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US Government Declares War on
America — August 17, 2022
Aug. 17th, 2022 Send to Kindle

By Larry Romanoff, August 17, 2022

Covert nuclear, biological and chemical experiments on the American public are
not new. The US government and military have a history of at least 150 years of
performing illegal, unethical and immoral experiments on live subjects at home.
Countless millions of US civilians have been exposed to astonishing procedures
and pathogens. According to a US Congressional investigation, by the late 1970s
“at least 500,000 people were used as subjects in radiation, biological and
chemical experiments sponsored by the US Federal Government on its own

These pages contain only a brief summary of the litany of illegal and immoral
human experimentation carried out the by the US government and its various
agencies, experiments that are by all accounts still continued today. The US
government hypocritically claims the high moral ground in the area of human
rights, but no nation, not even the worst of the colonial powers, has ever
displayed such a consistent, despicable and utter disregard for human life.
I stated earlier that America’s human rights calculus excludes any atrocities
committed outside its own borders and focuses only on what happens at home.
That’s mostly true today, but it wasn’t always like this. In fact, all of the strident
and self-righteous moralising about human rights emanating from the US today is
a relatively recent development that began only in the late 1970s and 1980s. Prior
to that time, the CIA, every branch of the US military, many Departments of the
US government, and even UN agencies like the WHO, were all very busy
committing countless atrocities against the domestic US population. It was only
after evidence of many of these events escaped confinement and became public
knowledge that the US relocated its human-rights atrocities offshore. The
increasing public outcries and dangers of civil uprising forced the US to
terminate or relocate these activities and, having made this effort to clean up the
mess at home, the propaganda machine worked overtime to distract the
American public and deflect attention from these domestic crimes by focusing on
real or imagined violations abroad. It was only at this point that the Americans
“got religion” and began preaching their newly-obtained sanctity by condemning
other nations for what were much smaller transgressions than those practiced at
home for so long.

For more than 100 years, the US government initiated extensive programs of
human experimentation that created an almost unbelievable litany of domestic
human rights violations and atrocities against the American population,
countless unethical experiments illegally performed on its own citizens. Few
Americans seem aware of the many and long-lived CIA and US military programs
of atrocities on an innocent and uninformed population, always without consent
and most often with tragic results. These included an extensive program of mind-
control experiments, deliberate infection with live cancer cells, syphillis,
gonorrhea and hepatitis, deliberate exposure to severe radioactivity and to many
forms of biological, bacteriological and chemical pathogens. The experiments
encompassed brainwashing, torture, electroshock, nerve agents, drugs and exotic
hypnosis experiments, surgical experiments including lobotomies, and a wide
range of pharmacological “research”, all conducted on innocent, uninformed and
helpless civilian victims ranging from newborn babies to adults.

These experiments included the deliberate infection of people with deadly or

debilitating diseases, exposure to biological and chemical pathogens, human
radiation experiments, injection with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical
experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, interrogation/torture
experiments, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on
children and mentally disabled individuals. In many of the studies, a large portion
of the subjects were deliberately selected from poor racial minorities. Many were
prisoners, who were given no choice in participation. Often, subjects were the
sick or disabled, whose doctors told them they were receiving medical treatment,
but instead were used as the subjects of harmful and deadly experiments. We will
never know the total number who died.

Most of these human research programs were funded by the US government,

especially the CIA, and the US military and federal or military corporations. They
were highly secretive, and in most cases their existence was not discovered until
they had been in operation for many years. It would be many more years before
court orders under the Freedom of Information Act would cause records to be
released, but by then the CIA and the US military had destroyed most of the
documents. As noted elsewhere, it was only by filing and communication errors
that records of some of these projects survived. We can therefore assume the
available evidence covers only a minuscule portion of the violations and
atrocities committed. Many of these experiments continued until the late 1990s
and beyond, and many people claim – and provide evidence – that they still
continue today.

The substances used – the “tools of their trade” – included LSD, heroin,
morphine, Benzedrine, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, mescaline, Metrazol, ether,
nerve gases VX and Sarin, toxic chemicals such as zinc cadmium sulfide and
sulfur dioxide, a variety of biological agents, sulfuric acid, scopolamine, mustard
gas, radioactive isotopes, and various dioxins from Dow Chemical. They also
included electroshock, synthetic estrogens, cancer cells, animal sexual organs
transplanted into humans, cow blood transfusions and much more. Deliberately-
transmitted diseases included syphillis, gonorrhea, hepatitis, cancer, bubonic
plague, beriberi, cholera, whooping cough, yellow fever, dengue fever,
encephalitis and typhoid.

And, true to their espionage origins, these studies all carried exotic names like
Project MK-ULTRA, Project Paperclip, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke,
Operation Midnight Climax, Project Chatter, Project Shipboard Hazard and
Defense (SHAD), Operation Plumbbob, among others.

In none of the cases above, nor in other similar events, did any of these so-called
government researchers face sanction for their crimes. Instead, the Department
of Defense colluded with the Department of Justice to ensure no one was ever
called to account. As of 2014, not a single US government researcher had been
prosecuted for human experimentation, and few victims of these US government
atrocities have received compensation, or in many cases, even an
acknowledgment of what was done to them. The US Justice Department has been
compromised right to the level of the US Supreme Court. In 1987 the Supreme
Court ruled that a US serviceman who was given LSD without his consent, as
part of military experiments, could not sue the US Military for damages. This is
also true for all the US soldiers who fought in the Iraq-Kuwait war, who were
exposed to lethal doses of so-called ‘depleted’ uranium and have suffered terribly.
The US government denies not only liability, but the existence of the mens’
illnesses. And, so it doesn’t go unsaid, in none of these cases was there any
concerned discussion of “human rights”.

Pentagon Records declassified in 2002 revealed that the US government and

military often conducted open-air Biological and Chemical Weapons Tests on US
civilians until at least the 1970s. The documents disclosed that these dozens of
biological and chemical tests were far more widespread than the US military had
previously acknowledged. Beginning around 1950, the US Army began a 20-year
test-program that involved at least 240 open-air bio-warfare attacks on American
cities that included Washington DC and San Francisco among many others. The
tests included releasing deadly nerve agents in Alaska, Canada and Britain and
spraying deadly bacteria over Hawaii. The CIA released whooping cough bacteria
from the sea near Tampa Bay, Florida, causing a whooping cough epidemic in the
city, leaving tens of thousands of people extremely ill and killing many others.
The US Military also experimented with widespread dispersal of dangerous
bacteria in a secret release of another strain of bacillus at Washington’s National
Airport and its main bus terminal, discovering that within two weeks of release
the bacteria traveled to 39 different cities in seven states.

In one long-running study that continued until at least 1970, the US Navy
simulated biological warfare attacks by spraying large quantities of a bacteria
over a 117 square mile area of the city of San Francisco, in which many citizens
died and countless contracted serious pneumonia-like illnesses. The objective of
this San Francisco experiment was to see what might happen in a real germ-
warfare attack. In a classified report on their experiment, the military wrote, “It
was noted that a successful BW [biological warfare] attack on this area can be
launched from the sea, and that effective dosages can be produced over relatively
large areas”. In one such test, the Military determined that San Francisco had
received enough of a dose for nearly all of the city’s 800,000 residents to inhale
at least 5,000 of the Serratia Marcescens bacteria particles. After news of this
attack became public, military sources insisted the bacteria were ‘harmless”, but
in fact resulting illnesses were widespread, with countless thousands incurring
serious urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, pneumonia and other

According to authorities, these infections were permanent: “To this day, these
bacteria are a leading cause of death among the elderly in the San Francisco
area”. After revelation of the tests about 30 years later, some families filed suit
against the US government claiming their relatives died and many families went
bankrupt trying to pay the medical bills, but US courts all the way to the Supreme
Court, declared the US government was immune from lawsuits. True to form, the
media and historians appear eagerly compliant in the government’s quest to
sanitise all of US history. In this case, the official narrative on the San Francisco
Saracens experiment is that eight people became ill and one elderly man died of
“other medical complications”, a story very far from the truth.

In another famous study, US Army biological warfare experiments were

conducted in Georgia and Florida where researchers released millions of infected
mosquitoes to learn if the insects could potentially spread yellow fever and
dengue fever. Hundreds of residents contracted a wide array of health problems
ranging from respiratory dificulties to spontaneous abortions and stillbirths. No
information was given to the public, and no treatment was offered to the ill and
dying. Instead, Army researchers pretended to be public health workers, and
visited the victims to collect photographs and to perform medical tests to
determine “the success rate” of their experiments, with no permanent records
kept, and illnesses and deaths attributed to “other causes”. Albarelli wrote that,
as ususal, these were densely-populated black neighborhoods, where “many men,
women and children became dreadfully ill, and many died.” For many years, the
US Army sprayed toxic chemicals that included zinc cadmium sulfide over a large
number of cities in both the US and Canada, in order to test dispersal patterns of
chemical weapons. The public were never notified, and the cause of enormous
number of respiratory and other illnesses was never publicly identified.

During the late 1960s, the US Army conducted an experiment they called, “A
Study of the Vulnerability of Subway Passengers in New York City to Covert
Attack with Biological Agents”, in which they released trillions of a strain of
bacillus into the subway system during the rush hour. The wind of passing trains
helped to disperse the bacteria over a wide area of New York, but there is no
information about the number of illnesses or deaths among the unsuspecting
civilian population because the military were interested only in the bacterial
dispersion patterns and took no apparent interest in the resulting health
problems. This was only one of many such experiments, which were not
suspended until the 1970s. The US Army acknowledged that they conducted at
least 240 such tests in populated areas across the entire nation, and that US
overseas territories like Hawaii, the Pacific Islands and others were repeatedly
blanketed with various bacteriological organisms in order to determine the
optimum dosages and placements as well as to measure effects of the weather on
dissemination patterns.

In October of 2012, the AP newswire reported an astonishing chemical-radiation

program which, rather than qualifying as a test or experiment, could be
considered only a secret campaign of reducing the surplus poor through mass
murder. It was in the mid-1950s when the US military mounted sprayers on
rooftops and vehicles, and on low-flying aircraft, and proceeded to spray an
entire section of downtown St. Louis and “at least” 33 other cities including some
in Canada. The spray content was zinc cadmium sulfide, a rather dangerous
carcinogen, mixed with various kinds and concentrations of radioactive
elements, the sprayed neighborhoods being described in military documents as
“densely populated slum districts” in which about 75% of the residents were
black. It seems that at the time, the residents and local officials were told these
were tests of a kind of “smoke screen” that could protect the residents if the
Russians attacked. The US military managed to keep the secret hidden for more
than 40 years before the facts leaked out.

The areas that were sprayed – and sprayed heavily – were indeed densely-
populated poor areas with about 10,000 residents each, probably 75% of whom
were children. In some families, all members succumbed to cancer within a short
time, and there were high rates of cancer in the sprayed areas of all cities but,
since no records were maintained and no follow-ups ever performed, there is
now no way to know the total number of cancers and deaths that resulted. One
woman lost her father only three months after her own birth and, within a few
years, watched all of her siblings and a great many of her friends, neighbors and
shoolmates die as well. The US military has so far refused to discuss the matter,
much less admit its intent or offer compensation and, right on cue, the US
National Research Council, an independent body to be sure, determined by
unexplained (and inexplicable) means that these tests did not expose any
citizens to harmful levels of anything, the sudden epidemic of tens of thousands
of cancer deaths among poor black neighborhoods being an unfortunate
statistical anomaly.

A woman named Lisa Martino-Taylor discovered the story when a colleague who
had lived in that area opined that the spraying might have been the cause of her
cancer, and she quickly met others who had lived in sprayed areas and who all
had multiple cancer tales to tell. With that evidence, Martino-Taylor decided to
research the topic for a Ph.D. thesis, and gradually uncovered the entire story.
One researcher said “the level of duplicity and secrecy were shocking”, that the
military “clearly went to great lengths to deceive people”. It is obvious the
military could have utilised other means of finding subjects, but this is not a case
of performing a test or controlled experiment. The spraying could have been
meant only to kill, to eliminate much of the surplus poor in more than 30
American cities. There is no other explanation that would fit the facts, and
atrocities like this match perfectly with so many others, Robert McNamara’s
Project 100,000 coming immediately to mind.

Biowarfare by the US government and military against American citizens began

hundreds of years ago, and has never abated. We have all heard the stories of the
distribution to native aboriginals of blankets infected with smallpox and perhaps
cholera, as part of the no-longer-disputed thesis of deliberate genocide. Certainly
the intent to do so is well-documented, beginning with Lord Jeffrey Amherst’s
letters discussing germ warfare against American Indians, richly annotated with
charming exhortations to try this method and “every other method that can serve
to extirpate this execrable race”. Amherst’s letters alone remove any doubt about
the validity of the stories, and there exists sufficient credible evidence that
smallpox had been raging among the residents of Fort Pitt for some time,
certainly providing a ready source of contamination. In addition, William Trent,
the commander of Pittsburgh’s militia, produced a journal that is described as “…
the most detailed contemporary account of the anxious days and nights in the
beleaguered stronghold.” His entry for May 24, 1763, includes the following
statement: “… we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small
Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect.”

I do not know the extent to which this method of bio-warfare was actually
carried out, the big surprise here being the vehemence with which groups of
apologists today deny the possibility. The “yes, you did” crowd has on its side
Amherst’s letters plus a useful collection of circumstantial and anecdotal
evidence while the “no, we didn’t” group prepares doctorate-level dissertations
filled with standard denials and little else. This latter group does not deny that
very large numbers, possibly many millions, of natives did indeed succumb to
smallpox, but claims this was an accidental result of infected settlers arriving in
the New World with diseases for which the natives had no immunity. Of course,
the elephant in the room is that even a few feeble but deliberate efforts to infect
the natives could well have been the only source necessary to trigger the waves of
smallpox that ravaged the country. That, plus the extensively documented intent
to exterminate the natives by any and all means, is sufficient of itself to justify
strong suspicion the stories are true.

And it wasn’t only the North American natives that suffered this plague. It isn’t
widely known, but bio-warfare was one of the natural resources (or raw
materials, if you prefer), that European explorers brought to the New World.
Even 500 years ago, white Europeans displayed great enthusiasm for the
extermination of the peoples in other nations, all generally deemed subhuman
infestations. We shouldn’t forget that the entire population of Tasmania was
exterminated by these same Europeans, rendering extinct an entire race of
people, hunting them down and killing them to the last man, woman and child.
And for no particular reason. Closer to home, and as I’ve written elsewhere,
Columbus’ expeditions to the new world set in motion a program of genocide
that covered all the Americas, exterminating more than 125 million people
including the entire Maya, Inca and Aztec civilisations, as well as the Carib
Indians and 98% of American aboriginal peoples. Narváez and Pizarro invaded
and attacked the Aztec and Inca Empires in about 1520, both introducing
smallpox as their front-line weapon of mass destruction. It was primarily the
smallpox that Narváez introduced to the Aztecs that spread to Peru and so
greatly assisted Pizzaro in exterminating the Inca. We can hardly argue this was
accidental. American (and European, too) historians are unreasonably
determined to ignore or whitewash the genocides that were inflicted throughout
the Americas. History books, official government documents, virtually every
information source, begins with “The unintentional yet catastrophic introduction
of smallpox …”, which statement is at best wishful thinking and at worst a
damned lie. We are not exactly lacking evidence of the great tactical successes of
the white man’s taking advantage of “the unique susceptibility” of native
Americans to smallpox.

In May of 2009, James Corbett wrote an article titled “Governments and

Biowarfare: A Brief History”, in which he stated:
“The American government’s approach to biowarfare is notable for its unabashed
use of unwitting American citizens as guinea pigs in biological weapons research.
The very people who helped establish the U.S. biological weapons programs
openly bragged about their experiments on unwitting human test subjects. And
there is no shortage of documentation proving that governments have used
biological agents against their own citizens in bioterror false flag operations. It is
no coincidence that two of the most well-known and devastating biological
releases this decade have traced back to Fort Detrick (the home of the U.S.
biological weapons research program since the 1950s and the current home of
USAMRIID) and Porton Down (Fort Detrick’s British equivalent). UK foot and
mouth disease, and US anthrax scare.”

The United States Government Accountability Office issued a report on

September 28, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, the United States
Department of Defense and other national security agencies used hundreds of
thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous
substances. Also in 1994, the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs conducted
what it described as “a comprehensive analysis stretching back 50 years of the
extent to which veterans were exposed to potentially dangerous substances
without knowledge or consent”. They produced what some termed “a damning
report” concluding the Defense Department demonstrated “a consistent pattern
of misrepresentation” of the hazards of its activity, and had “used” hundreds of
thousands of unwitting military personnel alone, to say nothing of civilians, in
bio-warfare experiments spanning at least 50 years.

Senate investigations produced substantial evidence that almost 250 populated

areas of the US had been heavily contaminated with biological agents prior to
1970, with no information on the contamination since then. At that same time,
the US experienced a major outbreak of the H1N1 flu strain that was apparently
genetically identical to one that had disappeared more than 20 years prior,
leading to the conclusion that the military had collected and preserved that strain
for future application. The US military publicly admitted in 1977 that many
hundreds of bio-warfare experiments had been conducted in the continental US
since World War II, and that several dozen of those involved serious and
potentially fatal biological agents.

For many decades, nobody in the US was safe from victimisation in these bio-
warfare tests and experiments on civilians. At one time the CIA even infiltrated
the drinking water supply of the FDA headquarters in Washington (I can hardly
imagine a more worthy candidate for a biological experiment than the FDA) with
a not altogether harmless chemical, to test its ability to poison drinking water
supplies with LSD and other mind-altering agents. By 1950 the US military was
actively conducting open-air tests throughout the country, experimenting with
very large numbers of viruses and harmful bacteria, exposing millions of civilians
to disease and death. Concurrently, the CIA was actively conducting their own
experiments, using their authority to withdraw pathogens at will from the
military’s bio-warfare arsenal. In one of these cases in the 1950s, the CIA caused a
whooping cough epidemic in Tampa Bay, Florida, to test their aiblity to infect
human populations on a large scale. Whooping cough (Pertussis) was chosen
because it is a highly-contagious airborne disease that spreads easily and is often
fatal, especially to small children. The disease causes such violent coughing that
victims can break their own ribs, the coughing spells leaving them exhausted. An
enormous number of people became seriously ill, and many died, none realising
their distress was visited upon them by their own government.

During the widespread public protests against the Vietnam war in the 1960s, the
US military asked President Nixon for permission to test its arsenal of biological
and chemical weapons against the civilian war protestors, to (1) demonstrate the
“efficacy” of the chemicals and biological agents, (2) “control” the protestors and
eliminate future protests, and (3) “educate people” on gas weaponry. Welcome to
democracy, American-style.

The US government exposed millions of Americans to chemical and biological

agents, in clandestine experiments that spanned many decades. In the 1950s and
sixties, scientists from the Fort Detrick biological weapons program ran a series
of tests to determine how easy it would be to expose large numbers of people to a
lethal bacteria. Containers of semi-toxic bacteria were planted in the New York
subway, bacteria were secretly pumped into the Pentagon (another great
candidate for a biological experiment) ventilation system and clouds of bacteria
were released in San Francisco. The process never stopped. In 2005, US
Homeland Security released a claimed (but unidentified) “nontoxic gas” into
New York’s Grand Central Station to trace the flow of airborne chemicals
through the terminal. These tests were part of an experimental program
originating mostly at Fort Detrick that began in the late 1940s and has not abated.
During the first 20 years alone, the US military acknowledged that about 250
such tests had been conducted in which many tens of millions of civilians were
unknowingly exposed. When these tests or programs were discovered, the
military consistently claimed the agents employed were harmless to humans, but
it has become abundantly clear over the years that many of these chemical and
biological agents were far from harmless.

Many of the references to these bio-warfare experiments make reference to

something called “Operation Whitecoat”, which was a series of experiments
conducted by the US military at Fort Detrick for about twenty years from 1953 to
1973. In these references, it is claimed the Seventh-day Adventist Church “struck
an extraordinary deal with the US Army”, in which the church would provide its
members as test subjects to be “infected with debilitating pathogens”, in return
for being excused from participation in war. The story is that all participants
“were informed of the purpose and goals of each project before providing
consent to participate” in the program, and were assured the tests were in no way
related to the development of bio-warfare pathogens. However, many
knowledgeable observers have claimed the men were not only misled but coerced
into participating, and there are documented records of protests, riots and sit-
down strikes by these “willing and fully-informed participants” who refused to
proceed without full information about the nature and dangers of the
experiments. So, not so willing and informed as we are led to believe.
Nevertheless, in the (propaganda) textbook titled, Medical Aspects of Biological
Warfare (2007), the Surgeon-General reached a new level in miltary humor with
claims that Operation Whitecoat “set the standard for ethics and human use in
research”. Also, the military claims no one died in these experiments and that
“only two” persons suffered “long-term medical complications”, but knowing the
list of pathogens used and considering that the military refuses to declassify the
records, we can be forgiven for harboring doubts.

Funding for most of these experiments was provided by the US military and the
CIA, and occassionally by private corporations under contract to the military.
These so-called “research programs” were typically classified Secret or Top
Secret, in most cases remaining classified indefinitely, their existence usually
revealed only by accidental disclosure. For various reasons, the 1970s and 1980s
experienced a flood of disclosures that opened a window into a vast array of
literally hundreds of unethical and criminal enterprises of brutal and often fatal
human experimentation conducted by the US government against its own
citizens. In spite of this, there still remain large numbers of experiments that are
suspected but cannot now be proven, often because all documentation was
destroyed in response to overwhelming public anger and realistic fears of
political destabilisation, to say nothing of a potential flood of millions of lawsuits.
Project 112

Following its grand success in obtaining the bio-warfare and human

experimentation treasures from the Japanese atrocity programs conducted at
Unit 731, the US government embarked on literally hundreds of these
development projects, many begun by one of history’s favorite morally-deformed
psychopaths, US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. One of the better-known
efforts was labeled “Project 112”, which number was its position in a list of more
than 150 clandestine bio-chemical projects operated by McNamara against
American civilians and military personnel, with funds and operating staff from
every branch of the US military and intelligence agencies.

Project 112 was a series of biological and chemical weapons experiments that
primarily involved the dissemination of airborne biological pathogens meant to
incapacitate civilian populations, that was secretly conducted on a massive scale
within the US, Canada, the UK, and in vast swatches of the Pacific and some
other undeveloped countries as well. It is necessary to note that the populations
in the affected areas were not notified, meaning national sovereignty was violated
in all instances. The Philippines and Japan were two such locations, but there
were many others including Egypt, Liberia, South Korea, and the entire Pacific,
and of course the domestic populations within the US, Canada and the UK were
also kept ignorant of the tests. This ignorance applied equally to US military
servicemen, hundreds of thousands of whom were exposed to many pathogens
with varying levels of lethality, resulting in many deaths and disabilities as was
also true among the tens of millions in the US civilian population.

