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“Scott Haines’s Hottest Sales Letters!” A Collection Of Winners—Responsible For Millions Of Dollars In Sales—From The Frontlines Of Tested, Direct Response Advertising. Copyright © 2008 Scott L. Haines. All Rights Reserved. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2006 Scott L. Haines. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by: Scott L. Haines 7107 S. Yale Avenue, #295 Tulsa, OK 74136 Web site: http://www E-mail: Printed in the United States of America DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL NOTICES While all attempts have been made to provide accurate and verifiable information in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. Both the Publisher and Author want to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying federal, state and local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent legal counsel to determine what federal, state and local laws or regulations may apply to the user's particular business. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other Country or jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. TABLE OF CONTENTS: “Returned $41 For Every $1 Spent Mailing” “Follow-Up Postcard” “Follow-Up Fax” “Damaged Set” Letter “21% Response For A $10,000-Per-Year Coaching Service” “Selling Subscriptions Successfully” “Launching A Niche Marketing Consulting Business On A Tight Budget” “Free Recorded Message Voicemail Script” “A Quick And Easy Letter That Sells Books By The Truckload” “A Lead-Generation Letter That More Than Doubled The Client’s Previous Best Effort” “Another Version Of The Lead-Generation Letter That Also More Than Doubled His Response” “Returned $21 For Every $1 Spent Mailing To Cold Lists” “How To Close The Sale On A Recorded Tape (Or CD)” “A ‘Damaged Set? Letter That Instantly Squeezed Out Over $65,000” “If/Then Headline Approach” “The Lead-Generation E-mail For The Previous Letter” “This Lead-Generation Postcard Pulls Up To 13% From Cold Lists” “Beat By My Own Idea” “Infomercial Guru Letters” “The Donald” And Me “Returned $41 For Every $1 Spent Mailing” My friend and occasional client, Joe Polish, hired me to write this letter. It’s a letter selling the tapes of his annual Boot Camp. This letter brought back $41 for every $1 spent in mailing costs. It’s a long letter (24 pages, plus a 2-page testimonial insert and order form)... the longest one I'd written up to that point. It was a huge success. In fact, it doubled the response of a letter Dan Kennedy wrote for the event tapes the year before. Now, having said that, here’s what I didn’t mention: Dan probably spent two or three days on his letter. Ispent almost a month, all told. First, | attended the seminar and took nearly 50 pages of notes. Then I flew back to Miami and wrote for 17 days straight to complete the letter. In any case, the extra work paid off. I’ve done this—attended a seminar and took extensive notes, then wrote the letter—a few times... always with outstanding results. I don’t do it anymore, as ally not worth my while to do so. But it’s something you may want to try or hire someone to do if you're selling seminar tapes. ‘This method has great advantages. Just note the detailed bullets of each speaker’s presentation... the intimate details in the letter only someone in attendance could’ ve know. All this improves response quite dramatically. As for the letter itself... the big thing here is it’s offer-based. Big promise... “make $40,000 or more or double your money back”. As far as I know, no one asked for double their money back, but sales improved sharply. join the elite Also, one other thing: The first sentence of the superscript headline... I said, in your industry" and “ rewarded with some real money for your efforts”. ‘There’s a lot of psychology there. ‘These guys all know there are people—“the elite”—in their industry making more than they are. So here’s their chance to join them... and be rewarded with some real money for their efforts. Hey, all these guys (and gals) work hard... most for peanuts. So I didn’t say here’s your chance to “make”, but rather, I said “be rewarded”. When you say “make” that connotes “work”. They are already working hard... I want to “reward” them for what they are already doing. A subtle, but ultra-important word substitution. “Are you finally ready to join the elite in your industry... and... be rewarded with some real money for your efforts? Piranha Members report an average increase in their incomes of $40,000 in the first year alone after attending one of Joe’s Boot Camps. (That's just average!) Read this entire message right away to find ‘out how you can do the same... or... even much better! “The Most Profitable ‘Boot Camp In A Box’ Ever Or You Get Double Your Money Back — Guaranteed! “for a limited time, Joe will send you his latest ‘Boot Camp In A Box’ and, if you don’t make at least an extra $25,000 in the next six months... he will give you double your money back. Plus, you’ll get to keep all of the extra bonuses worth $1,497 absolutely free!” From: Scott L. Haines Phoenix, Arizona Wednesday, 12:11 p.m. November 1, 2000 Dear Piranha Member, ‘You probably don’t know me. However, if you are interested in making an extra $40,000 or more a year in your carpet cleaning business with less work, less and more free time than you ever thought possible... then this is going to be the most exciting message you'll ever read! Here’s what this is all about: ‘My name is Scott Haines and I’m a business writer living in Miami, Florida. I've known Joe Polish for some time, but I've never done any work for him. However, a few months ago, Joe called me up and said, “Hey Scott, would you like to come to my Boot Camp in October and write a letter describing it to all my Piranha Members?” Iwas very busy at the time and thought to myself, “Why would I want to go to a Boot Camp that shows Carpet Cleaners how to improve their businesses?” Well, to make a long story short, Treluctantly agreed. And let me tell you... What A Major Mistake I (Go to page 2) - Page 2- Would Have Made Had I Turned Joe Down And Missed This Event! You see, not only did Joe’s Boot Camp reveal how carpet cleaners can transform their businesses from failures into super-successes... it also revealed how anyone (carpet cleaners included) can transform their entire lives from failures into super-suecesses! Honestly, I was amazed! ‘This was the best Boot Camp (conference, seminar, whatever you want to call it) I've ever been to. I’ve attended others at over three times the cost... and... Joe’s blew ‘em all away. I mean usually, I show up late, leave early and walk out on boring speakers. Not this one! I didn’t miss one single minute... except for a few bathroom breaks. And, [know what you are thinking, “Well, he got paid to sit there the entire time.” Not true! Isat through every minute because I was absolutely astonished with what was being said! It really was an extraordinary event. And that brings me to another point... ‘You Missed Out! You weren’t there and I’m truly sorry for you, for that. Maybe you wanted to come but couldn’t afford the cost or time away from your business or family. Or, maybe you didn’t believe the promises in the sales letter. The guarantee. The testimonials from other cleaners who've had success with Joe’s methods. Whatever the reason... it’s a shame. But, as you already know from reading the headline on the first page... there’s still hope! Every time Joe does a Boot Camp, he offers a “Boot Camp In A Box.” And this time is no different. However, I want to point out: THIS BOOT CAMP WAS DIFFERENT! It was much more powerful, with more easy to apply ideas, techniques and strategies for improving your business and life than ever before. There were new and different speakers that you've never heard before. There were more attendees — 307 to be exact. In fact, it was completely sold out! ‘There wasn’t an empty chair in the room. People had to stand and I had to sit in the very back, in acomer and write in my lap. So, as I said, there’s still hope. You can get the “Boot Camp In A Box” that, in some ways, is actually better than attending “live.” Plus, you'll get $1,497 in free bonuses you can keep even if you return the audio and videotapes. And, for the first time ever... you'll get an amazing Double ‘Your Money Back, Double Guarantee! But, I'm getting way ahead of myself. First, I want to tell you why you absolutely must get this “Boot Camp In A Box.” And the best way I know how to do that is, take you through each electrifying day, speaker by speaker and tell you about the amazing secrets they revealed for transforming your business and life: Day One: Friday, October 27, 2000 deff Paul, How To Use “Accurate Thinking” To Create Instant Profits Hidden In Your (Go to page 3) - Page 3 - Business — If you know Joe, you’ ve probably heard of Jeff. His story is amazing! Jeff started out sleeping in his sister-in-law’s basement with his wife and three kids, buried under the crushing weight of $100,000 in credit card debt. However, with the same secrets he revealed at the Boot Camp, he quickly created a business that sold $20,000,000.00 worth of high-priced products strictly through direct mail. By the way, he did this from a tiny, 412 square foot room over his garage. Since then, he has gone on to sell tens of millions more through clients. (One client of Jeff's went from $0 to $30,000,000.00 a year in sales in only three years!) His talk, that lasted just 1 hour and 45 minutes, was worth at least ten times the cost of the Boot Camp's $1,497 tuition. Now, I don’t expect you to completely believe me when I say that... so... let me give you just a glimpse of the moneymaking and success secrets he revealed... ‘© Why being the best at doing your job (carpet cleaning) won’t make you rich... and... what you should really be working on if you truly want to be successful ‘© The real and only reason for massive success in business and in life! (It’s really very simple... but... until you know what it is and how to apply it, you'll never achieve the success you dream about.) ‘* Why unethical bait ‘n’ switch cleaners succeed when others with “good intentions” fail miserably. (Once you know their secret... you can then apply it to your business in an “ethical” way and blow them out of the water!) How to have a perfect business! © Why what you think about your business and your customers and what they need and want means nothing! (Not knowing this dooms more businesses to failure than almost any other factor.) ‘+ The difference between the “should be” world and the “is” world... and... which one you should be living in for maximum success. (99.9% of all people (including probably you) are living in the wrong one and it’s the cause of almost all their frustrations, failures and disappointments!) * Why you should never “guess” about what your customers want. If you do, you'll always be broke! ‘© What Bill and Hillary Clinton can reveal to you about being wildly successful! (Regardless of what you think of them, there’s something infinitely valuable you can learn from them about success.) ‘© What you should really be studying and reading... . you want to be (Go to page 4) - Page 4- man, Sul with your marketing and advertising efforts! (It’s not what ‘most people recommend or lead you to believe.) * The worst “thinking sin” of all time — that you're probably committing right now — and how to solve it! * The only two things you should be concerned with or thinking about ‘©. you want the smoothest, fastest and easiest path to massive ee * At amazing and brutally simple formula for making huge wads of cash! (This is the only real way to make easy money left in the world today!) * What you can learn from a dead plastic surgeon that can transform you {nto an exceptional person. (No, it's not cosmetic surgery.) * Five easy steps for identifying the very best markets in the world! (Once Zou Know this, you'l then be able to identify the exact groups of people out there that will make you extremely rich!) * Why you should read Women’s magazines like Cosmo, even if you're a Iman! (Actually, everyone in business (man ot woman) should igad there magazines if they want to be more successful!) * How to make all your ads 400% more successful without changing a single word! * How to name and ttle everything you do in your business... and... why you ‘must do itif you want to make the most money possible! * Why it’s okay to fail and what to do about it! * Why, if you wait for the “ight time” to do anything in your life or your business — you'll fail! * The “Five Minute Wallow” Law! his may be the most important ing I've ever heard anyone say in my e ife!) Topeak Cleaning and restoration equipment in the world. In fact. his family has over 100 years of combined experience in the industry. Now, I'm not a carpet cleaner, but if Iwas, this is the man (other than Joe Polish) (Go to page 5) - Page 5 - T'd most want to hear speak! Here’s a sample of what he revealed on maximizing the potential of your marketplace: * Why Joe Polish is the most “imitated” person in the carpet cleaning industry... and... how you can use that information to explode your income! * Why you should never prejudge your marketplace... and why... if you do, you'll go broke fast! ‘* How to take your carpet cleaning business from where it is now to where you want it to be... and... how to do it in the shortest amount of time and with the least effort possible! (Actually, this is excellent information for any business.) + How to “own” your coverage area in a way that prevents knock offs, bait ‘n’ switchers and other unethical dirt bags from taking your business away from you! + Three crucial facts you must know to make maximum money from your coverage area! (Without knowing these facts, you’ll never make as much money as you’re capable of!) Also, Doyle shows you step-by-step how to determine: A. Exactly how much carpet gets professionally cleaned in your area per year — both residential and commercial. B. How many competitors exist in your area. C. How much market share you can expect to capture. D. Your total potential income