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According to Garrido & Gahera (2018) Work Immersion refer to the part of Senior High

School (SHS) curriculum consisting of 240 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation

with the grade 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to

enrich the competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and

designated personnel of the partner. According to the department of Education one of the goals of

the K to 12 Basic Education Program is to develop in learners the competencies, work ethics and

values relevant to pursuing the further education and or joining the world of work. In order that

the nations development target will be realized and to achieve greater congruence with the basic

education, work Immersion is a required subject that has been incorporated in the curriculum.

Magno (2018) state that will be competent to their respective field of interests, and they will be

skillful and knowledgeable enough to help suffice the economic needs of the Philippines

especially in the man of power field. The government comes up to implementing work.

Immersion that will be conducted depending on what the learner’s purpose of needs. And before

further discussing, I totally agree on this strand for it will be one of the key practices on

improving student performances.

According to Mendoza (2017) stated that immersion is done outside the school campus in. "

Workplace immersion venue", define as the place where work immersion of students is done.
Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories,shops,and project sites. According

YKS (2018) they will know about the work ethics, will gain knowledge about the safety in the

workplace, the rights, responsibilities, learning the effective way to resolve conflicts among

coworkers and the work and will not be the hard for them if they apply at the same or related

company. Rarely are OJT students expected to produce the same products that regular?

employees produce. If that's the case, how are these students going to learn prior to them

expectation with these experts that are going to teach them to be future professionals.

Based to the study of Valley (2015) Work Immersion Program the Willow Valley Work

Immersion Program (WIP) focuses on helping young adults with disabilities make a successful

transition from school to productive adult life. This unique one-month immersion program serves

students with disabilities who are in their last year of high school. With goal of competitive

employment, each student receives classroom instructions and hands-on experience through

internships in as many as three departments within the Willow Valley Communities.Through

their work immersion experiences, students also develop employ ability, social and independent

living skills educational institutions are expected to prepare students for employment of practice

of profession. For instance, a study on employ ability skills of business students recommended

that educational practices and activities should include those that will enhance the skills of

students in critical thinking and problem solving, systematic information management, group

leadership motivation, and plan or project development and implementation. Immersion is

focuses on education and its role in shaping the future of students in K to 12 curriculums in

response to global competitiveness particularly in ASEAN Economic Community by

2015.Ramos (2015) stated that the literature will also discuss issue about job market,

mismatch, competitiveness, and marketability or employ ability. At this pace of this changing

society and economy a lot of actions should takes place they have faced a lot of challenges

especially educators who are being asked to do more with less due to rapidly involving

technologies and ongoing shifts in global economy and demography. A successful education

system will need to be of paramount importance of a better job and greater earning potential.

One key to understand this issue is an appreciation of the overall land scape education training.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the influence of work immersion to selected Grade 12 students

when it comes to their knowledge skills.Specifically, when it seeks to answer the following


1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Strand.

1.2 Sex.

1.3 Course preference in college.

1.4 Department/Offices under you take a work immersion?

2.What is the influence of work immersion on of selected Grade 12 students in terms of:

2.1 Knowledge; and

2.2 Skills?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

To the student, the findings of this study will have great benefits to the students to enhance them.

knowledge and skills that will help them to the near future. To the teachers, the findings of this

study will likewise be useful as the teachers will know what the knowledge and skills of the

students and what courses are fits them. To the school, to acknowledge that the students of this

campus was able to undergo work immersion and enhance their knowledge and skills. The

outcome of the study is beneficial to the precent researchers,in providing them the information

about what is the impact of work immersion in enhancing the students’ knowledge and skills.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted at Candugay High School.Limited only for those students

who already took and have experience on work immersion. This study will determine the

influence of work immersion to the students to gain new knowledge and skills that would be

useful to choose,

a course in college.The participants of this study is limited only on grade 12 students who are

currently enrolled in Candugay High School SY:2022-2023 with the total of 15 students.The

time frame of the study is from August 2022 until July 2023.