The tests used at least 20 different biological pathogens plus another 15 or 20

chemical agents that included Sarin and VX nerve gases, mustard gas, tear gas
and other unknown substances. Many of these “experiments” were conducted on
US military servicemen without their knowledge, a major portion of which was
conducted in a series of shipboard trials on unwitting American sailors, the
project collectively known as SHAD, or Shipboard Hazard and Defense. With
project SHAD, the military initially claimed the tests were designed to identify
US warships’ vulnerabilities to attack, but it gradually became clear the real
purpose was a search for ways to overcome defenses of enemy ships, in effect
methods to guarantee the total destruction with biological pathogens of enemy
naval forces at sea. One excessively ambitious effort involved attempts to literally
envelop a vast section of ocean in a pervasive cloud of biological pathogens that
would kill an entire enemy marine fleet while at sea.
SHAD’s objective was to learn how chemical and biological warfare agents would
disperse throughout a ship, and how to develop procedures that would ensure
the biological contamination of an entire enemy vessel. The total number of
sailors exposed to these pathogens is unknown but is at least in the many tens of
thousands. Congressional investigations accused the Department of Defense of
withholding or destroying documents that would reveal numbers and
identification necessary for medical treatment. Retired Navy officers have
accused the Defense Department of applying not only biological pathogens but
also test vaccines to the ship-board crews, which latter have led to serious long-
term medical problems and illnesses including various cancers. After destroying
all the existing documentation, the US military then blithely claimed their (non-
existent) documentation “revealed no clear evidence of long-term
complications” from the tests.

McNamara ordered the military Joint Chiefs of Staff “to consider all possible
applications” of these agents (against enemy nations), and to develop a coherent
plan for the deployment of an “adequate” but total “biological and chemical
deterrent capability”, the plan to include cost estimates and an “appraisal of
international political consequences”. The plan was approved by then President
Kennedy in National Security Action Memorandum 235 (NSAM 235), which
meant it was a secret and highly-classified program directed to biological and
chemical warfare against humans, animals and plants.

These were by definition very large-scale experiments that were expected to

leave “significant or protracted effects on the physical or biological
environment”, with the military developing and testing for this program alone
more than 1,000 anti-crop biological pathogens and defoliants. Accordingly, even
the US Secretary of Agriculture was involved in planning and evaluating these
experiments, since a major part of US biological war planning involved what was
referred to as an “anti-crop capability” that would employ biological pathogens
to destroy the entire agricultural capability of a country and that would include
fisheries and all water-based vegetation. A vast array of pathogens were
weaponised and prepared in cluster bombs for delivery to unfortunate victims.
The program went so far as to search desperately for methods of inducing
biological epidemics in both plant and animal populations – in addition, of
course, to entirely separate methods of killing off the human population.

This vast program was the umbrella under which many hundreds of biological
dispersion tests were carried out in the continental US, effectively against the
civilian population. Some of these experiments involved potentially harmless
strains but many others were actually quite lethal and led to thousands of deaths
and permanent debilitations within large sectors of the US civilian population,
the Serratia marcescens test in San Francisco being one obvious example of the

We cannot fail to be impressed by the passionate determination exhibited to

penetrate populations under every imaginable circumstance and condition. The
US military was determined to “penetrate” everything from “arctic inversion
weather systems” to “destroying the population of an island complex”, from
spreading pathogens over immense areas of open ocean to the penetration of
“jungle vegetation”. The dispersal methods ranged from massive spray
generators installed in ships or aircraft to miniatures contained in briefcases.

Another similar project was Operation Dew, which consisted of experiments to

test the feasibility of creating enormous aerosol clouds of biological pathogens
from offshore military vessels and maintaining the clouds intact while they
drifted over land to kill or incapacitate a local population. The military ran many
of these, some consisting of cadmium sulfide clouds over the continental US and
Canada, at least one of which dispersed and maintained a cloud of some 150,000
km² over a heavily populated coastal region that covered three US states and
much of Central Canada. Other tests included clouds of various plant spores and
other biological contaminants. Some of these tests were very large indeed, with
one Army Chemical Corps document revealing the test area covered virtually the
entire continental US, stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic
Ocean and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

Since the victims were unaware of these projects and were unwitting
participants, informed consent clearly did not exist, the document record further
revealing the US Defense Department conducted many of the tests in foreign
countries since they were considered too unethical to perform at home. Given
the illegalities and international implications, to say nothing of the domestic
deaths and injuries, the entire existence of Project 112 (and SHAD) was heatedly
and categorically denied by the US military, repeatedly insisting that such a
program had never existed. When a CBS news report revealed some dramatic
evidence and indisputable proof of the programs, the Pentagon and Defense
Department, as in most such instances, exhibited “total surprise”, then made
pretenses of conducting “an internal investigation” to determine if such a
program had really existed – presumably, without their knowledge, somehow.
Later, to mollify an enraged public, the requisite whitewashed Congressional
hearings were held, after which the entire matter was quietly swept under the

The US Military’s Surgeon-General’s Report

The official Government text, Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare (2007),

makes several interesting admissions. One is that the US tested explosive anti-
personnel munitions containing anthrax on Gruinard Island near the coast of
Scotland in 1942. It notes that “These experiments successfully produced anthrax
among targeted sheep”. In fact, the experiment was so successful the island was
quarantined for almost 50 years, and was finally partially decontaminated only in
1986, using “2,000 tons of seawater and 280 tons of formaldehyde”.
Decontaminated or not, the island still boasts neither sheep nor humans as
residents. No word on whether Scotland provided informed consent.

It also states that between about 1950 and 1970, “at least 239 open-air ‘field tests’
were conducted in the US in which the general public and test subjects were
uninformed”. These tests contained all manner of biological and chemical
pathogens which were dispersed over heavily-populated areas that included
Minneapolis, St. Louis, New York City, San Francisco, and several of the
military’s own bases including Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The report further
states that “In conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture”, the military
released “anti-crop agents”, i.e. herbicides lethal to the nation’s food supply. It
states further that the open-air releases of pathogens were performed merely “to
study viability and infectivity”, the resulting massive flood of medical disabilities
and the many deaths being either unexpected or perhaps irrelevant. However, the
report notes plaintively, “These studies [performed without knowledge or
consent of the victims] tainted the history of the offensive biological warfare
program”. We don’t need an imagination to understand why.

While we can appreciate his candor, the Surgeon-General failed to record the
instances where, in testing “techniques of biological pathogen dispersion” the
city of Minneapolis was sprayed with germ warfare materials 61 different times in
tests lasting several months, or that the “assumption” the pathogens were
“harmless” may have been incorrect in light of the enormous increase in
respiratory illnesses experienced in the dispersal areas in and near Minneapolis.
He also failed to record the test with the foolish code name of “Big Tom”, where
the Department of Defense sprayed the entire population of Oahu in 1965 with a
bacterium while practicing simulated (and hoped-for) attack on Cuba. He also
failed to note that Big Tom caused big infections in tens of thousands of people,
particularly those young, elderly, or ill with weakened immune systems.

The Surgeon-General informs us further that, included in these other

environmental field tests, the military did indeed conduct many “controversial
studies” that were meant “to determine whether African Americans were more
susceptible …”. They were.

Finally, the report tells us that “Public disclosure of the testing program in the
Washington Post on December 22 , 1976, and in US Senate hearings in 1977
resulted in harsh criticism …”. No idea why. But then we are told the CDC
investigated the matter of the US military poisoning the population and
concluded that in 100 outbreaks of one particular dangerous bacterium, “none
was caused by the [favorite strain used by the military], and the vast outbreaks of
illnesses by the same bacteria were simply unfortunate accidents caused by
“opportunistic pathogens”. In a further attempt to unblemish his record, the
Surgeon-General also claims that “Numerous unsubstantiated allegations were
made” about the US using biological pathogens against North Korea and China,
and swears truly that “Biological weapons have never been used by the US
military”, but that the US State Department “suspected” China, Russia and Cuba
to have done so. No information on whether those suspected releases by China,
Russia and Cuba might also have been attributable to other opportunistic

As a side note, in 1978 the US Department of Defense admitted that, despite a

Presidential order and an international treaty banning the research and
development of biological agents, it continued to operate research facilities at 127
sites, institutions and universities around the nation, and an unspecified number
(but around 100) in other nations. Lastly, one researcher provided this gem:

“An extract from a U.S. Army report details why smallpox was selected as the
agent of choice.” Its “attractive” features are listed as: 1. Smallpox is highly
infectious with close contact. It spreads readily from an infected person to
susceptible individuals. 2. A long incubation period of relatively constant
duration permits the operatives responsible to leave the country before the first
case is diagnosed. 3. The duration of illness for those who recover is relatively

Nuclear Radiation Experiments

When Dwight Eisenhower became the US president, he ordered the Atomic
Energy Commission “to keep Americans confused” with explanations about
nuclear radiation causing cancer, and any government employees who told the
truth were fired. It was not until the 1980s that the truth about the widespread
radiation experiments were partially revealed. At the time, a US House of
Representatives Subcommittee concluded, “All evidence suggesting that
radiation was having harmful effects was not only disregarded but actually
suppressed”. This was a time when the US government told its soldiers that it
was safe to march into atomic test sites immediately after a nuclear explosion.
The enormous number of victims included civilians, prison inmates, federal
workers, hospital patients, pregnant women, infants, developmentally disabled
children and military personnel. It has been documented that as many as
500,000 US military personnel were contaminated during their compulsory
participation in various nuclear tests and the post-war occupation of Japan. A
great many of them died, and a much greater number suffered from radiation
poisoning, leukemia and various cancers.

Beginning in the 1940s, the US government released massive amounts of various

radioactive substances into the air, ground and water over almost 100,000 square
miles in Washington, exposing hundreds of thousands of civilians to deadly
radiation. One event, inexplicably named “Project Chariot”, perhaps for the
legendary mythical vehicle that transports us to heaven, the US Atomic Energy
Commission spread huge amounts of radioactive materials over Point Hope in
Alaska, causing so many genetic deformities that even today, more than 50 years
later, cancer is still the leading cause of death in Point Hope. The government
kept the radiation releases secret, and repeatedly lied about them for more than
four decades until part of the truth escaped in 1986. A secret document from the
Atomic Energy Commission titled “Medical Experiments in Humans” stated: “It
is desired that no document be released which refers to experiments with
humans that might have an adverse reaction on public opinion or result in legal
suits. Documents covering such fieldwork should be classified Secret.”

Researchers in the United States have performed thousands of human radiation

experiments to determine the effects of atomic radiation and radioactive
contamination on the human body, generally on people who were poor, sick, or
powerless. Most of these tests were performed, funded, or supervised by the US
military, Atomic Energy Commission, or US government agencies. The
experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding
radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors,
inserting radium rods into the noses of soldiers, deliberately releasing radioactive
chemicals over US and Canadian cities, injecting pregnant women and babies
with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates,
amongst other things. It was only in 1994 that the US government formed its
investigative Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments – due
entirely to public outcry.

Beginning in the late 1940s, researchers at the University of Rochester injected

uranium-234 and uranium-235 into people to study how much uranium their
kidneys could tolerate before becoming damaged. During the 1950s and 1960s,
atmospheric nuclear explosions in Nevada, which were part of Operation
Plumbbob were later determined to have released enough radiation to have
caused as many as 200,000 excess cases of thyroid cancer amongst US citizens
who were exposed to fallout from the explosions.

During the 1950s and possibly much later, the US Atomic Energy Commission
sponsored research whereby young boys were fed breakfast cereal heavily laced
with radioactive materials so researchers could record the effects. The parents
were told their children were being fed a special diet rich in iron. Beginning in
1945 and continuing at least until the late 1970s, the US government arranged the
injection of plutonium and uranium into patients at many hospitals, including
those at Chicago, San Francisco and New York. None of the victims were either
informed or able to give consent, and didn’t know the content of the injections.
Few survived.

Beginning in the 1940s and 1950s, the US Atomic Energy Commission began an
extensive study of the health effects on humans of fluoride, a key component of
nuclear bomb production. For more than ten years, residents of New York and
US other cities were exposed to fluoride in their drinking water, with their blood
and tissue samples covertly gathered and analyzed. The study discovered that
fluoride was one of the most dangerous aspects of nuclear weapons production
and had extreme adverse effects on the central nervous system. The US
government quickly suppressed the information in the name of “national
security”, from a fear that lawsuits by workers contaminated with fluoride would
undermine full-scale production of nuclear weapons.

Until at least the 1970s, the US Department of Defense was funding non-
consensual body radiation experiments on poor, black cancer patients who were
told they were receiving a treatment that might cure their cancer, but in reality
the Pentagon was attempting to determine the effects of high levels of radiation
on the human body. One of the doctors involved in the experiments, Robert
Stone, was worried about litigation by the patients, so he only referred to them
by their initials on the medical reports, so that “there will be no means by which
the patients can ever connect themselves up with the report”, in order to prevent
“either adverse publicity or litigation”.

Only in the mid-1990s did the US government finally release thousands of

documents relating to human radiation experiments where the government paid
research institutes for information about the effects of heavy doses of radiation
on humans, to learn how military personnel might be affected by a nuclear blast.
These experiments were conducted at universities all across the US including
New York, California and the University of Rochester. The documents revealed
that government agencies had conducted more than 400 separate radiation
experiments on almost 20,000 unwitting American citizens, claiming there was
no way to know “the full result” because in most cases “the government kept no
record of the victims’ names”.

And the US government’s position on this? “While the experiments raised

questions of medical ethics, they led to some medical breakthroughs.” One US
official praised the tests, saying they were instrumental in diagnosing and
treating thyroid problems, heart disease, cancer and other conditions. And then
we have the requisite – and obscenely dishonest – US government hypocrisy:

“We are grateful to these families for the tough lessons they have taught us about
trust, responsibility and accountability between the government and the people.”

Beginning in the 1950s, the US military conducted about 100 above-ground

nuclear weapons tests in Nevada, New Mexico and Guam, which exposed
millions of Americans, particularly children, to large amounts of radioactive
fallout which was simply released into the atmosphere. This exposure was
greatest in the immediate area, but prevailing winds carried the deadly radiation
for thousands of miles throughout most of the US, much of Canada and Mexico,
these innocent citizens paying a very high price for the development of the US
nuclear weapons program. It wasn’t only the above-ground atomic tests, but
massive radiation releases from American atomic weapons production plants
such as Hanford in Washington state, that contributed to the problems.

Much of the radiation collected on pastures and grasslands where it was

consumed by cows and goats and collected in the animals’ milk with the result
that children were at the highest risk of developing various cancers. There is no
certain way to know the numbers of American citizens who died from various
cancers and other illnesses caused by the radiation from these tests, but millions
of American families even to this day have a history of thyroid problems,
especially those from the hardest-hit areas of the country. Certainly many tens of
millions were affected in total, and the resulting deaths may have been in the
millions as well, many contracting related health complications but without
accurate diagnoses.

One researcher named Steinglass claims that many millions of children were
damaged by nuclear weapons fallout, as well as the nuclear reactor radiation
releases, with studies now confirming that the widespread contamination was
much greater than the government had ever admitted. After releasing the results
of his research, Steinglass was immediately sanctioned by the government and
lost all his research funding. His research found that the radiation, in addition to
causing the obvious cancers and higher incidences of thyroid disease, was also
strongly correlated with lower national intelligence test scores, low birth weight,
immune system suppression, and higher infant mortality. In fact, US infant
mortality began a strong rise in the 1950s after the commencement of these tests,
but began to exhibit an immediate decline after nuclear testing went
underground. It is a good guess that these tests continue today in some form,
that they are at least in part responsible for the astonishingly high infant
mortality rate experienced in the US even when compared to many other less-
developed nations, and the fact that the high mortality rates are found primarily
among minorities and the poor. This may also shed light on the apparent lack of
concern by the US government and health services for the high infant mortality
rate: it may not be accidental nor a result of poor health care, and is not being
addressed because it is the known result of deliberate ongoing tests.

Suspicions of this radioactive contamination of the population have existed for

decades, but information has been virtually impossible to obtain due to
resistance from the US government and to the fact that the military deliberately
maintained few records of the fallout from its test results. It is only today that
information is slowly being released by the authorities, in particular on the 24
areas of the nation that received the most extreme radiation and where the
exposure was 100 times more than first reported. The US government and
military have of course always known of the dangers and effects of their atomic
tests, but suppressed all information for 60 years, simply acknowledging today
that some people “may have been adversely affected or sickened” as a result of
the radiation exposure. The US Atomic Energy Commission was worried about
the release of incriminating information immediately after its first few tests, and
secret memos now reveal discussions and agreement to withhold information “to
avoid possible embarrassment”, so no public reports were ever released.

But the evidence is that the US government and its public health agencies knew
from the beginning that atmospheric nuclear tests would result in exposures and
deaths for countless thousands of unwitting and trusting Americans. One victim
said, “We who have watched our families and friends sicken and die, we’ve known
for 40 years that the government has lied and covered up the shameful truth that
fallout was deadly, nationwide.” The tragedy is not only of the radioactive
contamination but the callous withholding of information from an unsuspecting
and trusting public. It is clear that the US government was fully aware of the
strength and geographic extent of the radioactive fallout, from many newly-
released documents. At the same time, the Public Health Service was instructed
to tell citizens downwind from nuclear bomb tests that the increases in cancers
were due to neurosis, and that women with radiation sickness, hair loss, leukemia
and brain cancer were suffering from “housewife syndrome”.

Here is one perfect example of the callous, heartless and obscene nature which
has always pervaded the US government:

The Kodak company began receiving customer complaints about fogged film, the
cause of which was quickly traced to corn husks from Indiana that Kodak used as
packaging material for its film. A Kodak physicist discovered that all corn husks
were heavily contaminated with radioactivity. After this, the US government
agreed to provide Kodak with advance information on all future nuclear tests,
including “‘expected distribution of radioactive material in order to anticipate
local contamination”. Unfortunately, the population were not provided with the
same ‘advance notification’ as were Kodak’s corn husks, the people not being
relevant to corporate profits.

The victims now tell us, “In fact, the Government warned the entire
photographic industry and provided maps and forecasts of potential
contamination. Where, I ask, were the maps for dairy farmers? Where were the
warnings to parents of children in these areas? The Government protected rolls
of film, but not the lives of our kids. Why did they do that when they had all the
information about hot spots and fallout, and yet they did not warn the people of
this country about the dangers inherent in radioactive fallout? Why has the
government withheld information until now? It is reprehensible that our citizens
were intentionally exposed to radioactivity and yet those who knew remained
silent – even in the face of evidence that said if we provided treatment and
information early, we might alleviate suffering or prevent diseases.”

We really have to pity these Americans who, in spite of the overwhelming

evidence, cannot bring themselves to accept the truth that their government
didn’t inform them of the radioactivity because they were the guinea pigs in the
tests. The painful deaths of those millions of children were not accidents from
above-ground nuclear tests; they were the purpose of the tests.

The cover-up extended far beyond ‘not warning’ the population. Upon some
information becoming public, both the government and the National Cancer
Institute not only deliberately withheld information but engaged in
misinformation, deflecting attention to only Iodine-131, claiming it had a half-life
of only 8 days and was therefore of no real concern. But the authorities ignored
other fallout ingredients like Strontium-90 and Cesium-137 that had half-lives of
30 years or more and have the same toxic effects on the human body. They also
claimed that hospital patients had been given “far higher” therapeutic doses of
Iodine-131 and that there had never been proven any correlation between this
radioactivity and cancers or other illnesses. Thirty years ago a group of
Americans sued the government for damages resulting from these tests, but the
high US courts refused to grant relief. Today, the US Congress recognises “a
national day of remembrance” for these citizens who “deserve to be recognized
for the sacrifice they have made for the defense of the United States”. What else
is there to say? The deranged US military and the “democratic” American
government didn’t kill millions of their own people and sicken countless millions
of others by their criminally insane and reckless experiments, but rather
generous American citizens willingly “made a sacrifice in defense of their
country”. Touching. And the country was being defended against what? How
pathetically dishonest and hypocritical to make such a claim.

In addition to the atomic bomb blasts there were hundreds of other lethally-
radioactive weapons tested, which were apparently designed to “contaminate
enemy battlefields”, and in 1959 the US Air Force secretly conducted eight
intentional nuclear reactor meltdowns, melting highly-radioactive nuclear fuel in
high-temperature furnaces, then using enormous fans to spread the radiation in
attempts to learn the results of actual reactor meltdowns.

On Feb. 12 2001, Deseret News published an article on Dugway, listing some of the
many hundreds of radiation, chemical and biological events that served to
contaminate much of that state and indeed much of America, and noted that
much new and secretive military testing continues even today. The article noted
that US Energy Department records show the US military conducted 141 atomic
bomb explosions at their Nevada Proving Grounds alone, and these tests were
“only a small portion of the 930 tests (both above and below ground) conducted
there through 1992”. It has been proven possible, and perhaps even likely, that
the prevailing winds during these test explosions carried lethal radioactive fallout
to virtually every area of the continental United States.

The article also mentioned one case as an example of many, that of Oleta Nelson
and her husband Isaac, who on May 19, 1953, gathered outdoors with their
neighbors to watch a fallout cloud from what was later proven to have been a
particularly dirty nuclear explosion. Apparently no one worried because the
government falsely told residents it was safe. By that evening, Mrs. Nelson
suffered a headache that refused to abate for more than six months, and within
weeks her hair was falling out. She had developed brain cancer and would suffer
terribly for years before dying. As in all such cases, the courts ruled the
government was immune from suits for actions it made for national defense, and
was not liable for compensation to any of the victims. And privately, members of
the US Congress have admitted they refused to make the victims of military tests
eligible for compensation “because it simply would be too expensive”. In other
words, the US military killed and injured so many American citizens in their
tests, that the government wouldn’t have enough money to pay all the claims.
Welcome to freedom, democracy and human rights, American-style.

And it isn’t only within the US that the military performed these nuclear tests
and exposed innocent and unknowing civilians to extremes of radiation. The
Americans did the same in the Pacific after World War II, conducting above-
groud nuclear explosions in various of their new “possessions” in the South
Pacific, one of these being the Marshall Islands where the US performed about 70
of these tests, ravaging the islands with lethal radioactivity. On the Pacific atoll of
Bikini, the entire land mass was, according to an article in the NYT, “so
radioactive that there was little hope of allowing its displaced population ever to
return home”. According to the same article, the Defense Department concluded
that there was so much contaminated soil it couldn’t be cleaned so they left it to
decay naturally. Some radioactive elements have a half-life of only 30 years, but
“the US also left behind plutonium-239, which has a half-life of 24,000 years.”

The article detailed further that the US gathered much of the severely radioactive
soil, dumped it into a nuclear bomb crater, then covered it with a thin concrete
cap that didn’t even meet American standards for landfills for household trash.
Then, they permitted the displaced residents to return home, but “about half the
atoll was still uninhabitable and most of the rest had lost its ability to grow food”.
Nuclear authorities warned that the dome could easily be breached by a typhoon,
but the US military saw no reason to worry because the island was apparently
more radioactive outside the dome than on the inside, so even “a total breach
wouldn’t significantly change the radiation dose delivered to the local resident
population”. And of course the radiation is escaping and spreading, and
plutonium has been discovered in the South China Sea, 4,500 kilometers away.
US authorities provided no data on cancers, leukemias, radiation sickness and
deaths resulting from their reckless mishandling of this enterprise.