from your area! After Doyle shows you how to determine this information... then... you can use it to map out a success plan for your business (based on reality) that really works! You'll know exactly what you need to do to get your cleaning business to where you want it to be. Without Doyle’s hard- nosed information, you may not even realize that the area you cover might not be able to provide the income you need or want! loc Polish, The Amazingly Successful Piranha Marketing Selling Model — You already know Joe, so I won’t bore you with an introduction. However, you may have never quite heard Joe lay it on the line like he did at the Boot Camp. Here's what he revealed: + The three things you absolutely must have if you want people to line up (Go to page 6) ~ Page 6 - and beg you to clean their carpets! A pain-free way to generate business that’s easy and works like crazy! How to use the concept of “good manipulation” to make a fortune in short order! (Not 1 carpet cleaner in 1,000 knows or understands this. Once Joe explains it to you... you'll have an unfair advantage!) Why you should never use “me” advertising! The 5 “key” elements of every successful direct response ai one of these out... and... you'll fail miserably!) (Leave just How to pre-sell every customer or client you ever encounter... so... when you talk to them, they'll say, “When can you be here?” And not, “How ‘much do you charge?” Joe’s “super-secret” pick up lines he uses to meet women... and... how you can apply them in your business to get more clients than you can even handle! (As crude as that sounds, I urge you not to be turned off by it. There’s actually an amazing sales lesson there that, I’m positive you’ve never been exposed to before... and... that will totally explode your income!) How Joe REALLY makes his money! (He almost never talks about this.) ‘A surprise talk by a successful carpet cleaner averaging $15,000 a month with just one van about how he does it! (His average job is $225!) How one savvy cleaner uses the Internet to generate tons of new clients! Nine pre-selling techniques from cleaners around the world you can use right now to... get more clients, make more per square foot, work less... and... in general, enjoy your business and life more! A simple technique QVC (the TV shopping channel) uses that instantly doubles their sales! (This technique works like crazy in any business. carpet cleaning including.) ‘The real reason you lose clients... and... what to do about it! How to increase the dollar amount of your average job by one hundred or more dollars instantly! ‘Why you should always package your services! (If you’re not now, your (Go to page 7) - Page7 - throwing money away!) * How one successful carpet cleaner turns 100% of the Carpet Audits he does into a sale that puts money into his pocket! ‘+ Secrets of super star businesses. What you can learn from MeDonald’s and Starbucks that can triple your profits! * The real reason you aren’t making as much money as you want! (You'd never guess what the answer is.) and... how you can apply them {o your employees to get maximum results from them! (And no, it’s not screaming, yelling and calling them names. They’IL actually be glad to do a better job for you and your customers!) ‘* Dan Kennedy’s secret for hiring quality employees! © Former President Ronald Reagan’s productivity secret! © How to increase your cleaning business by 42% with almost no work whatsoever! Where to get the most successful Help Wanted Ad for carpet cleaning technicians in the world. (This ad—without fail—draws in the “cream of the crop” every time it’s used!) Also during Joe’s talk, you'll hear organizational expert Barbara Hemphill, the author of the wildly successful books: Taming the Paper Tiger at Work and Taming the Paper Tiger at Home, reveal how to write press releases that will get published and create massive publicity and sales for your business. And, you'll hear ICRC Master Trainer, Tom Hill talk for a few minutes about the future of technician training and how technology is going to change and improve radically the way you train your employees! Brian Tracy. The Psychology of Success — Very funny! Brilliant! Exciting! Genius! But very out of character. I promise, you'll never see him speak like this anyplace else! Brian has shared the speaking platform with almost every other significant business, marketing and sales speaker or expert alive — from peak performance guru Tony Robbins to Zig Ziglar! He addresses more than 400,000 men and women each year on personal and professional development. In addition to this, he has sold more self-improvement audiotape programs than anyone else in the world, including: The Psychology of Selling — which has made more millionaires than any other information product in the world... and... The Psychology of Achievement — the #1 best-selling audio program ever produced... it has been translated into 20 languages! ‘What makes this even more amazing is, where Brian started from. He didn't graduate high (Go to page 8) - Page 8 - school. He worked at menial laboring jobs for years. He’s been unemployed. He’s been on ‘welfare (just once though). He’s lived in his car. He has (and I swear this is the truth) literally hhad to dig ditches for a living! Name being low and Brian has been there. Do you think you might be able to learn something about success from this man? I would say so. Anyway, here’s what Brian revealed about being successful at the Boot Camp: ‘The single most important factor for becoming a massive success! (It’s simple and once you hear it, you'll have less stress and more peace of mind from now on.) ions rise and fall and why you will too unless you know this ‘When the best time is to deal with a challenge! Why you should rejoice when a problem arises! What really determines your level of success! ‘An amazingly simple formula for becoming a millionaire that will work for anyone, no matter what you do, where you live or where you are in life right now! ‘The most important single quality you must have if you truly want to be rich and successful! (Today’s world demands it, and you must have it or get it... or ... you’re destined to fail!) How to use Zero-Based Thinking to ensure you won't make mistakes in the decisions that control your life and level of success! How to and why you must have courage in every decision you make! ‘Why you should almost completely ignore the “facts” about your life... if.. you want to be successful! How to get what you really want! ‘What successful people really think about most of the time... and... how if you have these thoughts... you can be successful too! How to blaze through life on the fast-track to success! How to get smarter! (There’s a simple question that, if you ask yourself repeatedly, will actually increase your LQ.) ‘The secret power of “Intuition!” How to use it for more accurate (Go to page 9) ~ Page 9 - and better results, (Man or woman — your intuition, when properly developed and used, is one of your most powerful gifts!) ‘* Two words you should never, ever say to yourself or anyone else! © Sthoughts you must have if you want maximum success! © The most valuable human commodity for success! (Without this, you can’t win!) © The real secret of true happiness! * The real reason why positive thinking works! * Assimple 2-3 minute goal-setting exercise that will get you (almost magically) anything you want in your life! © The secret power of BIG Goals! + How to force good opportunities and ideas to come your way proven way to make “good luck” happen to you.) * How Brian gets out of dilemmas in his own life! ‘* The one thing that—if repeated—ensures success! © How to use the 80/20 Rule for maximum success! ‘* The greatest breakthrough in education since the printing press... and... how you should use it to advance you life! Oh, almost forgot to mention... Brian’s plane was circling the Sky Harbor airport here in Phoenix and got so low on gas, they had to reroute to Tucson to refill. I’m not sure what the problem was, but it caused him to be several hours late... and unfortunately... we had to eat dinner while he talked. However, being the true professional that he is, he turned the whole incident into a success lesson that you must hear... if... you want to succeed in today’s world! Dan Kennedy, The Professor of Harsh Reality — Again, if you know Joe, you’ve probably heard of Dan, What you may not know though is: Joe, me and quite a few successful Piranha Members owe a very large portion of our success to him! Years ago, I picked up one of Dan’s books in a bookstore and I instantly recognized that, here’s a man who is telling the truth. Since then, I’ve read his books dozens of times, been a newsletter subscriber and used his genius marketing ideas to make more money than I care to say here. I’m not saying this to brag, but to impress upon you the fact that... if you'll listen to what Dan revealed at Joe’s Boot Camp and (Go to page 10) = Page 10- apply it, you will make more money (probably a whole lot more) in your cleaning business from now on — period! By the way, Dan never lets anyone videotape him. But, somehow, Joe got him to agree to it just this once. So, when you get the “Boot Camp In A Box,” you'll get to “see” Dan at his best, revealing the No B.S. truth about how to explode the profits in your cleaning business. Such as: © 3surefire marketing guiding lights that ensure success! ‘* What you must know and have before you ever spend one dime on advertising... if... you want to be successful! ‘* A simple 3-part formula for maximum results from all your marketing and advertising! ‘* What makes things compelling and how to apply it to your advertising! + How to pick business battles you can’t lose! ‘* How to magnetically attract the perfect customer to your business with no, hard work whatsoever! © The single most important question you must ask yourself about your business... if... you want to dominate your marketplace! ‘© The real way to “brand” your business for success! ‘© Why it’s okay to drive your competitors out of business! (After you hear this, you'll never feel guilty for crushing your competition again.) ‘What a USP is and how to get one that can improve your business by 300%. 400%, 500%, 1,000% or more! (An old ad man named Rosser Reeves invented this concept and it has been responsible for some of the biggest business successes in history.) ‘+ How to get complete privacy on any plane in the world — absolutely guaranteed every time! ‘©The most underused marketing tool on the planet that can increase ad response by 2,000%! (Not knowing about this is the equivalent of advertising suicide!) * How to pre-test every sales message you ever plan on using for FREE! (Once you know how to do this, you'll never spend any money on ads that don’t work again. This concept alone could save you thousands, (Go to page 11) - Page 11 - even tens of thousands of dollars in the next year alone!) * How to overcome skepticism in your marketplace! © The three and only three ways to get a new customer! ‘* How to find a good mailing list broker... and... where to get a reference resource that has every available mailing list known to man! ‘© What you should do before you ever send out a mailing! (This is just commonsense, yet almost no one does it... and... it eliminates the #1, reason why mailings fail to work!) ‘© The real secret of all successful advertising messages! + How to dominate your marketplace in 45 days or less... guaranteed — with no hard work or manual labor at all! ‘* The real way to get your direct mail opened, read and responded to! (Dan is one of the few experts that gets this right. Most everything you read or hear on this subject is dead wrong... and... fatal to your results!) * Bow to bridge the gap quickly and effectively between new ideas or information and getting them implemented into your business! Day Two: Saturday, October 28, 2000 Dan Wheeler, Creating A Perfect Selling Environment — Dan has personally sold over ONE BILLION DOLLARS worth of products to consumers from every walk of life. He’s a host ‘on QVC, the top home shopping channel on TV... and... actually, the most profitable TV network on the planet. QVC is watched by 500,000 to 1,000,000 people every night and does 3.6 billion dollars in sales a year! What this means to you: Dan has mastered the art of “creating the perfect selling environment.” Armed with the amazing secrets Dan revealed at the Boot Camp, you'll be able to turn every home you enter into a “perfect selling environment.” Upsells will be a breeze and your average job will likely double... maybe even triple! Here’s a little bit of what Dan revealed: * How to make your customers want to buy from you and feel great about itt ‘+ How to plant “seeds of curiosity” to set up easy sales! (Dan makes his point on this subject by drinking mouthwash on stage! You've got to see this to (Go to page 12) = Page 12 - believe it. Ican’t even really explain it. Plus, it’s hilarious and very educational.) 5 crucial conditions that must exist in order to set up a great selling environment! (Leave just one of these out and you'll lose money on every job you do.) How Dan sold 1,000 of those little scooters (that are all the rage now) instantly, before he said a single word! (He then went on to sell out the entire inventory — 1.2 million dollars worth in 7 minutes flat!) How to sell more without selling! ‘A 100% ethical way to get people to drop their defenses and make them ‘want what you have to offer so bad... they can’t get their money out fast enough! Why you should never try and be someone you are not when you are selling to customers! ‘The right way to use your voice in selling for maximum results! ‘The secret power of triads! (You'll never be a great salesman in print or in person unless you understand this.) How, if you have to sell face-to-face, to use your body in a way that makes people want to buy from you! How to use stories to sell more of what you have to sell easier, faster and at higher prices than you ever thought possible! ‘The 7-second impression rule... or... how to make a great first impression! Magic phrases and actions that will sell every personality type you are ever likely to encounter! How (o sell to men effectively... and... how to sell to women effectively! (There is a difference... and... you must approach them differently if you ‘want maximum results.) ‘A simple body adjustment—anyone can do—that makes the difference between failure and success in sales and in life! Dan’s secret “everyone's watching” mindset! (This is especially crucial to understand... if... you want higher upsells, more referrals and more (Go to page 13) - Page 13 - repeat business!) + The very best way in the world to force people to believe what you are saying and buy from you! ‘+ How to tease people into buying! + The real reason people buy! ‘* How to use simple honesty to multiply sales! By the way, this was the first time Dan has ever spoke publicly about how he sold over One Billion Dollars worth of products to consumers. He may never speak at a Boot Camp again... 