity and HER2 negativity) and [ER+|PR+]HER2+ on the basis of data from a phase II study [32].
(tumors with ER or PR positivity and HER2 posi-
tivity) subtype, respectively, using the IHC HER2 over-expression tumors
nomenclature introduced in the previous sec-
tion [28]. However, this equivalence does not The intrinsic HER2 over-expression tumors
always hold as, e.g., only part of luminal B refer to those identified using gene expression
tumors are HER2+ [10]. Luminal A tumors have array, which is similar to the ER-PR-HER2+ (ER
higher expression of ER-related genes and negative, PR negative, HER2 positive) subgroup
lower expression of proliferative genes than by immunostaining or fluorescence in situ
luminal B cancers [12, 14]. Luminal B tumors hybridization (FISH) [28]. However, tumors clas-
tend to be of higher grade than luminal A sified by these two systems do not perfectly
tumors. match, as not all clinically HER2-positive tumors
show changes at the transcriptional level. The
Luminal tumors are the most common sub- HER2 over-expression tumors are character-
types among breast cancer, with luminal A ized by over-expressing other genes in the
being the majority. In the Carolina Breast HER2 amplicon such as GRB7 [16, 33] and
Cancer Study [29], luminal breast tumors repre- PGAP3 [33]. 40% to 80% of these tumors har-
sent 64.3% of all patients, where luminal A can- bor TP53 mutation. HER2 over-expression tu-
cers account for 54.3% (i.e., 57%, 67%, 40% mors are more likely to be of grade 3.
and 55% of premenopausal white, postmeno-
pausal white, premenopausal African American No association with age or race was found for
and postmenopausal African American women, HER2 over-expression tumors [29], as well as
respectively). In general, the luminal subtypes known risk factors [27, 34]. Though HER2 over-
carry a good prognosis, and luminal B tumors expression breast tumors carry a poor progno-
have a significantly worse prognosis than the sis [12, 14, 24], they are sensitive to anthracy-
luminal A subtype [14]. Luminal tumors res- cline and taxane-based neoadjuvant chemo-
ponse well to hormone therapy but poorly to therapy, with significantly higher pathological
conventional chemotherapy [27]. Treatment complete response than luminal breast tumors
response differs between luminal subtypes. [27]. The poor prognosis of this subtype as well
According to the Recurrence Score, which is as the basal tumors seem to derive from a high-
resulted from a RT-PCR based 16-gene predic- er risk of early relapse among those without
tor (half of them are ER and proliferation-relat- complete eradication of tumor cells, and can-
ed genes), tumors with low Recurrence Scores cers of these two classes are suggested to
are luminal A while those with high Recurrence derive the most benefit from improvements in
Scores are luminal B [30]. Thus, luminal A chemotherapy [27]. Unlike the basal tumors,
tumors could be adequately treated with endo- molecularly targeted agents such as the anti-
crine therapy, while luminal B tumors which are HER2 monoclonal antibody, trastuzumab, are
more proliferative may benefit more from the available for HER2 over-expression cancers.
combined therapeutic strategy of chemothera- Not all HER2 over-expression tumors respond

2932 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

Figure 2. Patient outcome based on breast tumor intrinsic subtypes.