It’s even much worse than I’ve described above. The nuclear explosions at the
Marshall Islands were part of military Project 4.1, a medical study conducted on
the natives of those islands, “to see what would happen”. William Boardman
wrote an excellent article on these tests that was published by the Information
Clearing House on January 11, 2014. The article is still available and is worth
reading. The following paragraph is a syopsis of his article:

In the 1950s, the U.S. conducted 67 atomic and hydrogen bomb tests in the
Marshall Islands, vaporizing islands and exposing entire populations to fallout,
while contaminating in perpetuity an enormous area of the beautiful South
Pacific. The islanders received near fatal doses of radiation from one major test,
and were then moved onto a highly contaminated island to serve as human
guinea pigs for 30 years. The story was classified top secret until the 1990s, and
has remained largely unknown to the world because the people living on the
Marshall Islands have no microphone. As a measure of lethality, the CDC
reported that the Chernobyl reactor meltdown released 40 million curies of
radiation, the largest US above-ground nuclear test in Nevada released 150
million, while one blast over the Marshall Islands (the largest one) released 6.3
billion curies – more than 30 times as much radiation as the others combined.
One of the bombs detonated was more than 1,000 times as powerful as that used
on Hiroshima, resulting in generations of cancers and birth defects. One writer
stated, In 1979, a federal court awarded the Islanders $750 million in
compensation but the US government simply refused to pay. Movie director
Adam Horowitz produced a documentary titled “Nuclear Savage” his second film
attempt about the American military use and abuse of the Marshall Islands, but
the authorities have worked feverishly for years to prevent the movie from being
broadcast on public television. The aftermath consists of millions of square
kilometers of uninhabitable land and usuable ocean, generations of children with
cancers, very high rates of miscarriages and stillbirths, so many cases of
heartbreaking birth defects, all so the US military could obtain “better data on
this method of maiming and killing people”. One writer said, “This cynical act by
the U.S. government was conducted with such arrogant racism that without
incredible archival footage and shocking secret documents, the story would seem

It was similar with the 1979 disaster at the nuclear plant at Three Mile Island,
which involved a partial meltdown of the reactor, a hydrogen explosion and the
venting of massive amounts of radioactive gases as well as the dumping of huge
volumes of heavily contaminated water into a major source of public drinking
water. The entire episode was a flurry of coverups and denials, long sequences of
false statements informing the public there was no danger, no radiation releases
and no need to evacuate civilians. US authorities also propagated the
misinformation that no deaths or illnesses resulted from the acccident. All these
claims were bitterly false. Infant mortality jumped by almost 55% immediately
after the accident while the incidence of most adult cancers doubled or tripled,
and long-term childhood cancers and birth defects were up to 35% higher. In one
study, Gould and Goldman estimated at least 50,000 to 100,000 deaths resulted
directly from this nuclear accident, but the US government was entirely silent,
leaving the citizens to fend for themselves however they were able. Just as with
the the multitude of deaths, cancers and other diseases from the planned nuclear
explosions, the truth was heavily suppressed.

Buttressed by a myth heavily flogged by the media, popular opinion in the US is

that Three Mile Island was the worst nuclear disaster in the country, but that was
never true. There were others that were far worse but that were heavily
suppressed by the authorities and totally censored in the press. In 1959,
Rocketdyne’s Santa Susana nuclear laboratory, located only 30 miles from Los
Angeles, suffered a meltdown where enormous amounts of radioactive material,
primarily the most toxic elements of plutonium and strontium, were vented into
the open air for more than two weeks before the catastrophe was discovered. The
technology of the time was incapable of measuring the vast amount of vented
radiation, but one five-year study by a group of scientists concluded the radiation
released from Rocketdyne’s lab was 460 times that released at Three Mile Island,
in this case contaminating the entire San Fernando Valley. Several studies have
proven greatly-elevated incidence of cancers, but all levels of government and
military have obstructed any attempts to learn the truths or to obtain medical
assistance or compensation. In the official record, this event never occurred.

And these nuclear meltdowns were by no means the only ones. From the middle
1950s to the late 1960s at least four other reactors suffered explosive and
catastropic meltdowns; The Borax-1 military reactor, the military’s EBTR-1, the
military’s Stationary Low-Power Reactor No. 1 and the FERMI-1 reactors all
suffered meltdowns, several with explosions and most with many deaths. But
again, these events were heavily censored by the government and appeared
noplace in media reports and to this day most people are unaware they occurred.
There were others, too, and these others were not accidents. The US military,
unsatisfied with the information obtained from accidental meltdowns, staged five
or six deliberate reactor meltdowns, causing the explosions that would melt the
reactor fuel and open the facilities to the atmospere to vent the radioactive gases
into the environment. None of these were announced, were classified as Top
Secret, with the resident populations having no understanding of the great
increases in cancers and a host of other illnesses that befell them.

There have been various Congressional hearings, some books and articles written
on this topic, but in every case the US government – which means the White
House and those powers pulling its strings – have wherever possible simply
denied events and liability. One statement that is typical of many, said, “There is
no scientific reason to expect that any of the subjects … will incur any harmful
effects. Therefore, there is neither any reason for attempting any further follow-
up studies on these subjects, nor to propose new legislation to compensate
them.” And most often, when information was leaked, the first response of the
government was to stonewall and deny. Only if the mass media were willing to
pick up the story and there was a danger of widespread public rebellion would
the government act. Senator John Glenn, he of moon shot fame, conducted a
long enquiry into some of these secret experiments and produced a report which
he delivered to the White House. Glenn stated, “The response of the Reagan
administration to my 1986 staff report can be described as, “Thanks for the
information, we’re not going to do anything”.” The full extent of the US
government’s experiments on unsuspecting people will probably never be known
because many incriminating documents remain Top Secret or classified. Other
documents are often declared as missing, destroyed, or “unavailable”, in an
attempt to hide the truth from the public.
Michael McCally, Christine Cassel, and Daryl Kimball produced an article on
“U.S. Government-Sponsored Radiation Research on Humans 1945-1975”, which
is available online and worth reading. The document lists repeated occasions,
from the early 1940s until at least 1965, of “intentional release of [a radioactive
element] to the environment”, where the general American population were
viewed simply as experimental subjects. The authors made reference to a book by
Barton Hacker, who was an historian working for the Department of Energy,
which makes clear that “early radiation scientists had a much clearer idea of
radiation health effects, including cancer, than present apologists allow”. They
wrote that “Given the harm that was evidently done, the likelihood of litigation,
and public concern about environmental radiation contamination, it is likely that
this story will unfold [only over a great many years], that officials will hide
behind a false veil of “national security” as long as they are permitted to do so.

This is yet one more appropriate time to ask the question, “Who is actually
running the country?”, when the US Congress, the ostensible government of the
people, has no power to obtain information or force compliance from what is
obviously the real government. Who are these people, who can conduct these
secret tests that expose so much of the American population to illness and death,
then simply classify or destroy their records and refuse to account for their
actions? Who is actually running the country?

From their article:

“In 1982, the New York Times provided evidence that policy-makers foresaw
dangers and acted to cover them up. The story included a statement by a former
Army medic, Van R. Brandon, of Sacramento, that his medical unit kept two sets
of books of radiation readings at the Nevada Test Site during the 1956-57 tests.
One set was to show that no one received an [elevated] exposure, Brandon told
the paper. The other set of books showed … the actual reading. That set was
brought in a locked briefcase every morning, he recalled. DoE officials simply
denied Brandon’s allegations, and no further investigation was pursued. From the
beginning of the nuclear age, the federal government not only ignored or
suppressed knowledge of abuses in the nuclear experimental program, it also
fought all attempts to hold it accountable for damages. A series of Supreme
Court decisions dating back to 1950 bars both atomic veterans and downwinders
from suing the federal government. Veterans are denied the right to sue for
injuries suffered while on active duty because the Court believes that this would
interfere with military necessity and national security. In essence, the court held
that setting off nuclear bombs was within the discretionary power of high-
ranking officials and could not be questioned in a lawsuit for damages.

Government doctors and scientists brainwashed the public into believing low
dose radiation was not harmful. Totally ignored was the knowledge that the
radiation from nuclear fallout could lead to an increased risk of cancer, heart
disease, neurological disorders, immune system disease, reproductive
abnormalities, sterility, birth defects, and genetic mutations which could be
passed on from generation to generation. The full extent of this radiation damage
to the American public during the Cold War years will never be known.
Amazingly, these clandestine studies were conducted at the most prestigious
medical institutions and colleges, including the University of Chicago, the
University of Washington, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vanderbilt
University in Nashville, and the previously mentioned universities.”

The historical record is also being sanitised by claims that the on-duty physicians
“may have had no idea what they were injecting into their patients”, a claim that
is patently ridiculous. These were not junior medical students performing
routine functions on order of their superiors; they were senior military and other
doctors who absolutely would not participate in such procedures without
knowledge. No physician, then or now, will accept a syringe from someone and
proceed to inject his own patients without any knowledge or information. The
physicians were also instructed to obtain x-rays in “a normal way” so as to arouse
no suspicions with the patients, and were cautioned about entering any of the
resulting data in the patient’s medical records. They knew what they were doing,
and were taking pains to leave no tracks. They were also instructed to send all
records directly, and only, to those in the Manhattan project to guard against any
of the information entering the hospital’s record system and therefore perhaps
becoming public.

In addition to the group exposures where radioactivity was dispersed over

widespread populated areas, there were thousands of cases of the military and
the government using individuals or groups of individuals in specific experiments
designed to illuminate the toxicity or lethality of those materials. There were so
many experiments with pregnant mothers who were fed radioactive elements to
determine transmission through the placental barrier or the effect on an unborn
fetus, with almost certain guarantees of stillbirths, genetic deformities or
spontaneous abortions. Groups of individuals in prisons, hospitals, sanitaria,
orphanages, were used as free test material for every experiment imaginable, all
done in secrecy and without the knowledge of the victims. Often, after
administering elements like plutonium, the doctors would extract several of a
patient’s teeth, or a rib, to determine the extent to which these elements would
concentrate in teeth and bones. None of the victims understood what was
happening to them.

In many cases, radioactive elements were administered to humans simply to test

instruments that measured radiation. In effect, hundreds of people, especially
children, were injected with lethal radioactive carcinogens simply to be used to
calibrate instruments, with no therapeutic intent. In what appears to be literally
thousands of other cases, large groups, and again especially children, were fed
large doses of radioactive material simply to study the effects on the human
body, and in so many cases the intent was actually to do harm. Many radioactive
elements were known to damage beyond use the kidneys and liver, and the
physicians would inject increasingly larger amounts until the damage appeared.
In some instances, they wanted to learn the dosage at which organ damage began
to appear, but in many other cases they were looking to determine the dosages at
which organ failure would occur. Trusting patients would be deliberately injected
with radioactive toxins at dosages meant to destroy their critical body organs,
which would necessarily result in death. Many of the tests and studies were
unquestionably designed to do harm.

Often, the hospitals would use homeless people, inviting them to consider the
hospital as a residence where they would have a bed, good food, and make a
contribution to medical science by dying. Often, the doses these victims would
receive – at one time – would be 30 to 40 times, and even 100 times the
maximum permissible annual amount, sufficient to fry almost anything.
Sometimes, physicians would inject an arm or leg with large amounts of
plutonium or a similar element, then amputate the limb and send it for testing to
determine the extent to which these elements were “bone-seeking”. In every
case, some vacuous excuse would be made to justify the amputation, often
blaming the amputation on a “suddenly-discovered” cancer, the patients again
having no understanding of what was happening to them. In one case of a 36
year-old man named Elmer Allen, military doctors injected large amounts of
plutoniun into his leg, then amputated it several days later on the pretense of
pre-existing bone cancer. Twenty years later, officials tracked down the man and
subjected him to whole-body radiation experiments and ran tests to determine
the amount of plutonium remaining in his body from his earlier experiments. The
man never did learn what happened to him.
In another case, a 58-year old California man suffering from a stomach ulcer was
injected with doses of plutonium equivalent to 450 times the maximum lifetime
exposure, the doctors telling his family he had advancced cancer and had only a
few months to live. They even published reports on their findings. When released
documents accidentally revealed the facts of this case, the authorities refused to
release any information on the grounds that to do so “might adversely affect
national security”. Countless hundreds, and perhaps countless thousands of
prison inmates and hospital patients would have their testicles injected with high
amounts of radioactive material to determine the dose at which radiation would
render an individual sterile. In one case, about 60 small children were injected
with radioactive iodine to study its effect on the thyroid. There was never any
follow-up, though most of those children would have developed cancers.

The official story is that the original criteria for these tests specified that subjects
should be of older age, meaning relatively short life expectancies, apparently to
mitigate the magnitude of the crimes. The people they killed by these
experiments had only ten years to live anyway. However, in many of the cases, the
original diagnosis of the patient having a terminal disease later proved to be
inaccurate. According to the records, these mis-diagnoses were not uncommon,
leading one to suspect they may not have been entirely accidental. And indeed,
many patients were not selected according to short life expectancy but were
instead chosen by the main criterion which was normal functioning of the major
body organs, especially the liver and kidneys. The terminal cases where the
patients died soon after the tests, were especially valuable because much useful
information could be obtained from an autopsy.

The patients selected generally had life expectancies of ten or more years, but
were often described in the medical reports as “hopelessly sick” or “terminal”
when they were no such thing. And certainly some patients were “mis-
diagnosed”, those who were suffering from no serious medical condition but
were termed terminal anyway. It is a valid question whether those mis-diagnoses
were accidental or deliberate, since it is not easy to determine a terminal illness
where no illness exists. The media literature glosses over this a bit too quickly,
claiming judgments about life expectancy are difficult to make even today. If
these determinations are so difficult to make “even today”, then they were much
more difficult then, which should have led to more caution rather than less. The
researchers surely knew they were guessing. Some patients were admitted for
ulcers, then sent into the plutonium injection wards.
The cold-blooded callousness sometimes exhibited, staggers the mind and the
senses. In one case where a patient was mis-diagnosed and found to have a
benign tumor rather than a malignant cancer, and would therefore leave the
hospital and end his testing, the authorities schemed for ways to keep him in the
study by paying for his stay in a convalescent home or even offering him a part-
time job in the hospital as a way to continue injecting him with radiation. In this
successful case, the doctor wrote, “His sister was a nurse and he was very
suspicious of me, but to my knowledge he never found out.”

It was interesting that in 1995, the US Department of Energy (i.e., the US Nuclear
Department) published a “Roadmap of Human Radiation Experiments” that
summarised almost 500 experiments it had conducted over several decades by
exposing unwittiing American citizens to unlimited amounts of nuclear radiation,
the so-called ‘roadmap’ in turn citing a 1986 Congressional report titled,
“American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S.
Citizens”. Both essentially described “Experiments on individuals involving
intentional exposure to ionizing radiation”, with the added feature of the
deliberate intention to “test the extent of human exposure to radiation”, i.e.,
until death do us part. So nice to live in a democracy founded on human rights.

Chernobyl. Or, Maybe Not

In addition to the deliberate and accidental population-irradiating incidents

above, there was an interesting event that occurred in the NorthWestern US and
Western Canada, in the Spring of 1986. That was the time of the explosion at the
nuclear power station in Chernobyl, in the Ukraine, where the meltdown released
large quantities of radioactive particles, contaminating the atmosphere of
Western Europe and perhaps spreading farther. It was then that Canadian
government scientists discovered high levels of nuclear radiation existing in
Western Canada’s lakes and drinking water reservoirs. The contamination was at
first naturally attributed to Chernobyl, but it was then discovered that the
radiation in Canadian waters was “dirty”, consisting of things like Cobalt and
Iodine that are not found in nuclear reactors.

Further investigation revealed the source. Some time prior to the accident at
Chernobyl, the US military had conducted an underground nuclear test in the
Western US, in which something untoward had occurred and had damaged all the
measuring instruments. The authorities badly needed to learn what had gone
wrong, but the only path to that information was to open the hole and release all
the radiation in order to recover the instrumentation. But exposing the civilian
population to that much radiation was politically too dangerous to contemplate,
so a problem with no solution until, like the answer to a prayer, Chernobyl
appeared. After patiently waiting for the Chernobyl radiation to spread in the
earth’s atmosphere, and after some promotion in the compliant media about the
possibility of that radiation spreading as far as North America, the US military
opened the hole and released the radiation from their failed test, contaminating
the entire NorthWest of the US and a large part of Canada. They not only
salvaged their test, but gained the invaluable propaganda feature of being able to
smugly blame that lethal blanket of radiation on the failure of communism. Not
only the answer to a prayer but an unexpected and hugely profitable propaganda
coup. Well done. And no leakage of the truth ever reached the media, the entire
event being heavily censored in the US.

I became aware of that event, did a bit of my own research, and wrote a letter
that was published in what was at the time called the Manchester Guardian
Weekly, a small but rather influential international onionskin newspaper. Very
shortly thereafter, two interesting happenings:

One, I received a call from a woman, apparently in Toronto, claiming to be a

“self-employed nuclear disaster consultant”, the first time I’d heard of such an
occupation. As a credential, she told me she had been retained as a consultant to
advise the US government on the nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island, a
surprising revelation considering the massive cover-up of that disaster. Her story
was that upon reading my published letter, the Americans called her to ask if she
had leaked the information to me (as if she would have known of a secret failed
military test) and, if not, insisting she contact me to salvage her endangered
reputation by learning my sources and reporting back. It was a perfect story, with
all her details unverifiable, and one that reeked with the stink of the CIA.

The other happening was that I received a surprising amount of hate mail from
loyal Americans all over the US, condemning me in rather graphic terms for
suggesting their democratic, human-rights-infested government would ever
stoop so low as to endanger its civilian population for the sake of a minor
military mishap and a small treasure-box of propaganda.

Taking Out the Trash

There is one other not-so-minor item I should include here, oddly relating to the
plague of piracy that occurred in the ocean near Somalia after about 2010. Most
readers will recall the flood of media stories of ocean pirates in small boats
venturing into the seas to hijack commercial ships for ransom. One part of that
story that somehow escaped the Western media is that those pirates were
converted fishermen, and that the main reason they were no longer fishermen
was that the seas bordering Somalia were heavily contaminated with nuclear
radiation and that fish were either non-existent or dangerously inedible. The
reason, and the reason for the vengeful piracy, was that the US government,
looking for a safe place to store tens of thousands of barrels of highly toxic
nuclear waste, discovered a convenient depository in the ocean bordering
Somalia where the Americans dumpled all those barrels, many of which were old
and leaking and many of which broke open on reaching the ocean floor, thereby
contaminating everything including the fish. The piracy was largely payback, and
Somalia isn’t the only place in the world’s oceans where the Americans have
dumped toxic and lethal nuclear and chemical waste.

The Americans’ usual method is to load an old and useless ship right to the
gunwales with nuclear (or chemical) waste, sail the ship to a predetermined
location, and scuttle it. Though this kind of information never passes the media
censors in the US, the American military have done this so often they even have a
name for it – Operation CHASE – the name being Pentagon shorthand for “Cut
Holes and Sink ‘Em.” In many locations around the world, the US has sunk ships,
either by opening shuttlecocks to permit seawater to enter, or by detonating
explosives, these vessels containing everything from thousands of tons of nerve
gas or mustard gas, surplus or defective mines and bombs, radioactive waste and,
on occasion, other pathogens. In most every case, nobody knows, and those who
do know would lose their lives if they spoke of it. If America ever needed another
public Congressional hearing, it would be to reveal all the locations of these
disposals and, in many cases, the payment of immense compensation to other
nations. One more reason countries like China, Russia, Korea, don’t want
American ships anywhere near their ocean borders. It doesn’t help to know that
the waste is dumped in “international waters” when those waters are only 12
miles from your shore.

In total, public records alone reveal the US military sunk at least 100,000 tons of
munitions and chemical warfare weapons in various sections of both the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans; almost certainly there were more that did not make the public
record. As well, this program may have been a cover for illegal underwater
nuclear detonations that were banned by treaty at the time. In one case in 1964,
the USS Village, supposedly containing a typical load of about 8,000 tons of
munitions, was towed out into the Atlantic and sunk. However, shortly after
sinking, three massive detonations occurred that registered on seismic
equipment all over the world, explosions far too large to have resulted from the
stated content of conventional explosives.

The US Declares War on its Own Military

Covert experiments by the US government on its own military personnel are not
new. For at least the past 70 years, the US military has used its servicemen as
laboratory animals in conducting illegal and inhumane experiments. From at
least the 1940s until today, ex-military patients in US Veterans Administration
hospitals were used as test subjects under many circumstances, without their
knowledge or consent. Millions of US servicemen have been deliberately exposed
to biological pathogens, nuclear radiation of various forms, medical substances
and other procedures, all without their knowledge or consent. The admission of
these appears only after many decades of secrecy and some are still denied. With
the extensive destruction of records, much of the truth will never be known.
Among the experiments conducted are the witholding of necessary treatment to
see what happens. In order to disguise what is being done to these American
veterans, authorities were ordered to substitute the words “investigation” or
“observation” for “experiment” when reporting the results.

In the 1940s, about 60,000 military personnel were used as human subjects in
chemical tests of mustard gas and blister gas. These subjects were not informed
of the nature of the experiments and never received medical treatment. For fear
of publicity and a public outcry, these victims were threatened with
imprisonment if they discussed the experiments with anyone, including their
wives, parents, and especially forbidding mention to family doctors. For decades,
the Pentagon denied that the research had taken place, resulting in decades of
suffering for many veterans who subsequently developed long-term illnesses. In
the 1950s, the US Military conducted chemical warfare experiments on more
than 7,000 soldiers at its Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland, replicating poison gas
trials done in German concentration camps by IG Farben.

For 20 years or more, the US military ordered about 250,000 servicemen into
very near ground zero to observe nuclear explosions, in addition to another
200,000 who were part of the US occupation force in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In all cases, men were ordered into the area almost immediately after the blast,
the men receiving assurance the radiation was not harmful. In some tests, the
soldiers were exposed in small bunkers only one mile from the actual blast, some
reporting the odor of burning flesh, and certainly some died. These tests were
much more powerful than those at Hiroshima, and even at several Kms from the
target everyone would receive third-degree burns and there would be almost no
survivors, yet US military reports claimed “the observers suffered no adverse
effects”, while refusing to release any documentation on the tests. There was no
scientific, or even military, justification for the forced exposure of these men,
especially in such large numbers. The Defense Department was simply sacrificing
soldiers in dozens of attempts to learn the incidence of illness or death from
exposure to nuclear explosions.

The US military did the same repeatedly with flight crews and aircraft, ordering
the men to fly through the mushroom clouds within minutes after an explosion.
By the time the full mushroom cloud was formed after a blast, the aircraft were
already in position to penetrate it, and were flown through both the ‘heads’ of the
mushroom cloud and the ‘stems’, simply in attempts to determine the amounts
of radiation exposure and the effects. As a measure of the danger, the maximum
annual dose of radiation was considered to be about the equivalent of 250 chest
x-rays, but the men flying through the mushroom clouds received more than
three times this amount in the space of a few minutes. Moreover, this recorded
radiation level was the maximum the mens’ radiation badges could register; the
actual radiation in the blast clouds was measured at levels 50 times higher than
that recorded on the badges, yet the military reported no medical follow-up on
the exposed aircrews. We can assume they didn’t want to know. In some cases,
the total radiation levels in the clouds were reported to have been 800 times
greater than that recorded on the badges.

By late 2013, crew members from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan were
suffering serious radiation-related illnesses after conducting operations off the
coast of Japan in 2011. The crew members were apparently drinking and bathing
in heavily radioactive desalinated water with no warning and no protection.
Former Navy Quartermaster Maurice Enis said it was after more than a month of
radiation exposure that the ship was scrubbed down and sailors offered radiation
protection, but that the officers had received protective idodine much earlier. In
an interview with the Huffington Post he also claimed “They had us sign off that
we were medically fine, had no sickness, and that we couldn’t sue the US
government”, even though many displayed alarming signs of radiation poisoning.
The attorney representing these men says more than 75 sailors have testicular
and thyroid cancers, leukemias, rectal and gynecological bleeding, brain tumors,
and some who had perfect eyesight are now going blind. Some crew members
have already died, and females have given birth to infants with multiple genetic
defects. The article claimed both the US and Japanese governments are in a
major conspiracy to conceal the true facts.