50... you should absolutely do whatever it takes to hear him talk about how he does what he does.” It’s worth it, I promise. Ken Glickman, I-Power: How To Transform Your Life and Business — Ken is the managing editor for the $125 million a year publishing giant, Boardroom Inc. Boardroom publishes Bottom Line Personal, the largest consumer newsletter in the history of the world with more than 1.6 million subscribers. Ken’s been a speaker at past Boot Camps and he always gets arave review. (On a personal note: Ken’s talk lifted my spirits more than any other speaker I've ever heard. His concept of, “Richer than Rockefeller” has changed my mindset forever. After you hear him on this subject, it will be hard, if not impossible to ever feel down in the dumps again. Even when things are going terribly wrong... you'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel! And you can’t put a price tag on that! I would have paid almost anything for just that one simple concept.) Anyway, Ken revealed the most powerful, user-friendly management system in the world called I-Power. This is the exact system Boardroom used to grow from $25 million a year to over $125 million a year in less than four years... without... adding one single employee. And, he revealed many other strategies for improving every aspect of your life — business and personal — such as: © Three critical questions you must ask yourself every day of your life.. if... you want massive success! ‘* How to become a better thinker and save yourself years of hard work! ‘© Why you must and how to switch from a problem-based to a solution- based thinker! ‘© How to create miracles in your life every day! © The amazing power of having an attitude of gratitude! © Why each one of us are miracles and how to use that knowledge to get (Go to page 14) - Page 14- anything you want in life! (We all have this gift and once you know what it is, you'll never feel inferior again!) ‘* How to use repetition in everything that you do for maximum results! * How to transform every good idea you have into action by turning it into a six to ten-step plan! (This eliminates procrastination!) © Why you should never beat yourself up for not getting things done... and... how to get what is important finished in a hurry! ‘* How to prioritize your life for maximum results! * How to let go of what you can’t control and get a handle on what you can! ‘© Two simple truths that, once realized... will give you greater peace of mind from now on! ‘© What you must ask yourself every time someone wants you to do something! (Ever feel like you’ve promised away much more than you can give? If so, this question will ensure you won't do it in the future. Then, you'll never feel like you're cheating yourself or anyone else again!) * How to say NO politely! (This is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire, yet almost no one has it.) ‘* How to examine and challenge your old and current beliefs that are now holding you back from being the most effective person you can be! Jeff Smith, Stress-Free Success — Jeff is the creator of the “2X + I System” for doubling your income while taking at least one extra day off each week. During the past 11 years, Jeff has developed an international reputation for coaching entrepreneurs and business owners... and... he co-created the Piranha Mastermind Coaching program with Joe. In his presentation, Jeff revealed his secrets for helping you to integrate your business with your personal life in a way that lets you lead a healthy, well-balanced, stress-free lifestyle. ‘Most importantly for you: Jeff will show you how to take the overwhelming amount of ideas, techniques and strategies you'll get on the tapes... and... do one important thing at a time until you get your business and life where you want it to be! Here’s a small sample of what Jeff revealed: ‘© The real reason you fail and how not too! (This is the maximum performance secret of every high-achiever in every walk of life. It’s (Go to page 15) = Page 15 - very simple, yet often overlooked... and... the reason why most well- intentioned, success-minded people fail miserably!) Why—if you focus on results only—you’ll never achieve your goals... and... what you should really focus on! How to get bigger, better results from less effort, less time and less hassle! How to identify what you should be doing... if... you want maximum results! Why you really only need to be right once or twice out of ten times in every decision you make to become successful! How to quickly and easily create breakthroughs in your business and personal life! How to get exactly what you want, when you want it, any time you please! An easy way to create automatic positive change in any area of your life with no hard work whatsoever! ‘How to instantly transform your “comfort zone” from a “failure zone” into a “success zone!” Hear Joe break in on the importance of “Now” and R.D. Skinner comment on focusing on your largest check! (Almost everyone in business (including me) is guilty of not paying attention to these two concepts. Yet, they are crucial to making the most money you can with the least amount of time, effort and stress possible!) How to cut the number of hours you work each week in half... while at the same time... make even more money! ‘Why the biggest lies we tell are to ourselves... and... how to stop this toxic self-talk in its tracks! Why you should only work where you are strongest... and... how to cover your weaknesses! ' Day Three: Sunday, October 29, 2000 More Joe Polish with Questions and Answers from Carpet Cleaners on their most (Go to page 16) = Page 16 - successful strategies — such as: © What the best offer a cleaner can make to get a new client is! «A simple coupon strategy that triples the average job from just over $100 to over $300! © The real reason you should be (It’s not just to get a new customer.) a free room of carpet cleaning! #10 simple ways to generate new business! © 12 ways to guarantee you'll write a “killer” sales letter every time! © The exact clothes (color & style) you should wear for maximum profit per job! « What you should test and what you should never test in your business! (This is one of the biggest mistakes I see business owners—in every industry—make... often wasting millions of dollars in the process that could be used much more effectively!) How to create instant rapport with every client you meet as soon as they ‘open their door! © How to use ethical bribes to increas Job you do! the size and dollar amount of every «How to cut the time it takes to do a Carpet Audit in half! (You won't believe how simple yet effective this is!) ‘* Allow cost, high-quality, dependable printer you can use for all your letters, flyers, postcards, newsletters, ete! Craig Forte (Pronounced: “Fort”), 3-Steps To A Six-Figure Income — Craig and Joe are both members of Dan Kennedy's Platinum Inner Circle. Which they each pay $7,200 a year to be a part of. The only reason I mention that is: If you knew what went on in Dan’s closed-door, Platinum Inner Circle meetings, you’d understand why these guys are so damn smart! Anyway, Craig does for real estate agents what Joe does for carpet cleaners. In Craig’s case, he’s shown thousands of real estate agents how to multiply their incomes 200%, 300% even 500% in just a few months with his super-organized, super-complete, turnkey marketing system. And believe me, this is a very tough, very competitive industry to succeed in, But Craig has figured it all out for his clients... and now... Joe has convinced him to share his secrets with you... and... how you can use them in your cleaning business to skyrocket your profits! Also, (Go to page 17) ~ Page 17 - Craig hands out two manuals and a 3.5” disk (that you'll get with your “Boot Camp In A Box”) that will help you put his marketing strategies into a plan you can start on immediately! It’s step-by-step, so there’s no guesswork on what you should do first, second, third, etc. I will tell you more about these in a minute. But first, I want to share with you some of the secrets he revealed: ‘+ How to double your come in 30 days! ‘+ The secret to easy success in your business! The four and only four marketing mindsets you must understand to make maximum profits in your business! + How to make the complicated extremely simple and succeed wildly in the process! * How to completely eliminate chaos in your business! (Until you know how to do this, your business won't be 1/10 of what it can be.) The amazing concept of throughput... and... how to use it in your business to make sure the most important things get done! The #1 Mindset shift you must make if you want your business to succeed! * The only two true functions of your business! (You must know and focus on these or you'll fail every time.) + How to increase you marketing and advertising efforts 1.600%! + The three and only three ways to grow your business! (96% of all businesses use just one.) ‘* How losing money on every first sale can make you rich! (This is one of the biggest secrets of the biggest businesses in the world. Now, at last, you can use it in your business too!) * You'll hear a carpet cleaner stand up and reveal an almost unbelievable marketing technique he uses to earn $1,000 for every $1 he spends! So far, he’s generated $110,000 in business for just $100! * How 90% of everyone selects the products and services they buy! (There are three breakdowns: 50% choose like this, - 8% choose like And, 15% choose like thi ‘Once you know these answers, you'll then be able to adjust your marketing (Go to page 18) ~ Page 18 - and advertising efforts in the right order for maximum results with minimum effort and expenditure!) Did you know that 95% of all businesses fight for just 20% of the market share? (Craig shows you how to become one of the elite 5% who goes for 80% of the market... and... how to beat the pants off the other businesses you'll be competing with!) ‘What your real job is... you want to be seriously rich! ‘How to put your business on autopilot, so you'll make money even if your sick in bed with the flu, just don’t feel like going in to the office... or... getting a golden tan on the beaches of Hawaii! (This is very important for you owner/operators out there. What would happen to your business if you ‘twisted your knee on a snow skiing trip? You'd probably be out of business almost instantly! You can't afford not to know this information!) 8 ways to generate customers consistently and profitably! How Craig put himself through college with one single idea! (This is an amazing and educational story.) How many sales letters Craig must send on average just to make one sale! (his is very revealing. You probably aren’t sending enough now. \d out how to determine the correct number for maximum sales and profit!) What activity you should spend 70% of your marketing and advertising efforts doing! ‘Why you should never try to market to everyone! Exactly how many times a year you should contact your current customers for maximum profits! 7 secret ways to pick the most profitable markets/coverage areas! The difference between demographics and psychographics... and... what it means to your business! How to write an impactful advertising message that gets immediate results every time! Why Craig writes his sales letters and ads in a woman’s voice... and why... (Go to page 19) ~ Page 19 - ‘maybe, you should too! + L2surefire ways to create money-sucking ads, letters, brochures, and postcards! + The amazing Ginzu knife secret... and... how you can apply it to your business to close more sales, more often and for more money than you ever thought possible! ‘* Why your ads must be “blind!” ‘* How to correctly use “high-technology” in your business for maximum results! ‘+ How to segment your customer list for maximum profits! ‘* The secret to boundless energy and success! Wow! What a goldmine of business-building info Craig is! Anyway, I promised to tell you about Craig’s handouts that will help you put all this information into a step-by-step, foolproof success plan. The first one is: The 40-Minute Marketing Plan Workbook™ — This is a simple, ready-to-use guide for creating the framework of your business success. It will allow you to: Find the most profitable markets. Discover your most promotable competitive edge. Create powerful marketing messages... and... convert your messages into powerful client generating systems. ‘The second handout is the: Monthly Marketing Action Plan™ — A monthly guide that helps you to plan, organize and implement marketing activities in your business that will explode your income! As for the 3.5” disk... it contains copies of both of these guides in Microsoft Word format, so you can reprint and reuse them absolutely free from now on. I don’t know exactly what these are worth, but Craig could easily charge savvy business owners hundreds if not thousands of dollars for them. ‘They are that good... and... you'll get them absolutely free! Jim Wolverton, the “King of Clean” who now goes by the title of the “King of Copy.” — Whether that is true or not, [don’t know. Now, what I do know is this: Jim writes the best advertising copy for carpet cleaners I've ever seen! His materials have