to trastuzumab. PTEN loss [35] and CXCR4 up- uals [37]. Risk factors for this subtype include
regulation [27] have been implicated in trastu- earlier menarche, high waist-to-hip ratio, and a
zumab resistance which provide targets in the lack of breast-feeding together with high parity
combined strategies to improve clinical out- [38]. Unlike the luminal A subtype, where hav-
come in the future. ing multiple children and a younger age at the
first full-term pregnancy are protective, these
Basal tumors factors increase the hazard for basal tumors
[39]. These tumors are associated with a lower
As discussed before, the basal subtype is com- disease-specific survival and a higher risk of
posed of ER-PR-HER2- (triple negative) tumors local and regional relapse. Follow-up studies
with expression profiles mimicking that of the have revealed a time-dependent survival pro-
basal epithelial cells of other parts of the body
file for basal breast tumors, with a very poor
and normal breast myoepithelial cells [16].
early outlook diminishing after around 5 years.
Such expression patterns include lacking or low
The metastasis pattern also separates basal
expression of hormone receptors and HER2,
tumors from the other breast cancers, with a
and high expression of basal markers (such as
tendency towards visceral organs (excluding
keratins 5, 6, 14, 17, EGFR) and proliferation
bone) and less likely to involve lymph nodes
related genes [16, 24]. Tumors characterized
by basal cytokeratin expression are more prob- [39]. The size of basal tumors is, in general,
able to have low BRCA1 expression [23] and larger than the other subtypes, with a median
harbor TP53 mutation [12, 29]. Similar with size of 2 cm in one series [40]. Also, tumors of
HER2 over-expression tumors, basal cancers this class tend to show rapid growth [39]. Given
are likely to be of grade 3 tumors [12, 29]. the triple negative receptor status, basal
tumors are not amenable to conventional tar-
Basal tumors account for 60% to 90% triple geted breast cancer therapies, leaving chemo-
negative cases [25, 36]. These tumors are of therapy the only option in the therapeutic arma-
particular interest because they follow aggres- mentarium. Two independent studies examining
sive clinical course and currently lack any form the chemo-resistance of basal cancers have
of standard targeted systemic therapy. Com- shed light on patients experiencing tumors of
pared with the other subtypes, these tumors this subtype. Their studies converge to the view
are associated with younger patient age, more that these aggressive tumors are sensitive to
common to develop in African-American women conventional chemotherapies such as anthra-
and especially among pre-menopausal individ- cycline and taxane, and their poor prognosis is

2933 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

Table 2. Commercially available prognostic multi-gene signatures for breast cancer patients [6, 54]
MammaPrint [43, 44] Veridex 76-gene [44] MapQuant Dx [45] MapQuant Dx simplified [46] Oncotype DX [30, 47] Theros [48, 49]
Technique DNA microarray DNA microarray DNA microarray qRT-PCR qRT-PCR qRT-PCR
Provider Agendia Currently not commer- Ipsogen Ipsogen Genomic Health bioTheranostics
cially available
Assay type 70-gene signiture 76-gene signiture 97-gene signiture 8-gene signature 21-gene recurrence score 2-gene ratio of HOXB13
to IL17R (H/l)/molecular
grade index
Tissue type Fresh or frozen Fresh or Frozen Fresh or Frozen FFPE FFPE FFPE
Discovery set 78 ER±, N0, < 5 cm 115 ER±, N0 cancers 64 ER+ cancers 64 ER+ cancers 447 ER+ samples, including 60 ER+ tumors, tamoxi-
diameter cancers, age < samples from the tamoxifen fen only treated patients
55 years only group of the NSABP 20 microdissected FFPE
B-20 trial samples
Initial validation set 295 ER±, N±, < 5 cm 171 ER±, N0 cancers 597 ER± cancers, of 597 ER± cancers, of which 125 668 ER+ samples from 20 ER+ FFPE samples
diameter cancer, age < which 125 profiled in- profiled in-house NSABP B-14trial90 (tamoxi-
52 years house fen-treated)
Outcome Distant metastasis at 5 Distant metastasis at Good (GG II) or poor (GG I Good (GG II) or poor (GG I III) Disease-free relapse at 10 Relapse-free and overall
years 5 years III) prognosis prognosis years survival
Clinical application To aid in prognostic To prognose N0 patients To restratify grade 2 To restratify grade 2 tumors To predict the risk of To stratify ER+ patients
prediction in patients < tumors into low-risk grade into low-risk grade 1 or high-risk recurrence in patients with into groups with a pre-
61 year of age with stage 1 or high-risk grade 3 grade 3 tumors, specifically for ER+, N0 disease treated dicted low-risk or high-
I or II, N0 disease with a tumors, specifically for invasive, primary, ER+ grade 2 with tamoxifen; to identify risk of recurrence and a
tumor size of ≤ 5 cm invasive, primary, ER+ tumors patients with a low risk of re- predicted good or poor
grade 2 tumors currence who may not need response to endocrine
adjuvant chemotherapy therapy
Resulets presentation Dichotomous; good or Dichotomous; good or Dichotomous, GGII or Dichotomous, GGII or GG I III Continuous variable; recur- Continuous variable; risk
poor prognosis poor prognosis GG I III rence score of recurrence score
Additional information provided mRNA levels of ER, PR, - - - mRNA levels of ER, PR, and Molecular grade index
and HER2 (Targetprint); HER2
Intrinsic subtypes (Blue-
Prognostic value in other populations Up to 3 positive nodes, ER+, N0 patients treated ER+, receiving aromatase ER+, receiving aromatase ER+ and 1-3 N+, ER+ -
and HER2+ disease with tamoxifen inhibitors inhibitors postmenopausal receiving
aromatase inhibitors
Predictive value Chemotherapy response Chemotherapy response Chemotherapy response Chemotherapy response (GG I III) Chemotherapy response Chemotherapy response
(poor prognosis group) (poor prognosis group) (GG I III) (high recurrence score) (high risk of recurrence
Level of evidence II III III III I III
FDA approval Yes No No No No No
Availability Europe and USA Europe Europe Europe and USA USA
FDA: US Food and Drug Administration; MGI: molecular grade index; GGI: genomic grade index; FFPE: formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; ER: oestrogen receptor; PR: progesterone receptor; N: lymph nodes; ±: positive and negative; +: positive;
*: based on indirect evidence.