From the 1960s onward, as part of Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense, the US
Military sprayed naval vessels with various biological and chemical warfare
agents, while thousands of US military personnel were aboard the ships. The
personnel were not notified of the tests, and were not given any protective
clothing. Chemicals tested on them included the nerve gases VX and Sarin, toxic
chemicals such as zinc cadmium sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and a variety of
biological agents. In 1950, the CIA initiated Project Bluebird, later renamed
Project Artichoke, whose stated purpose was to develop “the means to control
individuals through special interrogation techniques”. Project Bluebird
researchers in Maryland fed doses of LSD to more than 7,000 US military
personnel without their knowledge, with more than 1,000 of these developing
various psychiatric illnesses and epilepsy as a result, and many committing

In Vietnam, the US military, in full possession of documented evidence of the

toxic nature of the chemical, exposed hundreds of thousands of its own soldiers
to the lethal dioxins of Agent Orange, persuading them it was harmless to
humans. Being a liquid, soldiers would spray each other with it to cool off on hot
days. Countless thousands of American soldiers returned from Vietnam suffering
horribly from the effects, with so many wives experiencing miscarriages and
children born with birth defects. True to form, the US government denied
everything for two decades and, when proof was irrefutable, offered these
crippled and deformed survivors $100 per month for ten years – or until they
died. Widows would receive a maximum of $3,700. Monsanto spokesman Jill
Montgomery, a lovely and sincere lady to be sure, claimed Monsanto carried no
liability for these casualties, saying “We are sympathetic with people who believe
they have been injured and understand their concern to find the cause, but
reliable scientific evidence indicates that Agent Orange is not the cause of
serious long-term health effects.” And US judge Jack B. Weinstein dismissed a
class-action lawsuit on the multiple grounds that there was no basis for any
claims and that the US government had “sovereign immunity” in any case. To
add insult to injury, the same court ruled that the Chemical companies, primarily
Monsanto and DuPont, were contractors of the US government and therefore
shared their immunity.
The US military also subjected many war veterans to undergo forced lobotomies
in experimental attempts to control what is today considered the psychological
trauma of war, many of these victims being very young men who were having
trouble dealing with the horrors they experienced. In each case, the US
government assured the families these men would be returned to ‘normal’
behavior but who instead became vegetables, leading to generations of
recriminations and regrets. Lawsuits are still pending in many of these cases. For
the record, this wasn’t the first or last time the US government attempted this
procedure. As we will see later, lobotomies were a favorite method for
neutralising political dissidents in America in the 1970s and 1980s.

The US government has for many decades used the “state secrets” excuse to
cover itself from liability for its mistakes. In one famous case in 1953, some
widows whose husbands had died in a military aircraft crash sued the
government for negligence, but met a stone wall when the government refused to
release the accident report on the grounds that it would disclose vital
information about secret military equipment. When the report was declassified
50 years later, it contained no mention of any military equipment, secret or
otherwise. There are many hundreds of these cases spanning 80 years or more,
each involving a cover-up of, occasionally, error, but most often to hide
negligence or criminality. There were also major issues when both military
parents had died, leaving orphaned children, who, to the US military, were now
“free” test subjects and who were often used in cruel medical experiments. Most
of these small, helpless, and already badly traumtised children were callously
employed as laboratory material by people completely devoid of a sense of either
ethics or humanity. Many of these children died, or committed suicide later in

Declaring War on the Gulf Warriors

Since the first Gulf War in Kuwait, hundreds of thousands of US troops have
suffered from exposure to various nuclear waste that was used against Iraq,
resulting in widespread cancers and leukemia, badly-deformed childbirths and a
variety of other illnesses resulting from the American use of biological and
chemical weapons. At a cancer center in Houston, Texas, a Dr. Garth Nicholson
discovered that many of these returning soldiers were infected with a genetically-
altered strain of Mycoplasma that was clearly man-made and commonly used in
the production of biological weapons. In spite of this, and other overwhelming
evidence, the US government denied the use of any of these war materials, and
refused either medical treatment or compensation to its soldiers. There appears
to be little question that the severely debilitating illnesses and cancers these men
experienced, were a direct result of this exposure, but the US military denied not
only responsibility but the existence of the diseases themselves.

US soldiers during the Gulf Wars were forced under federal law to take
experimental vaccines, the law stipulating that soldiers cannot refuse
participation in the military’s medical experiments. Jessica Horjus, a member of
the US Air Force, refused to take an anthrax vaccine before being sent to Kuwait,
because the vaccine had accumulated thousands of reports of adverse reactions
ranging from headaches and vomiting to severe autoimmune and neurological
problems. Despite this and despite four years service and commendations and
Good Conduct Medals, her commander demoted her and cut her pay in half.
When she refused additional orders to take the vaccine, she was dishonorably
discharged from the US military. Others who have refused the vaccinations have
been imprisoned, and many threatened with up to 10 years in prison. Soldiers,
citizen groups and members of Congress have demanded that Defense
Department officials cease the vaccinations, but to no avail. The US military is
determined to accumulate statistical and biological experience with its
weaponised anthrax, and requires test subjects, both for the disease and for
various treatments or immunisations.

The US is infinitely the worst country at using its own population, and especially
its military personnel for lethal experiments on humans, and has exhibited little
hesitation in “out-sourcing” these experiments to other nations. In early 2014 the
US (Jewish-owned) media totally suppressed reports of the end of a long battle
in which Jewish soldiers in Israel finally won compensation from the courts for
having been deliberately exposed to anthrax in military tests. Between 1999-2005,
the Israeli Defense Ministry and the chemical and biological weapons institute at
Nes Ziona collaborated with their American counterparts who apparently were
unwilling to do live tests but found their Israeli colleagues more than happy to
oblige. The experiments were considered so sensitive that the supposed
volunteers, many of whom claimed to have been pressured into participating,
were not told what they were being injected with, nor warned of the many side
effects that included kidney failure. They were further threatened with
punishment for speaking about the project. The Israeli Medical Association
issued a scathing report of these violations, which it claimed were done to serve
US interests. According to foreign reports, Israel shared the findings from these
experiments with the US military in return for hundreds of millions in additional
“research” funding.

The recent American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have also taken their toll in
other ways. Since the US entered these wars, more than two million US troops
have been deployed. The reporting of American war deaths is now illegal, as is all
video showing American bodies returning home, and deaths are under-reported.
In addition to the deaths, more than 100,000 have been wounded with another
1.5 million requiring medical care. And while 400,000 veterans have sought
mental assistance, more than 200,000 are living with Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder. Over two million veterans are eligible for benefits with 600,000 already
receiving federal disability. The savage barbarity that has engulfed American
soldiers has also led to a massive increase in suicidal tendencies. The US
government claims to have rescued 20,000 suicidal veterans, while thousands of
others have committed suicide from their inability to live with the atrocities they
committed at the instruction of their own government.

In spite of the number of American soldiers receiving treatment, many hundreds

of thousands more have been studiously ignored, the US government steadfastly
refusing to recognise their illnesses or even admit the existence of them. This
applies to the severe mental and emotional disturbances resulting not from
battle stress but from atrocities committed. As well, the many victims, certainly
numbering in the hundreds of thousands, suffering from exposure to depleted
uranium, are not only ignored but the US government flatly denies having used
such munitions in the face of overwhelming evidence of their guilt. Countless
thousands of American soldiers have experienced the same tragic birth defects in
their own children as seen by people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait, but are left
to their own devices to cope.

American servicemen who served in Afghanistan, and during the Gulf War in
Kuwait and later in Iraq, have consistently and in very large numbers claimed to
have been unknowingly exposed to large amounts of chemical and biological
pathogens as well as lethal radioactive dust from depleted-uranium munitions. In
spite of an enormous amount of direct and circumstantial evidence, the US
military continues to steadfastly deny having employed any of these munitions or
materials and has refused almost all medical care or disability pensions, or
indeed any compensation, to these people. One problem in receiving treatment is
that these veterans all claim, “We were lined up in front of the medical facility
and made to sign waivers attesting to “not having been exposed to anything
harmful” and these papers were PART of and KEY TO outprocessing that base,
i.e. going home.”. In other words, the US military not only forced each soldier to
ingest unknown medications, but to sign a legal waiver of any government
liability as a condition for ending a tour of duty and being able to return home.
That constitutes coercion and extortion on a grand scale, and leaves war veterans
with no recourse.

This large collection of illnesses has been collectively catalogued as “Gulf War
Illnesses”, which the US military attributes entirely to “stress” or “battle fatigue”,
implying these are simply psychological disorders experienced by the less than
mentally fit. But the symptoms, according to the best medical minds in America,
do not fit any such categorisation and would in fact be impossible as the results
of stress. As well, virtually to a man, these soldiers deny that their participation
in these wars was at all stressful, and refuse to accept that stress in any form
played a part in their conditions. To further underscore these claims, a great
many of these Gulf War veterans have transmitted their symptoms and illnesses
to their immediate family members, to the workplace, and to other civilians as
well. Moreover, treatments with medications that address exposure to chemical
and biological agents have proven successful in a large number of cases in
eliminating the symptoms and the illnesses, a result which would be impossible if
the conditions were merely stress-induced.

The symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and chemical sensitivities

appear to conform to chronic illnesses caused by exposure to various chemical
and biological agents. “In addition to chronic fatigue, the soldiers have suffered
headaches, memory loss, muscle pain, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, severe
pain in joints and lymph nodes, memory loss, and other symptoms that included
heightened sensitivities to various environmental agents as well as enhanced
allergic responses. None of these are typically recognisable as stress-related
symptoms, and none would be infectious or transmittable to others if they lacked
a physical and medical basis.” The US military flatly denies that any symptoms
have been transmitted to others, yet a US Senate investigative report concluded
that a large number of Gulf War veterans do indeed have transmittable infections
and that the families of these veterans have developed the same chronic
infections in about 45% of all cases.

The US sent nearly two million soldiers to the Persian Gulf for the Gulf Wars,
with a large percentage subjected to an experimental nerve agent which is later
believed to be one of the causes of Gulf War Syndrome. The Defense Department
at first attempted to lay the blame on Iraq’s chemical and biological facilities
which were destroyed during the wars and which, it was claimed, released these
toxins. However, it was later easily proven that Iraq had no such facilities of any
consequence and, in any case, more than a third of all US soldiers suffering from
these disabling illnesses had never left the US during either war, leaving the
entire liability resting on the medications and vaccinations administered to the
troops. Civilian medical investigators are unanimous in concluding these Gulf
War illnesses are the result of exposure to multiple toxins from chemical,
radiological and biological sources, which category would include the forced
experimental vaccinations applied to these servicemen prior to their tours of
duty. In fact, many servicemen who would not have been in position to be
exposed to the other toxins or pathogens, are convinced it was the vaccinations
themselves that induced the illnesses they now face. The US military refuses to
discuss this matter as well.

In spite of the military’s consistent denials, it is an established fact not in dispute

by the servicemen or the medical profession that vast numbers of chemical and
biological exposures occurred during the Gulf War, and that the chronic and
systemic conditions existing today are the natural result of these exposures. One
such agent consists of a group of intracellular pathogens like mycoplasmas that
affect a person’s immune system and trigger unusual auto-immune effects very
much like the Gulf War symptoms, and it is precisely the mycoplasmas that the
military is accused of having employed and dispersed in large amounts. Medical
experts believe the proven existence of large-scale mycoplasmal blood infections
in these veterans, would explain most of their symptoms and illnesses. Certainly
the US military had been working on enhanced mycoplasma strains for many
years, and clearly achieved some success since the US Armed Forces Institute of
Pathology obtained a patent on mycoplasmas in June 1991. And as early as 1975 or
1976, the city of Huntsville, Texas experienced a serious outbreak of an
apparently altered form of mycoplasma, that many observers concluded had
resulted from a covert government experiment originating at a Texas military

Dr. Garth Nicolson is one of the medical experts testifying in this arena. He is the
Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor at the Institute for Molecular
Medicine in Huntington Beach, California, with a CV of credentials too extensive
to list here. It was primarily his testimony that opened this matter to public
debate, since his qualifications essentially placed him beyond impeachment. In
November of 1998, Dr. Nicolson testified before a Congressional Committee on
the matter of the Defense Department’s treatment of the Gulf War Illnesses. It
was Dr. Nicholson’s work that discovered perhaps half of Gulf War veterans had
been infected with “an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus”, one that was
commonly used in the production of biological weapons, and whose molecular
structure contained portions of an HIV protein coat, proving irrefutably that it
had been made in a lab and was part of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare

And this was where the lies began in earnest. The Defense Department testified
to Congress and stated to the media that this type of mycoplasma infection was
very common, not at all dangerous and would not even qualify as a human
pathogen. Dr. Nicholson stated that “These statements could not be further from
the truth”, that the US military Health Sciences “had been teaching its medical
students for years that this type of infection is very dangerous and can progress
to system-wide organ failure and death”, and that “the Armed Forces Institute of
Pathology (AFIP) has been publishing for years that this type of infection can
result in death …”.

Dr. Nicholson documented his success in treating these illnesses, stating it was
only those antibiotics active against mycoplasmas that produced positive results,
producing prima facie evidence that these biological organisms were the source
of the Gulf War illnesses. Dr. Nicholson stated flatly that the “DoD is still trying
to bury the issue of infectious diseases and GWI”, repeatedly referring to military
statements with comments such as : “This is not the truth.”; “These are complete
distortions and untruths.”. He also made the point, as have many others that,
during the rather brief Gulf War offensive, chemical weapons alarms sounded
more than 14,000 times, the military later dismissing this with a claim that the
equipment “produced many false positives” and that no chemical or biological
weapons were used.

Nicholson also discussed the vaccinations, testifying that soldiers were given
“multiple inoculations, in some cases with experimental vaccines in unproved
immunization schemes”, stating that the untested and unproven vaccines given
simultaneously could easily result in immunosuppression. He further noted that
these “experimental” vaccines were contaminated (whether accidentally or
deliberately, he did not specify) and that many lots of these vaccines had to be
destroyed due to the “microorganism contamination”.

Five years later, Dr. Nicolson uncovered evidence proving that the biological
agents used during the Gulf War, and to which hundreds of thousands of soldiers
were exposed, had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and
tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections. Finally in 1996 the
Department of Defense admitted that Desert Storm soldiers had been exposed to
chemical agents dispersed by the US military, stating the US FDA (Food and Drug
Administration) had granted the US military a “waiver of the Nuremberg Code”,
thereby permitting the use of unapproved drugs (and weapons) and vaccines that
were used in Desert Shield. This was an astonishingly ludicrous claim, since the
FDA has no authority to waive international treaties. A year later, about 100
members of the US Congress presented a demand for an investigation into Gulf
War Syndrome and the US military’s bio-weapons use, a demand which produced
no result of which I am aware.

But even with the revelations and admitted complicity of the US government, the
military and CIA, and hundreds of prominent American hospitals and
universities, the victims have largely been left to fend for themselves without
treatment or compensation, the US courts generally ruling that the government
and all its agencies are immune to prosecution. And even to this date, not a single
individual has been prosecuted for participation in this immense travesty of
human rights violations.

There is one more aspect of this matter that the Western media have taken
extraordinary pains to bury, to prevent the topic from even entering public
consciousness. And this issue is the devastating horrors visited on the citizens of
those nations listed above, since it wasn’t only US servicemen who were exposed
to depleted uranium, dioxins and all the chemical and biological pathogens. Iraq
alone has millions of civilians who were exposed to a wide range of these horrors,
quite apart from the tragedy of the war itself, with the US government and the
entire Western world pretending this matter doesn’t exist. But it does exist, even
though the New York Times doesn’t care to tell you about it. Once again, the value
of free speech depends entirely on who controls the microphone.

Not only have the victims not received compensation or treatment, in almost all
instances the government has refused to even acknowledge what was done to
them. This applies perhaps especially to members of the US Armed Services who
were not only used as unwitting subjects in an enormous variety of chemical,
biological and radioactive experimentation, but were knowingly subjected – en
masse – to debilitating and often lethal doses of chemicals and radiation on the
battlefield. This occurred after Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as during the
hundreds of nuclear test explosions conducted by the US military on American
soil and around the world, when American soldiers were repeately sent in
immediately following a nuclear test, without protection or warning. The same
occurred during the war in Vietnam where government and military authorities
were fully aware of the lethality and genetic horrors from exposure to dioxins like
Agent Orange, exposing potentially millions of soldiers to these deadly poisons.

It occurred again in Operation Desert Storm and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan
and Jugoslavia, where soldiers were widely exposed to the effects of depleted
uranium and various biological agents that were proven to have been man-made.
In all the above cases, the cancers, multiple other serious illnesses, hideous birth
defects and much more, are simply denied even today, the military refusing even
to admit its use of depleted uranium in spite of the overwhelming evidence.

Researchers using military patients in veterans hospitals as test subjects for

human medical experiments, were ordered to never use the word “experiments”,
but to describe their activities as “investigations” or “observations” in all medical
reports, to avoid future public recriminations. One document classified as
“Secret”, stated, “It is desired that no document be released which refers to
experiments with humans that might have an adverse reaction on public opinion
or result in legal suits.”, leaving no doubt the government was aware of the risks
to both military personnel and civilians. This is a pattern to which the US
government has steadfastly – and inexplicably – adhered for many decades.

A great many US war veterans still suffer from various cancers caused by the
dioxins in Agent Orange that was used so freely in Vietnam, many even becoming
ill long after the war from flying in aircraft still contaminated with heavy traces of
the chemical. Most are still battling the US military and government for
treatment and compensation, which the authorities refuse to provide. For
Vietnam veterans, the Huffington Post reported in 2015 that of 900,000 Vietnam
soldiers who applied for health caren, about 300,000 have already died without
receiving any assistance.

In 1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issued a report revealing that for at least 50
years the Department of Defense had used hundreds of thousands of military
personnel in human experiments, with intentional exposure to a vast array of
dangerous substances that included mustard and nerve gas, nuclear radiation,
psychochemicals, hallucinogens, as well as drugs and vaccines used during the
Gulf War. Yet it was only in the late 1990s that the military admitted, under
enormous pressure from Congress and after substantial public exposure in the
media, that “maybe 20,000” Gulf War veterans “may have been exposed” to
chemical and biological weapons in Kuwait and Iraq, but that belated recognition
did not lead to either further disclosure or to medical treatment or
compensation. At the time, Congress demanded of the White House and military
a full public investigation into bioweapons used and the mulitple resulting
illnesses of Gulf War Syndrome; Congress was ignored.

It was not only the US military’s use of biological and chemical weapons in the
Gulf, but of proven claims that the medications and vaccines administered to
hundreds of thousands of soldiers were responsible for much of the epidemic of
illnesses. But the military’s refusal to even admit, much less accept liability, was
based in part of a claim that the FDA had approved military use of unapproved
drugs and vaccines, and had “waived the Nuremberg Code” for the US military
during the Gulf Wars. This is one branch of the US government disabling
hundreds of thousands of its servicemen with biological, chemical and
radioactive material, then disclaiming liability on the grounds that another
branch of the same government gave it permission to do so. It would be difficult
to uncover a more perfect example of specious and deceitful reasoning.

And this wasn’t the first time. In 1942, the US military developed a vaccine for
yellow fever that was also meant to protect soldiers against smallpox, tetanus and
typhoid. The vaccine was untested, unlicensed for use, and a safe version of this
vaccine would prove to be more than ten years in the future. Moreover, the
vaccine had been reported to cause jaundice and other medical problems, but the
military decided to use it anyway, unleashing the largest single outbreak of
Hepatitis B ever recorded, infecting hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

The US government’s position on compensation and medical treatment since the

1940s has been one of denying, ignoring, resisting and stonewalling until all the
claimants eventually die, and this has been as true with civilian casualties as with
military. Even in cases where virtually the entire medical community has
documented the causes and origins of these illnessess, and where Congressional
investigations have confirmed the liabiliy, the White House and military refuse to
cooperate. Instead, they present innumerable roadblocks and delaying tactics,
often resorting to pressuring the judiciary and Department of Justice to refuse
claims. The White House and the military have relied heavily on the judicial
system to avoid liability. In one case, a US Army Sargeant sued the military for
subjecting him to drugs without his consent or even his knowledge, and the great
US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the final ruling that no
serviceman had a right to sue the US military on the grounds that these illnesses
or injuries were “service-related”. This was essentially the same excuse the
military used after sending thousands of soldiers directly into ground zero
immediately after a nuclear blast. The servicemen were being used in an
abominable experiment to discover the radiation effects on humans of a nuclear
blast, but they did so in the line of duty as a soldier.

Human Experimentation

Deleted from American history books and buried in the mists of time, though
that time ended only yesterday, is an entire encylopedia of the most inhuman
violations of citizens – of the general public, of individuals, of children, pregnant
mothers, patients, prisoners, military personnel, institutionalised individuals and
more. A great many of these human experiments were performed on individuals
while others, some vast in scale, were executed on the mass public often
involving millions of citizen victms. Most were performed by civilian and military
medical doctors almost entirely for military purposes; a few were in the supposed
interests of medical science. While books have been written on individual
programs or lists of various atrocities, I am not aware that the truths of these
events have ever been assembled and presented together in one place, to permit
an overall view of the entire picture. I shall attempt to do so here. This assembled
picture is dismaying, to say the least.

As an example, there was a period from about 1935 to the middle 1960s when
frontal lobotomies were all the rage in the US. The process appeared contagious,
many prominent American institutions freely conducting the practice, with more
than 100,000 people being lobotomised during the next 30 years, small children
being a favorite class of victim. The procedure became almost a kind of circus act.
It is still possible to find video on the internet of a physician performing
lobotomies on children on live television programs. A ten year-old boy would be
positioned in a chair, the doctor would insert a tool like a simple awl into the
corner of his eye, push it from there into the child’s brain, and sever the frontal
cortex, then pronouncing the boy cured of whatever ailment he apparently

Lobotomies disappeared for a short time then reappeared during the 1970s and
1980s as a favorite conditioning treatment for political dissidents. The FBI didn’t
only kill or imprison these thorns in their side. One favorite method that seems
to have atogether escaped from American history books is the process of what
was termed “psychosurgery”, the performance of frontal lobotomies on American
political dissidents. Three Harvard University professors put forward the thesis
that individuals who engage in civil disobedience possessed defective or damaged
brain cells, receiving enormous funding for almost 600 “research projects dealing
with behavior modification”. These 600 ‘projects’ were performed on American
citizens campaigning against racial discrimination, who were first arrested and
imprisoned on trumped-up charges then subjected to these medical procedures
against their will, and who all became virtual zombies from the procedure. The
doctors went so far as to recommend that “screening centers” be established
throughout the nation to identify and “treat” all emerging political dissidents and
activists, fully aware that lobotomies would be an effective instrument of
repression and social control. A bit later, the US military subjected many war
veterans to undergo forced lobotomies as a cure for battle stress, invariably
turning them into vegetables.