already made millions for Piranha Members! And, if I were a carpet cleaner, I'd do whatever it takes to hire this man to write my copy and help me with my marketing — period! You'll know what I mean after you hear the secrets Jim revealed at the Boot Camp. For example: ‘+ Zeasy ways to raise the average ticket of each job you do by 100%, 200%, 300% or more! ‘* The real secret to pricing for maximum profits! (Never throw money (Go to page 20) ~ Page 20 - away again by guessing what the best prices for your products and services are.) ‘* What you should do first—before you ever chase new customers—fo explode your profits! * How small incremental improvements in your marketing and advertising can make all the difference in the world... when it comes to getting results! © The difference between successful and unsuccessful business people — including carpet cleaners! © Jim's amazing Pink Flyer! You'll see what it looks like and hear Jim read aloud from it... then... he'll describe in detail why it really works! (The first cight months Jim used this exact pink flyer in his business, he made $84,000... and... after 3 years, his grand total was... $242,000. One successful cleaner runs two companies using only this flyer... and... collectively, it’s made millions for Piranha Members over the years.) * You'll see Jim’s newest carpet cleaning promotion and hear him explain why it will be his highest pulling piece ever! * How and when to use actual handwriting on your sales letters to boost response 500%! * How to increase response to your yellow page ad 400%... and... two genius words—that when added to the top of the ad—increase response by another 100% to 200%! Jim's time was cut a litte short, but what he revealed in the short period of time he got was — if you're a carpet cleaner — information you absolutely can’t live without. Unless, you just aren’t serious about being a successful carpet cleaner! And here’s something J forgot to mention: You'll get to watch—again, I swear this is true— Jim sell Joe’s $80,000 Jaguar to a man in the front row for $12! Seriously, he threw him the keys right in front of everybody. Idon’t know what the deal was with that... but... Jim made a powerful point with it and revealed a mega-powerful sales lesson in the process. You've got to see this for yourself to understand! ‘Anyway, that was the entire lineup of speakers (all 10 of them) and the secrets, tips, tricks, techniques, strategies and ideas they revealed about how to become a massive success, not only in your business, but in your personal life too! And, Tcan tell you... after spending 3 full days immersed in all this “killer” information, it felt like my head was going to explode! The only reason I can even remember what all was said (Go to page 21) ~ Page 21 - is, [took extensive notes. Otherwise, I'd be lucky to remember 1/10 of what went on. And that brings me to another point I want to make, Getting the “Boot Camp In A Box” is probably even better than attending “live.” Here’s why: You can listen to, watch, absorb and put into practice what you want, at your own pace. ‘You won’t miss a single idea because you can watch the videos or listen to the audiotapes over and over as many times as you want. Sure, attending the Boot Camp and getting the “Boot Camp In A Box” would be best... but... unfortunately, it’s too late for that. But, you don’t have to miss out totally! Here’s What You Get When The “Boot Camp In A Box” Is Delivered Right To Your Doorstep! 1. The entire weekend (over 25 hours) videotaped “live” by a professional video crew! These tapes are raw, unedited and the next best thing to being there. You'll watch in the comfort of your own home as every speaker uncovers their top secrets for business and personal success — nothing left out! 2. Every single word said professionally recorded on audiotape. You'll be able to listen to these anytime you please in your home or on the road as you are driving from job to job. Wouldn’t it be valuable to try out new and powerful techniques on clients just after you hear them? Imagine that, ill be just like having these speakers riding along with you every day — giving you specific things to say and do for each client you meet and job that you do. Wow! What an advantage you’ll have over cleaners who ride along from job to job, brain-dead, listening to the radio, just waiting for the day to end. ‘With these tapes, you'll be inspired, motivated and guided by some of the best minds on the planet! Think how much better (and profitable) each day will be. You'll get more referrals. Your upsells will be higher. Your clients will be happier. And much, much more! How can you afford not to have these tapes in your possession to use every day? 3. Every single handout that the attendees received. Almost every speaker there had additional products or services you'll absolutely want to use in your business. And, they were offering huge, unheard of discounts on them. (oe somehow gets almost everyone to offer stuff to his Piranha Members at bargain basement prices. I'd like to know his secret!) These handouts will save you hundreds of dollars alone... and... I promise — after you hear the speakers — this is stuff you'd be more than happy to pay full price for. 4. A certificate that entitles you to attend all future Boot Camps at a special Alumni rate! With this certificate you'll always save at least $1,000 off the (Go to page 22) ~ Page 22 - rate of future Boot Camps. (For example: The 2001 Boot Camp tuition is $1,597. You'll pay just the special $597 Alumni rate with this centficate!) 5. The Million Dollar Marketing Secret Weapons Manual. Every attendee got one of these... you will too! This manual contains an arsenal of the fastest cash producing marketing secrets known to the cleaning industry. There’s marketing checklists, headlines, ads, postcards, flyers and much more—that have already made millions for successful Piranha Members. You can steal, borrow, or lift these out directly for use in your own cleaning business. It would cost tens of thousands of dollars to try and assemble this collection on you own (if you even could)... and... you'll get it FREE! 6. Instructions about how to get on a very special Boot Camp follow-up teleconference call. This will be a 90-minute, “Best Breakthrough Strategies” call with Joe and successful Boot Camp attendees, where they’IL share with you what they are currently using in their business—that they got at the Boot Camp—that is making them the most money! Joe’s current consultation fee is $700 per hour. At this rate, this is a $1,000 value — And It’s Yours FREE! (You'll get the date and time of the call when your “Boot Camp In A Box” arrives.) 7. Joe's feeling extra generous, so he’s agreed—if you're one of the first 50 who order—to throw in the set of audiotapes from his Seminar At Sea! Plus, you'll get a stack of 39 already proven, high-powered, ready-to-use ads, sales letters, postcards, flyers and strategies that have made successful Piranha Members their most money! (A $497 value—again, Yours FREE!) Now, that’s a lot of value... and... Joe’s really going all out to get this package into your hands. But, he’s even going to do a little better with an unheard of... Better Than Risk-Free Double Your Money Back, Double Guarantee! 1. 90 Days Unconditional! Get the “Boot Camp In A Box,” tear into it, watch the videos, listen to the audiotapes, go through all the free bonuses and handouts, try out some of the strategies in your business... and... if you're not satisfied, for any reason or no reason at all... return it, and you'll get an immediate, no questions asked refund of every cent you paid! No hard feelings. Plus, you can keep all the handouts and free bonuses just for giving it a try! 2. 6 Months Conditional — Double Your Money Back! Get the package, do just a few things Joe will ask you to do (that you'll want to do anyway... if you're serious) and, if you don’t make at least an extra $25,000 in the next (Go to page 23) - Page 23 - six months, he will cut you a check for double what you paid! Plus, again, you'll get to keep all the handouts and free bonuses just for giving it a try! (@on’t worry, you won't have to do anything unreasonable or drastic. Just a few simple steps that, as I said before, you'll want to do anyway... if. you are serious about having a successful carpet cleaning business. Full details and instructions will be included with your package!) ‘What's All This Going ‘To Cost — Actually Nothing! ‘You see, research reveals that this package adds—on average— an extra $153.85 in profit to ‘your cleaning business a day! (That’s just average, many cleaners do much better.) The price of the package is $1,497. So, in just 10 working days time, after you start to implement the strategies, it will pay for itself. Think about this: The “Boot Camp In A Box” pays for itself in just two weeks. And, if you decide not to get it, you'll throw away $153.85 every working day for the rest of your life! (Or, as long as you own a carpet cleaning business.) And, since Joe knows a lot of you may be a little tight on money — especially during this time of the year — he’s arranged a way for you to pay in. 3 Easy Payments! Use your credit card and you can pay 1/3 now, 1/3 in 30 days and the last 1/3 in 60 days. ‘That’s just 3 easy payments of $499. (A shipping and handling charge of $35 will be added to the first payment.) When you pay like this, you’ll only be putting $534 on the line. And even then, you should be able to recoup that in just a few days time. Then, you can use the extra profits you'll make to pay the next two payments! And, you're never really putting anything on the line! This package must pay for itself, just like I say it will, or you can return it anytime (within 90 days) for a full and immediate, no questions asked, no hard feelings refund! And don’t forget, after 90 days (up until 6 months) you’ ve got the conditional, Double Your Money Back Guarantee for extra protection! ‘There’s simply no way for you to lose! It works and pays for itself or you're rewarded with either all or double your money back! The only conceivable way you could lose is, if you choose to do nothing. And, I promise you'll never get anywhere in life if that’s your choice. You'll end up living a life of “if onlys,” *could’ves,” “should’ ves” and “would’ves. You've already shown a lot more promise than most people just by becoming a Piranha Member. Now live up to that promise by going all the way... and... join the elite in your industry. It’s your choice. Neither Joe nor I can make it for you. But, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and your employees to at least give it a risk-free try and find out just how good you and your business can be! ‘This is one decision you literally can’t afford ($153.85 lost or gained every day) not to take action on right now! Plus, this offer is only good. For A Limited Time! Joe expects to sell three hundred of these “Boot Camps In A Box” before the end of the year... (Go to page 24) ~ Page 24 - therefore... he is only going to duplicate and assemble that many ready-to-ship sets. That may sound like a lot, but trust me, it’s not. (Truth be told, he’ll probably sell out in just a couple of weeks.) So, if you're order comes in after he sells out... your order will be cancelled and you'll get acall from Joe's staff saying, “Sorry, but you were too late!” Now, Joe may offer this, package again in the future... but... it'll be without the Double Your Money Back Performance Guarantee. Also, you won’t get the follow-up “Best Breakthrough Strategies” teleconference call or the chance to get the Seminar At Sea tapes. In other words, you must order right now to ensure you'll get all the benefits I’ve revealed to you in this letter! It’s Easy To Order! Open the envelope I’ve included with this letter. Inside it, you'll find a bright green order form. Fill it out and fax or mail it in right now. (However, [urge you to fax it... if... you want to be one of the first 50 who get the $497 Seminar At Sea tapes absolutely free! ‘The fax lines are open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.) Or, just write the words “October 2000 Boot Camp In ABox" on a piece of paper along with your contact information, credit card information and signature and fax it to 1-555-555-5555... or (if you have to) mail your check or money order to: Piranha Marketing, Inc. 5555 Belmore Street SW Olympia, WA 55555 For Extra Fast Service... Call 1-800-555-5555 (between the hours of 7:30 and 4:30 Pacific Standard Time) and tell Joe’s staff you want the October 2000 “Boot Camp In A Box.” As soon as they get your information, and process your order, your package will be rushed to you via 2-3 Day, Priority Mail. That's all there is to it! Order now... and... very soon you'll know why this event was such an overwhelming success... and... how it can make you an overwhelming success too! Sincerely, Scott L. Haines PS. Joe just called me—honestly—and told me to slash the price of this package from $4,497 to $997 —a full $500 discount off the Boot Camp tuition! Not to mention the thousands ‘you'll save in hotel, airfare, personal expenses and time away from your business. But, he told me to tell you that this amazing offer is only good until December 15, 2000! After that, the price goes back to normal — no exceptions! (So now, you need only pay 3 easy payments of $332.33.) And remember, if you're one of the first 50 who order... you'll also get the Seminar At Sea tapes worth $497 — absolutely free! “What Others Say!” Here—in their exact words—is what some of the Boot Camp attendees said on the third day after all the dust had settled and the smoke had cleared: “Joe’s Boot Camps have changed our lives and our business for the better in so many ways. Our business grew by $105,000 last year because of ideas I got at past Boot Camps. But more importantly, our net has quadrupled in that time. And we are working fewer hours than ever — with more results. We had thought we wanted to sell our business and try something else. But now that we are really succeeding in this business, ‘we don’t want to sell anytime soon!” —Ann