2934 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

not driven by the initial chemoresistance but strong prognostic factor in ER positive tumors
rather due to the relatively few treatment [30]. This signature could stratify grade II can-
options available for triple negative tumors cers into grade I-like (with a low frequency of
[27]. Besides these conventional therapeutic distant relapses) and grade III-like (having a
strategies, many studies have kept suggesting clinical behavior similar to that of grade III) can-
novel targets for basal tumors. It has been sug- cers [45, 52]. Akin to MammaPrint, MapQuant
gested that basal tumors may be EGFR-driven Dx correlates with the benefit from chemother-
[41]. The ‘wound response’ signature, encom- apy. However, the prognostic value provided by
passing genes involved in matrix remodelling MapQuant Dx is only applicable to ER positive
and angiogenesis, has been shown to be asso- tumors [53]. MammaPrint, the Veridex 76-gene
ciated with basal tumors, suggesting other po- signature, and MapQuant Dx are all DNA micro-
tential avenues of targeting [42]. arrays based and require fresh or frozen sam-
ples for the assays. This poses challenges for
Patient outcome of these basic intrinsic sub- the prospective validation, limiting their prog-
types are compared in Figure 2. nostic power supported by the evidence level.
Commercial multi-gene signatures for breast The prognostic information of these three
cancer prognosis assays stem almost exclusively from the
expression of the proliferation-related genes
Commercially, six genomic assays, i.e., Mam- and time dependent, setting further limitations
maPrint [43, 44], Veridex 76-gene signature for their application [54].
[44], MapQuant Dx [45] and its simplified ver-
sion [46], Oncotype DX [30, 47] and Theros [48, In parallel with microarray-based prognostic
49] were developed for the prediction of clinical signatures, the technique of qRT-PCR has also
outcome among breast cancer patients, which been used for developing the prognostic assay.
are summarized in Table 2. These methods extract RNA from formalin-fixed
paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples,
MammaPrint (Agendia, Amsterdam, Netherlan- thus do not have difficulties in specimen pro-
ds), a feature set containing 70 genes, is the curement. The simplified version of MapQuant
first successfully developed prognostic signa- Dx [46], Oncotype DX [30, 47], and Theros [48,
ture [43, 44]. It has been approved by the US 49] belong to this category. Simplified Map-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and used Quant Dx contains 8 genes and has the same
for the prognostication of patient with stage 1 predictive value as the microarray-based ver-
or 2, node negative, invasive breast tumors of sion [46]. Oncotype DX measures the expres-
size less than 5 cm. Level II evidence suggests sion of 21 genes, including 16 cancer-related
that in cases where the clinicopathological and 5 reference genes [30, 47]. The recurrence
measures disagree with MammaPrint, the lat- score is used to prognose the risk of distant
ter predicts outcome with higher accuracy [50, relapse at 10 years for ER positive, node nega-
51]. Following MammaPrint, Veridex 76-gene tive breast cancer patients, and an indepen-
signature was developed [44]. By contrast wi- dent predictive factor for these patients receiv-
th MammaPrint, this signature was identified ing adjuvant tamoxifen [30]. Also, evidences
by conducting the analysis, separately, within show that the recurrence score has predictive
ER-positive and ER-negative cancers, leading value among ER positive patients treated with
to 60 genes diagnostic of distant metastasis aromatase inhibitors [55], and is prognostic of
within 5 years in ER-positive patients and 16 patients with ER positive tumors harboring up
genes prognostic of distant metastasis among to three positive lymph nodes [56]. The prog-
ER-negative patients [44]. A test of this signa- nostic use of Oncotype DX is supported by level
ture using 171 node negative patients revealed I evidence, and this test has been incorporated
that this 76-gene signature was a strong prog- in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
nostic factor for 5 years distant metastasis, as a predictor of recurrence and a guide when
which outperforms the St Gallen’s and NCI making therapeutic decisions among early ER
guidelines in identifying patients with good positive node negative breast tumors [54].
prognosis and could forgo chemotherapy [44]. Oncotype DX assay has also been included in
MapQuant Dx (Ipsogen SA, Marseille, France) is American Society of Clinical Oncology guide-
a hypothesis-driven prognostic signature based lines as a tumor marker of recurrence [54].
on the premise that histological grade is a Theros measures the ratio between two genes