But it went far beyond this, with virtually every kind of medical research and
experimentation being performed on unwitting civilians who mostly had no idea
what was happening to them, and who very frequently died from the process. The
human experiments involved physicians exposing civilians to every kind of
disease or toxin, including radiation, cancers, venereal diseases, infectious agents
of every kind, to say nothing of chemical and bio-warfare pathogens. Individuals
were injected with everything from live cancer cells to cow’s blood, “to see what
would happen”. In many cases, records were either not kept or were destroyed,
so much of the truth will never be known, but millions and tens of millions of
civilians were exposed, and at least hundreds of thousands if not millions, died
either immediately or eventually. And in all the decades of these experiments,
not a single person was ever held accountable for this immense trail of misery
and carnage. Moreover, firm indications exist that the process never completely

Joshua Perper and Stephen Cina wrote a paper titled, “When Doctors Kill”, on
the topic of human experimentation. From that paper:

“In 1998, Professor Adil Shamoo of the University of Maryland testified to the US
Senate that “This type of research is ongoing nationwide in medical centers and
VA hospitals. These experiments are high-risk and are abusive, causing not only
physical and psychic harm to the most vulnerable groups but also degrading our
society’s system of basic human values. Probably tens of thousands of patients
are being subjected to such experiments (today)”.

While these studies never reached the level or magnitude of depravity manifested
by the Nazis and Japanese during World War II, they nevertheless deeply marred
the image of American medicine. Unethical medical experiments continued in
civilian and military research establishments unabated for 35 years after World
War II and more sporadically into the early 2000s. This was in spite of the 1945
Nuremberg Code and American legislation that forbid (sic) unethical and
involuntary medical experimentation.”

I disagree with these gentlemen in their claim that American medical studies
“never reached the level or magnitude of depravity manifested by the Nazis”. The
evidence is that Americans not only reached but surpassed the Nazis in moral
depravity, and most certainly in magnitude, as you will see.

Dr. Lauretta Bender: Child Psychiatrist From Hell

Lauretta Bender was a neuropsychiatrist at Bellevue Hospital (among other

institutions) where she “pioneered” the horridly inhuman use of electroshock
therapy on children, many of whom were simply shy children but who were
incorrectly, and quite possibly deliberately, diagnosed as autistic or schizophrenic
so as to justify their abuse. To cover all the bases, Bender often diagnosed with
“autistic schizophrenia”. Bender even publicly flaunted what she described as
“successes” in administering excessive and violent electroshock therapy to
children as young as three or four, yet those successes were imaginary at best.
The children subjected to her methods most often were shocked until they had
seizures or lapsed into comas, then regressed into violent or catatonic states.
Those who survived were returned to parents who called them “totally ruined”,
with many later committing suicide, being unable to function in society,
repeatedly imprisoned and otherwise exhibiting destroyed lives.

A few of the children who endured her treatments and survived, have written to
describe the horrible conditions not only during their “treatments”, but of being
forced to sing and act happy in the face of brutality. One such child wrote,

“I was one of 300 children involved in an experimental program … I remember

being dragged down a hallway, thrown on a table and having a handkerchief
stuffed in my mouth so I wouldn’t bite through my tongue and that it took three
attendants to hold me down. I kicked, tried to bite my captors, tried to escape
their grip. I wanted to die but I didn’t really know what death was. I knew that it
was something terrible. Maybe after the next shock treatment I won’t get up, and
I’ll be dead. But I always got up. I memorized my name, I taught myself to say my
name. Teddy, Teddy, I’m Teddy. I’m here, I’m here, in this room, in this hospital.
And my mommy’s gone. I want to stop fighting and die. I didn’t know why I was
kept alone in the hallway. I wanted to be with the other boys on the ward. Why
didn’t they put some other boy out there so I would have someone to talk to?
They said my crying was a symptom of my illness, and maybe if I kept crying I
would be there for the rest of my life. And there was no one there at night to hear
me scream when the man came to rape me.”

To read their stories truly brings tears to your eyes, but not to those of Loretta
Bender who clearly knew what she was doing but to the end expressed no
remorse whatever.

During Bender’s experiments, children as young as three years old were given
massive shocks daily for weeks, much more frequently and at much higher
voltages than was then used even on adults. This program was in every sense
completely experimental, and was commonly called “regressive therapy” or
“annihilation therapy”, which were attempts to erase the childrens’ memories
and replace them with new ones, which process was very similar to the
“depatterning” programs employed by Ewen Cameron work in Montreal, a
similarity that was not coincidental.

To the extent the media and medical historians have discussed Bender’s
atrocities, they have focused exclusively on her electroshock treatments, but
there were many more atrocities applied to at least hundreds and possibly
thousands of other children. Her work expanded quickly to include biochemical
as well as electrochemical experiments, and especially cooperating with Gottlieb
on the use of LSD on these small children. Bender also performed her
“annihilation” therapy using electroshock, insulin and LSD, as well as another
dangerous drug named Metrazol, on well over 500 adult patients and another
large but undetermined number of children, at several New York Hospitals.

Bender admitted in a paper that she had been experimenting for years on at least
many hundreds, and perhaps even thousands, of small children. In one paper, she
wrote of one location, the Creedmore State Hospital, where she had “a resident
population of 450 patients, ages 4 to 15, [where] we have investigated the
responses of these children to lysergic acid [LSD] and related drugs in the
psychiatric, psychological, and biochemical areas.” Over many years, Bender
repeatedly injected these children with LSD, amphetamines, psyilocibin, and
other psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs, looking especially for drugs that
affected what she called “hyperkinetic” and “sexually stimulated” children. These
studies were done without informed consent, on poor children who were captive
in an institution, and who were very often and perhaps deliberately mis-
diagnosed as schizophrenic or otherwise confined for questionable reasons and
with even more questionable authority. Bender’s LSD and other drug studies
were funded primarily by the same CIA front company that financed Ewen
Cameron, all part of Gottlieb’s MK-ULTRA programs.

In a 1970 paper, she described the dosages she gave and the violent physical
responses in these small children, documenting “autonomic nervous system
disorders, pallor and vomiting, very distraught, breaking windows, sleeplessness,
loss of appetite, and weight loss”. She noted her extensive history over ten years
in using LSD on children and that one of her superiors strenuously objected. In
her words, “He was very much opposed to the use of LSD to produce psychotic
episodes as a method of therapy, and we had some difficulty in getting him to let
us use the drug on children … If one is patient and persists with the drug, one can
get most children to tolerate it very well … We also used, as the years went by and
new drugs came in, all of the [new drugs] … The psychotropic drugs can be given
in larger doses to children than to adults.”

Bender specialised not only in LSD and mescaline, but in a drug called Metrazol,
which produced violent convulsions. Albarelli and Kaye wrote of its use by
Bender and also the CIA in some of their many such ‘therapeutic’ experiments.
They noted that “during the same ten-year period in which Metrazol (also from
Sandoz) was used by the Vermont State Hospital, patient deaths skyrocketed.”
The effects are violent, to say the least, the twistng and jerking “often resulting in
broken bones, most often broken backs and necks, and joint dislocations are not
uncommon.” And this is only one of the drugs Bender was administering to small

Another important contribution by Albarelli and Kaye was in documenting some

of Bender’s contacts and associates, virtually all who were involved with
Gottlieb’s MK-ULTRA project, including Drs. Harold A. Abramson, Paul Hoch,
James B. Cattell, Joel Elkes, Max Fink, Harris Isbell, Lothar Kalinowsky and
Abraham Wikler. They noted Hoch and Cattell were responsible for killing
Harold Blauer with that massive dose of mescaline; Abramson the man involved
in Frank Olson’s murder, Elkes, Wikler and Isbell from the CIA’s LSD
experiments at the Kentucky prison farm; Fink and Kalinowsky the godfathers of
electroshock in America. They wrote, “According to one CIA document, Fink
boasted that “an individual could gradually be reduced through the use to
electroshock treatment to the vegetable level.” This surely was information
available to Bender, as would have been many of their other experiments.
Albarelli and Kaye wrote a fine, well-researched article on this topic, titled, “The
CIA’s Shocking Experiments on Children Exposed — Drugging, Electroshocks
and Brainwashing”. It is available online and I recommend everyone read it.

A website named, published another valuable article,

which stated, “Torturing an individual and reducing him to the level of a
vegetable, was found to be the ideal way to reprogram him for carrying out tasks
like political assassinations.” It detailed some of the extensive similar programs
carried out in the UK, Australia and New Zealand, all using electroshock, LSD,
various other drugs, sometimes physical torture, often rape, especially of females,
all in the same quest for ‘depatterning’ and annihilation therapy. In Australia,
psychiatrist Dr Harry Bailey managed to kill at least 48 patients before his CIA-
funded facility was closed down. In New Zealand, children received electroshocks
without anaesthetic, to their genitals and legs in an attempt to modify their
behaviour – exactly the same practice used to torture political prisoners. In the
UK, electroshock is still used today, even on pregnant women and children, with
“the developing brain of the baby [having] 220 volts of electricity run through it”.

The same website also wrote this, omitting the most important part:

“ECT was and is widely popular in repressive regimes worldwide as a means of

subduing political prisoners. The Chilean secret police regularly applied
electrodes to the arms, head, legs and genitals of its victims. A British doctor
named Sheila Cassidy was repeatedly tortured on what is known as the parilla, a
metal grille on which the victim was forced to lie naked and repeatedly
electroshocked. This method of torture, also used in Argentina and Brazil, was
used to maximize pain, degradation and helplessness for the victim. The violent
muscles contractions of victims’ restrained limbs sometimes caused them to
fracture. Some victims also died. Libya, Morocco, Vietnam and South Africa also
used electroshock torture on political victims.

The part these authors omitted was the fact that all these regimes mentioned
above, received their training in electroshock and every other means of torture
and repression from our good friends the Americans, courtesy of Gottlieb and
the CIA.

Bender was described as arrogant, argumentative, vain, proud, unreceptive to

even obviously-justified criticisms, and apparently quite unable to recognise even
the most obvious flaws and shortcomings in both herself and her inhuman
experiments, and certainly refusing to admit any lack of either ethics or humanity
in her experiments. The New York Times was as oblivious as Bender herself to
the woman’s monstrousness. According to their obituary written by Joan Cook:

“Dr. Lauretta Bender, a child neuro-psychiatrist, researcher and educator, was

known for developing, in 1923, the Bender-Gestault Visual Motor Test, a
neuropsychological examination that has become a worldwide standard. She
spent many years researching the cause of childhood schizophrenia and was
responsible for studies on child suicides and violence. In 1955, Dr. Bender
received the Adolf Meyer Memorial Award for her contributions to the
understanding of schizophrenic children. She was a staff member of Bellevue
Hospital and senior psychiatrist in charge of Children’s Services there, a post she
held for 21 years.”

Another writer had a different take on this: “Bender remained a respected doctor
and researcher until her retirement and got a laudatory obit in the NYT which
doesn’t even mention her twinship with Joseph Mengele. Her work is still cited in
papers on childhood schizophrenia despite her being a racist who “never wrote
off black primitivity as a theoretical possibility” and despite the fact that she was
f***ing insane as well as a child torturer.”

Albert Kligman

In another series of experiments that lasted until at least the late 1970s, prisoners
in Pennsylvania were used for extensive dermatological and other research. A Dr.
Albert M. Kligman of the University of Pennsylvania led the experiments on
behalf of the US Military, Monsanto, the Dow Chemical Company, and Johnson &
Johnson. Dow Chemical wanted to know the effects on humans of dioxin and
other herbicides it was manufacturing for the war in Vietnam, and to satisfy their
professional curiosity Kligman injected dioxin – the highly toxic, carcinogenic
component of Agent Orange – into 70 mostly black prisoners, leaving them
untreated to see what would happen. The experiments were intended to cause
harm, the subjects receiving dosages far exceeding accepted guidelines in order
to determine the threshold at which damage occurred, after which the studies
were buried. There were no follow-up studies after the tests, and all records of
the prisoners’ identities were destroyed. Dow Chemical paid Kligman
handsomely for his work.

Even when recognising the appalling lack of ethics involved, the historical record
is being sanitised by columnists making repeated references to cases of “skin
irritation”, or simply “pimples”, as the only effects, ignoring the huge
accumulated body of evidence of genetic disruption and birth defects produced
in Vietnam, as well as multiple organ damage. Even a Dow Chemical official
warned Kligman that the material “is highly toxic” and that even minuscule
amounts (half a microgram, i.e. half a millionth of a gram) injected into animals
produces “severe liver and kidney injury and is always fatal”. Yet Kligman was
apparently giving doses as high as 7,500 micrograms, which is 500 times the
dosage Dow Chemical authorised for humans, while claiming no “clinical
evidence of toxicity”. Since it is impossible that such huge dosages would
produce no medical effect on humans, the most likely explanation is that the
results were observed and the records shredded. Since then, tens of thousands of
people, including war veterans and prison survivors, have filed lawsuits over their
exposure to dioxins, claiming cancer and liver and kidney damage, and malignant
tumors and birth defects in their children.

However, as with Lauretta Bender and so many other heroes of American

medicine, the dioxin killings were the smallest part of Kligman’s atrocities and
the only ones mentioned in the literature, their history being sanitised to the
maximum extent possible. Kligman may have become rich by developing a skin
cream, but his greatest contribution to the world of depravity lay not with skin
but with LSD and other similar drugs, once again a part of Gottlieb’s MK-ULTRA
program. In the early 1960s, the US military paid Kligman and his colleague
Herbert W. Copelan, also a professor at the University of Pennsylvania nearly
$400,000, an immense sum at the time, and the largest single sum ever paid for
human experimentation. Their job was to determine, for a group of seven mind-
altering drugs, the minimum effective dose necessary to totally disable or
incapacitate 50% of a population, presumably by inducing psychotic states.

I would add here that due to his prior history, Kligman was one of only two
persons in US history to have been permanently banned by the FDA from
entitlement to test new drugs on human subjects, a ban that was widely
publicised at the time. This is noteworthy because, immediately following the
ban and its publicity, the US military and CIA paid Kligman the $400,000 and
engaged his services to test new drugs on human subjects. To add to the issue,
Kligman was not banned for the human atrocities he committed, but because
discrepancies were discovered in his data, thereby lessening the potential utility
of some of those atrocities. There is a lesson in here, somewhere, perhaps two
For these latter studies, the CIA provided Kligman and Copelan with portable
buildings in the prison yard that were essentially torture experimentation
laboratories, and for about four years they utilised many hundreds of inmates as
guinea pigs in their top-secret chemical warfare experiments. The prison’s
contract was actually with the University of Pennsylvania who provided the
scientists while the prison provided the victims and the CIA provided the money.
Epstein wrote that the University had apparently already contracted with the
prison to provide unlimited inmates for testing for pharma companies, so this
was just one more contract. Kligman and Copelan claimed that none of their
subjects suffered lasting harmful effects, though as Kaye noted, “documents
revealed later would prove otherwise”, those documents apparently revealing the
inmates were extensively exposed to chemical agents that could easily cause
permanent and irrevocable damage, perhaps mental as well as physical.

And, true to form, all parties involved, certainly including any government
agencies as well as the University of Pennsylvania and, of course, the media led
by the New York Times, are very busy sanitising the historical record and air-
brushing the truth. According to Wikipedia and the popular press, Kligman is
simply a man who became a multi-millionnaire from the invention of popular
acne medication, “a prolific scholar” famous for “bringing scientific rigor” to
studies, “a boy scout who had a love of plants” and was even “the captain of his
school’s gymnastic team”. Denise Gellenfeb of the New York Times tells us
Kligman, “the author of hundreds of scientific papers”, may be remembered for
using inmates to test “a variety of substances that included deodorants and
shampoos”, as well as maybe a few toxic things on behalf of “several government
agencies”. The University of Pennsylvania website praises Dr. Kligman as “an
innovative, captivating teacher [who] inspired generations of researchers and
clinicians … a giant in the field …”. Dr. John R. Stanley of the University’s School
of Medicine claims Kligman was “innovative and very charismatic, and he
inspired people …”. No detail on what he inspired them to.

A man named Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University law professor, said

Kligman’s experiments may not have been very nice, “but there was such an
overreaction to it that virtually all beneficial research stopped”, and that by
focusing on outrages in prisons, “We froze out high-quality science”. So by
publicising Kligman’s inhuman experiments, all “beneficial research” stopped,
especially the “high-quality” science kind. And Kligman’s remorse? Only the fact
that he was barred from research due to “data discrepancies” which, he claimed,
were the fault of inmates he had paid to do his record-keeping for him. “That was
dumb”, he said, his trusting reliance on inmates “very nearly ruined me.”

Saul Krugman

For almost 20 years, Dr. Saul Krugman of New York University conducted large-
scale studies at The Willowbrook State School for retarded children, primarily
funded by the US military, the initial purpose of the studies being to develop a
vaccine to protect US military personnel from the often-fatal ravages of viral
hepatitis. Unfortunately, Krugman’s strategy was to use many hundreds of
retarded children ranging from three to about ten years of age as disposable lab
material for his experiments. Since parents were understandably reluctant to
have their already-disabled small children exposed to a potentially-fatal disease,
Krugman would often apply coercion and extortion, falsely insisting that
participation in his experiments was a prerequisite for admission to the state
school. Poor working-class families needing this kind of child care were therefore
under considerable duress and often left in a helpless position, though there is no
evidence they had any useful understanding of what would actually be done to
their children. The parents were typically required to sign a consent form that
falsely misrepresented Krugman’s procedures as “vaccinations” when they were
clearly no such thing.

Having thus obtained “permission”, Krugman would then immediately infect all
newly-arrived children at the institution with hepatitis, then study the
progression and effects of the disease, hoping eventually to learn if something
might be done. His method of infection was imaginative, to say the least.
Krugman would obtain feces from hepatitis patients, mix the feces into
milkshakes, and feed them to the children, without apparent concern about the
trail of severe liver damage and other disabilities and deaths, that necessarily
followed his experiments. Krugman did eventually discover a useful vaccine, but
at a terrible price in small human lives.

The historical record also tells us that many of the Willowbrook staff eventually
quit their jobs in disgust over Krugman’s experiments and his deceit in providing
assurance to parents while killing their children, many later testifying to the
extortionate pressure imposed onto parents. After the staff made public their
concerns, a New York reporter conducted an investigation and published articles
outlining “a host of deplorable conditions, including overcrowding, inadequate
sanitary facilities, and physical and sexual abuse of residents by members of the
school’s staff.” The school was then closed.
True to form, the establishment and media circled the wagons and produced a
beautifully-revised though entirely false history of the man and his career. We are
treated to singing praise of “Dr. Krugman’s far-reaching achievements” with
poetic descriptions of how, “in a long and elegant sequence of studies” he learned
something about hepatitis. To be frank, I’m not entirely certain that feeding feces
to three year-old children would qualify as an ‘elegant’ practice, but then nobody
asked me to write Krugman’s obituary. And we had even more pathetic
justifications flooding the media. One Franz Inglefinger, the editor of a medical
journal, wrote that “By being allowed to participate in a carefully supervised
study … the patients themselves benefited”, though it wasn’t immediately clear
how a three year-old child drinking hepatitis-infected feces, and then dying,
would have considered that a benefit. But no matter. In recognition of the far-
reaching achievements from his elegant studies, Krugman was made President of
the American Pediatric Society. And that’s how we do things in America, the land
of human rights.

Eugene Saenger

Dr. Eugene Saenger was a radiologist at the University of Cincinnati who was
contracted by the US military to collect some useful information on the effects
on humans of full-body exposure to nuclear radiation. The military primarily
wanted to know how much nuclear radiation a soldier could absorb on the
battlefield. Saenger, being a true patriot, proceeded to collect poor black patients
at the university hospital and, without informing them of what was happening,
exposed them to the equivalent of about 20,000 chest x-rays in the space of one
hour. After the vomiting, bleeding, convulsions and other normal responses to
intense overdoses of radiation, all the patients died. Many of these were small
children. The official number is often quoted in the 80s and sometimes 100, but
the actual total is more likely over 200. Saenger presented signed consent forms
testifying to the childrens’ willing participation in their own demise, but it was
later learned that the signatures on the forms had all been forged.

One physician wrote that “What happened here is one of the worst things this
government has ever done to its citizens in secret”, but Saenger claimed his only
purpose had been to improve treatment and survival rates, and that “none of the
deaths” had been caused by his radiation. Nevertheless, the courts disagreed and
lawsuits against Saenger, the University of Cincinnati and the US military, were
successful, at least for the surviving families of the victims. But no matter. The
Radiological Society of North America gave Dr. Saenger a gold medal for his
“career achievements” in helping to reduce the nation’s surplus poor.

Saenger wasn’t the only physician performing similar experiments, and this set of
experiments was by no means the only one he performed. Authoritative sources
document that during a period of perhaps 20 years, more than 4,000 similar
radiation experiments were conducted on tens of thousands of Americans by
physicians funded by the US military. The historical record is so fragmented and
the practice so widespread, the documents so often destroyed and follow-ups so
seldom performed that there is no way to know the resulting toll of disabilities,
ruined lives and families, and of deaths. The man was arrogant to the end,
claiming, “These people were sick. We gave them this treatment to see . . .
whether we could improve their condition.” One would think that after the first
50% of the subjects expired within weeks, it might have occurred to Saenger that
their condition was not improving, but then maybe things are different in

Ryan Grim of the Huffington Post wrote a good article titled “American
Mengele”, in which he added a poignant note of the solemn obligation felt by the
University of Cincinnati toward the victims of their sponsored radiation
experiments, and their eloquent expression of that sentiment. In his article, he
wrote of a memorial erected by the University to commemorate the victims of
Saenger’s atrocities conducted on their premises. The lovely memorial is situated
behind a dumpster and up a short set of cracked concrete steps surrounded by
weeds between the hospital’s kitchen and its parkade. To quote Grimm, “There,
between the hospital’s backside and its looming parking garage, beneath a shaggy
maple tree, was a small plaque set a foot and a half off the ground. It read:
“Dedicated to the Patients of the Radiation Experimentation.” Below, in tiny
print, were the names of over 170 “patients” whose involvement in the
“Radiation Experimentation” would prove to be their last act on earth.” Grim
ended by stating “The number of Americans murdered by Dr. Saenger’s research
remains in dispute because much of the evidence that could have been used to
implicate the hospital and the DOD was destroyed. But this much we know: the
hospital was paid over $850,000.”

The New York Times published an interesting obituary on Dr. Saenger, beginning
with the claim that his research “contributed to the establishment of radiation
safety standards for patients”, though it wasn’t immediately clear how frying a
pregnant woman with radiation helped to establish a safety standard. Another
obituary claimed that a major theme of Saenger’s “distinguished career” was
toward “the responsible use of radiation in medicine”, and that he became a
leader in the “risk-benefit analysis of employing radiation” in hospitals. It’s not
easy to respond to vacuous claims like this. The risk-benefit portion in Saenger’s
experiments is obvious – much benefit to the military and no personal risk to
him, but how do we equate the responsible use of radiation with overdoses that
kill every patient? Many articles on this man take note of the fact that he
apparently was “one of the international experts called in to assess the hazards”
of the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster in the Soviet Union in 1986. I must say
my first thought in reading this comment was that someone should have called in
some experts to assess the hazards a bit closer to home.

In this case as in all others the historical record is being air-brushed and Photo-
shopped to sanitise the perpetrators of atrocities and the institutions that
supported them. Media reports and medical or historical textbooks consistently
make claims of good intentions, yet it is abundantly clear that Saenger knew full
well he was involved in a grand deceit which the media now do their best to
conceal. Saenger wrote in a staff memo that “… physicians, nurses and ward
personnel are instructed not to discuss [symptoms of radiation poisioning] with
the patient. Do not ask the patient whether he has these symptoms.” Even more,
hospital staff were expressly forbidden to inform test subjects that they could
expect “death from bone marrow failure within 40 days.” And in his study
summaries to the military, Saenger made it very clear the patients were not to be
informed of what would be done to them. He wrote, “The patient is told that he
is to receive treatment to help his sickness. There is no discussion of [lethality]
resulting from the treatment.”