Waters, Kidds Quality Cleaning “In 1999 I set out to double my income of 1998 and take an extra day off per week, and Jet my wife quit work. With the training I have received that was no problem. I did all three. Iam presently on track to triple my 1998 carnings and am finally doing some serious work on funding my retirement, while spending more time than ever away. If you want to systemize your marketing and your business, you need to network with the people that are doing it already! Piranha Members. With Piranha I have gotten the guts to raise my prices, and the Marketing to build value and back these prices up. Of course the best partis that revenue from raising prices has almost all gone straight to my bottom line!!!" —John Long, Long’s Cleaning “At my first Boot Camp, “the First Boot Camp” in August 1996, I was an owner/operator running one portable machine from the back of my 1974 “Rust Bucket” Jeep Cherokee. We, my wife Debbie and I, just added our third truck mount. In 1999 we grossed {$251,000 with 2 trucks. We live in our $300,000+ mountain dream home and we have rather large bank accounts. We have Joe Polish and Piranha Marketing (and our own initiative to implement) to thank for all of this. When I joined Piranha I really didn’t even dream that my business could be this good. Now, I know we've only seen the tip of the iceberg and the stars are not even a limit. Thank you a million times over Joe, for doing what you do. It’s really amazing the way you've helped so many people and tumed businesses around. Keep on keeping on.” —Doug and Debbie Meehan, Mountain Pro-Tek “came to my first Boot Camp in March of 1999, At that time Iwas a part time cleaner. Thad spent $30,000 getting into the business and was convinced that I could do this if I had the right message to send to people. My wife was very nervous and skeptical about me going into business. I had done numerous ventures before and was successful at losing all of our money every time. I wanted to “win” at the game of business. I wanted to prove to myself and my wife that we belonged at the top. Ihad a very good full time job at the time, but hated working for other people. I didn’t think that was where I belonged. had to do something to get where I wanted my family to be. The day after the Boot Camp I went home and quit my job. Thad no money and no client base. This (Please turn over) was April 1" 1999; 6 weeks later my truck was booked 2 weeks out. From April Ist to December 25th we did $75 - $80,000 in business and had saved enough to take the winter months off. All of this was accomplished because we came and listened and trusted the people who were here. Our lives are completely different now because of our relationship with Piranha. We can go where we want when we want. What a feeling to have.” —Joe Martinez, Ameribest Carpet Cleaning. “We grossed $109,000 last year, with 1 van, working 5 days a week! One of the most important points is, our company is located in a 1 mile square town in the middle of an Indian Reservation with the next town (in our service area) being 42 miles away.” —Sheila Waggoner, Laser Brite Intl. “I went from grossing $10,500 in September 99 to grossing $18,400 in September 2000; my job average has grown from $120 to $225 in the same time period. My client base has doubled over the last year from 900 to just over 1,800. I should point out that it took me the three previous years to build it to 900. After looking at my results over the last year, my advice to anyone else would be to get involved as much as possible with Piranha Marketing and learn as much as you can. The more you learn about marketing, management, organizational skills, systematizing, etc., the more you will profit in your business. Thanks Piranha for all the awesome support!” —Kevin Thompson, Dirt Busters “Our net income before we joined Piranha was $9,000. In °99, (we joined 1-99) our income was $58,000. We just bought a new 2000 Ford van. We have more time with each other and time to spend with our grandson. This year is projected to be our best year ever.” —Russell and Kathy Owens, Owens Carpet Cleaning “Every Boot Camp we have been to has increased our business at least 25% a year. Which is all thanks to Joe!” —Jeff Bauer, Bauer’s Carpet & Rug Care “With the Piranha Marketing systems in place the last 3 years, we took a business that ‘was at $40,000 per year to now over $200,000 per year with one truck! Our next challenge... $300,000 in 2001!” —Kimberly Newman, LINCS Carpet Cleaning “T've learned from Joe how to develop a carpet cleaning business that brings in top sales and income and allows me to live a lot better life. can now afford to take time off for weekends, and attend Joe’s Boot Camps. And, T constantly learn new things at every one of them! The marketing ad book he gave to each attendee this year was easily worth the entire price of the Boot Camp. ‘Thanks Joe!” —Robert Peters, Genie Carpet Service (NOTE: Last year, with just one truck, Robert made an astonishing $327,646! His average job is $377.41!) I “October 2000 ‘Boot Camp In A Box’ ' Risk-Free Trial Request Form!” I 1 YES! Joe, please deliver the October 2000 “Boot Camp In A Box” right to my doorstep! I understand that this is a risk-free 1 ‘ial and I’m protected by your almost unheard of, first time ever, Better Than Risk-Free, Double Your Money Back, Double I Juarantee! 1. If for any reason or no reason at all, I'm not satisfied in the first 90 days after receiving the package... Ican tur it for a full and immediate, no questions asked, no hard feclings, no hassle refund! 2. If I decide to keep the package I fter 90 days, Ihave another 90 days (6 months total) to make at least $25,000 extra dollars in my business (per your 1 structions) or I will return the package and you will cut me a check for double what I paid... and... [can keep the $1,497 in ree bonuses and all of the handouts no matter what happens just for giving ita try. I Talso understand that my “Boot Camp In A Box” will contain the following items: i 1, The entire weekend (over 25 hours) videotaped ‘live” by a professional video crew. Every moneymaking minute — nothing left out! 1 2. Every single word said professionally recorded on audiotape. I can listen to these on the road from job-to-job for an | unfair advantage over other cleaners! I 3. Every single handout the attendees received that contain additional products and services I'll want to use in my I business. (These will save me hundreds of dollars alone!) I 4. A special certificate that entitles me to attend all future Boot Camps at a special Alumni rate... thus... saving at least $1,000! (For example: The 2001 Boot Camp Tuition is $1,597. I will only pay $597 with this certificate!) 5, The Million Dollar Marketing Secret Weapons Manual that contains the fastest cash producing secrets known to the I cleaning industry. (Easily worth tens of thousands of dollars... mine Absolutely FREE!) 1 6. Instructions about how to get on a very special Boot Camp follow-up teleconference call. This is a 90-minute “Best | ‘Breakthrough Strategies” call with Joe and successful Boot Camp attendees, where they'll share with me what ideas from the Boot Camp are making them the most money now! (At Joe’s current consultation fee... this is a $1,000 value — absolutely free!) If T'moone of the first 50 who order — the Seminar At Sea audiotapes plus, a stack of 39 already proven, hi powered, ready-to-use ads, sales letters postcards, flyers and strategies that have made Piranha Members their most money! (A $497 value — again, absolutely free!) Because of the amazing free bonus materials and handouts that are mine to keep even if I return the audio and videotapes... nd... your incredible, Double Your Money Back, Double Guarantee, I realize [can’t lose! On that basis, here’s my order: tyNam dress: = Company Name:_ ~ City: __State: Zip: hone: _ Fax: _E-mail: Choose One: T’'m ordering by December 15, 2000! Charge me just one easy payment of $997 (plus $35 S&H) to the credit card number below. (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover accepted.) Or, charge me 3 easy credit card payments of $332.33 a month for 3 months. The first payment to be charged now, the second will be charged in 30 days, and the third and final payment will be charged in 60 days. (A Shipping and Handling fee of $35 is added to the first payment.) I’m ordering before the deadline and I'm paying by check or money order made payable to Piranha Marketing for $1,032. ($997 + $35 S&H) I’m ordering after the deadline! + Charge my card one payment of $1,497 (plus $35 S&H). - Charge my card in 3 easy payments of $499... $35 S&H added to first payment. - I’m paying by check or money order for $1,532. ‘edit Card Number: - Expiration Date: J. gmature; For Extra Fast Service! Call 1-800-555-5555, Mon-Fri, 7:30-4:30 Pacific Standard (Or Fax to: 1-555-555-5555, 24-hours, 7 days a week ‘You may send your check or money order to: Piranha Marketing, Inc., 5555 Belmore Street SW, Olympia, WA 55555 a ec ec ee ee “Follow-Up Postcard” This is a postcard I wrote to follow-up on Joe’s Boot Camp Letter. It’s an inexpensive, quick and altemate follow-up that can definitely boost sales. It did. Notice how much info you can get ‘ona postcard. Also notice the headline on the front (you should always have one on the front and the back side) and “Please turn over” footer on the front. One thing about the footer... make sure you don’t put it too far down towards the bottom... the post office runs a bar code across the bottom and it'll run right through your footer if you are not careful. Mock one up and mail it to yourself to check the distance. 5555 Belmore Street SW Olympia, WA 55555 “URGENT! LAST CHANCE To Save $500 On ‘The Most Profitable ‘Boot Camp In A Box’ Ever! (If it isn’t, you'll be rewarded with Double Your Money Back!) Amazing Sale Ends on December 15, 2000 at 4:30 p.m, PST — No Exceptions!” “Please Turn Over For Important Information. “Here’s Why You Don’t Have To Feel Left Out Because You Missed The Most Powerful And Profitable Event In The World For Carpet Cleaners!” 307 Piranha Members gathered in Arizona to discover the secrets to taking their basness the next level. Levels of succes like Ann Wates describes: "We grew our business by $105,000 lst year because of ideas that we gota the Boot (Camp and our nt profit quadruple.” Could you use that kind of boost in your bisness? Hete the sop Joc hired a professional recording crew to Video and Ausdiotpe the entre 25 hours ofthe Boot Camp! This is the next best thing to being there. Infact, maybe beter! You will watch and hear every speaker reveal their top secrets to success in sales and marketing. You will receive every single handout, 2 huge book ~ "The Millon Dollar Marketing Secret Weapon” filled with marketing examples, yer, ads, promotions, checklists and headlines ~jst swipe, sd use. You wll receive 2 computer disks —one withthe te costs of doing business and the potential in your cleaning area, and one that contains the 40 Minute Marketing Plan Workbook and tbe Monthly Marketing Action Plan! These tools alone are priceless! You will bea par of the 90-minute Post Boot Camp Follow-Up Teleconference worth $1,000! AND the ist 50 to-order will reeive the $497 Audios and handouts from the “Seminar At Sea! “Te speaker inhi: Brian Tray = Secrets From A Top Sales Trainer, eff Paul ~ Uncovering Hidden Profits n Your Business, Dan Kennedy — How To Magnetically Attract The Perfect Customer, Dan Wheeler ~ Creating A ‘Take Your Cleaning Business To Where You Want Io Ne, Jeff Smith — Double Your Income Without Sires, Craig Forte ~ 3Steps To A Six-Figure Income, Joe Polish = O & A ~ Successful States, Jim Wolverton Increase Your Respoases, Irresistible Offer Puchase the “Boot Camp In A Box” ~ 100% RISK FREE — Ask about the “Double Your Money Back, Double Guarentee!” Purchase by 430 PM PST, December 15, 2000 for $997.00 ot 3 easy payments of $332.3 plus 535 shipping_ AND (i you are one ofthe ft 50 to order recive the $497 “Seminar At Sea” audios and handouts FREE! PLUS a ertficate for 1.000 of ALL fature Boot Caps! the "Boot Camp fa A Box” $1497.00! Call the Piranha Support Team at 1-B00-SS5.S55S or I-555-S55.5555 right now and say ~ “Rush the October 2000 “Boot Camp In A Box’ tome!” “Follow-Up Fax” ‘Yet another follow-up to Joe’s Boot Camp letter. This multiple-method-type follow-up often works very well. In addition, you could use follow-up by voice broadcast and e-mail, as well. The only thing I really want to point out here is the dotted line around the ordering instructions... even though it is not a coupon. Years ago, when I lived in Los Angeles, I was listening to Joe Sugarman on tape and he said a dotted line around ordering instructions —even when it wasn’t a coupon—gave him a 20% bump in response. He also said he had been running ads for ten years before he discovered this technique. And when he went back and calculated the profit he would have made... it made him sick. I've used the technique ever since. If you’re interested, the tape I heard this on was Sugarman being interviewed by Joe Polish for his Genius Network interview series. It’s well worth listening to. PS. I've seen Joe Sugarman speak once... great speaker and platform salesman. In fact, I bought everything he offered. I also met him once at a mutual friend’s wedding reception in Palos Verdes, California. Nice guy. Friday, December 1, 2000, 9:17 a.m, “URGENT! Time-Dated News Flash From The Desk Of Jane Doe “LAST CHANCE To Save $500 On The Most Profitable ‘Boot Camp In A Box’ Ever! (If it isn’t, you'll be rewarded with Double Your Money Back!) Amazing Sale Ends on December 15, 2000 at 4:30 p.m., PST — No Exceptions!” Dear Piranha Member, oy did you miss a“ ‘Camp. My head has been spinning ever since. I wish you could have been there, you would have seen these speakers: Brian ‘Tracy, Dan Wheeler (from QVC), Dan Kennedy, Jeff Paul, Doyle Bloss, Jeff Smith, Craig Forte, Ken Glickman, Jim Wolverton, and Joe Polish. It was unbelievable! Here it is one month later, and we are still getting letters, faxes and phone calls telling us that this was a life-altering event. Members are