2935 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

HOXB13 and IL17R (H/I ratio) to provide the expression of miR-145 was reported severely
prognostic value on the relapse-free and over- decreased in tumor specimens [67]. MiRNA145
all survival among ER positive patients [48, 49]. was shown to collaborate with TP53 in a death-
It is also predictive of the treatment response promoting regulatory loop and target ER in
to endocrine among these patients, with a high breast tumor cells, suggesting a miR-145 re-
H/I ratio being associated with a high recur- expression therapy for patients with ER+ and/
rence risk [48, 49]. The accuracy of the H/I or TP53 wild-type tumors [67]. MiR-9 was
assay was improved by including the molecular- shown to participate in a breast tumor metas-
grade index which contains 5 genes and mainly tasis-promoting network involving E-cadherin
measures cell proliferation [48]. and β–catenin [68].

Different gene signatures share very few genes MiRNA profiling brings an improvement for
in common due to the complexity of gene breast cancer subtyping and prediction of treat-
expression data containing large numbers of ment response. Our recent study on breast
highly correlated variables [6]. However, stud- tumor subtyping integrating mRNA and miRNA
ies comparing the performance of different sig- profilings revealed 69 miRNAs differentially
natures have revealed a concordant risk assign- expressed among subgroups classified using
ment despite the few common genes shared ER, PR and HER2 status, with the majority
[25], e.g., only one gene (SCUBE2) is in com- comes from the triple negative group and espe-
mon between MammaPrint and Oncotype DX. cially the basal subtype [33]. Among the miR-
NAs differentiating breast tumor subtypes in
Emerging information for intrinsic subtyping this signature, miR-135a, miR-135b, miR-365
and miR-7 were found to distinguish breast
MiRNA expression profiling tumors by ER status [33]. Blenkiron et al. stud-
ied the miRNA expression profiling among
MicroRNA (miRNA) is a category of small (ap-
breast malignancies classified using intrinsic
proximately 22-nucleotide) non-coding RNAs
subtypes, and found miR-155 differentially
with regulatory activities, which functions main-
expressed in ER+ versus ER- tumors [57]. A
ly by inhibiting protein synthesis via binding the
miRNA panel consisting of largely under-exp-
complementary sequences on target mRNA
ressed miRNAs was identified to characterize
genes [57]. It is estimated that miRNAs could
male from female breast carcinomas [69, 70].
regulate the expression of 30% to 60% of all
human protein-coding genes [58, 59]. Also, Taken together, miRNAs are potential excellent
miRNA expression profiles are unique for a wide biomarkers of breast carcinomas, and could be
range of human diseases including different employed for innovative therapies for targeted
stages of tumor progression and metastasis patients. MiRNA expression profiling could avail
[60], and circulating miRNAs are extremely sta- as a critical means for breast cancer subtyping
ble in blood and serum [61, 62]. These fea- as well as the associated prognosis and thera-
tures, altogether, empower miRNAs a new class peutic prediction.
of promising diagnostic and prognostic mark-
ers in the clinic. The first comprehensive report lncRNA
on miRNA signatures for breast tumors was
published in 2005 [63], where a number of Long non-coding RNA (IncRNA) is originally
miRNAs were shown deregulated in such tu- defined as RNA molecules longer than 200
mors. MiR-125b, miR-145, miR-21 and miR- nucleotides that do not encode a protein. Our
155 were reported to be the most dysregulated understandings toward the roles and functions
miRNAs in their study, and some of these mal- of lncRNAs are rapidly advancing nowadays [71-
functional miRNAs were correlated with specif- 73]. A recent review distilled the myriad func-
ic clinical features of breast tumors including tions of lncRNA into 4 mutually unexclusive
the expression of hormone receptors, tumor archetypes, i.e., signals; decoys (acting as
stage, vascular invasion and proliferation [63, molecular sponges pulling away RNA binding
64]. They later reported that miR-205 is down- proteins that play regulatory roles such as tran-
modulated in breast carcinomas as compared scription factors and chromatin modifiers);
with normal breast tissues [65]. Another study guides (recruiting chromatin-modifying enzy-
revealed that miR-221 and miR-222 are in- mes to target genes); and ropes (keep multip-
volved in a regulatory loop with ER [66]. The le proteins together to form ribonucleoprotein