One columnist wrote, “Depending on what you’re reading, Dr. Eugene Saenger is
either a hero or a monster.”, noting that the real purpose of his experiments was
simply to determine the maximum radiation doses to which humans could be
exposed, the levels at which permanent severe damage and death occurred.
Saenger complied, to the death. Moreover, there is some evidence that it was
Saenger who approached the military with a proposal for this study, claiming the
information gained “would be useful on the nuclear battlefield”. In this study as
in so many others, deaths were valuable because the cadavers could be used for
full autopsies which would provide much more information. Due to the obviously
terminal intent of the experiment, the clear fact that the subjects were all
expendable and meant to die, there was a Congressional hearing convened. As
one would expect, documents were shredded in advance, everybody lied, and the
entire affair was once again swept under the carpet with the illusion yet again of
the nation having had the courage to face its sins.

Chester Southam

In the early 1960s, the US media were abuzz with headlines and stories about a
physician named Dr. Chester Southam who had been injecting and transplanting
live cancer cells and cancerous material into hundreds of unsuspecting victims
for more than a decade, in secretive research financed partially by the National
Institute of Health (which also sponsored the Tuskegee syphilis study), and
apparently with funding from the US military. In retrospect, and connecting all
the dots, it appears Southam’s work was almost certainly done in conjunction
with Eugene Saenger’s radiation work and other experiments conducted at
around the same time, and quite probably part of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA project.

Southam was an immunologist working at the Sloan-Kettering Hospital and had

organised a research project at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in New York,
ostensibly to evaluate human immune responses to cancers. Several of his staff
refused to participate, resigned in protest, and took their story to the media. The
ensuing firestorm of outrage put an end to Southam’s experiments, but rather
too late for most of his victims. But Southam didn’t begin his experiments at the
hospital. Instead, years earlier, he began injecting live cancer cells and
transplanting malignant tissue into hundreds of prisoners at the Ohio State
Prison. He later claimed he “wanted to know for sure” if cancer was contagious,
and so used inmates as test platforms for his theories. There is evidence that he
began even earlier than this, initiating similar experiments at Sloan-Kettering
where he worked, then dramatically expanded his experiments to the prison and
eventually the Jewish hospital.

Southam was obviously well aware of the risk of causing cancers in his victims,
but had an idea that the immune systems of healthy individuals might reject
cancerous cells and wanted to test his theories. He was very careful to keep his
victims uninformed of the realities of his tests, telling some they were receiving
“cells” of some kind but with no mention of their malignant and potentially
lethal nature. In most cases, Southam apparently convinced officials his work had
no need for consent, nor even that victims needed to know what was being done
to them. He later claimed he simply “didn’t want to frighten” his victims with
talk of cancer, then astonishingly stated he had no need to disclose any
information to the patients because he wasn’t their doctor. Wikipedia foolishly,
dishonestly, and entirely without evidence, claims Southam’s inmates were “a
group of willing men”, all perfectly healthy, who eagerly wanted to be injected
with live cancer cells because they felt “it was a way to return their debt to
society”. Just so it doesn’t go unsaid, I doubt very much there were many inmates
so overcome with suicidal remorse over their crimes they wanted to enhance
their punishment by dying from Southam’s cancers. The public outrage was
sufficient to cause Southam to lose his medical license but, this being America,
his license was soon reinstated and he was appointed President of the American
Cancer Society.

From here, the story becomes more intricate and murky, and this is where the
CIA rears its ugly head yet one more time. Southam was not only infecting
healthy people with cancers, but also with deadly viruses, in programs that began
much earlier at the Sloan-Kettering hospital. Russian and other researchers had
discovered that some viruses attacked cancerous cells, so Southam began by first
infecting his patients to produce cancers, then infecting them with a range of
viruses “to see what would happen”. What happened was that many patients
contracted West Nile encephalitis, many becoming seriously ill and some dying.
And it wasn’t only the West Nile virus. Southam also inoculated cancer patients
with various other lethal viruses, causing brain damage in many of his victims.

With these failures, Southam just moved on to new approaches, some columnists
lamenting that Southam is not revered today as “the father of viral therapy” or as
a “patriarch in the field of immunotherapy”, but instead a notorious monster
who set new standards in inhumanity and the lack of medical ethics. Some media
apologists claim that “Such deceptive practices were not unusual during the Cold
War era”, which claim is certainly true, but they claim also that “The concept of
informed consent was still in its infancy”, which is patent nonsense. Everyone
involved was fully aware of the criminality of their actions, evidenced by their
often desperate attempts to maintain secrecy. Many columnists and historians
also claim the Nuremberg Code was regularly circumvented, which is true but
can hardly be used as a justification or excuse.

The most serious part of Southam’s cancer and virus experiments directly
involve the US military and the CIA since both these bodies had been pursuing
for years the possibility of exploiting immune system damage, or
immunosuppression, as a weapon. It was for this reason that Nixon combined
the National Cancer Institute and the Frederick Cancer Research Center at Fort
Detrick, making them full partners in the US military’s bio-warfare programs. It
was here that the CDC and Fort Detrick, now fully staffed with depraved
scientists due to Operation Paperclip, institutionalised the “critically important
scientific activity” of a joint effort towards the cause and distribution of viral
immunosuppression in mass populations, i.e. bio-warfare. As Edward Haslam and
others have noted, Bill Donovan, the founder and director of the OSS (the
precurser to the CIA), had been placed by the US military on the board of
directors of the American Cancer Society, no doubt to both influence and
manipulate civilian research for military and intelligence purposes.

There seems to be little cause for lingering doubt that the vast amount of
research into cancers, viruses and radiation under the auspices of a fraudulent
“Cancer Research Center at Fort Detrick were merely “a defensive cover for
developing offensive cancer weapons”. In a UP article titled, “Death by Natural
Causes: CIA’s Bizarre Ideas for Assassinations”, the San Francisco Chronicle
stated, “At the height of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency looked
into ways to ‘knock off key guys’ through such ‘natural causes’ as cancer … And,
as related by several authors and historians, it was this work by Southam that
produced the even more dangerous research experiments of crossing species
barriers and combining lethal human and animal viruses as potential weapons for
the mass culling of populations – which is where we are today, producing a
multitude of GM-engineered pathogens suitable only for annihilating all human
life on the planet.

Jerry Leonard wrote an informative, well-researched and annotated article titled

“Cancer Man: The Government-Funded Cancer Injection Experiments of
Chester M. Southam”, which presents and explains in detail the circumstances
and consequences of Southam’s work with cancer viruses. The article is available
online and is an excellent source if you are further interested. I have here a few
excerpts from one of his articles:

“It is possible that Saenger’s radiation experiments were conducted in

conjunction with Southam’s cancer cell injections to determine the effects of the
radiation treatment on the cancer transplant growth. It is also possible that some
of the many government radiation experiments which have recently come to light
… were used to intentionally induce tumors or leukemias in human subjects for
the purpose of attempting to isolate viruses which might then be grown in cell
cultures for later use in … experiments with humans.” Leonard noted that similar
experiments had already been conducted with laboratory animals.

The “anticancer viruses” tested on humans in Southam’s early experiments may

have been the anticancer compounds which congressional investigators
discovered were systematically tested on cancer patients during the CIA’s
controversial MKULTRA testing program. If so, Chester Southam’s cancer
transplant research may well have been covertly funded by the CIA through
civilian research agencies in the same manner in which the bulk of the MKULTRA
research was funded. Such a scenario seems increasingly plausible since recent
investigations into the U.S. government’s unethical radiation testing on civilians
have revealed that the institute where Southam was employed during his cancer
transplantation research – the Sloan-Kettering Institute – was actively involved
in conducting unethical research for the Department of Defense. The period …
coincides with the time Southam and his colleagues were publishing papers on
their barbaric cancer transplant research … CIA funding of these initial
experiments would have great significance due to the type of cancer
experimentation with immunosuppressive agents which followed Southam’s
cancer transplant studies.

The goals and methods of Southam’s type of cancer research would have
overlapped those of the military and intelligence agencies interested in
chemical/biological warfare research. For example, Southam’s research provided
a pretext for determining the capabilities and weaknesses of the human immune
system – knowledge critical to both defensive and offensive biological warfare
programs. Southam’s research also provided a pretext for performing various
unethical experiments on human beings to determine their susceptibility to
diseases including cancer and deadly tropical viruses.

Later research, which involved developing agents which could actively induce
immune system destruction or immunosuppression for this type of cancer
experimentation, would be even more applicable to biowarfare. (Researchers
developed mouse and monkey AIDS viruses designed to knock out components
of the immune system to assist in cancer transplants.) This is true since, if such
immunosuppressive techniques could be controlled in humans and covertly
applied on a large scale, they would effectively provide the ability to control the
world’s immune system – thus allowing medical scientists to turn what might
normally be relatively harmless human infections into fatal diseases and
therefore biological warfare weapons.”

Allen Hornblum wrote an article for the New York Times on December 28, 2013,
titled, “NYC’s forgotten cancer scandal”, which I found refreshingly frank.
Hornblum said he tracked down and interviewed Southam, who was reluctant to
talk about the case but was still unwaveringly defiant and unconcerned that his
victims might have contracted cancer from his injections. When Hornblum asked
“What if they had?”, Southam replied, “If they did, we’d just cut it out.” He also
noted that “Curiously Southam claimed to be completely ignorant of the
infamous international laws which were designed to protect people against the
abuses of unethical human experimentation such as that conducted by the Nazis.
When asked about the Nuremberg Code, Southam claimed, “I was unaware of the
Nuremberg Code and its code of conduct”.”

Hornblum concluded his article with this:

“Over the decades there have been numerous instances of equally cavalier
researchers involved in unethical experimentation. Be it in mental asylums,
orphanages, prisons, hospitals or the military, the lives of ill informed and
vulnerable test subjects have been routinely placed at risk. And all too often
those who knew better and could have prevented or stopped egregious and
injurious acts remained silent. Pity that more doctors didn’t follow the example
of three Brooklyn physicians who knew right from wrong, understood what was
ethical and what was not, and had the courage to say, “No, I will not place a
patient at risk”.” But it could have been worse: He was never prosecuted and only
received a one-year probation … And he was far from ostracized by his peers;
Southam was elected president of the American Association for Cancer Research
just a few years later. Obviously, breaching a code of medical ethics wasn’t an
impediment to career advancement in the 1960s.”

One writer offered the opinion that it was only Southam’s “enthusiasm for
understanding the immune system” that led him to inject hundreds of healthy
people with live cancer cells and lethal viruses. It seems we should conclude
Southam deserves our understanding and sympathy rather than our
condemnation. After all, he was just excited about possible new discoveries and
meant no harm, and besides, these experiments “almost cost him his career”.
though I’m uncertain whether his hundreds of victims would agree. Not to be lost
in this story is the appalling toll of human lives sacrificed by the US government
and its various agencies and depraved scientists and medical doctors for the sake
of gaining military advantage and domination.

Cornelius P. Rhoads

The story of Cornelius Rhoads begins with the Rockefeller Institute (who else?),
this time in Puerto Rico where the Institute was not, as so commonly believed,
providing medical care to the needy poor, but instead experimenting on them
without their knowledge or consent and heavily promoting population control.
Dr. Cornelius Rhoads was a prominent Harvard trained pathologist who, while
working for the Rockefellers in Puerto Rico, conducted a cancer experiment
purposely infecting his subjects with cancer cells, resulting in the death of
thirteen subjects. Lederer wrote that, while referred to as patients, [Rhoads’
victims] were “primarily clinical subjects whose conditions were studied to
advance medical research”, noting too that “Rhoads referred to his patients as
“experimental ‘animals'”, saying “If they don’t develop something they certainly
have the constitutions of oxen.” Rhoads sought to experimentally induce the
conditions he was studying in his patients rather than simply treat them.”

The story of the victimisation and deaths came to light from a letter Rhoads had
written. The official story that quickly developed was as follows:

On November 10th, Rhoades got drunk at a party and left to find his car
vandalized, after which he returned to his office and wrote a hugely disparaging
letter about Puerto Ricans. The letter was intended as a confidential note to a
colleague in Boston, but Dr. Rhoads accidentally left the document on his desk
where it was discovered the next day by a lab assistant who gave copies to
colleagues as well as circulating it to newspapers and a wide range of other
recipients. The letter said:

“Porto Ricans (sic) are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and
thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. It makes you sick to inhabit the
same island with them. They are even lower than Italians. What the island needs
is not public health work but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the
population. It might then be livable. I have done my best to further the process of
extermination by killing off 8 and transplanting cancer into several more. The
latter has not resulted in any fatalities so far… The matter of consideration for
the patients’ welfare plays no role here – in fact all physicians take delight in the
abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.”

One author wrote, “When you write a letter like that, it’s best not to end it with
“sincerely,” but that’s exactly what Rhoads did.”

That letter was leaked to a Puerto Rican political party whose leader distributed
it to the media and various other parties, igniting outrage in both Puerto Rico and
the US, and forcing various investigations that were later described as (or proven
to be) whitewashed cover-ups. The official version is that neither the government
investigation nor one by the Rockefeller Foundation were able to discover any
evidence that Rhoads had indeed murdered a number of local citizens. There was
evidence that some of his patients had indeed died, but Rhoads was nevertheless

After the scandal subsided, Rhoads returned to the US to continue his work at
the Rockefeller Institute, where he remained until 1940 when he left to become
Director of Memorial Hospital, which institution soon merged with Sloan-
Kettering to become the Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center – the same
institution that hosted Eugene Saenger and Chester Southam – with Rhoads as
its first director, overseeing yet more cancer research. This event that placed
Rhoads on the cover of Time magazine, presenting him as a world “cancer-
fighter”, though his role was rather different from the official description.

During World War II, Rhoads was enlisted in the US Army Medical Corps as
Chief of Medicine in the Chemical Weapons Division, in which capacity he
established both chemical and biological warfare facilities at Fort Detrick and
Dugway in the US, and where he was engaged in several chemical weapons
development projects. He was also responsible for a long series of experiments
that exposed American soldiers and civilian hospital patients to nuclear
radiation, in part for which he received the Legion of Merit award. One of
Rhoads’ research specialties at Dugway was mustard gas, the official narrative
claiming that during this research a serendipitous discovery resulting from “an
accident in Italy during the war”, led to the use of this gas in cancer
chemotherapy. This last claim may be true, but the mustard gas accident deserves
highlighting. To refresh your memory, I will repeat the next two paragraphs from
an earlier section:

Mustard gas was heavily used on many occasions by the Americans during both
world wars, the government’s strident denials notwithstanding. One of the more
interesting occurrences was on December 2, 1943, when the German Luftwaffe
launched a surprise attack on the Italian port of Bari, sinking about 30 ships and
destroying crucial supplies of ammunition as well as much of the harbor.
However, soon after the attack, reports were flooding in from the area of unusual
medical symptoms in many hundreds, then thousands, then tens of thousands of
civilians. The source was eventually traced to a single blown-up ship in the port,
the USS Liberty, with its full holds of mustard gas confirmed as the responsible
agent. The US military had, in a renege of their promises, secretly brought
thousands of tons of mustard-gas explosives to the European war party and, in
their desperation to cover their crime, refused to inform attending physicians of
the cause of the massive casualties among the civilian population, leaving the
doctors to eventually figure it out for themselves by which time it was too late for
many of the victims. Countless (and uncounted) hundreds or thousands died,
and many more suffered debilitating injuries.

The Americans made astonishing, if vain and inhuman, attempts to conceal the
disaster entirely, but there were far too many witnesses and victims to enable
keeping this secret. The Americans did their best at damage control by issuing
statements intended for German ears that these chemical weapons would never,
ever have been used except as retaliation in kind, though German ears were not
reported as especially gullible at the time. Even more interesting was the damage
control meant for American and British ears; Eisenhower and Churchill
concocted a plot to (1) destroy all incriminating documents and (2) list all
fatalities and other casualties as “burns due to enemy action”.

To continue, on the website, “A Cancer Journal for

Clinicians”, in Volume 28, Issue 5, dated Sept./Oct., 1978, is an unattributed
article on the German attack on Bari and Rhoads’ involvement, illustrating the
event and demonstrating how easy it is to alter the essential focus of an historical
event and to inoculate readers against broader truths. The article begins with:

“At 7:30 p.m. on the night of December 3, 1943, a dark winter night during one of
the darkest periods of World War II, the age of cancer chemotherapy was
initiated. The Allied air raid warning system inexplicably failed and vast cargoes
of fuel explosives were hit by enemy bombers in the harbor of Bari on the
southern third of the Italian peninsula. One of the ships, the Liberty, containing
tons of high explosive munitions was blasted from the sea. Unnoticed at first was
another element of her cargo: 100 tons of mustard gas contained in airplane
bombs. The poison gas alarm was belatedly sounded and gas masks were issued.
Casualties were originally thought to be suffering from shock after the blast and
immersion in the freezing, flaming, oil-covered waters. It was not until later that
it became apparent that many of the casualties were suffering from mustard gas
poisoning. However, from this disaster, a chemical agent with anticancer action
was serendipitously discovered. Dr. Cornelius Packard Rhoads played a major
role in the investigation and promotion …” (my italics above)

It was Rhoads who carried much of the responsibility for the development and
deployment of the mustard gas explosives that filled the USS Liberty’s holds, and
it was Rhoads who was on the scene in Bari, witnessing the widespread carnage
and advising the US military and government on the unconscionable cover-up
that resulted in so many needless and painful fatalities. It was primarily for this
that Rhoads received his Legion of Merit award. Just so the point isn’t lost, the
Liberty did indeed contain tons of high explosive munitions, but there was not
“another unnoticed element in her cargo”; her entire cargo consisted of mustard
gas bombs, these illegal munitions not unnoticed but undeclared and

In the archives of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, I

found a Memo to File written by a William T. Golden of a conversational
interview he held with Rhoads on November 3, 1950. Among the topics covered in
that memo, Golden relates Rhoads’ discussion of his time in the chemical warfare
service of the Army, where he spoke at some length of his chemical warfare
experience and the fact that many members of his then current staff at Sloan-
Kettering were from his Chemical Warfare group. According to Golden, Rhoads
“pointed out that much of the work [in which he was engaged at Sloan-Kettering]
… is closely related to chemical warfare and perhaps not so distant from
biological warfare matters.”

The official narrative is that the Sloan-Kettering Institute was founded “as a
cancer research center, in the hopes that an industrial approach to research
would yield a cure”, but that was never true, and the Institute never developed
anything remotely resembling a cure for cancer. What it most likely did do was
contribute immeasurably to the US military’s search for biological and chemical

Rhoads was given a posthumous award for his outstanding contributions, the
citation stating, “It’s safe to say that no one has contributed so much nor in so
many ways …”, one of the ways not mentioned being fundamental development
of mass chemical and biological weapons. According to others, “Dr. Rhoads was
extremely influential, a pioneer, a medical investigator par excellence, a scientist,
physician, and administrator. When Dr. Rhoads died, one of the giants of the
modern era of cancer research passed from us.” Uh huh. And when Sidney
Gottlieb died, one of the giants of the modern era of Satanic monstrosity passed
from us. And when Loretta Bender died, one of the giants of inhuman child abuse
of the modern era passed from us. And when Shiro Ishii and Josef Mengele died
… well, you get the idea.

It is probably worth noting that after Rhoads’ reckless attempt at professional

suicide in writing the letter in Puerto Rico referred to above, there was a massive
cover-up, not so much to protect Rhoads as to shield the Rockefeller Institute
from a potentially damaging blow. Lederer covered this part of the event nicely,
especially describing the involvement of a man named Ivy Lee, a quasi-
management consultant of the day who on repeated occasions performed
yeoman services for the Rockefellers in disinfecting their public image. One of
these occasions was during the Ludlow massacre I described earlier where John
Rockefeller sent in his private army to exterminate the entire work force that was
striking at one of his mines. For Puerto Rico, Lederer wrote a portion
appropriately titled “Spin Doctoring”, in which she reported that Lee had access
to major media articles prior to publication and sufficient influence to sanitise
the stories for the public.

In the end, the public narrative referred to Rhoads’ letter as a joke, “a fantastic
and playful composition written entirely for my own diversion and intended as a
parody on supposed attitudes of some American minds in Porto Rico”, that was
never intended to be mailed. One defender, possessed with a stunning
imagination, wrote that Rhoads “wrote fictitious letters, intending to use the
material some day in a novel”. The story about Rhoads’ having written that letter
while inebriated at a party and after discovering a theft from, or damage to, his
automobile, was fabricated by Lee, since independent investigators interviewed
all present at the event in question, with no evidence ever obtained of damage to
anything. Dates and other facts were omitted, mis-stated or fabricated to support
the false narrative, and Rhoads was even presented as a victim of ungrateful
Puerto Ricans. But, rather than being a satire, the intent of Rhoads’ letter was
supported by a second letter which was apparently far more incriminating and
which was destroyed by the authorities upon discovery.

The Rhoads case, as well as the others above, illustrate how facts and history are
distorted and rewritten by institutions, government, individual researchers,
historians, and columnists, all supported by a compliant media always reading
from the same script.

Experiments on Children

From the late 1800s and early 1900s – until the present – American physicians,
most often with the support and funding of the US government and military,
have been illegally experimenting with pregnant mothers, babies and young
children, infecting them with various pathogens, and often killing their unwitting
subjects in the process. New York pediatrician Henry Heiman intentionally
infected mentally disabled boys with gonorrhea as part of a medical experiment,
and Dr. Arthur Wentworth of the Children’s Hospital in Boston performed spinal
taps on 29 young children, without the knowledge or consent of their parents,
simply to “discover if doing so would be harmful”. Another prominent physician
of the time, a Dr. John Roberts of Philadelphia, called Wentworth’s procedures
“human vivisection”. Later, a California physician traveled to Hawaii where he
injected young girls under the age of 12 with syphilis. Early in the 20th century
there were already almost 50 reports of experimental infections of children with
gonorrhea, including some where children were blinded from gonorrheal
organisms applied to their eyes.

Medical researchers at the St. Vincent’s House orphanage in Philadelphia

infected dozens of children – to whom they referred as “material used” – with
tuberculin, causing great pain and permanent blindness in many of the children.
From the 1950s to the late 1970s, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook
State School in Staten Island, New York, were intentionally infected with viral
hepatitis. Researchers at the Laurel Children’s Center in Maryland tested
experimental acne medications on children, and continued their tests even after
half of the children developed severe liver damage from the medications. In the
1960s and perhaps much later, Dr. Saul Krugman of New York University
conducted studies at a US institution for mentally retarded children, infecting
countless small children with viruses obtained from the feces of hepatitis
patients in order to study the natural history, effects and progression of the

The Journal of the American Medical Association praised Krugman’s “judicious

use of human beings” and, in a lovely display of ethics and compassion, the New
England Journal of Medicine wrote, “By being allowed to participate in a carefully
supervised study and by receiving the most expert attention available for a
disease of basically unknown nature, the patients themselves benefited”. Sure,
they did.

The US military funded experiments like feeding radioactive food to mentally

disabled children and injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive
chemicals to study the transmission of radioactivity and pathogens through the
placental barrier. Beginning immediately after World War II, researchers at
Vanderbilt University gave almost 1,000 pregnant mothers drinks containing
radioactive iron, to determine how fast the radio-isotope crossed into the
placenta. The mothers were told those were “vitamin drinks” that would improve
the health of their babies, but most of the children – those not aborted or
stillborn – died from cancers and leukemias. Beginning in the 1940s and 1950s,
the US Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation sponsored
experiments where mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing
radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track “how nutrients
were digested”. The children did not know they were being fed radioactive
chemicals, and the hospital staff and researchers told inquisitive parents their
children were joining a science club.