telling us how this Boot Camp was the most ‘transforming ever! Piranha Member Derek Preece described it this way, “absolutely am amazed at how much valuable information I have received. When Joe said it would be like drinking froma fire hydrant — he wasn’t Kidding. I now have, I believe, the information and know-how to take ‘my business to the next level.” I wish you could have been there, but it’s still not too late to grab this transforming information for yourself! Joe had the entire 25 hours ‘Video and Audio recorded ~ just so Members like you would not miss ‘out on the great information. The bad news is, that you already missed one month of using this business transforming information. Don’t wait another minute — this, Boot Camp offers enough strategies to secure a million dollars in business, if you watch, listen, and apply the information in the tapes. AND the handouts are worth their weight in GOLD!!! Along with the videos, and audios you will receive (@) The “Million Dollar Marketing Secret Weapons Manual.” This ‘manual is filled with checklists, headlines, ads, postcards, flyers, technician tools, and MORE. (2) ‘You get 2 computer disks ~ one that ill walk you through the true costs of doing business, and the potential in your cleaning area. ‘The second disk has the 40-Minute Marketing Plan Workbook and the Monthly Marketing Action Plan! Like Mike ‘Tubbs said, “This disk was worth the whole price of the Boot Camp. Tt makes marketing planning really simple.” (3) You'll receive a certificate that entitles you to attend ALL future Boot Camps at a special ‘Alumni rate! This certificate will save you at least $1,000 off the tuition rate of future Boot Camps. (4) You get a post Boot Camp follow-up teleconference worth $1,000. (5) AND if you are among the first 50 who order Joe is going to give you the audio recordings and handouts of the March 2000 — “Seminar At Sea” — FREE! The “Seminar At Sea” Sells For $497 all by itself! “Why Should I Buy The “Boot Camp In A Box”? I Have Joe’s Marketing Manuals — And I Haven't Used All The Strategies Yet!” I'm glad you asked, because that is just what John Long asked when I ‘met him at an industry seminar in 1998. But, I will tell you just what I told him. When I got the information on the first Boot Camp after I became a Member ~T wanted to go, but I couldn’t convince myself spend the $$ to go. BUT... when the next Boot Camp came around — I wasn't going to be left out again. Once there, my eyes opened and I thoroughly learned what this marketing is all about, how it applied to my company, and how to use the information to grow my business. Now for the first time, Thad an action plan, and a strategy to get results. Well, John got the picture, and he decided to come to the Boot Camp and hasn't missed one since. Here’s what he said after attending his fourth Boot ‘Camp - “In 1999 1 set out to double my income of 1998 and take an exira day ‘off per week, and let my wife quit work. With the training I have received that was no problem. I did all three. “Lam presently on track to triple my 1998 earnings and am finally doing some serious work on funding my retirement, while spending more time than ever away. Ifyou want 0 systemize your marketing and your business, you need to network with the people that are doing it already! Piranha Members. “With Piranha I have gotten ‘the guts to raise my prices, and the ‘Marketing to build value and back these prices up. Of course, the best partis that revenue from raising prices hhas almost all gone straight to my bottom line!!!” A [It’s YOUR Turn To Get Those ! I Kind Of Results Now! Here’s How: 1 Call our office to reserve your copy 1 of the “Boot Camp In A Box,” the { videos and audios, the handouts, I computer disks, Marketing Secret 1 Weapons Manual, the “Seminar At 1 Sea” (if you are among the first 50 | t0 order) and lots more stuff! Ask about the Amazing “Double Your { Money Back, Double Guarantee!” I Purchase by 4:30 PM PST, 1 December 15, 2000 for $997.00 or 3 1 easy payments of $332.33 plus $35 hipping and handling. After December 15th the “Boot Camp In | ABox” is $1497.00! 1 Don’t Miss Out! Call Now! | Call our office at 1-800-555-5555 1 Or 1-555-555-5555 and Tell Kelly, | Sarah, or Tamara, “Rush me my Boot Camp In A Box END “Damaged Set” Letter Here again something I wrote for Polish that took me about 15 minutes. These letters work like magic. The “damaged set” letter is one of the most underutilized types of letters in marketing. Most don’t even know about them. I used the same order form I used for the regular Boot Camp letter... however... I marked it up. That is, I crossed out the old price, deadline date, etc., and wrote the new info on it. [then handed it to Joe, so I don’t have it to show you. I wish Idid. The reason they work so well? 1. You are giving them a helluva bargain. 2. You are giving them a plausible “reason why” you are giving them that bargain. The only requirement is that your story has to be believable... and... Iwas going to say the damage must be “slight”. However—and be forewarned, I haven’t tried this—you could tell ‘em the product is “tore to hell”, but still functional, and offer an even bigger discount. [bet it would still do well. Side note: Halbert used to work with Sam Fishbein who, along with his wife Leslie, own a chain of very successful furniture stores in the Denver, Colorado area... and they had such good success with “damaged goods” sales and letters, Sam would actually do stuff like knock a hole in his roof to let it rain on his inventory. He would even go so far as to order mattresses from the manufacturer with the labels sewn on backwards. Sneaky? Yes. Unethical? No. After all, he really would give great discounts on the merchandise. ‘There isn’t any business I can think of (that sells a product) that couldn’t use this concept in ‘one way or another. “Office Move Forces Joe Polish To Sell Damaged ‘Boot Camp In A Box’ Sets For 1/2 Price!” From: Joe Polish ‘Tempe, AZ ‘Wednesday, 9:27 a.m. March 21, 2001 Dear Friend & Piranha Member, ‘As you know, I’ve recently moved my offices from Olympia, Washington back to sunny Tempe, Arizona. And I'll tell you, it’s been hectic and it will probably continue to be hectic for quite some time. For example: Just the other day, Eunice and I found a set of boxes marked “Boot Camp In A Box.” We were shocked! We thought we had all but sold out of these. But apparently we had not. So we ‘opened the boxes... and... once again... we were shocked! You see, many of the sets had been somehow damaged, either before, during or after the move. So, we went through and salvaged the ones we could and chucked the rest in the dumpster. When we were all done, we had 17 sets with some minor cosmetic damage... that... were still otherwise fine! Here’s The Good News! Because these sets are damaged, we can’t sell them at the full price of $1,497. So, we decided to offer them to you at a massive 50% discount. If you want one of these slightly damaged sets for only $748.50, all you got to do is fill out the green order form I’ve included and fax or mail it in right away. But remember, there are only 17 sets left. They'll go fast, so you must hurry! Fill out the form and fax it in right now. (If you choose to mail your order form, we may be all sold out by the time it gets here. If so, we'll return your check uncashed.) Sincerely, Joe Polish P.S. Oh yeah, if you want, you can use your credit card and split the price into two payments of ‘$374.25 charged 30 days apart. Also, the “Double Your Money Back, Double Guarantee” is no longer good. However, I will give you a 365-day, unconditional, full money back guarantee if you order one of these sets. “21% Response For A $10,000-Per-Year Coaching Service” This is another letter for Polish that I wrote with Halbert’s famous dollar-bill opening... but... bumped it up a few notches by using a $20-bill and FedEx’ing it to them. This letter worked very well. The main takeaway from it is... if you are selling something high-priced, it pays to spend a little more money on your mailing. Do you think anyone that received this did not read it immediately with rapt attention? Ihighly doubt it. First of all, FedEx packages almost always get opened immediately by everyone. Lonce asked a big-time businessman about this at a seminar. He said he doesn’t even read his regular mail unless it’s absolutely necessary... but... he always opens a FedEx the same day. Usually, almost as soon as it’s received. And second, you have to read a letter so important it warrants a $20-bill attached to it — if for no other reason then to find out “why”. Here’s a caveat though: Just because you use these techniques does not mean they'll work like magic. If you've got a crap message and letter after all of this “theater”... it’s not going to work. PIRANHA MARKETING, INC. 512 East Southern Avenue Suite C ‘Tempe, AZ 85282 Phone Fax (480) 858-0008 (480) 858-0004 November 07, 2001 Scott L. Haines 1172 S. Dixie Highway, #431 Coral Gables, FL 33146 Dear Mr. Haines, ‘As you can see, I have attached a crisp $20.00 bill to the top of this letter... and... Ihave FedEx’d it to you. Why have I done this? Actually there are two reasons: 1. Ihave something very important to tell you that is extremely time- sensitive. So, Ineeded a way to make sure you got this letter immediately... and... that it would catch your attention. 2. Since what I have to tell you concerns money... a lot of money pouring into your Carpet Cleaning business very fast... I thought a $20.00 bill was especially appropriate to use as a little financial “eye-catcher.” Here’s what it’s all about: My name is Scott Haines and I recently attended Joe Polish’s Boot Camp just like you did. You may not know me, however, that doesn’t really matter... because... what I’m about to talk about is all about you! You making a lot of money. You having more free time. You having the ideal cleaning business... and... You having this all delivered to you on a silver platter. What am [talking about? I'm talking about Joe’s new “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle... and... Piranha Industry Ambassador National Spokesperson Competition, of course. You know, the contest where you can win Joe’s $80,000 Jaguar XK8. ‘You see, Joe asked me to write a letter describing all of the benefits you'll get when you become a “Platinum Plus” member and compete in his contest... and... Lagreed. Tsaid, “No problem. What you're offering is so valuable, a 5th grader could write a letter describing all of its benefits.” Bul I Was Wrong! After going through all of the materials and seeing all of the massive value... it occurred to (Go to page 2...) - Page 2 - me... this thing seems way too complicated. Or, at least, there’s a whole lot of information to sift through and sort out. Joe has literally thrown everything but the kitchen sink into this deal... making it seem more complicated than it really is. Here’s why: Joe is truly the hardest working person in direct response and the Carpet Cleaning Industry. He cares so much about you being successful, he ‘goes far above and beyond the call of duty to make you so. (You even heard Dan Kennedy say the same thing at the Boot Camp. And Dan’s no slouch at giving value himself.) am constantly amazed at how much Joe does for all of his Piranha Members. The guy truly cares about all of you. Frankly, if it were me, I’d do about 1/10 of what he does and spend the rest of my free time relaxing on the beach with a margarita. (Those of you who know me, know this is the absolute truth. It’s why I live in Florida!) Anyway, my main job when I write a letter for someone is to make the complicated, simple. ‘To spell out, step-by-step, why there is no other reasonable choice than to take advantage of what is being offered. And this letter is no different. Listen: Like I said earlier, Joe has gone out of his way this time to bring you value and ensure your success. Nearly to the edge of insanity, in my mind. His “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle and the Contest he’s holding is truly extraordinary. But, the whole thing seems kind of complicated. Let me make it simple: 1. Sign up for the “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle and compete in the contest. 