2936 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

complexes) [73, 74]. Its disease subtyping role for luminal A breast carcinoma [85]. Epigeneti-
has also been explored by several studies. A cs is an indispensible and promising tool in
recent study has reported that lncRNAs, but assessing breast cancer heterogeneity, with its
not mRNAs or miRNAs, could discriminate fail- power being unfolded.
ing hearts of different pathologies, i.e., identify-
ing the ischemic and nonischemic failing car- Pathways
diomyopathy from nonfailing cases [75]. Using
Breast cancers are comprised of molecularly
lncRNA expression profiles, glioma has been
distinct subtypes that respond differently to
classified into three mole cular subtypes [76].
pathway-targeted therapies. Transcription fac-
The prognostic and predictive roles of lncRNAs
tors and signaling proteins associated with
have been suggested in several cancers includ-
transcriptional programs were found specific to
ing breast, prostate, bladder and kidney tumors
intrinsic subtypes [86], suggesting the link
[77, 78]. In breast cancer, several lncRNAs
between signaling and subtyping. Thus, data
including, e.g., HOTAIR, MALAT1, GAS5, BC200,
from microarrays have also been used for path-
SRA-1 and LSINCT5, have been reported differ-
way analysis, with the aim of identifying sub-
entially expressed in tumor cells [77] and the
types sharing common disease-causing func-
lncRNA such as Zfas1 has been reported as a
tions. Gatza et al. have presented a path-
potential marker of such carcinomas [79].
way-based method to classify breast cancer
Given the prominent roles played by lncRNA in
subtypes based on oncogenic and tumor sup-
breast cancer and its success in disease sub-
pressor pathway deregulation [87]. Seventeen
typing, it is promising to better decipher the
groups were identified in [87] where the widely
high heterogeneity of breast cancer with the
accepted intrinsic subtypes were mixed in each
avail of lncRNA.
pathway-defined subgroup. Particularly, sub-
Epigenetics groups 11 and 17 are luminal A tumors; sub-
groups 3, 4, 6, 9 and 16 belong to the luminal B
Epigenetics mainly refers to the modification of subtype; subgroups 7 and 10 contain HER2
DNA and histone as well as their roles in regu- positive tumors, and subgroups 2, 5, 8 are
lating the transcriptional program. Similar to basal tumors. Subgroups 1, 12, 13, 15 are
aberrant gene expression, epigenetic altera- comprised of luminal tumors, and the subgroup
tions contribute to the pathogenesis and mo- 14 is a mixture of all intrinsic subtypes [87].
lecular heterogeneity of cancers. DNA methyla- These pathway-based subtypes were shown to
tion signatures were reported to segregate differentiate tumors exhibiting similar clinical
patients with CEBPA aberrations from the other and biological properties, including distinct pat-
subtypes of leukemia and define four epigeneti- terns of chromosomal alterations that were not
cally distinct forms of acute myeloid leukemia evident using, e.g., intrinsic subtyping [87].
(AML) with NPM1 mutations [80]. A 15-gene
Trends in breast tumor instrinsic subtyping
methylation classifier was reported to be pre-
dictive of overall survival in AML [80]. Abnormal With the advent of high-throughput technology,
methylation of CpG island in gene promoters overwhelming information on various levels,
has been identified as a common mechanism such as genomic, transcriptional, translational
for suppressing gene expression in cancer cells and epigenetic, has become available for can-
[81]. CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP) cer research. An increasing effort has been
has been reported as novel subtype in colorec- devoted to integrating information at multiple
tal cancers [82]. Though the hypermethylation levels, with the aim of understanding the core
pattern was reported less distinctive across functional differences driving breast tumor het-
subtypes in breast cancer than among tumors erogeneity and seeking the effective treatment.
of different tissue origins [83], the importance Two emerging trends exist in this area, i.e.,
of hypermethylation in breast cancer classifica- expanding the subtypes with refined features,
tion has been recognized lately. A recent study and converging the subtypes identified using
revealed that CIMP in breast cancer is associ- various methods.
ated with the lobular subtype [84]. The histone
chaperone HJURP (Holliday Junction Recogni- The METABRIC (Molecular Taxonomy of Breast
tion Protein), an epigenetic regulator, was iden- Cancer International Consortium) paved the
tified as a new independent prognostic marker way in the first direction. This study revealed a