At about the same time, the US government, through the Atomic Energy
Commission, commissioned, sponsored, and conducted hundreds of radioactive
isotope experiments at the University of Iowa on the effects of radioactive iodine
on pregnant women and newborn infants. These uninformed victims were given
radioactive iodine-131, knowing this would cause spontaneous abortions and
infant deaths. Most women lost their babies, but that was the plan. The military
wanted to autopsy the aborted fetuses to discover at what stage, and to what
extent, radioactive iodine crosses the placental barrier. They filled newborn
infants in their first hours of life with powerful radioactive compounds, to
determine the effects of radiation on newborn babies, especially premature
infants. Of course, a great many babies died in this valuable pursuit of military
knowledge, the mothers never learning the cause of those deaths.

Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote that “in 1989 to 1991, Kaiser Permanente of Southern
California and the CDC jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without
proper parental disclosure, the Yugoslavian-made “high-titre” Edmonston-
Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino,
inner-city children in Los Angeles. Highly recommended by the WHO, the high-
potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico,
Haiti, and Africa, but was discontinued in those countries when it was discovered
that the children were dying in large numbers.” The vaccine had never been
licensed for use in the US, and the CDC later admitted the parents were never
informed their children were being injected with an experimental vaccine that
was potentially fatal. The CDC and FDA refused to release the raw data on these

Many years ago, Dr. Hideyo Noguchi of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Research published data on experiments where he injected syphilis into about
150 children in his search for a test for syphilis. I mention this because the
Rockefeller Institute figures prominently in so many of the human experiments
conducted in the US, perhaps especially those by the CIA and US military. The
Rockefeller Institute was prominent in some of the most horrid parts of MK-
ULTRA, including those experiments by Ewen Cameron in Montreal. Yet on the
Institute’s website, these same people, including Dr. Noguchi, are proudly listed
as alumni along with the awards they have been awarded for the trail of death and
misery that followed them.

Typically, the US government and American universities and hospitals accessed –

and still access – as subjects and victims those least able to defend themselves,
always beginning with the most helpless, the children in orphanages, mental
institutions, foster homes and hospitals. There is a very long list of tiny casualties
from almost every hospital and orphanage in the US, with the children having
been essentially viewed as free experimental subjects for whatever test or study a
researcher might concoct. This situation has been true for perhaps 100 years and
has not in any sense abated in spite of all the propaganda noise about the
necessity of “informed consent”. The real truth of America today is that informed
consent is necessary only from those with the money to hire expensive lawyers.
There is a long list of prominent American universities and hospitals that have
carefully excised all traces of human experiments from their histories. This list
includes MIT, Harvard, University of Rochester, New York University, University
of Washington, Pacific Northwest Research Fund, University of Chicago,
Vanderbilt University, University of Cincinnati, Columbia University, and more.

As one example of this, beginning in the 1980s and likely continuing to today, the
New York City Children’s Services Administration began permitting the US
government’s National Institute of Health the “use” of foster children in dozens
of New York children’s homes in experimental AIDS drug trials. The children, of
course, suffered terribly, and a great many died. In a BBC documentary in 2004
titled “Guinea Pig Kids”, reporter Jamie Doran revealed the extent of the
problem and detailed that the children were unwitting subjects being abused by
the system designed to protect them. The NYC Child Services issued a press
release admitting this had occurred but that the City had since discontinued the
practice – in spite of evidence it was continuing.

For perhaps three decades in this child-HIV travesty, New York officials colluded
with hospitals and researchers to use perhaps 1,500 small, helpless children for
more than 50 experimental AIDS drug trials. The claim was that the drugs were
being tested only on HIV-positive children, but it is ludicrous to suggest that all
or most of the children in foster homes would have HIV infections. Whether the
children were deliberately infected is not known, but this certainly wouldn’t be
the first time such a thing has happened. If the children tested positive, they were
considered “terminal patients” and therefore open to all experimentation on the
basis they would die anyway. This, in spite of the fact that the HIV tests were not
known for their consistent validity. These toxic experimental medications were
administered to infants as young as 4 months of age.

After exposure and a wave of public outrage, the New York City’s Health Service
performed an “exhaustive” internal investigation of itself and discovered it was
exonerated. The authorities admitted that while some children did indeed die
during the studies, and that while the deaths were “disturbing”, they “didn’t
appear to be directly attributable” to the experiments. When outside
organisations wanted to conduct their own investigation and examine the
medical records, the New York Health Department and the involved institutions
were unfortunately unable to release any records due to “confidentiality
regulations”. True to form, the New York Times downplayed and whitewashed
the entire episode, forgetting to even mention the huge number of child deaths.

Perhaps not all readers are familiar with the expression “canary in the coal mine”.
Canaries are delicate birds and, in days gone by, coal miners would carry these
caged birds down into the mines on the theory that the appearance of dangerous
gases such as carbon monoxide would kill the birds first, thereby warning the
miners to evacuate the area immediately. For quite a number of years, the US
military and various portions of the US Health Service used institutionalised
small children in essentially the same way – as little canaries providing a warning
to real humans to avoid various chemical or biological warfare agents and newly-
formulated vaccines. If the children died, the soldiers and other white humans
would now know to exercise caution. The authorities used small children in
hospitals, orphanages, foster homes, as laboratory rats in an almost unlimited
number of despicable experiments to test the safety (or lethality) of new
vaccines or infectious agents as well as bio-weapons material. Few records appear
to exist from these tests, and no information on the number of disabilities and
deaths that resulted. They even tested small children on all forms of venereal
disease and potential treatements thereof, frequently choosing small retarded
children for these efforts, and inexplicably using institutionalised children of
military veterans. Lederer referred to some of this in her book on Military
Medical Ethics.

At about the same time, the American government conceived the badly-
misnamed ‘US Committee on Medical Research’, which was dedicated to military
medical ambitions that included biological and chemical warfare. This
“Committee” provided funding for numerous research projects and thousands of
medical experiments conducted throughout the US, coordinating at one time
almost 140 different institutions in research on every kind of chemical, biological
and radioactive warfare agent, as well as infectious diseases, and conducting their
testing primarily on prisoners and children. The little canaries in the coal mines
were part of this effort.

At Harvard University, researchers performed experiments with injected

diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen, on pregnant women, who then
experienced an abnormally high number of miscarriages and premature births.
None of the women were told they were experimental subjects, and Harvard
inexplicably continued to promote the use of this chemical on pregnant women.
Following this, the University of Chicago wanted evidence to contradict
Harvard’s study, and so fed the same powerful synthetic estrogen to almost 2,000
pregnant women (without their knowledge), the chemical proving to indeed be
harmful to developing fetuses, resulting in huge numbers of miscarriages and
stillborn births. The benefit to medical science was that Chicago was then able to
say to Harvard, “See. We told you so.” The mothers never learned why they lost
their babies.

In another set of abominable experiments carried out in the 1940s, this time
without a clear cause, more than 1,000 unborn children received large doses of
radiation. To accomplish this, the University of Chicago concieved a
surreptitious program of administering to pregnant women “routine pelvic
examinations” by repeated x-rays early in pregnancy for more than 1,000
mothers who were to bear their first child, then exposing any survivors to 5 full x-
rays upon birth. It was estimated the newborns had received one year’s maximum
dose by the first day of life. Many died, many developed cancers. The mothers
never learned why they lost their babies.

Beginning in the 1940s and 1950s, Dr. Lauretta Bender, a highly respected (but
nevertheless depraved sociopath) pediatric neuropsychiatrist at Bellevue
Hospital in New York City, performed extensive electroshock experiments on
more than 500 children as young as three years of age, many receiving more than
300 violent electroshock episodes in succession. These electroconvulsive
treatments were performed at several hospitals until the 1970s, resulting in many
children becoming violent and suicidal from the treatments. Many died. When
the electroshocks didn’t kill them, Bender injected them with heavy doses of LSD
and other psycho drugs. In none of the cases above, nor in other similar events,
did any of these so-called government researchers face sanction for their crimes.
Instead, the Department of Defense colluded with the Department of Justice to
ensure no one was ever called to account.

Dr. Wendell Johnson, a speech pathologist at the University of Iowa, became

famous for his use of orphan children donated by the US military after both
parents (soldiers) had died. In one case, Johnson conducted experiments to see if
he could turn normal children into those who stuttered. These children, who
were small and helpless, and already badly traumtised by having both parents die,
were utilised by Johnson as clinical experiment material. He subjected them to
years of what was called “negative therapy”, abusing them, criticising them
harshly, trying to force them to speak with a stutter. He was not entirely
successful, but he did manage to psychologically destroy dozens of lives, the
children becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative, becoming runaways living
in the streets, many committing suicide. One author wrote, “In recognition of his
good work, the University of Iowa proudly named its Speech Center after Dr.
Johnson, though they did call the experiments “regrettable”.” The US military
has never commented on its despicable role in supplying these Army orphans to
Johnson for his experiments, and has refused to accept any liability.

On another note, there have been many tales of mistreatment and brutality
inflicted on children in orphanages and reform schools in the US, but this one is
different in that it appears the school officials had killed dozens or even
hundreds of children in their care, during a period of many decades. This was the
Dozier School in South Florida that was finally closed only in 2011 after an
infamous existence of more than 110 years. In 2013 teams of researchers
recovered human bones from the area surrounding the school, presumably from
the many children who “disappeared” over a period of 100 years. Some former
residents who are now in their 60s and 70s tell of brutal beatings and of many
students simply disappearing without explanation. Often, the students or
families were told the boys had run away or had gone home or had been
transferred to other schools, but no evidence was ever provided to account for
the missing children. The survivors claim that no bodies were ever seen and no
funerals were ever held. For many decades, people in the community claimed
they had heard of teens disappearing without explanation, but as one resident
said, “People didn’t want to talk about it”.

And if we held any hope that things would improve, at least for children, we can
abandon those hopes. Inexplicably, in 1997, the US Congress passed what was
called the “FDA Modernization Act” that gave pharma companies an enormous
financial incentive to continue using small children as laboratory animals for
testing their new drugs, by offering a 6-month patent extension if these firms
conduct their drug trials on small children, potentially offering the pharma
companies a $1 billion gift while condemning yet countless thousands more of
small children to abuse, disability and death. Even worse, a recent US
government document listed the conditions under which experiments on
children are permissible – without consent, though this is not explicitly stated.
Among the acceptable conditions:

The research presents more than minimal risk, does not hold out the prospect of
direct benefit to the subject, but the procedure is likely to yield generalizable
knowledge about the subject’s disorder or condition which is of vital importance
for understanding the disorder or condition.

The research presents a reasonable opportunity to further the understanding,

prevention, or alleviation of a serious problem affecting the health or welfare of

Experiments on Prisoners

Prisoners in the US have always been victimized for the sake of science, or indeed
anything else requiring a helpless victim. By the 1950s the pharmaceutical and
health care industries were growing rapidly in the US, accompanied by an
increased need for experiments on human test subjects, with all levels of
government approving the use of prisoners as medical guinea pigs – with or
without their consent. In testimony delivered during Congressional hearings in
1973, executives of American pharma companies famously acknowledged using
inmates in their medical trials because prisoners were “cheaper than

Here are examples of a few such experiments from the Land of Freedom and
Human Rights that should thrill you:

This Medicine Tastes Like Shit

That’s because that’s what it is. Researchers interested in a better understanding

of how disease spreads, took advantage of the “no place to run or hide” prison
environment to force inmates to swallow what they eloquently called “an
unfiltered stool suspension” to see if drinking germs was as effective as breathing
them. Their research report concluded swallowing was indeed more effective,
omitting any information about why non-crazy people would do this.

Look Ma! New Family Jewels

One of the more imaginative, if not exactly delightful, experiments performed on

prison inmates was by a Dr. L.L. Stanley, who was the resident physician at San
Quentin prison in California and who, no doubt governed by the adage that “a
happy sex life is a happy life”, removed testicles from various livestock and farm
animals and transplanted them into at least 500 inmates. We can presume that
consent, informed or otherwise, was not an issue. In response to receipt of this
information, the Washington Post was positively gushing: “Enter San Quentin
penitentiary in the role of the Fountain of Youth – an institution where the years
are made to roll back for men of failing mentality and vitality and where the
spring is restored to the step, wit to the brain, vigor to the muscles and ambition
to the spirit. All this has been done, is being done … by a surgeon with a scalpel.”
No reports on the species of offspring generated by these men with their newly-
restored wit and ambition. Other American physicians attempted the transplant
of livers and kidneys from chimpanzees into human prisoners – without apparent

Do Superman’s Glow in the Dark Too?

In the late 1960s, University of Washington researcher Dr. C. Alvin Paulsen

entered into a private contract with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), for
which he and Dr. Carl G. Heller received $1.6 million in funding. Their job was to
irradiate the testicles of hundreds of prisoners to determine the effects of
radiation on testicular function, specifically to learn what doses would render the
men permanently sterile. Heller so enjoyed this kind of research on helpless
subjects, he conducted his own similar experiments at another state prison.
Paulsen said, “Prisoners were considered ideal subjects because … they were a
population that wasn’t going anywhere”.

The tests were mostly conducted with the by-then accepted level of fraud and
deceit, meaning the men were never informed of the full nature of the
experiments nor of the potentially permanent and even fatal consequences. They
also had no clear understanding of the levels of radiation to which they would be
exposed. Heller admitted he “didn’t warn them of all the dangers because I didn’t
want to frighten them.”
One former inmate recalls Paulsen describing the test as just “glorified chest X-
rays”, and that he would receive only 400 rads of radiation. Unfortunately,
Paulsen neglected to tell him that 1 rad was equal to about 6 chest X-rays and that
his testicles would therefore receive the equivalent of about 2,400 chest X-rays
all at one time. For another comparison of exposure, a diagnostic X-ray is about
.01 rad, while the maximum safety limit for nuclear workers is 5 rads a year, or the
equivalent of about 500 X-rays per year. Some prisoners’ testicles received nearly
400 rads, or almost 40,000 X-rays, in a few minutes. It’s not a surprise that some
inmates after 20 years still complain that their testicles glow in the dark.

Most of the men were of course rendered sterile, though fertility was restored for
some after a period of years. Paulsen was recorded as having said, “Gee, this was
longer than it would take for a dog to recover … men were very sensitive to short-
term sterility”. What a surprise. When these inmates later left prison and had
children, many had offspring born with severe birth defects. Some of Paulsen’s
victims died, while others suffered various cancers or permanent and debilitating
medical conditions. The AEC at the time stated they meant to conduct long-term
follow-up medical exams “to ensure the men didn’t develop tumors or other
problems”, but they became busy with making nuclear bombs and forgot.

It was interesting that NASA was sufficiently interested to learn more about the
potential effects of radiation on their astronauts’ testicles, that NASA officials
and some astronauts even attended Heller’s informational meetings, but then
failed to appear for the actual radiation sessions. No idea why.

Paulsen was arrogantly unapologetic to the end, displaying no remorse or even

responsibility for the pain and often permanent disabilities and suffering his
experiments inflicted, claiming he did no wrong. Also, and very strangely, Paulsen
objected to follow-up exams, saying they were unnecessary for medical reasons,
and apparently refused to participate. Today, after huge lawsuits, the government
will pay each victim about $50,000, but that may not be simple because Paulsen
refuses to release his records containing the names of his victims and their
exposures, perhaps because something even more sinister is lurking in those

Mosquito Bites

In terms of the victimisation of civilians, one of the largest single programs ever
conducted by the US, was a joint effort between the military and Secretary of
State Cordell Hull to find anti-malaria drugs. No idea why the State Department
would be involved, but they gathered almost 1,000 patriotic, America-loving
inmates from several prisons around the country and infected them all with the
most virulent strain of malaria, then attempted various cures – most of which
had no effect. The men were told only that they were “helping the war effort”,
and their supposed eagerly-signed consent forms proved to have all been
fabricated – most likely by the same people who manufactured the stories about
the millions of proud American boys being willing and eager to sacrifice their
lives in a war nobody except Roosevelt wanted. In a similar experiment, four
hundred convicts in Chicago were infected with malaria to study the curative
effects of new drugs, those curative effects unfortunately being minimal to none.
Nazi doctors later put on trial at Nuremberg cited this American study as a
precedent in defending their own actions.

I have not yet concluded my research and we may never know for sure, but there
are so many events of this kind that it is at least possible that during the Second
World War, US prisons had more casualties than did the US military.

Tired Blood

The US Navy sponsored an experiment where Harvard University biochemist

Edward Cohn injected 64 Massachusetts prisoners with cow blood, to “see what
would happen”. No report on what actually did happen, but it couldn’t have been
good. Actually, later reports surfaced with testimony that the injections of beef
blood into humans was “catastrophic”. Exactly what the US Navy learned from
this, I cannot imagine.

And So Many More

Many military human experiments were fatal, and were expected to be such. US
Army doctors in the Philippines infected prisoners with bubonic plague and
beriberi. Professor Richard Strong of Harvard University intentionally infected
Filipinos with cholera and the plague, without the consent of the patients, and
without informing them what he was doing. Of course, the subjects all died,
which was the reason they wouldn’t have consented in the first place.

Harvard University’s “Cool” Medical Experiments

While the American establishment and the Jewish-controlled media made much
noise about German hypothermia experiments, American and Jewish scientists
were conducting their own, and very similar, experiments, under a cloak of media
censorship. At Harvard University’s McLean Hospital and the University of
Cincinnati, Douglas Goldman, Maynard Murray, Dill, Forbes and Talbott,
tortured and killed numerous unwitting and helpless people in their despicable
experiments, pretending “to study the effect of frigid temperature on mental

They collected scores of mentally-retarded patients, stripped them naked and

placed them between layers of a kind of rubberised blanket through which a
refrigerated fluid was circulated, bringing the body temperature to well below
freezing, and left them there for a week. The patients were initially given an
anaesthetic to prevent their objections to being stripped naked and restrained on
the platforms, the anaesthetic wearing off within a few hours, after which these
helpless individuals could do no more than lie there for days, cold, hungry,
covered with urine and feces, while slowly watching themselves freeze to death.
Our diabolical Mengeles apparently enhanced the experience of their victims by
subjecting them to electroshock therapy as well.

The few survivors reportedly suffered not only from permanent and excessive
mental retardation, but severe emaciation with an irreparable loss of body mass
in a pathology known as cachexia, in which the human body passes a hormonal
‘tipping point’ after which even excessive ingestion of food or intravenous
nutrition results in continued loss of further body mass, inevitably ending in
death. I’m not sure we need to use Nazi physicians at Dachau or Auschwitz as our
poster boys for depraved inhumanity when we have examples like this so much
closer to home.

These experiments were actually reported in the medical press of the time:
(Goldman & Murray, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1943), (American
Journal of Physiology, 1941). The University of Cincinnati even published a report
describing a series of “Studies on the use of Refrigeration Therapy in Mental
Disease”. Lovely.

Tusgkegee Syphilis Summary

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the
US Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis
under a pretense of the provision of free health care from the US government.
Researchers collected about 600 black men, most of whom apparently were
already infected with syphilis though none were aware of the fact, their
participation in the study baited with promises of free medical care.
The program’s stated goal was was “to document untreated syphilis in a group of
black men for 6-8 months then follow up with a treatment plan”, but there had
never been any intent to provide treatment. Even after penicillin became known
as a proven cure, the men were never informed of their diagnosis, and were not
only discouraged from, but coerced against, seeking treatment that was freely
available elsewhere. Branches of the US government established public health
clinics throughout the area to eradicate the disease, but when these traveling
treatment campaigns came to town, the researchers prevented their victims from
participating. When almost half of this victim population registered for the draft
during WWII, they were all diagnosed as syphilitic during their enlistment
medicals and ordered to obtain treatment, but these same researchers prevented
them from getting treatment, condemning all of them to a lingering death.
Additionally, very painful and unnecessary spinal taps were frequently performed
on many (or most, or all) in the study. All this so the effects of the progress of
syphilis on the human body could be clearly observed as the men slowly
degenerated and died.

The researchers recruited some black physicians and nurses to assist in the study,
their participation intended primarily to assuage other blacks, and to palliate and
share blame. There is no evidence the blacks who assisted in this so-called study
had any idea of its real intent, but rather believed they were part of a medical
experiment that was in the best interests of all poor blacks in the area. Some
today take apparent satisfaction, if not actual glee, in dismissing their moral
responsibility by claiming that most of the black medical community offered full
support for the continuation of the study, but there were no black doctors
anywhere concurring with a plan to watch blacks dying from syphilis when a
penicillin cure was freely available.

Many today make the claim that the study was not secret or clandestine, that it
was performed openly, suggesting full transparency and disclosure, that it
published many reports and data sets throughout its duration, but these claims
are mostly smoke. The 40-year program was based entirely on deceit and
deception. In a February 1992 interview on ABC, Dr. Sidney Olansky, who was for
many years the Director of the study, spoke of the lies told to the victims: “The
fact that they were illiterate was helpful, too, because they couldn’t read the
newspapers. If they were not … they might have been reading newspapers and
seen what was going on.” Researchers uniformly claimed the deceptions were
necessary to ensure the men would stay in the study since they wanted to
observe the course and the effects of this disease as it progressed from illness to

Two directors of the study, Dr. Oliver C. Wenger, and his assistant Dr. Raymond
H. Vonderlehr, developed the inhuman policies of this program and intentionally
deceived and misled the black victims in order to ensure their continued
cooperation. They obtained the consent of their victims for the painful and
dangerous spinal taps by telling the men they were receiving a “special free
treatment”. Dr. John Heller, who was the Director of this Project for the Public
Health Service, and the head of this program, defended the ethics of the study
not only to the end but far past the end. In an editorial on Heller, one author
summarised Heller’s real position as: “The men’s status did not warrant ethical
debate. They were subjects, not patients; clinical material, not sick people.” Even
the Nazis weren’t so arrogant and callous as to take such a position. Heller said
further, using the same arguments the Nazis used for their experiments: “For the
most part, doctors and civil servants simply did their jobs. Some merely followed
orders, others worked for the glory of science.” The glory of science, indeed. This
40-year abomination was terminated in the 1970s when its existence was leaked
to the media and a huge public outcry forced the researchers to stop. But by that
time, almost all the test subjects had died, many of their wives had been infected,
and dozens of their children had been born with congenital syphilis.

Some physicians and others learned of this study and brought their concerns to
the authorities, only to face a stone wall of inhumanity. In 1996, Peter Buxtun, a
San Francisco Health Service investigator, wrote to the Director of the CDC
branch expressing his serious concerns. In response, the CDC “reaffirmed” the
need to “continue the study until completion”, i.e. they issued a firm statement
of their intention to continue their program of deception and the prohibition of
treatment until all the subjects had died and been autopsied.

It was Buxton who finally went to the media in frustration, resulting in

widespread public outrage and condemnation, an immediate Congressional
investigation, the rapid termination of the study, and millions in compensation
paid to the victims’ survivors. But, as always, those individuals responsible for
one of the greatest human rights violations in US history, and almost certainly
the longest-running, managed to escape even censure, much less the hangman.
And even the CDC managed to escape with its reputation more or less intact, in
large part thanks to its media friends who laid all the blame on various ephemeral
branches of the US Public Health Service, instead of on the doorstep of the
criminally-conceived CDC where it belonged.