2. During the next year, Joe will take you by the hand and show you exactly, step-by-step how to create your ideal cleaning business. He’ll personally guide you through the entire process. No guess work! 3. Make more money with less stress, less hassle and more free time than you ever thought possible... from now on! And, 4. Win Joe’s $80,000 Jaguar XK8 if you make the most improvement in your business (percentage-wise)! It’s as simple as that. All of the rest is just details. ‘Trust me. I’ve been in this game a long time. And what Joe has put together is truly astonishing. The best program I've ever seen in direct response... not just carpet cleaning... but in all of direct response marketing. It will get you from where you are now to where you want to be... wherever that is. It’s probably more money... that'll be a breeze. Maybe, it’s more free time... not hard at all. Or, less stress... you betcha! Now, having said all of that. I’m going to describe the benefits of this deal (in detail and in an exciting and crystal clear way) for you. But first, let me just mention... ‘There are only 16 spaces left In “Platinum Plus” and the contest... (Go to page 3...) ~ Page 3 - and... they will be awarded on a first come, first served basis to those who respond immediately! After those openings fill up... it'll be too late! Onward: ‘When you sign up for Joe’s “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle and compete in the contest, here’s everything you'll get: * 3 Full Day Face-to-Face Sessions in Phoenix with Joe! (Value = $5300.00 per day) During these “live” sessions, all ten processes of the Piranha Marketing Money Map™ will be dissected and retooled to give you complete knowledge (and a complete plan) for creating a phenomenally successful cleaning company. With Joe’s guidance, and the power of a live, face- to-face Mastermind with other like-minded professionals, this program will take committed Members to entirely new levels of success... both personally and professionally. Below are the ten processes that make up The Piranha Marketing Money Map™ and will tur your business into a “No Maintenance Money Machine™™. Joe has personally spent more than $1 Million perfecting these processes... and... each one contains strategies that will add a ‘minimum of $10,000 a year to your bottom line. Here they are (in order from left to right): 1. “Business Bulls-Eye™" (Steps to get you out of “The Blind Archery Trap™") USP Indentification Benefits Identification Message to Market Match 3. “Customer Conversion System™” (Automatic -proof customer closing systems) ¥ Education Based Marketing, % Carpet Audit™ Y Presentation Salesbook ¥ Free Room Offer 5. “Champion Creator™* (Creating “Champions” that refer you business like crazy) ¥ Referral Generation Y Referral Rewards ¥ ‘Thank You Systems 7. “Margin Magnifier™” (Systems to increase your invoice average) ¥ Pricing & Packages Y Protector Video Y Consumer Product Sales “No-Slow Season System™ (Quick cash infusion tools.) Y- VoiceBlast Scripts ¥ Fax Broadcast Templates Internet Marketing Scripts 2. “Prospect Conveyer Belt™ (“Auto-Pilot ‘Advertising™” — pre-sold, pre-qualified prospects) 24-hour Free Recorded Messages ‘Consumer Awareness Guide Lead Generation Ads (YP's, newspaper, Val- pak) ‘Guarantees ‘Social Proof and Testimonial Sales Systems 4, “Happy Client Experience™” (Creating “Clients” out of “Customers”) ¥ “WOW-ing” the Customer tools and techniques Y Confirmation Letter ¥__ Pre-inspeetion Process ¥ Booties ¥_ Follow-up Systems 6. “Cash Flow Surge System™” (Direct Response ‘Marketing systems) ¥ Sequential Mailing Systems Y Ready-to-use Letters KKK 8, “Lifetime Value Creator™” (Mining GOLD in your existing client database.) ¥ “IMiss You" letter & Personalized Letter ‘Templates Reminder Card Templates Client Newsletter Y Maintenance & Continuity Programs 10. “Money Maximizer Method™ (Money creation beyond your core services.) Joint Venture Letter Templates Y Endorsed Mailing Templates These systems are designed to explode your profitability and make your business run as (Go to page 4...) - Page 4- smooth as glass. With Joe’s guidance at the live events, you'll have them up and running in no time flat... and... on your way to the business of your dreams. © 3-Day Boot Camp and Face-to-Face “Platinum Plus” Only Half-Day Session! ‘(Walue = $2,000.00+) Admission to the biggest Marketing Event of the year — as well as an additional half-day to brainstorm and network with Joe and the other “Platinum Plus” Members. Plus, you can bring a spouse or business partner at no additional cost. © Full Year Membership in the Piranha Mastermind Coaching Program! (Value = $2964.00 per year) ‘Membership in the Coaching Club Program, which includes: Monthly Mastermind Coaching Calls and educational materials with Jeff Smith and Joe on the “2X + 1” system for building a better business and personal life, monthly informal marketing calls for Q&A on everyone's current strategies and challenges... and... access to the “Coaching Only” section of the Piranha Marketing Web site... where Members share marketing examples that are working that you can adapt to your cleaning business. © One 2-Day Nuts & Bolts Business Field Trip! (Value = $2995.00 per person) In 2002, this Field Trip will be in San Diego, CA on-site at K. Blatchford’ s Oriental Rug Cleaning, Repair & Restoration. Day 1 will cover the operational aspects and details of running ahigh-end, highly profitable Oriental rug cleaning company, either as an add-on or a primary service (presented by owner Lisa Wagner). Day 2 will cover marketing tools and strategies (including oriental rug cleaning specific materials), along with hands-on demonstrations of VoiceBlast, Fax Blast, and eBlast technologies — as well as other tools that can play a vital role in the systemization and growth of any company. ‘* Annual Subscripton to the newest version of the Client Newsletter! (Value = $924.00 per year) ‘An annual subscription to the most profitable client marketing and retention tool in the industry. * Annual Subscription to the Genius Network Interview Series + All Back Issues! (Value = $1800.00) ‘An annual subscription to Interviews with some of the greatest business and marketing minds in the world. A “consultation-in-a-box” each and every month. Plus every back issue that Joe has ever recorded. * The “No Brainer Maintenance Program”! (Value = $995.00) ‘The complete “No Brainer” Maintenance Program, with all of the accompanying sales letters and marketing materials, along with a full year of training on its use and implementation, Fully Customized Consumer Awareness Presentation on Power Point! (Value = $795.00) A complete and customized Consumer Awareness Presentation for your company on Power Point for in-home laptop presentations, and web site prospecting. The ideal tool for converting prospects into clients. ‘+ Fully Customized Web Site Development & E-mail Auto-Marketing Mechanisms... (Go to page 5...) ~ Page 5 - (Value = 1595.00) A Web site template completely customized for your company, along with an automatic e-mail marketing system for you to utilize in maximizing the lifetime value of your clients. Certain monthly service fees after development may apply for the site — but all, development and creation will be at no charge. * Access to All Teleseminars and Advanced Opportunity for All New Products! (Value = 1000.00+) Free access to all educational Teleseminars, as well as advanced access to all newly developed Piranha products and services (some at no additional charge). * And Last, But Not Least... A Chance To Win Joe’s $80,000 Jaguar XK8! Whoever makes the most improvement in their business (percentage-wise) will win Joe’s ‘treasured Jaguar. And hey, if you don’t like it, or can’t see yourself driving it... trade it in, and get whatever car or truck you like. Heck, you can probably get two! Total Value = $30,000+ in Real Money... Much More If You Win The Contest! ‘That's alot! Whew! However, understand this: You don’t have to use it all to get massive benefits. Using just 1/10 of the benefits of a “Platinum Plus” membership will yield massive gains in your business and personal life. Use as much or as little as you want. And, as you implement more and more, you'll get closer to your ideal lifestyle. Most of you will probably reach it this first year alone. And, your going to have an exciting ride along the way. As far as the price goes... it’s not much. You should be able to recoup your investment almost immediately. You can save $1,000 by paying in full or, if you like... ‘You can now pay in 12 easy monthly installments! That comes out to $833.33 per month. Less if you're already a coaching club member. Just one extra job a week will pay for that. And if you purchased anything at the Boot Camp, you can deduct that from the total, too. So, it’s not really much. If you choose to pay in installments, most likely (with all of this new, killer info) you'll make enough extra profits to pay your installment before the bill comes in. Then, it becomes... Essentially Free! In any case, it’s less than you would pay for a part-time employce for a year... that does very little for your business, except take up space. Let me tell you something that most people don’t know or understand. ‘The secret to getting value out of anything is commitment. And preferably, a financial commitment. I'll be blunt: Free Sucks! I personally insist on paying full price for everything I get and do. Remember This: A bargain is never truly a bargain. ‘And here’s why: When you get something for free, you put about that much emphasis on it — (Go to page 6...) ~ Page 6 - NOTHING! However, reach deep into your pocket and pull out some of your hard-earned cash for something... and... you treat it like gold. Deep down, you know this is true. Here’s a quick story to illustrate my point: Once, when I was poor, I owned a $200 Volkswagen Rabbit (diesel). And I kept losing the gas cap, because I’d put it on the roof while getting gas... then... drive off. Anyway, I'd just go to a junkyard and pick up another one from. “dead” Rabbit for a buck or two. Well, one time after I'd moved to a small college town, I lost it again. And it turns out, there are no junkyards around... just an authorized Volkswagen Dealer. So I go to get a new cap and the guy rings it up and the total is $24 and some change! WHAT? Mind you, I was living on $65 a week at the time. And let me tell you something, I never, ever lost that friggin’ gas cap again. It never left my hand at the pump from then on! Anyway, the moral of that story is not to get you to feel sorry for me or tell you how poor I used to be... or anything like that. No. The point is: ‘When you pay full price for something... you give it full value in your mind and act accordingly! It’s human nature. And I believe one of the major keys in motivating yourself to become successful. In fact, you should rejoice when you get a chance to pay for something of value — massive value — like Joe’s “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle. Enough of that, I'll get off my soapbox and come back down to earth again. ‘As you can tell, I’m trying really hard to convince you to sign up. And it’s because I believe 110% in what Joe has put together for you. And it is for you. He doesn’t have to do this. And his life would be much easier if he didn’t. And, in reality, I don’t really have to beg anyone to sign up. Because, there are only 16 openings left. And I know, that as soon as this letter reaches the real players that were at the Boot Camp — the people who are dead serious about becoming rich and successful — those openings will be filled immediately! So, if you seriously want to be rich, and you are finally ready to join the big leagues and become part of the elite in your industry... here’s how to do it... It’s Easy To Sign Upt For Fast Service: Just call Joe’s Office toll-free at 1-800-275-2643 and tell whoever answers the phone that you want in the “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle. If there’s space left, your application will be taken right over the phone... and you'll be notified of your acceptance. For Fastest Service: Fill out the enclosed enrollment application and fax it to (480) 858- (0004, ‘The fax lines are open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Again, if there’s space left and you are accepted, someone will call you from Joe’s office to confirm you spot. Important Note: Please don’t even bother to mail your application in. We fully expect to (Go to page 7...) - Page 7 - sell out all remaining positions almost immediately. If you do mail it, the way the mail is going these days, you'll surely miss out. Either call or fax immediately to guarantee you'll be one of the “lucky 16” to get into “Platinum Plus.” Do it now or risk being shut out. Sincerely, Scott L. Haines PS, There’s one thing I forgot to mention: I was extremely glad to see a huge turnout at the Boot Camp. As you know, we are all facing uncertain and troubling times. But let me tell you who will survive and even thrive. People like us. The Players. The people who refuse to sit still and have our lives dictated by the actions of terrorist scumbags. A personal example: I work with Gary Halbert. You probably know who he is. And we (me and Gary) have continued to run our promotions throughout this troubling ordeal. And guess what? We're doing as well, and in some cases, much better than ever. Why am Ttelling you this? Because, what Joe’s developed for you here can ensure you'll survive and thrive, too! Regardless of what’s going on in the world. You not only need this kind of guidance, it's a must have if you want to prosper in the face of these new challenges. But, whatever you decide to do. Please take this to heart: Don’t stop moving forward. Continue to promote your business. Continue to provide your clients with the best service possible. And continue to educate yourself in success principles — like the one’s Joe brings to you. P.S.#2 As far as the $20 bill is concerned, its yours to keep. Buy yourself a few beers, some lunch or donate it to charity. But, if I were you, I'd frame it. And when someone asks you about it sometime down the road, you can say, “The day I received that $20 bill and the letter it was attached to, was the day my life and business turned around.” Don’t laugh. Sign up and you'll see. Fax in the enrollment form or call Joe’s office at 1-800- 275-2643 or (480) 858-0008 (if you are outside the U.S.) and sign up now before it’s too late! “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle Member Enrollment Application! CLYES! Joe, if it’s not too late, count me in. I'm seriously ready to be rich... and... Irealize, that with your help over the next year, Ill have an unfair advantage over my competition. [ also realize I'l get all this if 1 am accepted: 3 full days of private, face-to-face sessions in Phoenix with you... Admission to next year’s killer Boot Camp (plus the videos of the 2001 Boot Camp I just attended)... and a special, EXCLUSIVE 1/2 day session with you at the next Boot Camp... A. FULL membership in the Piranha Mastermind Coaching Program with you and Jeff Smith... A special, 2-day “Nuts and Bolts” Business Building Office Fieldtrip in Sunny San Diego with you and Lisa Wagner... An annual subscription to the newest, updated version of the Client Newsletter... An annual subscription to your awesome Genius Network Interview Series... The amazing, brand new, “No Brainer Maintenance Program”... A fall customized, ready-to-go, Consumer Awareness Presentation on Power Point... A full customized Web site — complete with full development and auto- ‘marketing mechanisms built in... Automatic access to ALL Teleseminars, and advanced opportunities to get “first crack” and discounts for ALL NEW products! This is all valued VERY conservatively at over $30,000.00 (Actually, this is a “Jow-ball” figure). And Ican take advantage of all these amazing business building tools valued at over $30,000.00 for ONLY $10,000.00 as an Elite Member of your “Platinum Plus” Inner Circle. Not only that, but I will also be eligible to your treasured Jaguar XK8 valued at $80,000. ‘And that’s not all! Ican also apply any purchases I made at the Boot Camp toward my $10,000 platinum fee (minus donations). And, [can prorate any credit that I may have in existing coaching club membership. And, [can knock off an extra $1,000 by paying in full. Or, if I prefer, I can now pay in... 12 easy monthly installments! On that basis: Ci P'm paying in full. Please make all the necessary deductions... credit card in one easy payment! (Pd prefer to pay in 12 easy monthly installments. Please make all the necessary deductions and charge my credit card ‘a low monthly installment each month for one year! Joe, I purchased the following items at the Boot Camp... please deduct them from my total enrollment fee: 1 including the $1,000 prepay discount and charge my 2. 