2937 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

refined breast cancer molecular taxonomy, i.e., ing multiple independent datasets, converging
10 integrative clusters which are named Int- breast tumor subtypes obtained using different
Clust 1 to 10, by integrating copy number and methodologies [33]. We further reduced this
GEP of 2000 breast tumors [88]. Among these gene panel to 119 mRNAs using hierarchical
subtypes, IntClusts 3, 7, 8 are primarily com- clustering and nearest-to-center principle for
posed of luminal A tumors, where IntClust 3 is the convenience of clinic use (results to be
marked by a paucity of copy number and cis- published).
acting alterations, IntClust7 lacks the 1q altera-
tion, harbors the 16p gain/16q loss and has a Discussion
higher frequency of 8q amplification, and Int-
Among the four intrinsic subtypes, i.e., luminal
Clust 8 is characterized by 1q gain/16q loss;
A, luminal B, HER2 over-expression, which are
IntClusts 1, 6, 9 are enriched for luminal B can-
commonly referred to, basal tumors are of par-
cers, which are characterized by 17q23/20q
ticular interest due to the aggressive clinical
cis-acting aberrations, 8p12 cis-acting aberra-
course they follow and the lack of standard tar-
tions, and 8q cis-acting aberrations/20q ampli-
fications, respectively; IntClust 5 consists of geted systemic therapy. Normal-like and lumi-
HER2-amplified cancers regardless of ER sta- nal A tumors share the same status on the
tus; IntClust 10 contains the majority of basal basic IHC markers, i.e. [ER+|PR+]HER2-KI67-
tumors which is the most instable at the (ER or PR positive, HER2 negative, KI67 nega-
genomic level; IntClust 2 is enriched in luminal tive) but differ on expression pattern, with the
cancers but exhibits a high mortality rate, bear- normal-like tumors resembling the normal
ing cis-acting aberrations in the 11q13/14 breast profiling and having poor outcome.
region (where several driver genes reside);
IntClust 4 is composed of both ER+ and ER- Information such as lncRNA and epigenetic
tumors and varied intrinsic subtypes, and sh- data plays critical roles in tumor progression
ares similar genomic features with IntClust 3, and classification, providing novel perspectives
i.e., lacking copy number and cis-acting altera- on breast tumor subtyping. With the available
tions [88]. information accumulating, taking an integrative
view on breast tumor subtyping has been gain-
The Cancer Genome Atlas Network (TCGA) pio- ing increasing interest on deciphering the het-
neers in the second direction. It investigated erogeneity of such tumors. Current studies in-
breast cancer subtypes by incorporating infor- corporating multiple types of data, though few,
mation from multiple platforms, i.e., genomic cast a relatively comprehensive view and reflect
DNA copy number arrays, DNA methylation, two trends on breast tumor subtyping, i.e.,
exome sequencing, mRNA arrays, miRNA se- expansion of and convergence to the current
quencing and reverse-phase protein arrays. By four major subtypes.
classifying tumors using each individual plat-
form and comparing results at different levels, Despite the growing number of clinically rele-
they conclude that diverse genetic and epigen- vant molecular subtypes being identified, cur-
etic alterations converge phenotypically into rent breast cancer patient management still
four major breast tumor subgroups (i.e., luminal depends on traditional pathology assessment
A, luminal B, HER2 positive, triple negative) that supplemented with biomarker testing using
are previously identified using mRNA profiling validated commercial assays (i.e., MammaPrint,
[89]. Our previous endeavor on unveiling breast MapQuant Dx and its simplified version, On-
tumor heterogeneity using mRNA and miRNA cotype DX, Theros). The clinical relevance of
expression profiling has also demonstrated the molecular subtypes identified using either mo-
power of an integrative view on breast tumor lecular markers or signature patterns, i.e., guid-
subtyping and contributed in this domain [33]. ing in individualized therapy, is evident. How-
A feature set containing 1015 mRNA and 69 ever, it is important to standardize the method-
miRNAs was found differentially expressed ology used for molecular subtyping, whose re-
among breast tumor subtypes defined by ER, producibility needs to be extensively tested.
PR and HER2. It could well characterize breast Further effort is called for to make these theo-
tumors into [ER+|PR+]HER2-, [ER+|PR+]HER2+, retical advances technically convenient and
ER-PR-HER2+, ER-PR-HER2-, as validated us- available for clinical use.