Operational Definition of Terms

For the clarity of the study,the following terms are defined either conceptually or

operationally.Course is a relatively skills or knowledge of one person regarding to the career he

chooses. Department particular area that the workers take in work immersion.Enhance is an

increase or improvement in quality value or extent. Infographic is an informative graph regarding

to the topic and it is the output of the study. Defined by Webster Dictionary as the factor of

condition of knowing something in familiarity gained through or association.Immersion refers to

the program that letting their students experience the actual work scenario Eroles (2022).

Influence is a impact or a factor that effects of one's beliefs or behavior.Sex is state of being

female or male.

Is an ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic,and sustained effort to

smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas.It provides

student's "real workplace"experience,giving students a set of technical- vocational and livelihood

skills that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment

prospects.To the future researchers, this may set as the basis that a new theory in learning will

arise.This also may set a new knowledge to the future researcher.

Conceptual Framework

Work immersion is a part of the Senior High School Curriculum where the Grade 12

students are experiencing the real workplace that they want to choose in college.It may be

considered with great importance to have an experience in order to gain knowledge and

skills.The researchers considered it necessary to conduct a research study on the said area to

know the influence of work immersion to the grade 12 students that can enhance their knowledge

and skills on their preferences course in college.Work immersion serve as way of gaining new

experiences for all the beginner students that will take an academic profession in college. These

experiences will lead to have discipline, patience and good character.Each student will have

developed their moral character that will mostly needed in the near future. Therefore,each school

wether private or public it is should have at least 240 hours of experiences in work to gain a

particular skills and knowledge.In order word,it is expected that this study could have contribute

in making decision in choosing course in colleges by the influence of work immersion to gain a

new knowledge and skills to the students.

Research Paradigm


Surveying grade 12
Reading books, students on does work
journals ,and other immersion enhance
printed materials. The researcher will
their skills and ability?
Browsing electronic create an infographic
sources on impact of Predicting the impact and that will serve as
work immersion to of work immersion to the research output.
the students the grade 12 students
knowledge and skills.
Analysis of data

Figure 1. Input-process-output model on the influence of Work Immersion on Enhancing the

Knowledge and Skills of Selected Grade 12 Students in Candugay High School


Review of Related Literature

Work Immersion Mendoza (2017) stated that the acquired skills of the Senior High


students gained after adding two years to basic education through the K-12 Curriculum, the

Department of Education (DepEd) has released the guidelines for the conduct of Work

Immersion activities for SHS Students in the country. According to DepEd Secretary Leonor

Briones, the work Immersion is a key feature in the Senior High School curriculum. It can be

conducted in different ways depending on the purpose and needs of the learners. It was stated in

the guidelines that work immersion will help develop among learners’ life and career skills and

will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment gearing towards

the four exits envisioned for SHS graduates to choose from - employment, entrepreneurship,

further skills training through TESDA and college education. According to Magno (2018) it

contained in the enclosure of DepEd order nom.30.series of 2017 released on June 5, the

guidelines specify that the said work immersion will enable to students to become familiar with

the workplace, experience workplace simulation and apply them competencies in areas of

specialization. The said work immersion activity can range 240 hours. The DepEd hopes that

partner institution will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands -

on experience,and additional learning resources through partnership building. The school may

partner with recognized institutions or organization to come up with agreements on work

immersion for students and because the students are still minors, work immersion requires

parental consent.

Because the safety of learner's is primary to DepEd, the department shall ensure that all schools

and venue for learning conductive to the education and safety of the learners. This endeavor is in

collaboration with its partner and stakeholders found near where the school located. The

guidelines further provide that the maximum number of hours spent in the work immersion

venue is 40 hours per week and no more than eight hours per day as provided by law. So as not

to exploit the students who are still minors,DepEd stressed that work immersion should not be

reduced as a mere recruitment tool for a partner institutio, saying that the students should also

gain skills that will enable them to qualify for other job options. Consequently, the school and

students should not be asked to pay the Senior High School partner institution for any work

immersion activity conducted. The guidelines added that fees for work immersion must only be

set after consultation with parents. This corner hopes that these guidelines will serve its purpose

of providing the students, parents and the stakeholders a document to refer that will govern the

work immersion and a piece of paper that will realize the full potential of our senior high school

graduate's towards creating a climate of owning and doing a responsibility.