3, 4. Here’s My Contact & Credit Card Information: NAME: Paeeneeeeeesee PHONE:( _). > ADDRESS: FAX:(), 7 cry: STATE: ZIP: E-MAIL: NAME OF CARDHOLDER: Authorizing Signature: Credit Card Type: () Visa () MasterCard () Discover () Amex Card #: Exp: a NOTE: Monthly Installments only available if paying by credit card. If you want to use more than one credit card to pay, or if you want to pay by check... please call the office at 1-800-275-2643 or (480) 858-0008 to make arrangements. WARNING! There Are Only 16 Openings Left! To Sign Up, Call 1- 800-275-2643 Now... Or... Fill Out This Application And Fax It I i ! | | | | participate in the Piranha Marketing Industry Ambassador National Spokesperson Competition! And, if I win, I'll get I | | I I [ | | | | I l | | I | i i | | | | | | | | Immediately To (480) 858-0004. Time Is Running Out! | “Selling Subscriptions Successfully” ‘Want to sell a subscription service? This is a very, very good way to do it. Note the offer: Free tape for a risk-free trial membership that is backed up by: Joe’s Most Unusual, Better Than Risk-Free, Quadruple Satisfaction Guarantee! If you’re interested at all, it’s a near-irresistible offer. The one thing I screwed up—after much reflection—is in the superscript. I put, “Send no money now...”. Should have been, “Send ”. ‘That’s another slight, but ultra-important psychological difference. When I said “now” that triggers—consciously or unconsciously—the “I’m going to have to send money sometime.” reaction in the prospect. The other phrase does not, Subtle distinction... but important. ‘These are the kind of things that occupy my mind when working. Often they pop up days after ’ve written the ad or letter... it’s as if my subconscious says, “Hey! This ought to be...” If you've never had this experience, you most likely will... if you continue on as a copywriter... or writer of any sort. “Send no money now... it’s free and easy to get started... but only for a limited time... “Who Else Wants To Be Spoonfed The Hottest Moneymaking Secrets Known To Man? “Each and every month, Arizona entrepreneur and self-made millionaire, Joe Polish does an in-depth interview and uncovers the innermost secrets of a ‘super high-achiever’ in the field of business or personal success... and... delivers it on audiotape to the doorsteps of his exclusive Genius Network members. Now, at last, you can become a member too and get a multi-million dollar business and success education in the comfort and leisure of your own home (or car). “{t’ll cost you nothing to get started. Plus, if you’re not satisfied... for any reason or no reason at all... you’ll pay nothing ever — guaranteed! (Please read this entire message right away because, this offer is strictly limited and expires for good on Wednesday, April 4, 2001!)” From: Scott L. Haines Business Writer, Miami, FL Wednesday, 8:27 p.m. March 21, 2001 Do you seriously want to be rich? If so, I'll make no bones about it! I believe one of the very best investments you can make—if you seriously want to be rich—is becoming a member of Joe Polish’s Genius Network. In my opinion, Joe's Genius Network is the very best business and personal self-improvement tape series in the entire world... much better than others that cost nearly 10 times the price! However, I don’t completely expect you to believe what I’ve just said is tue... so... T've got Joe to agree to prove it to you absolutely free! Here’s the deal... In the next few days, Joe is (with your permission) going to send you absolutely free one of his very best Genius Network interviews on audiotape. This particular interview is one that will help you achieve massive sugcess... no matter what you do... where you live... who you are... or... who you want to become! This interview is with Mark Victor Hansen. Mark is America’s Master Motivator... and... the co-creator of the mega-successful Chicken Soup For The Soul series of books. In fact, with (Go to page 2) ~ Page 2- 37 consecutive New York Times Best-sellers and more than 68 million sold so far, the Chicken ‘Soup books are the largest selling, non-fiction books in the history of the world! On the tape, Mark really uncovers his top secrets for success. Secrets you can use to totally transform your life. Such as: + The secret to getting successful ideas, concepts and strategies to start working automatically in your life... as if by magic! (This eliminates the “giving up” process most people go through when they try to change their life... and... explains why most success courses don’t work 99.9% of the time!) ‘* Why the head of a $38 Billion corporation tried to hire a 6-year-old boy to talk to his 11,000 franchisees... and... why this kid rejected his offer of $2,000! (This will absolutely blow you away!) * How to get anything you want by using simple “nt” words when asking for something — words like won’t, don’t and doesn’t. (This is a sneaky, but ethical technique that will work on anyone. And the best thing is: They'll go along with what you want and think it was their idea!) WARNING: You must agree not to let this secret fall into the “wrong, hands” as it can be used for both positive and negative results! * How the amazing 6-year-old kid—mentioned above—got 25 minutes on Joan Rivers talk show... and... how he easily made her agree to give him 28 extra concessions. Such as: using her limo for the day... staying in the ‘Trump Plaza... tickets to the Empire State building... tickets to the Statue of Liberty... and much more! (Once this is revealed to you... then... you can use it to get anything you want in your life too!) What this same 6-year-old has — which makes him so successful — that 95% of all adults in America don’t! ‘* How akid with no money and no parents worked his way through college at UCLA. The amazing thing is: THE LOWEST AMOUNT HE EVER MADE IN A YEAR WAS $175,000! * How any kid in America can get a loan from Mark to improve their future! (And no, it’s not money for college.) ‘+ Assimple formula for becoming a millionaire! * Mark’s 4 easy principles for getting anything you want in your life automatically! (These exact same principles are behind the amazing success of the Chicken Soup For The Soul books! Now, use them in your life and receive whatever you wish... piles of cash... better relationships... dream house... dream car... dream lover... early (Go to page 3) Page 3- retirement... Truly ANYTHING you wish can now be yours... once... you put these 4 principles to work in your life!) How to create real magic in your life! The real purpose of your business! How Mark’s daughter took a $500 derelict horse with one eyeball hanging out and leukemia... and... tuned it into a prize-winning horse worth $35,000 that wins Blue ribbons at least once a month with her on its back! ‘She used a cancer-killing herb—created for people—from her dad’s company to turn this horse around fast. They also have herbs for: Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Disease and Stroke... and... just about any other disease known to man. ‘These herbs deal with the cause of the disease... creating a state in the body where it’s impossible for ANY discase to exist — period! ‘Mark has not been sick one day since he started taking these herbs — OVER 5 YEARS! On the tape, you'll get an $00# to call where you can get tapes and information on these amazing herbal products — For FREE! Plus, revealed on the tapes is the cause and cure for 85% of disease in the world today! How Mark will personally help you achieve 70-81 new goals in your life in the next 12 months! 4 books you absolutely must read. life! ‘you want amazing success in your An easy technique to achieve massive success in your life— guaranteed! Why you should write a book! It’s easier than you think. Mark can show you how! How Ross Perot got paid $50,000 every time someone told him “NO”! Do what he did and you'll be paid generously for every rejection or “NO” in your life too! How acting like a little kid can make you rich! (You used to do this instinctively... but had it shut down by “well-meaning” teachers, parents and adults. Now, recapture this simple habit and realize the life of your dreams!) What we were really fighting for in Vietnam! (This one will shock and amaze you!) , ‘The breakthrough thought that changed Mark’s life! (How he went from living in someone’s hallway in a sleeping bag, eating only peanut butter to (Go to page 4) - Page 4- survive, to the outstanding success he is today! This thought will totally transform your life too! A simple quote from former First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, that can make you rich, happy and successful! How Sylvester Stallone wrote his smash hit movie, Rocky in three days flat! ‘The 4 things that cause health... and... how you can get started on them right away! (If this is all you get from this tape... your life will be better from now on. You'll look, feel and be healthier with more energy than you know what to do with. Your health may be the #1 success key in your life... because without it... nothing else matters. And it doesn’t matter where you are now health-wise — with this information, you can turn your health around on a dime—in an instant... and... be on the way to a new, healthier, happier you! A simple herb that stops prostate problems! 95% of all men will have prostate problems — here’s how to stop them! How to eliminate arth have it! now and forever... even you already How to make your immune system bulletproof! You’ll be able to laugh at colds and the flu after you hear and implement this in your life! (Remember: Mark has NOT been sick in 5 years! And he travels a quarter million miles a year... and... talks “live” to a quarter million people a year! Not one cold! Not one bout of the flu! This will absolutely work for you too!) How Chicken Soup For The Soul came about... and... what has made it the phenomenal best-selling series it is! You can use these techniques in your business for amazing results too! How to create “Raving Fans” for your business and get more referrals than you can handle! Ni w n Hill’s (the author of Think and Grow Rich) secret formula for iimited compensation! How Tony Robbins’ advice changed Mark’s life... and... how his advice will change yours too! It’s simple and it’s the #1 problem most people have. AND THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW IT! (This will give you an almost “unfair advantage” immediately, no matter what you do, where you are at now... or... where you want to be!) Mark’s ultimate two top secrets for massive success! If you met Mark (Go to page 5) - Page 5 - for one minute and he had to tell you something to improve your life... these secrets would be it! ‘+ And much, much more. So much more, in fact, I don’t have space to tell you here. You've got to get the FREE interview tape and find out for yourself! Pretty amazing, don’t you agree? So why is Joe willing to send you this amazing tape... and... why is he willing to send it to you absolutely free? It’s a bribe! It’s a shameless bribe to get you to try a risk-free trial membership in his Genius Network... and... to prove that his tape series is indeed the best of its kind in the entire world. So, if you'll agree to a risk-free trial in Joe’s Genius Network, Joe will send you the free taped interview with Mark Victor Hansen, along with the complete word-for-word transcript... then... each and every month, Joe will deliver to your doorstep a new interview (on audiotape and transcript) with one of the world’s leading experts in business or personal success. The cost? Only $24.95 per month (shipping included)... less than it would cost you to cat dinner at a decent restaurant, just once — with a friend! But, don’t worry about the cost now.. Send No Money Now... It’s Free And Easy To Get Started! To get started, all you have to do is call Joe’s office right now at 1-800-000-0000 and tell the person who answers the phone that you want the free Mark Victor Hansen interview and a risk- free trial in Joe’s Genius Network. Then, give them your name, address and credit card information. Your membership will be started and your free Mark Victor Hansen interview tape will be immediately rushed to you by 2-3 day, Priority Mail. (Joe’s assistants are there 24-hours aday, 7 days a week to take your call.) And don’t worry, Joc won't charge your credit card until the next month’s taped interview is shipped. Plus, he’s going to make you this most unusual guarantee... Joe’s Most Unusual, Better Than Risk-Free, Quadruple Satisfaction Guarantee! 1. When you get the free interview, if you decide that Joe’s Genius Network isn’t all I say it is... you can call and cancel and your credit card will never be charged! And you can keep the free interview... no questions asked! No hassles! 2. If, after you get your first monthly Genius Network membership tape and listen to it... you aren’t absolutely astonished at the moneymaking and success secrets you hear... you can call and cancel your membership. Joe will give you your $24.95 back and you can keep both of the interview tapes absolutely free... again, no questions asked! No hassles! 3. Ifyou ever receive a tape you don’t like, call and tell Joe’s staff and they (Go to page 6)

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