2938 Am J Cancer Res 2015;5(10):2929-2943

Breast cancer intrinsic subtying

Concluding remarks [5] Reis-Filho JS, Weigelt B, Fumagalli D and Sotiri-

ou C. Molecular profiling: moving away from
Breast cancer is comprised of different enti- tumor philately. Sci Transl Med 2010; 2:
ties, each being associated with distinct out- 47ps43.
come and therapeutic approaches. Intrinsic [6] Sotiriou C and Pusztai L. Gene-expression sig-
natures in breast cancer. N Engl J Med 2009;
subtyping, born with the advent of high-through-
360: 790-800.
put technologies, has gained its favour in
[7] Weigelt B, Baehner FL and Reis-Filho JS. The
recent years assuming that tumors sharing contribution of gene expression profiling to
similar expression profiling follow the same breast cancer classification, prognostication
pathologic pathway and should be given the and prediction: a retrospective of the last de-
same treatment. Armed with this concept and cade. J Pathol 2010; 220: 263-280.
methodology, availed by various emerging infor- [8] Blows FM, Driver KE, Schmidt MK, Broeks A,
mation and novel perspectives, and equipped van Leeuwen FE, Wesseling J, Cheang MC, Gel-
with our incremental knowledge on the carcino- mon K, Nielsen TO, Blomqvist C, Heikkila P,
genesis of such a complex disease, we are Heikkinen T, Nevanlinna H, Akslen LA, Begin
ready to decipher breast tumor heterogeneity LR, Foulkes WD, Couch FJ, Wang X, Cafourek V,
and make it beneficial to clinical patients. Olson JE, Baglietto L, Giles GG, Severi G,
McLean CA, Southey MC, Rakha E, Green AR,
Acknowledgements Ellis IO, Sherman ME, Lissowska J, Anderson
WF, Cox A, Cross SS, Reed MW, Provenzano E,
This work was supported by the National Dawson SJ, Dunning AM, Humphreys M,
Natural Science Foundation of China (grant Easton DF, Garcia-Closas M, Caldas C, Pharoah
number 31471251) and the Jiangnan University PD and Huntsman D. Subtyping of breast can-
Research Foundation for Young Scientists cer by immunohistochemistry to investigate a
(grant number 5922050205150370). relationship between subtype and short and
long term survival: a collaborative analysis of
Disclosure of conflict of interest data for 10,159 cases from 12 studies. PLoS
Med 2010; 7: e1000279.
None. [9] Vallejos CS, Gomez HL, Cruz WR, Pinto JA, Dyer
RR, Velarde R, Suazo JF, Neciosup SP, Leon M,
Address correspondence to: Dr. Xiaofeng Dai, Na- de la Cruz MA and Vigil CE. Breast Cancer Clas-
tional Engineering Laboratory for Cereal Fermen- sification According to Immunohistochemistry
tation Technology, School of Biotechnology, No. Markers: Subtypes and Association With Clini-
1800, Lihu Avenue, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China. copathologic Variables in a Peruvian Hospital
Tel: 86-186-1147-9958; Fax: 86-0510-8532-9306; Database. Clinical Breast Cancer 2010; 10:
E-mail: 294-300.
[10] Cheang MC, Chia SK, Voduc D, Gao D, Leung S,
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