According to Trade Congress of the Philippines (2015) the word "immersion " as it applies to the

K-12 curriculum is defined in the Department of Education (DepEd) order no.40, series of 2015.

Work Immersion refers to the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum consisting of 240 hours of

hands-on experience or work simulation which the grade 12 students will undergo to expose

them to the actual workplace setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school

under the supervision of the school head and the designated personnel of the partner."Immersion

is done outside the school campus in a workplace immersion venue, the place where

work immersion of students is done.



Research Design

The researchers will employ the descriptive - qualitative method of research and uses

survey method through the use of questionnaires to collect the descriptive data. The descriptive

method was used in findings facts with adequate interpretation method and the meaning of data

collected from the point of view of the objective.

Research Respondents

The participant of this study is limited only to the grade 12 students who are currently

enrolled in Candugay High School, and they already finish the work immersion. Involved of this

study was total of 14 participants 14 students in Housekeeping. The participants are selected

through random sampling and the researchers through the use of Slovin's formula. This study

will be conducted in Candugay High School,Since the school is already implements the

immersion program at their institution. Also, it is a big help for the researcher because the school

is accessible and convinient in terms of giving the questionnaires to his respondents and

retrieving the data also the respondents are grade 12 students it's too easy to identify what are the

influence of work immersion in their knowledge and skills because they already undertaken the

work immersion.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in Brgy. Casalaan, Siaton, Negros Oriental, the survey will

take place at Candugay High School. Since, the school is already implementing the immersion

program at their institution. Also, it is a big help for the researchers because the school is

accessible and convinient in terms of giving the questionnaires to his respondents and retrieving

the data. Also, the respondents are grade 12 students it’s too easy to identify what are the

influence of work immersion in their knowledge and skills because they already undertaken the

work immersion.

Research Instrument

The research Instrument to be used will be a questionnaire, which is a set of questions

arrange to a list to be answered by the respondents. It will be the student of housekeeping

students. It is a list of questions relating to our topic work immersion in Grade 12 students titled

" Influence of Work Immersion in Enhancing the Students Knowledge and Skills" where the

questions are to be answered by checking the boxes. The answers will be used as a hypothesis


Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that we used simple random sampling, as per that time we have

only choose (1) section for us to conduct our survey. It is advantageous for the researchers as it is

the most convinient way for the respondent to answer correctly. There is only a limited amount

of respondents of work immersion.The are only 1 section that we are able to give our survey to

mainly they were the only sections that have work immersion. At Candugay High School

department. We were only able to give our survey fifteen (15) students.

Data gathering Instrument

Data gathering Procedure

At the outset of the study, the researcher engaged in the gathering information related to

theresearch variables, the data for this research were collected using a suroy questionnaire.The

survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual

question formed by the researchers. The survey was comprised of 3 questions, which related for

the possible effects of work immersion to career choices among the respondents that already

experience the work immersion. In the questionnaire, questions were answerable by the used of

likert scale. Respondents will check the boxes if they feel strongly agree,agree, disagree, or

strongly disagree

in every question. To start the study, the researchers will seek permission to the research adviser

to conduct the study. After that researchers will make a letter to the school where the researchers

will conduct the study. The letter was assigned by the researcher's and was noted by the research

adviser. After the letter was approved by the teachers the researcher signed it off individually.

Then, the researchers will give a brief introduction to the respondents regarding to the topic and

they were offered to answer it honestly. After that researchers will proceed to the survey.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data were subjected to statistical treatment in order to help the researcher interpret


results of the study. To find out the distribution of the respondents according to given criteria in

the statement of the problem, the percentage formula was used. The formula is as follows:

P=f / n ×11


P= Percentage

F= Frequency of Respondents

N= Total Number of Respondents

Weighted mean will be used to determine the influence of work immersion in enhancing the

knowledge and skills of grade twelve (12), Senior High School students of Candugay High

School S.Y 2022-2023.

The formula below will be used:

∑ fx
w m=


Finding and Conclusion


Tony,C.(2015).Self improvement at work –best practices for improving Workplace

productivity. Retrieved fromhttps://for ––improvement-


Appendix A. Location of the Research locale

Appendix B. Survey Questionnaire


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