In addition to the Nuremberg Code of the late 1940s, the Helsinki Declaration
was adopted worldwide in 1964, specifying that any experiments involving
humans required the “informed consent” of the participants, which treaty should
have dictated a re-evaluation of the protocols at Tuskegee. But, since the CDC
had long been granted effective immunity from both domestic and international
law, and had already been involved in violations more abominably wicked than
syphilis, nobody there was interested in either Codes or Declarations. The CBS
journalist Harry Reasoner accurately described Tuskegee as an experiment that
“used human beings as laboratory animals in a long and inefficient study of how
long it takes syphilis to kill someone.”

In 1997, fully twenty-five years after this 40-year tragedy was revealed to the
public, then-President Clinton finally apologised on behalf of the US
government, and held a pathetic ceremony at the White House for surviving
Tuskegee study participants – of whom there were only eight of the 600
remaining alive, most of whom refused to attend. And that’s how we do it in
America when we’re caught with our hands in the money jar. Wait a few decades
until all the smoke has blown away, then turn a deplorable crime into a media

Guatemala Syphilis Summary

This was a truly astonishing event, an enormous crime against humanity planned
at the highest levels of the US Department of Health and inflicted on a helpless
and impoverished nation. The US government hatched a plan to use Guatemala
as an enormous field laboratory and thousands of its citizens as lab rats. The US
Health Service was at the time interested in researching syphilis and similar
diseases, but were experiencing slow progress working with small animals in the
confines of a laboratory. The government had conducted limited experiments on
humans, generally on the helpless such as inmates in prisons, attempting to
infect large populations with these diseases so as to better study them, but again
without reliable results and were forced to abandon their experiments. The
Directors of the US Health Service wanted to abandon animal testing and
conduct massive experiments on live human population samples but this had
become virtually impossible in the US since the enormous scandals in prior
decades when American scientists deliberately infected large population samples
by vaccinating them with various pathogens. Since then, almost all testing had
been limited to animals. However, live human trials were deemed necessary and,
since such experiments were considered “ethically impossible” to conduct within
American borders, the US Health Service did what US pharma companies do
today – they exported an unethical, illegal – and eventually fatal – human
experiment to a poor and unsuspecting country.

Guatemala was ideal for this purpose since it was entirely under the control of
the US government, economically, politically and militarily. At the time, the US-
owned United Fruit Company owned more than half of all the arable land in
Guatemala, its railways and ports, and controlled most of the economy, with the
US military and State Department controlling almost everything else, freely
overthrowing and replacing the nation’s governments at will. US banks
controlled all the nation’s cash reserves, making unconscionable millions by
investing in New York real estate while paying the country only a tiny interest.

Hence, our Guatemala Syphilis experiment in which, between 1946 and 1948, US
government health officials gathered nearly 6,000 of the powerless and
defenceless: prisoners, mental patients, and nearly 1,500 children, as well as
prostitutes, soldiers and others, deliberately infecting most of them with syphilis,
gonorrhea, and a variety of other diseases of varying lethality. Of course, none of
the victims knew what was happening, nor did they give consent to their
participation. Most of the infected were not treated, and eventually almost all
died. But in the end, apparently this massive study produced no useful medical
information, and the records were buried and forgotten. The official story is that
83 of the victims died, but that is a massive lie of omission. The 83 listed deaths
occurred during the first few years of the study when the Americans were still in
Guatemala and still maintaining at least sloppy records. But diseases like syphilis
do not kill quickly. They kill slowly and painfully, often requiring decades to
complete their work of first destroying the victim’s soft tissue and bones, then
covering the body with horrible yellow ulcers, later provoking blindess, total
disability, heart failure and death. In later years, almost all 6,000 died.

This unconscionable travesty was planned by those at the very top of US medical
society and the US miltary. The US Surgeon-General, the US Attorney-General,
the Presidents of the American Medical Association and the National Academy of
Sciences, the head of the US National Institute of Health, the Chairman of the
National Research Council Subcommittee, the top medical officials from the US
Army and Navy, the Rockefeller Foundation that funded much of this work,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, and a wide range of medical experts from Harvard
University, Johns Hopkins, the University of Rochester, the University of
Pennsylvania, and more. Of the names worth remembering in this context, Dr.
John C. Cutler would head the list, followed by Drs. Joseph Earle Moore and John
F. Mahoney. John Cutler headed this experiment.

The “experiments” involved much more than simply infecting the victims with
venereal diseases; they were injected with many kinds of “animal fluids and
tissues”, and a large but undocumented number of individuals had syphilis
injected directly into their brain stems on the pretense of looking for a cure for
epilepsy. Nearly 1,500 children, some drawn from national orphanages, some
abducted from local schools, were used in these appalling experiments, which
often included injecting syphilis into lumbar punctures and brain stems. One
victim, a woman still alive today, tells of being abducted by foreigners
(Americans), stripped naked, laid on a cot, and ordered to open her legs for the
insertion of a syphilis injection into her vagina. When she refused, she was
slapped and beaten until she complied. She was 9 years old at the time. In
addition, about 500 psychiatric patients were deliberately and repeatedly infected
by intravenous or spinal injection, about half of whom eventually died. The
fortunate victims died quickly from the infections, the remainder being left
degenerate, deformed and in pain for their entire lives. Many infected their
spouses and a great many of their children were born with congential syphilis or
other diseases. Few records were kept, and many of those destroyed.

The victims, and the officials, were told they were receiving a vaccination to
study to effects of penicillin, but that was never true. Virtually the entire purpose
of this vast human experiment was to find an easy way to reliably and
consistently infect massive numbers of people. Initially, Cutler used prostitutes,
hoping they would spread the disease to the soldiers and prison inmates, but
when this proved ineffective, he resorted to more direct methods of infection.
The researchers attempted applying subcutaneous and intravenous injections,
cutting the genitals while injecting syphilis into the open wounds, hoping to
increase transmission rates. When these methods proved ineffective, the
Americans obtained a higher success rate by injecting syphilis and gonorrhea
directly into the mens’ penises.

When those methods proved unreliable as well, Cutler moved into the mental
hospitals, orphanages and schools, using the same subterfuge to obtain their
consent to his experiments, with no indication that any of these institutions
understood what was happening. Sexual exposure was not a realistic option in
the mental hospitals and schools, so the Americans abandoned trivial attempts at
infection and concentrated on direct injection of syphilis and other pathogens
directly into the victims’ brain stems. A needle would be inserted into the back of
the skull, some spinal fluid drained, then syphilitic fluid injected in its place. This
procedure was performed on literally hundreds of victims. One well-documented
case was a woman named Berta whose brain was injected with syphilis and left
untreated for months. As her health deteriorated, she was re-infected with
syphilis again, gonorrheal pus was put into her eyes, urethra, vagina and rectum,
and she was again re-injected with syphilis into her brain stem. Within a few days
of this “treatment”, the woman was apparently flowing with pus and blood, and
she died a few days later. Hundreds of other hospital patients died as well. From
the records I have seen, officials of these institutions believed the injections
(inoculations) were a kind of medicine being administered.

According to Cutler’s own records, only a few of the victims ever received
treatment, although he later claimed all subjects were treated. However, the
“treatment” to which many were exposed consisted not of penicillin but of other
toxic chemicals, many arsenic-based, and which would later prove debilitating or

There was an enormous amount of subterfuge involved in this travesty in

Guatemala, being one of the most appallingly deceitful and contemptible human
experiments ever devised. Cutler did not initially infect anyone, instead going to
some lengths to earn local trust before proceeding with his plans. He contrived
plans for disease prevention in the military. He provided treatment to
Guatemalan soldiers and medical instruction, penicillin and other supplies to the
military physicians. Cutler even performed some diagnostic testing among
children in schools and orphanages, to earn the trust of the government and to
obtain access to child victims. By this method, he obtained military agreement to
have hospitals send him prostitutes, whom he then infected by every means with
every venereal disease possible and sent to the soldiers. The women participated
without realising they were being infected with a variety of diseases which they
were expected to then pass on to all the soldiers, while the soldiers participated
without realising their role as lab material. From all reports I’ve seen, the women
and soldiers were mostly abandoned to their fate after having served their
infectious purpose.

As he did in the similar experiments in Tuskegee, Cutler admitted telling no one

that the vaccination material being injected into them was a dangerous pathogen.
He wrote to a colleague, “As you can imagine, we are explaining to the patients
and others concerned … that the treatment is a new one utilizing serum followed
by penicillin. This double talk keeps me hopping at times … a few words to the
wrong person here, or even at home, might wreck it.” His supervisor, R. C.
Arnold, replied, “If some “goody organisation” got wind of the work there would
be a lot of smoke. I see no reason to say where the work was done and the type of
volunteer.” Cutler’s claim was that it wasn’t the fact of violating all the laws that
was troublesome, but the need for secrecy to prevent anyone from realising the
real purpose of his experiment.

“I hope that it will be possible to keep the work strictly in your hands without
necessity for outside advisors or workers other than those who fit into your
program and who can be trusted not to talk.” Cutler to Mahoney; May 17, 1947

“I’m writing this letter personally and unofficially to ask you … it is imperative
that the least possible be known and said about this project …” Cutler to
Mahoney; June 22, 1947

The simple facts are that American scientists had difficulty growing syphilis in
their labs, little success in tests with animals, and so resorted to human
experimentation. When the first attempts by the US Health Service to employ
Cutler to infect so-called “volunteers” at the Terre Haute Federal Penitentiary
(and similar attempts) failed, the US government concocted its scheme to inflate
these hideous experiments to a massive scale and outsource the entire mess to a
poor and ignorant country that was virtually a US colony where American
medical witchcraft could be practiced without legal or moral restrictions. The US
Surgeon-General at the time, a Dr. Parran, was quoted as gleefully boasting, “You
know, we couldn’t do such an experiment in this country”.

In commenting on this American adventure in Guatemala, US writers and

publications go to great lengths to deflect much of the responsibility and blame
on the Guatemalan government and scientists, claiming the entire idea of
infecting thousands of Guatemalans with syphilis and other STDs originated with
a US-trained Guatemalan doctor who “offered his country as a test lab” for these
deliberate infections, and that all levels of authority up to and including the
President of Guatemala were fully informed and approved of these experiments.
One article solemnly stated,

“Between 1946 and 1948, the United States government under President Harry S.
Truman in collaboration with Guatamalan President Juan José Arévalo, with the
cooperation of some Guatemalan health ministries and officials … deliberately
infected more than 1500 soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and even mental patients
with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.” Another states, “The
records of the experiment suggest that Guatemalan government officials were
fully aware of the tests [and] sanctioned them…”

But no evidence has ever been produced to document these scurrilous

accusations. Even Dr. Parran openly acknowledged that the dirty details of the
experiments “were hidden from Guatemalan officials”, which is precisely what
one would expect, given the extreme lengths to which Cutler and his researchers
went to avoid disclosure of the truth.

As a side note, Cutler may not have kept complete records of the worst parts of
his experiments, but his wife who accompanied him on this and other medical
adventures, and who was a professional photographer, apparently took thousands
of photographs to document her husband’s work. Perhaps these photos included
shots of Cutler injecting syphilitic pus into the brain stems of his victims.
Apparently she acted as her husband’s adminstrator, getting to know the repeat
patients, maintaining records and photographing at least some of the more
gruesome parts.

Cutler had absolutely no remorse about his reprehensible experiment and the
massive eventual death toll, staunchly defending his experiments and actions in
the media and in documentaries, and stating he had no regrets whatever about
his ‘study’. I find it difficult to avoid the conclusion that John Cutler was simply
insane, as was his wife. In his determination to infect people on a mass scale with
syphilis and other venereal diseases, he not only attempted everything within the
normal scope of human imagination but went far beyond. He tried multiple
methods on the same individuals, he injected syphilitic pus into the penises and
vaginas of men and women, he injected the bacteria into their veins and
eventually directly into their brain stems. When those attempts failed to produce
infections on a mass scale, Cutler attempted to jump species barriers, repeatedly
injecting the pathogen alternately into various animals and humans. The real
possibility of creating a continental pandemic was apparently of no concern. On
this topic, Susan Reverby tells us Cutler “did his best” to find reliable and
repeatable means of infecting mass populations. His best, indeed.

These experiments remained secret for decades until they were accidentally
discovered by American professor Susan Reverby while conducting research on
similar experiments done in the US. The good news is that when the study was
revealed, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apologized to the government of
Guatemala and the survivors and descendants of those infected, calling the
experiments “clearly unethical”. She is quoted as saying,

“Although these events occurred more than 64 years ago, we are outraged that
such reprehensible research could have occurred under the guise of public health.
We deeply regret that it happened, and we apologize to all the individuals who
were affected by such abhorrent research practices.”

The bad news is that when the few victims remaining alive learned the truth of
their conditions, they filed a $1 billion lawsuit in US courts, seeking
compensation from the various participants, all of whom refused all guilt or
liability, blamed somebody else, and claimed they would “vigorously defend”
against the lawsuit. And, in one of the most cowardly and shameful acts in
history, Hillary Clinton’s State Department said,

“The United States is committed to taking appropriate steps to address that

wrong, (but a) lawsuit is not the proper vehicle – and this court is not the proper
forum – through which the consequences of this shameful conduct may be

Translation: we will do nothing. I must say I found Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy

outrageous and offensive, her infuriatingly fake apology coupled with her
typically inhuman denial of real responsibility and cold-hearted refusal of
compensation, stating that civil courts – in the most litigious nation in the world
– were suddenly “not an appropriate forum” to dispense the required justice.

Ethical Standards

Another factor that consistently rears its head in any exposure or discussion of
this program of US government criminality that spanned 100 or more years,
involves persistent attempts to whitewash one of the greatest sociopathic
enterprises of all time by pretending that “things were different, then”, that
ethical standards have changed over time. We recently had a Dr. Michael
Kilpatrick, a Defense Department medical adviser, telling us “It’s very hard to try
and put today’s ethics on standards 20, 30, 40 years ago … I think they were
trying to protect people using the medical science that was available at that
time.” These claims are pathetically dishonest on so many levels.

For one, the Defense Department was not in any way “trying to protect people”;
they were learning how to create weapons for biological warfare that would kill as
many people as possible. For another, “the medical science that was available at
that time” is irrelevant, perhaps not to their activities but certainly to their
ethical standards. Dr. Kilpatrick is telling us that because medical science wasn’t
as advanced 20 or 30 years ago, forcibly infecting prisoners and hospital patients
with cholera, cancer, the plague, dioxins, plutonium, malaria, syphillis, gonorrhea,
anthrax, were righteous and ethical activities, that they appear repugnant today
only because our our increased medical knowledge somehow mutated upward
our ethical standards. A Jewish bioethicist named Susan Lederer at the
University of Wisconsin–Madison, claims “The standards of the 1940s were “a lot
murkier” than those of today. The idea that it was so clear in 1946 to me doesn’t
ring true.”

I disagree. I grew up in the 1950s and I can tell you that in 1950 there was nobody
– and I repeat, nobody – alive at that time who didn’t know it was wrong to inject
a pregnant mother with radioactive iodine, knowing it would cause a
spontaneous abortion, just for the sake of examining placental radiation
transference. In 1950, the US Department of Defense began a long program of
detonating nuclear weapons in selected areas of the US, to monitor downwind
residents for medical problems and mortality rates. Nobody can claim American
officials didn’t know it was wrong to conduct above-ground nuclear explosions
near populated areas, nor that they didn’t know it was wrong to tell the women
subsequently dying from leukemia and brain cancers they were suffering from
“housewife syndrome”. Nobody can claim physicians didn’t know it was wrong to
infect thousands of people with syphillis and to refuse them treatment, so as to
study the progress of the disease. And if ethical standards were really so different
in those days, why were the government and the military, the hospitals and
institutions, and all the physicians involved, so desperately maintaining a high
level of secrecy? Why were they repeatedly expressing in writing their fears of
public condemnation and lawsuits?

The behavior that today we categorise as monstrous, as morally and ethically

reprehensible, as conducted by sociopaths and psychopaths, and as unforgivably
criminal, would have earned precisely the same condemnation 50 or 100 years
ago. It is not at all hard to apply today’s ethical standards to our recent past,
because they have not changed, at least not within the general public. In fact, in
1865, French physiologist Claude Bernard published a medical text titled
“Introduction to the Study of Human Experimentation”, in which he advised
physicians to “Never perform an experiment which might be harmful to the
patient even though highly advantageous to science or the health of others”. And
in 1900, the Prussian Minister of Medical Affairs published the Berlin Code of
Medical Ethics, which stated in part that “all medical interventions for other than
healing” were prohibited if “(1) the subject was a minor or incompetent, (2) the
subject had not given unambiguous consent, and (3) consent was not preceded
by a proper explanation of possible negative consequences.” In 1907, Dr. Albert
Leffingwell wrote, “At the beginning of a new century we are confronted by great
problems. One of these is human vivisection in the name of scientific research.
We appeal, then, to the medical press of America to beak that unfortunate silence
which seems to justify or, at least, to condone it. Now and henceforth, will it not
join us in condemning every such vivisector of little children, every such
experimenter upon human beings? We make this appeal to it in the name of
Justice and Humanity and for the sake of millions yet unborn.” Where does this
leave Dr. Kilpatrick and his foolish claim of “20 year-old ethical standards”?

It is also necessary to point out that the lack of morality and ethics in the US
government and the military, and in the large corporations, has not changed
during the past 50 or 100 years. The US government, the military and the CIA,
and multi-national business executives, are precisely the same morally-deformed
sociopathic criminals they were 100 years ago. I have mentioned elsewhere that
US Big Pharma now outsources its most dangerous and/or unethical drug trials
and experiments to impoverished nations, often with the active assistance of the
US State Department, creating the same human carnage there it once did at
home. Nothing has changed. But Big Pharma learned these tricks in the
classrooms of the master of deception – the US military. As far back as the 1950s
and 1960s, the US military and CIA were ‘outsourcing’ the field testing of various
pathogens to other nations, friend and enemy alike. For one, much of the testing
of LSD and other hallucinogens was conducted in Europe and Asia, these
surreptitious tests of European civilians done under the code name of “Project
Third Chance”, while those in various Asian countries were code-named “Project
Derby Hat”. This is how the CIA managed to poison and kill almost the entire
population of a town in France – and escape undetected.

The Times are Changing

While the US and Western media today are flooded with articles about Russia,
China or Venezuela failing in some manner to respect various public rights, they
are strangely silent on American violations both domestically and internationally,
determined to keep the American and Western public in ignorance about these
abuses and the increasing international condemnation of them. In early 2014, the
US government underwent yet another severe two-day grilling at the UN on its
abominable human-rights record, the news of which seemed to escape the
attention of the major US news media. The UN committee “turned the
magnifying glass the other way” and delivered a long list of hard-hitting
questions and demands to the US government delegation, which appropriately
reflected the growing international realisation that US rhetoric on human rights
in no way matches its actions either at home or abroad.

The UN body roundly condemned the US on a great many human-rights issues,

expressing what it called “deep concerns” about a vast array of serious abuses of
which many, like rampant gun violence and endemic racial inequality, are as old
as the country itself. The board specifically attacked the US government’s refusal
to recognise the Human Rights Convention’s mandate over its actions beyond its
own borders, which was described as a way of evading international scrutiny over
America’s widespread torture prisons and multiple other “extra-territorial”
abuses that were illegal in international law. The charges and accusations
included detention without charge or access to rule of law, the rampant torture of
prisoners, and the increasingly prevalent state-sanctioned extra-judicial killings.
In particular, the US government’s global so-called “counter-terrorism” tactics
came under heavy fire, including the indiscriminate use of drone aircraft killing
thousands of innocent civilians and unlawful freezing and seizure of assets. The
UN body especially condemned the Obama administration for failing to
prosecute any former US government officials responsible for massive war
crimes. It also demanded the US immediately shut all secret detention facilities
and transfer prisoners to places where they will have full protection of the law,
and also demanded the immediate declassification and release of the 6,300-page
report into the Bush administration’s use of torture techniques and rendition.

The UN report also covered the domestic human rights situation in the US. In
addtion to arbitrary detentions, the board particularly attacked the US’ racially
discriminatory stop and frisk practices, particularly the racial profiling by police,
including the mass surveillance of Muslim communities by the New York police
department. It noted the statement by NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly that he
“deliberately targeted and focused on [Blacks and Latinos] because he wanted to
instill fear in them that every time that they left their homes they could be
targeted by police”, in a practice that federal judges had previously ruled illegal.
The UN also discussed the prolonged solitary confinement and the massive
problem of state-sanctioned rape in US prisons, the blanket surveillance and
demonisation of Muslim communities, deportations to Haiti, the active
suppression on US campuses of speech critical of the Israeli government’s
treatment of Palestinians, the widespread and clearly illegal NSA surveillance,
and countless other issues.

The UN group also demanded a moratorium on the death penalty, noting the
obvious racial disparities in the use of the death penalty in the US, which it
claimed was imposed disproportionately on minority groups and the poor. It
noted the case of Glenn Ford, the 144th person on death row in the US to be
exonerated since 1973, saying: “One hundred and forty-four cases of people
wrongfully convicted to death is a staggering number”. It identified the state-
sanctioned violence so endemic in the US, evidenced by the proliferation of
stand-your-ground gun laws, and quoting what it called “the staggering figure of
470,000 crimes committed with firearms each year. It attacked the “incarceration
mentality” in the US, identifying the massive and enduring racial disparities in
the justice system with large numbers of black prisoners serving much longer
sentences than whites, the severe mistreatment of mentally-ill and juvenile
prisoners, the segregation in schools, the high levels of “state-engendered”
homelessness and the criminalization of homeless people.

The US was clearly sensitive to the prospect of exposure of its large-scale

hypocrisy on matters of human rights and sent a large self-defense delegation to
this hearing in Geneva. The Americans, who usually ignore their human rights
obligations and attempt to escape criticism by glossing over or blatantly
whitewashing their multiple state-sanctioned abuses, were frequently and
noticeably made quite uncomfortable by this act of public shaming. In response
to the charges, the Americans were as always heavy on lip service and light on
substance, making such fatuous statements as how the country was “continually
striving to improve”, and State Department lawyers claiming they were
“disappointed” because the condemnatory report “was not a full analysis of the
situation”. Mary McLeod, a senior State Department official, responded with
typical utopian disingenuousness in claiming “While we are certainly not perfect,
our network of federal, state and local institutions provide checks on
government”, which of course they manifestly do not. Even more foolishly, she
further informed the body that “Since the founding of our country, in every
generation there have been Americans who sought to realize our constitution’s
promise of equal opportunity and justice for all”, conveniently failing to address
any of the specifics of her nation’s crimes.
In addressing the vast litany of America’s international human-rights abuses and
crimes against humanity, the same McLeod simply adhered to propaganda
rhetoric while drawing irrelevant distinctions, holding that human rights treaties
“do not apply to US actions overseas”, dismissing with a simple statement the
millions of deaths and countless other crimes. She claimed the US was “working
to reduce the number” of people illegally held without charge in the many torture
prisons, insisted that US drone strikes on civilians “were conducted in
compliance with international law”, and foolishly argued that the NSA was under
“substantial oversight” by US government departments. McLeod further, and
stupidly, claimed that US torture victims received “exceptional healthcare”,
insisted that the administration was taking measures to reduce disparities in
racial sentencing and profiling, and claimed the death penalty was steadily
declining. She refused to address the force-feedings of torture prisoners, stating
only that it was her government’s policy to “support the preservation of life in a
humane manner” – while torturing it to death. Only Americans are capable of
such fatuous lies.

Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles
posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more
than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry
Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held
senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an
international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at
Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to
senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a
series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the
contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China
Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at +

He can be contacted at:

Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

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